11 research outputs found

    Plataforma Tecnológica de Datos Abiertos Universitarios (OpenData4U)

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    La plataforma tecnológica de datos abiertos universitarios (OpenData4U) permite la publicación de datos abiertos de una universidad, así como su acceso de manera que se potencie su reutilización (a través de un portal de datos abiertos y de un API para desarrolladores), a la vez que se permite disponer de un portal de transparencia para una acceso fácil a los datos de manera comprensible por cualquier persona. Esta es la plataforma que usa la Universidad de Alicante en su proyecto de datos abiertos y transparencia. Puedes acceder al código en https://github.com/UAdato

    Disentangling the neurobiological bases of temporal impulsivity in Huntington's disease

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    BackgroundDespite its impact on daily life, impulsivity in Huntington's disease (HD) is understudied as a neuropsychiatric symptom. Our aim is to characterize temporal impulsivity in HD and to disentangle the white matter correlate associated with impulsivity.MethodsForty-seven HD individuals and 36 healthy controls were scanned and evaluated for temporal impulsivity using a delay-discounting (DD) task and complementary Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire. Diffusion tensor imaging was employed to characterize the structural connectivity of three limbic tracts: the uncinate fasciculus (UF), the accumbofrontal tract (NAcc-OFC), and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex connectig the caudate nucleus (DLPFC-cn). Multiple linear regression analyses were applied to analyze the relationship between impulsive behavior and white matter microstructural integrity.ResultsOur results revealed altered structural connectivity in the DLPC-cn, the NAcc-OFC and the UF in HD individuals. At the same time, the variability in structural connectivity of these tracts was associated with the individual differences in temporal impulsivity. Specifically, increased structural connectivity in the right NAcc-OFC and reduced connectivity in the left UF were associated with higher temporal impulsivity scores.ConclusionsThe present findings highlight the importance of investigating the spectrum of temporal impulsivity in HD. As, while less prevalent than other psychiatric features, this symptom is still reported to significantly impact the quality of life of patients and caregivers. This study provides evidence that individual differences observed in temporal impulsivity may be explained by variability in limbic frontostriatal tracts, while shedding light on the role of sensitivity to reward in modulating impulsive behavior through the selection of immediate rewards. This study investigates individual differences in temporal impulsivity by using a delay discounting task and, its relationship with white matter connectivity. Our findings reveal significant alterations in the microstructure of key tracts of interest, including the right DLPF-Ccn, bilateral uncinate fasciculus and the left accumbo-frontal tract, in individuals with HD. Furthermore, we observed that variability in the structural connectivity in specific tracts is associated with individual differences in temporal impulsivity. imag

    White matter cortico-striatal tracts predict apathy subtypes in Huntington's disease

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    Apathy is the neuropsychiatric syndrome that correlates most highly with Huntington's disease progression, and, like early patterns of neurodegeneration, is associated with lesions to cortico-striatal connections. However, due to its multidimensional nature and elusive etiology, treatment options are limited. To disentangle underlying white matter microstructural correlates across the apathy spectrum in Huntington's disease. Forty-six Huntington's disease individuals (premanifest (N = 22) and manifest (N = 24)) and 35 healthy controls were scanned at 3-tesla and underwent apathy evaluation using the short-Problem Behavior Assessment and short-Lille Apathy Rating Scale, with the latter being characterized into three apathy domains, namely emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation deficit. Diffusion tensor imaging was used to study whether individual differences in specific cortico-striatal tracts predicted global apathy and its subdomains. We elucidate that apathy profiles may develop along differential timelines, with the auto-activation deficit domain manifesting prior to motor onset. Furthermore, diffusion tensor imaging revealed that inter-individual variability in the disruption of discrete cortico-striatal tracts might explain the heterogeneous severity of apathy profiles. Specifically, higher levels of auto-activation deficit symptoms significantly correlated with increased mean diffusivity in the right uncinate fasciculus. Conversely, those with severe cognitive apathy demonstrated increased mean diffusivity in the right frontostriatal tract and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to caudate nucleus tract. The current study provides evidence that white matter correlates associated with emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation subtypes may elucidate the heterogeneous nature of apathy in Huntington's disease, as such opening a door for individualized pharmacological management of apathy as a multidimensional syndrome in other neurodegenerative disorders

    Ecosistema de datos abiertos de la Universidad de Alicante

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    El presente libro “Ecosistema de Datos Abiertos de la Universidad de Alicante” pretende ser de utilidad para aquellas Universidades interesadas en desarrollar políticas de transparencia y datos abiertos. En él se detalla la experiencia de la Universidad de Alicante en la implantación de su “Ecosistema de Datos Abiertos”, tanto los aspectos normativos, procedimentales como los tecnológicos. Desde el libro se enlaza el software “Plataforma Tecnológica de Datos Abiertos Univesitarios (OpenData4U)” que busca facilitar un entorno de colaboración tecnológica entre Universidades. Se crea de esta forma, el embrión de una red de ecosistemas tecnológicos de datos abiertos universitarios

