83 research outputs found

    Russian nanotechnology industry development : the impact of external political and economic sanctions

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    The article analyzes the results of nanotechnology industry (nanoindustry) development in Russia, and the negative and positive effects of sanctions imposed by the US, the EU and other countries in 2014-2015. The authors substantiate the need to identify new vectors and forms of government and private companies’ international cooperation in research, innovation and production applying nanotechnology. An assessment of the Russian government policy of import substitution of materials and equipment for domestic nanotechnology industry in terms of their relevance is carried out. The necessity to increase financial and social base of nanoindustry development, reliability and diversity of investment sources, activation of institutes and mechanisms of nanoindustry enterprises self-regulation are justified. The expediency of finding additional resources and forms of sanctions countering through the institutes and mechanisms of integration unions (EAEU, SCO, etc.) is pointed out. The presence of import substitution limits in modern Russian nanoindustry is shown, which sets the task to define its rational boundaries in the future.peer-reviewe

    World market for nanomaterials: structure and trends

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    Modern nanomaterials as well as the other advanced materials are aimed at scaled production application due to their unique physical and chemicals properties and the improved performance of final products, therefore at enforcing technological and economic progress of the countries. The article focuses on current state and key indicators of development of the world nanomaterials market, its key drivers and restraints, modern structure, emerging trends and prospects. Selected foreign and Russian databases, providing information on nanomaterials, which are applied in industrial production, and final products manufactured with the use of nanomaterials or nanotechnology are examined in the article. The authors come to the conclusion that information asymmetry, heterogeneity and even inconsistency of the information in the databases exist, thus making it difficult to obtain relevant business information both for manufacturers and consumers. These factors hinder development of nanoindustry in the Russian Federation, as well as national and regional markets for nano-enabled consumer products

    A Study of University Students’ Cognitive Competence in Performing the Learning Assignments: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Approach

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    One of the major tasks of today’s higher education schools—raising cognitively competent specialists—is still far from completion. Two University professors, a journalist and a psychologist, with different cultural backgrounds, united their pedagogical experience and the results of their long-term studies of the students’ cognitive functioning in performing learning assignments. These assignments were analogues of the problems which journalists and school teachers will have to solve eventually in their everyday professional practice. The results showed that most students in each investigated population had poor cognitive skills for working with textual information. Their mistakes in performing course work were systematic and similar. They were caused by an inability to identify key-words which most accurately point to the main ideas of the texts. Such students had no full-fledged understanding of what they read. To denote this phenomenon, the authors used the term “fuzzy thinking”. The authors concluded that today’s educators’ efforts should be aimed at teaching university students to work with textual information professionally. The necessary analytic and semantic skills should be instilled in students in every course, every semester, and throughout all years of university study

    Basic Aspects of Children’s Speech Training for School by Using Activity and Personality Approach

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    The research is devoted to the problem of speech training of preschool children before they begin studying at school. The terms “speech training for school”, “general speech training”, “special speech training” have been clarified. The essence and structure of the phenomenon of “communication and speech competence” are revealed, the criteria, indicators and levels of communication and speech competence are described. The experimental method of speech training for school by using activity and personality approach is researched. The speech readiness for learning is highlighted as a main condition for entry into the learning environment and a further successful learning start. The analysis of researches of modern scientists devoted to the phenomenon of “children’s speech training for school” (A. Bohush, M. Vashulenko, L. Kalmykova, N. Shylina) is conducted. It is revealed that the result of speech training is the formation of speech and communication competence of preschool age children. The criteria of speech and communication competence were phonetic, lexical, grammatical, diamonological competence with relevant indicators. Formation of speech and communication competence in the process of speech training by means of activity and personality approach involves the introduction of a specially developed program of speech training of older preschoolers before they get into studying at school: communication and speech situations, play-based speech exercises, variative dialogues. The results of the research confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed program for the formation of communication and speech competence in the process of speech training of older preschoolers before their studying at school

    The institutional factors of strategic development and the tactical regulation of nanotechnology

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    The analysis of influence of institutional factors on development of technologies is carried out. The generating role of institutions in technological progress is proved. The general logic of an institutionalization of new technological way is presented on an example of nanotechnologies. Institutes are the “weak link” of the concepts and theories of the evolution of technology and technological structures. Most modern theorists of evolutionary economics are focused mainly on the study of the dynamics and forms of scientific and technological progress, especially the mechanisms of nucleation and diffusion of large “clusters” of innovation. In their turn, the institutional economists have concentrated on the analysis of factors and ways to minimize the transaction costs sustained interaction of agents and their organizations “in the high-tech world with a huge degree of specialization and division of labor other than impersonal exchange” (North 1997). In their works only relate to the institutional structure and infrastructure of innovative development, although, as noted by Nelson (2002), the concept of national and regional innovation systems is institutional in nature just on this fact is rarely emphasizes the attention of scientists. As a result, institutional forms and mechanisms of technological evolution is very poorly understood, and their analysis is based on very general ideas about the institutes and institutions.peer-reviewe

    Проблемы гармонизации законодательства Российской Федерации и ОЭСР в сфере корпоративного управления

