9 research outputs found

    Analysis of investment strategy in Indonesian consumer goods industry: Benjamin Graham's approach

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    Shares price fluctuations cause investors to take irrational actions. An assessment of investment valuation is needed to deal with market fluctuations so as to reduce investment risk. Benjamin Graham Formula is an investment strategy by comparing the fair value of the shares with the shares price to help investors in making investment decisions. Benjamin Graham's value investing strategy is a strategy of valuing shares whose actual value is higher than market value, thereby finding significant returns over the long term. This research is quantitative descriptive. Based on the selection criteria for the Benjamin Graham method, the researcher suggests buying ADES shares. The firms share price is currently undervalued. CEKA shares have an undervalued value, this can be used as an alternative consideration in making investment decisions

    Manajemen perbankan syariah (konsep dan praktik perbankan syariah di Indonesia)

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    Buku Manajemen Perbankan Syariah (Konsep dan Praktik Perbankan Syariah di Indoensia) ini merupakan buku referensi yang kami susun bersama tim mahasiswa dan dosen yang diperuntukan sebagai acuan perkuliahan bagi mahasiswa dan juga pegangan bagi para akademisi dan praktisi perbankan Syariah. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan secercah pemikiran tentang bagaimana pengelolaan bank Syariah dulu, sekarang dan masa yang akan datang. Berbagai studi menyebutkan bahwa kondisi perbankan Syariah Indonesia mengalami tren pertumbuhan yang pesat dimana peningkatan asset bank Syariah di Indonesia rata-rata 80% rentang waktu 2018-2019 sesuai survei yang dikeluarkan oleh organisasi nirlaba Internasional

    Metastatic Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma In 10 Years Old Boy; A Rare Case Report

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    OBJECTIVES Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma is an infrequent vascular neoplasm of intermediate malignant potential oddly affecting children. It is primarily noted in soft tissues, the stomach, breast, spleen, brain, and liver. No definite risk factor is identified in children. However, following WWTR1-CAMTA1 and YAP1-TFE3 gene fusions are frequently seen in these tumours. We present a case of very rare childhood Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma of the liver in a ten-year-old boy. A 10-year-old boy presented with abdominal pain, mild weight loss, and abnormal liver function tests. Radiologically, hepatic, pulmonary, and bony lesions are noted. The biopsy report showed Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma confirmed by an Immunohistochemical panel. Due to the lack of facilities in our centre, palliative treatment was given to the patient. Surgical resection, liver transplant, and radiofrequency ablation were impossible due to widespread hepatic and pulmonary disease. The patient was resistant to any medical treatment. The patient died at the seventh-month follow-up. HEHE is a scarcely seen tumour with no definite management protocol. Surgical resection is the preferred treatment for resectable tumours. In non-resectable extensive bifocal tumours, like in our case, the preferred treatment is radio-frequency ablation and hepatic transplant. The overall survival is trivial due to the non-compliant nature of the disease

    Microwave assisted extraction and dyeing of cotton fabric with mixed natural dye from pomegranate rind (Punica granatum L.) and turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa L.)

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    Recently, natural dyes are used because these are environment-friendly, less lethal, and do not have any detrimental effect on health. For the present study, the cotton fabric and the mixed powder (pomegranate rind and turmeric rhizome) have been irradiated for (1–5) min. It has been found that 3 min is the effective exposure time for improvement in dyeing behavior of cellulosic fabric. Good color strength was observed by dyeing fabric irradiated at 65°C for 40 min in dyeing bath having pH 6. For improvements in color fastness, the optimum concentration of pre-mordant (4% copper) and post-mordant (8% chrome) was employed. It is observed that microwaves increased the color strength as well as color fastness properties of irradiated cotton using aqueous solubilized mixed extract of irradiated pomegranate rind and turmeric rhizome powder

    Impact of a spatial repellent on malaria incidence in two villages in Sumba, Indonesia.

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    A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study was conducted to examine the effect of spatial repellent (SR) in households at risk of malaria in Indonesia. Following presumptive radical cure for malaria in 180 adult men representing sentinels of new infection in four clusters within two villages, all households were given either metofluthrin or placebo mosquito coils. Weekly blood smear screening and human-landing mosquito catches were done throughout the 6 months intervention. Malaria infections occurred in 61 subjects living in placebo households and 31 subjects living in SR coil households, suggesting a 52% protective effect of SR. Likewise, anopheles indoor human landing rates were 32% lower in homes receiving SR coils. Differences in the malaria attack rate between SR- and placebo-treated homes was significant when not accounting for the effects of clustering. When the analysis was adjusted for intra-cluster correlation, the differences between SR- and placebo-treated homes were not statistically significant. The findings provide evidence of SR public health benefit and support a larger trial statistically powered to detect those effects