    Fastighetspaketering : En analys av förfarande fastighetspaketering och de problem som kan uppkomma

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    Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att grundläggande beskriva förfarandet paketering av fastigheter med efterföljande skattefri kapitalvinst på näringsbetingade andelar. Problemen med förfarandet kom under 2011 när förvaltningsrätten och skatterättsnämnden underkände två paketeringar. Innan år 2003 var vinster på näringsbetingade andelar inte skattefria. Däremot rådde skattefrihet på liknande andelar i andra länder inom EU. Exempelvis kunde ett svenskt moderbolag starta ett holdingbolag med säte i Nederländerna, som i sin tur skapade ett dotterbolag med säte i Sverige. Moderbolag som av olika skäl ville avyttra en fastighet hade två val. Det ena var att avyttra fastigheten genom direkt försäljning av fastigheten. Det andra var att avyttra fastigheten genom att paketera den i ett bolag och sedan sälja av andelarna skattefritt genom det nederländska holdingbolaget. Förfarandet innefattar två transaktioner. Den första är att moderbolag genom en underprisöverlåtelse avyttrar fastigheten till det av holdingbolaget nyskapade dotterbolaget. Den andra transaktionen var sedan att det nederländska holdingbolaget sålde andelarna i det svenska dotterbolaget till ett pris som motsvarade den förpackade fastighetens marknadsvärde. Genom det förfarande kunde moderbolaget sälja fastigheten skattefritt. Eftersom svenska bolag utförde dessa transaktioner i utlandet ansåg lagstiftaren att det kunde urholka den svenska skattebasen. Av den anledningen infördes regler om skattefrihet på kapitalvinst av näringsbetingade andelar år 2003. Problemen som dök upp 2011 gäller huruvida det skall finnas en begränsning på antalet fastigheter som får säljas under en och samma transaktion. Förvaltningsrätten i Göteborg och skatterättsnämnden har genom olika skäl underkänt paketeringar. Vidare har skatterättsnämnden i ett förhandsbesked underkänt ett paketeringsförfarande där en fastighetsförvaltande koncern skulle förpacka fem fastigheter och sälja andelarna i bolaget externt till fastigheternas marknadspris. Jag har i uppsatsen kommit fram till att det finns ett antal kriterier som ska uppfyllas för att en paketering skall anses godkänd med utgångspunkt ur de beslut som kom under 2011. Jag har kommit fram till att HFD bör besluta i motsats till förvaltningsrätten och skatterättsnämnden sett till syftet med lagen samt den praxis som finns om paketeringar. Jag anser även att det är lagstiftarens uppgift att sätta en gräns för hur många skattefria andelsavyttringar ett bolag kan göra för att minska osäkerheten för bolag som använder sig av förfarandet

    Phonology in Swedish 5- and 6-year old Children with Typical Language Development : The Results of a Study to Establish a Reference Manual for the Phonological Test Material LINUS

