172 research outputs found

    FANET: Smart city mobility off to a flying start with self‐organized drone‐based networks

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    Due to recent advancements in smart city traffic and transport monitoring industry 4.0 applications. Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs) ability to cover geographically large areas, makes it a suitable technology to address the challenges faced during remote areas traffic monitoring. The implementation of drone based FANETs have several advantages in remote traffic monitoring, including free air-to-air drone assisted communication zone and smart surveillance and security. The drone-based FANETs can be deployed within minutes without requiring physical infrastructure, making it suitable for mission critical applications in several areas of interests. Here a drone-based FANETs application for smart city remote traffic monitoring is presented while addressing several challenges including coverage of larger geographical area and data communication links between FANETs nodes. A FANET-inspired enhanced ACO algorithm that easily coped with drone assisted technology of FANETs is proposed to cover the large areas. Simulation results are presented to compare the proposed technique against different network lifetime and number of received packets. The presented results show that the proposed technique perform better compared to other state-of-the-art techniques

    Tinjauan Tentang Bentuk dan Pelaksanaan Asuransi pada Pegawai Basarnas di Wilayah Kota Surakarta

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    This study aims to describe the factors that cause the provision of Insurance for BASARNAS Employees and claims of payment procedures for accident insurance and mortality for Basarnas employee in Badan Penyelenggara Social Security Employment Office Surakarta Branch. Basically every human being has human rights in his life from within the womb until the end of life, then in this case the scope of BASARNAS employees, especially the Surakarta City area is entitled to join the social security program of labor to the Operator Body. The Accident and Death Safety Warranty payment claim procedure is made as easy as possible. The research method uses a sociological juridical approach. The type of research used descriptive that describes the certainty of Social Security for Employees Basarnas in the city of Surakarta, while the method of data analysis with qualitative normative methods. From the results of the above research, it can be concluded that Social Security is aimed at BASARNAS employees to improve the sense of calm and comfort in performing the task maximally

    Perlindungan Hukum Desain Industri terhadap Produk Pengecoran Logam (Studi di Desa Batur, Ceper, Kab. Klaten)

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    The objectives in this study are as follows: a) To find out the industrial designs that exist in the Dukuh Batur metal casting center are not registered in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 paragraph 1 of Law No. 31 of 2000 concerning Industrial Design; b) To find out efforts are made by craftsmen in order to protect their intellectual work. The approach used in this research is empirical juridical research. The type of research used is descriptive. The research results obtained are that the repressive protection in the metal casting industri design is regulated by Law No. 31 of 2000 concerning Industrial Design, including Article 54 Paragraphs (1) and (2). While the objectives to be achieved from the registration of the metal casting industri design are: a) Give an award for an intellectual work; b) Give legal clarity; c) Promote invention or creation; d) Stimulate the creation of information transfer and technology transfer efforts; e) Provides protection against the possibility of being imitated. The company and the cooperative stated that; a) the applicant's own experience is too long; b) the registration fee for the design is very expensive; c) most of the craftsmen are elderly so that they themselves have to take a different approach; d) for marketing of metal casting products, there are no obstacles because the products get a very good response from their consumers. Efforts made by craftsmen in order to protect their intellectual work; First do the registration. Second documentation of each new design created and created. Third, prudential attitude in protecting the confidentiality of industrial design.Fourth, by actively participating in the development of IPR by NGOs, by actively participating in the training it is hoped that the craftsmen will increasingly understand the importance of protecting the design of the metal casting industri

    Implementasi Pembinaan Kemandirian pada Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas II B Pati

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    This study uses an empirical juridical approach. This type of research is a descriptive study. The results showed that drug cases occupied the highest cases, namely 156 cases. Guidance for the assisted residents of prisons is carried out in the framework of forming assisted citizens so that they can improve themselves in independence, personality and intellectuality so that they can be accepted again by the community. The obstacles encountered by the Pati Class II B Correctional Institution in providing correctional guidance include inadequate infrastructure and special officers which resulted in the process of providing guidance at the Pati Class II B Correctional Institution which was not optimal

    Tinjauan Yuridis Tanggungjawab Pelaku Usaha dalam Peredaran Produk Makanan Cacat ( Studi Putusan Nomor: 74/Pid.Sus/2013/Pn.Wns)

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    National development on the one hand brings benefits to consumers because consumer needs for the goods and services desired can be fulfilled so that the greater the freedom to choose various types and qualities of goods and services in accordance with the wishes and abilities of consumers. The negative impact of national development is the position of consumers to be weak, this is because consumers are used as business activities by businesses to bring profits. The main thing that becomes a consumer weakness is the ability to understand their rights which are still relatively low. The judge assessed that concrete events regarding the expiration of food were made legal events. That the deed committed by the defendant in Decision Number: 74 / Pid. Sus / 2013 / PN. WNS violates Article 56 letter d jo Article 21 letter e of Law Number 07 of 1996 concerning Food which determines that "whoever is due to negligence: letter d. circulating food which is prohibited from being circulated, as referred to in article 21 letter a, letter b, letter c, letter e, or letter punishable by imprisonment for a maximum of 1 year and / or a fine of Rp.120,000,000.00 (one hundred twenty million rupiah). Keywords: Expired Food Products, Law Enforcement, Legal Settlement in Cour