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    Considering globalization process in the world economy, on the one hand, and the growth of regional and economic integrational intergovernmental unions, on the other hand, as two basic tendencies in modern economic development, the author studies formation of legal issues in corporate relations and corporate governance by means of different standards worked out by international organizations of special competence.В статье исследуется процесс формирования правовых блоков в сфере корпоративных отношений и корпоративного управления посредством норм, разрабатываемых международными организациями специальной компетенции

    Правовая интеграция в сфере корпоративного регулирования: содержание, проблемы, перспективы

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    The process of globalization of the world economy on the one hand, and the growth of regional, economic interstate integration associations on the other, as two fundamental trends in modern economic growth determine the author's investigation of international unified legal framework for business and implementation of deregulation in the economy while ensuring global liberalization of factors of production (goods, services, capital, labor force). The author analyses the process of formation of legal units in the field of corporate relations and corporate governance through regulations developed within the framework of international interstate associations.Процесс глобализации мирового хозяйства, с одной стороны, а также рост региональных, экономических интеграционных межгосударственных союзов - с другой, как две основополагающие тенденции современного экономического развития обусловили обращение автора к исследованию международного унифицированного правового поля для бизнеса и реализации тенденции дерегулирования в экономике при обеспечении всемерной либерализации факторов производства (товаров, услуг, капитала, рабочей силы). Исследованию подвергся процесс формирования правовых блоков в сфере корпоративных отношений и корпоративного управления посредством норм, разрабатываемых в рамках межгосударственных интеграционных союзов

    Понятие и сущностные характеристики инвестирования в действующем российском законодательстве

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    In the article the author reveals essential characteristics of «investment» and «investing» categories and identifies fundamental features of the investment process in legal aspect. A detailed analysis of different expert points of view on the legal nature of investment and investment process in general is carried out. An investment contract as a basic element of the investment process is described. A place of investment in the system of other legal institutions is defined. Differentiation of investment from other constructions, such as insurance, employment contract, lease and etc. is argued.В статье рассматриваются сущностные характеристики категорий «инвестиция» и «инвестирование», выявляются основополагающие признаки инвестирования в юридическом аспекте. Проведен детальный анализ различных экспертных точек зрения на правовую природу инвестирования и инвестиционного процесса в целом, раскрывается содержание инвестиционного контракта как основного элемента инвестиционного процесса. Определяется место инвестирования в системе иных правовых институтов. Аргументируется дифференциация инвестирования от других конструкций, таких как страхование, трудовой договор, лизинг и др


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    Purpose: to identify current features and health trends of the population of older age groups to define needs and optimize the delivery of care. Materials and Methods. Bibliographic, medical-statistical and information-analytical methods were used in the study. The scientific base of the study was a multi-disciplinary health institution. Data on morbidity, disease prevalence, disability, mortality of the population aged 60 years and older during 2014–2018 were analyzed. Results. Trends in the prevalence of diseases in the elderly population by 15.8 % and primary incidence – by 18.2 % were identified. The leading causes of access to health care facilities and their dynamics over a four-year period were found out. The increase in the number of people is caused by an increase in the incidence of first detected diseases of the nervous system (by 204.5 %), musculoskeletal system (by 180.2 %), respiratory organs (by 78.8 %) and the genitourinary system (by 36.7 %), which requires increased preventive measures and improved quality of treatment. The positive and negative shifts in the health status of elderly patients, including disability and mortality rates, were comprehensively evaluated, which outlines priority goals for improving the care of older patients. Conclusions. The identified features and trends of the health status of the population aged 60 and over, served in a multidisciplinary healthcare institution, are the basis for clarifying problem situations, existing challenges, identifying priority needs and forecasting them for the future, prioritizing health improvement tasks.Мета: встановити сучасні особливості та тенденції здоров’я населення старших вікових груп для виявлення потреб та оптимізації надання медичної допомоги. Матеріали і методи. При виконанні дослідження використано бібліографічний, медико-статистичний та інформаційно-аналітичний методи. Науковою базою дослідження був багатопрофільний заклад охорони здоров’я. Проаналізовано дані про захворюваність, поширеність хвороб, інвалідність, смертність населення віком 60 років і старше впродовж 2014–2018 рр. Результати. Виявлено тенденції до збільшення поширеності хвороб серед населення літнього віку на 15,8 % та первинної захворюваності – на 18,2 %. Встановлено головні причини звернень до закладу охорони здоров’я та їх динаміку впродовж чотирирічного періоду. Збільшення звернень населення зумовлено зростанням частоти вперше виявлених захворювань нервової системи (на 204,5 %), кістково-м’язової системи (на 180,2 %), органів дихання  (на 78,8 %) та сечостатевої системи (на 36,7 %), що потребує посилення профілактичних заходів та підвищення якості лікування. Комплексно оцінено позитивні та негативні зміни в стані здоров’я пацієнтів літнього віку, включаючи показники інвалідизації та смертності, на основі яких окреслено пріоритетні завдання з удосконалення медичного обслуговування пацієнтів старших вікових груп. Висновки. Визначені особливості та тенденції стану здоров’я населення старших вікових груп, яких обслуговують в багатопрофільному закладі охорони здоров’я, є підґрунтям для з’ясування проблемних ситуацій, існуючих викликів, встановлення першочергових потреб та їх прогнозування на перспективу, пріоритизації завдань щодо удосконалення медичного обслуговування населення літнього віку