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    A new phonological test, LINUS, for Swedish-speaking children between the ages of three and seven, has been developed at the speech and language pathology department at Linköping University. The aim of the present study was to create a reference manual for the long version of the new test. The participants in the present study were children between the ages of five to seven in a medium-sized municipality in the Northern part of Kalmar County, Sweden. In total, 124 native Swedish-speaking children (58 girls and 66 boys) with typical language development participated. The children were divided into two age groups, 5;0-5;11;31 and 6;0-6;11;31 years. The collected data was analysed with respect to acquisition of phonemes and word structure processes. Percentage of correctly produced words (PWC), consonants (PCC) and vowels (PVC) were calculated.All phonemes, except /s/, were established in both age groups. The phoneme /s/ was found to be either substituted or distorted. Among the 5-year old children /s/ was established for 84%, substitutions of /s/ were found in 7% and distortions were found in 23%. Among the 6-year old children /s/ was established for 88%. Substitutions of /s/ were found in 3% and distortions in 16% of the 6-year old children. The phoneme /r/ proved to be a borderline case for acquisition in the younger age group (91%). The most common word structure process in both groups was assimilation. A significant difference between the two age groups was found for assimilation (p=0,022), with lower occurrence in the older group. Two-consonant clusters (CC) and three-consonant clusters (CCC) were not frequently reduced, although it was found that CC-clusters were reduced more frequently than CCC-clusters. Both the age groups had high percentages of correctly produced words, consonants and vowels. The analysis revealed the following results: PWC for 5-years olds was 93% and 6-years olds 97%. PCC for 5-year olds was 98% and for 6-year olds 99%. PVC for both age groups was 100%. An age difference was shown for PWC, but not for the other measures. No gender differences were found.Ett nytt fonologiskt testmaterial, LINUS, är framtaget för svensktalande barn. I föreliggande studie har referensmaterial till den långa versionen av det nya testet insamlats bland barn 5-7 år i en mellanstor kommun i norra Kalmar län. Totalt deltog 124 barn (58 flickor och 66 pojkar) med svenska som modersmål och typisk språkutveckling. Barnen delades upp i två åldersintervall, 5;0-5;11;31 och 6;0-6;11;31 år. Det insamlade materialet analyserades avseende etablering av fonem och konsonantkombinationer, samt förekomst av ordstrukturprocesser. Andelsmått för korrekt uttalade ord (PWC), konsonanter (PCC) och vokaler (PVC) beräknades.Samtliga fonem, utom /s/, var etablerade i båda åldersgrupperna. Fonemet /s/ realiserades med substitutioner eller kvalitativt marginella avvikelser (KMA). I 5-årsgruppen var /s/ etablerat för 84% av deltagarna. Bland 5-åringarna förekom substitutioner av /s/ hos 7% och KMA förekom hos 23%. I 6-årsgruppen var /s/ etablerat till 88%, och det förekom substitutioner hos 3% av 6-åringarna, och KMA förekom hos 16%. Fonemet /r/ visade sig vara ett gränsfall avseende etablering för den yngre åldersgruppen (91%). Den vanligaste ordstrukturprocessen för båda grupperna var assimilationer. Signifikanta skillnader mellan de två åldersgrupperna återfanns avseende assimilationer, p=0,022. Förekomsten av assimilationer minskade med stigande ålder. Tvåkonsonantskombinationer (CC) och trekonsonantskombinationer (CCC) visade sig ej vara påverkade av förenklingar i någon större grad. Dock visade sig CC-kombinationer vara mer utsatta för förenklingar än CCC-kombinationer. Båda åldersgrupperna hade höga andelar korrekt uttalade ord, konsonanter och vokaler. De två grupperna fick följande resultat: PWC för 5-åringar var 93% och 6-åringar 97%. PCC var 98% respektive 99% för grupperna. PVC var 100% för båda åldersgrupperna. Åldersskillnader kunde ses för PWC, dock inte för de andra måtten. Inga könsskillnader noterades

    COVID-19, Travel Companion: The Spanish Experience on Cruise Ships

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    Spain is a country with an important flow of cruises in Europe. Since the restarting of cruise activity, 1,106 events with 12,134 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported from 21 ports. 72.3% of cases and 73.7% of events were registered in the Balearic Islands, Barcelona, Tenerife and Las Palmas, ports with the highest number of layovers and passengers. The events reported increased from October 2021, with a peak in January and April 2022. The cases raised later, in December 2021 with two peaks in January and April and a substantial increase in June 2022. The peak of January coincides with the peak of COVID-19 cases registered in Spain and Europe. The increases in April and June 2022 coincides with the Easter period and the beginning of summer holidays

    White matter cortico-striatal tracts predict apathy subtypes in Huntington's disease

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    Apathy is the neuropsychiatric syndrome that correlates most highly with Huntington's disease progression, and, like early patterns of neurodegeneration, is associated with lesions to cortico-striatal connections. However, due to its multidimensional nature and elusive etiology, treatment options are limited. To disentangle underlying white matter microstructural correlates across the apathy spectrum in Huntington's disease. Forty-six Huntington's disease individuals (premanifest (N = 22) and manifest (N = 24)) and 35 healthy controls were scanned at 3-tesla and underwent apathy evaluation using the short-Problem Behavior Assessment and short-Lille Apathy Rating Scale, with the latter being characterized into three apathy domains, namely emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation deficit. Diffusion tensor imaging was used to study whether individual differences in specific cortico-striatal tracts predicted global apathy and its subdomains. We elucidate that apathy profiles may develop along differential timelines, with the auto-activation deficit domain manifesting prior to motor onset. Furthermore, diffusion tensor imaging revealed that inter-individual variability in the disruption of discrete cortico-striatal tracts might explain the heterogeneous severity of apathy profiles. Specifically, higher levels of auto-activation deficit symptoms significantly correlated with increased mean diffusivity in the right uncinate fasciculus. Conversely, those with severe cognitive apathy demonstrated increased mean diffusivity in the right frontostriatal tract and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to caudate nucleus tract. The current study provides evidence that white matter correlates associated with emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation subtypes may elucidate the heterogeneous nature of apathy in Huntington's disease, as such opening a door for individualized pharmacological management of apathy as a multidimensional syndrome in other neurodegenerative disorders