    Tinjauan Yuridis Kekuatan Hukum Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (PPJB) Rumah / Perumahan (Studi Akta Notaris Wonosobo)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the process of making a Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement (PPJB) on a house or housing and the Legal Strength of a Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement (PPJB) on a house or housing. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. This study uses a normative juridical approach, by reviewing legislation, legal theories and principle of justice related to the issues discussed. The location that is used as the object of research is in Wonosobo Regency and agencies related to this research. Reference sources that will be used as studies are primary data and secondary data. Researchers used primary data and secondary data, namely the results of interviews, field observations and documentation. Testing the validity of the data using source triangulation techniques. The making of a House/Housing Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement has several basic reasons why a PPJB must be made on a House/Housing, including 1) The Certificate of Housing is still in the process of being resolved by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (Ministry of ATR/BPN) , 2) The purchased housing unit will be pledged to the bank in the form of a housing loan (KPR), 3) the payment for the house / housing has not been paid off. Then the Notary made a Deed of Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement (PPJB). In the example of the Making of the Deed of Binding Sale and Purchase Rights to the House/Housing that the author examined has fulfilled the requirements stated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code, Article 1868 of the Civil Code and the Minister of PUPR Regulation Number 11/PRT/ M/2019 concerning the Preliminary Agreement System for the Sale and Purchase of Houses, so that it reflects the principle of legal certainty with the aim of protecting the rights of buyers and house builders and serves as strong evidence in the event of a dispute in the future. The Legal Power of the Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement Deed (PPJB) of the right to the House/Housing made by and before a Notary in the implementation of the Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement has the highest legal force. This is because in the Process of Making the Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement (PPJB) it was made before a notary, so the deed has become a notarial deed and is an authentic deed that binds the parties and has perfect proof power in accordance with Article 1338 paragraph (1), (2), (3), Article 1868, Article 1869, and Article 1870 of the Civil Code

    Quantum phase properties of two-mode Jaynes-Cummings model for Schr\"odinger-cat states: interference and entanglement

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    In this paper we investigate the quantum phase properties for the coherent superposition states (Schr\"odinger-cat states) for two-mode multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model in the framework of the Pegg-Barnett formalism. We also demonstrate the behavior of the Wigner (WW) function at the phase space origin. We obtain many interesting results such as there is a clear relationship between the revival-collapse phenomenon occurring in the atomic inversion (as well as in the evolution of the WW function) and the behavior of the phase distribution of both the single-mode and two-mode cases. Furthermore, we find that the phase variances of the single-mode case can exhibit revival-collapse phenomenon about the long-time behavior. We show that such behavior occurs for interaction time several times smaller than that of the single-mode Jaynes-Cummings model.Comment: 23, 8 figure

    New System for the Acceleration of the Airflow in Wind Turbines

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    Background: This patent is based on the wind industry technology called Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines (DAWTs). This technology consists of a horizontal axis wind turbine, which is housed inside a duct with diverging section in the direction of the free air stream. In this paper, a review of preceding patents related to this technology is carried out. Objective: This paper presents an innovative patent to improve the performance of horizontal axis wind turbines. In particular, this system is aimed at improving the performance of those turbines that otherwise might not be installed due to the low wind resource existing at certain locations. Methods: The most innovative elements of this patent are: (1) the semi-spherical grooves, which are mechanized on the surface of the two diffusers in order to guarantee a more energetic boundary layer; (2) the coaxial diffuser, which is located downwind following the first diffuser in order to increase the suction effect on the air mass close to the inlet; (3) the coaxial rings located around the first diffuser outlet, which are used to deflect the external airflow toward the turbine wake; and (4), the selforientating system to orientate the system by the prevailing wind direction. Results: An application of the patent for increasing the power generated by a horizontal axis wind turbine with three blades is presented. The patent is designed and its performance is evaluated by using a Computational Fluid Dynamics code. The numerical results show that this system rises the airflow going through the rotor of the turbine. Conclusion: The patented device is an original contribution aimed at enabling a more profitable installation of wind turbines in places where the wind resource is insufficient because of the wind shear caused both by the proximity of the earth and the obstacles on the earth surface.This work was supported by the OASIS Research Project that was cofinanced by CDTI (Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry) and developed with the Spanish companies: Iridium, OHL Concesiones, Abertis, Sice, Indra, Dragados, OHL, Geocisa, GMV, Asfaltos Augusta, Hidrofersa, Eipsa, PyG, CPS, AEC and Torre de Comares Arquitectos S.L and 16 research centres. The authors also acknowledge the partial funding with FEDER funds under the Research Project FC-15-GRUPIN14-004. Finally, we also thank Swanson Analysis Inc. for the use of ANSYS University Research programs as well as the Workbench simulation environment