164 research outputs found

    Impact of the expression of human CTCF protein in 3D organization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome

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    Motivation: Transcriptional regulation is particularly complex in animals and depends on long-range interactions between multiple distal enhancers and their target promoters. Thus, the 3D organization of the chromatin is critical to guarantee this interactions and to avoid the spurious ones. In different groups of animals, such as humans and other vertebrates, the protein CTCF works as an essential factor to control the 3D structure of the genome, regulating cohesin-mediated chromatin interactions and the formation of loops between distal enhancers and their target promoters. In contrast, this type of long-range cis-regulation and its associated 3D chromatin organization have not been observed in other eukaryotic lineages such as plants and fungi. Interestingly, CTCF is also absent from the genome of these non-animal species. To investigate how the origin of CTCF could have contributed to the evolution of long-range chromatin interactions in animals, we have used the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae to study the effects that the expression of CTCF may have on the 3D organization of a fungal genome that does not have distal cis-regulation.Methods: We are generating two different yeast strains. Both of them contain a plasmid expressing human CTCF under the control of the inducible galactose promoter, but one of the strains will be further modified by the introduction of a sequence containing binding sites for human CTCF through homologous recombination using sigma LTR sequences from the Ty3 retrotransposon.Results: We have already generated a yeast strain to express human CTCF, and this strain is able to survive when we induce CTCF expression with galactose. Furthermore, to confirm the expression of CTCF we have done a western blot. Finally, we have designed the sigma Ty3 construct to introduce CTCF binding sites by selecting a human DNA sequence associated to chromatin loop border.Conclusions: We have confirmed that S.cerevisiae is still viable when it expresses the CTCF protein. The CTCF protein. The next steps will be i) to synthetize the sigma Ty3 construct with CTCF sites and introduce it in the yeast genome, ii) to analize by ChIP-seq if CTCF is able to bind endogenous yeast regions or if it can only bind those sites introduced using the sigma Ty3 construct and iii) to study how the presence of CTCF with and without the insertion of human CTCF binding sites affects the 3D chromatin organization of S.cerevisiae

    Gobernanza territorial y gestión de espacios turísticos en contextos de fuerte presión inmobiliaria. Análisis de buenas prácticas locales en la costa de Cádiz (España)

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    En la actualidad, el diagnóstico de los problemas que el desmesurado crecimiento urbano ha signifi cado para los espacios turísticos españoles está muy avanzado. Una línea novedosa de investigación será el análisis de los escasos ejemplos en los que, a diferencia de la tendencia general, desde las instancias locales se ha optado por un modelo de desarrollo turístico ajeno al mero crecimiento inmobiliario. Los casos de buenas prácticas seleccionados en la Costa de Cádiz muestran que estos surgen vinculados a dinámicas de escala local, en las que la aplicación de nuevos enfoques de gobernanza territorial ha jugado un papel esencial. A partir de esta constatación se realiza una aproximación al debate teórico sobre la gobernanza territorial, un análisis crítico de los documentos de planificación incidentes, una valoración de los procesos de participación desarrollados y, fi nalmente, a través del tratamiento con SIG de ortofotografías de diferentes años, una cuantificación en términos superfi ciales de la realidad territorial resultante en el ámbito de estudio.Diagnosis of the problems that excessive urban growth has meant for tourist destinations is Spain is currently well underway. A new line of research focuses on the analysis of the few examples where, bucking the general trend, local authorities have opted for a model of touristic development beyond mere real estate growth. Selected case studies of best practices along the Cadiz Coast show that their emergence is related to local dynamics, wherein the application of new approaches to territorial governance has played a core role. This fi nding is taken as the basis for an approach to the theoretical debate on territorial governance. In this work we provide a critical analysis of related planning documents, an assessment of the participation processes conducted, and fi nally, quantifi cation of the territorial reality, based on surfi cial land use, in the study area based on GIS processing of orthophotos from various years

    Short communication: The main factors affecting somatic cell count in organic dairy farming

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    Preventive management practices are essential for maintaining acceptable udder health status, especially in organic farming, in which the use of antimicrobials is restricted. The contribution of the following factors to somatic cell count (SCC) was assessed in 788 cows from 15 organically reared herds in northern Spain: milk production, lactation number, treatments applied, selective dry cow therapy and teat dipping routines. The data were examined by linear logistic regression. Lactation number was the main factor affecting logSCC (β= 0.339, p<0.001) followed in order of importance by milk production (β= -0.205, p<0.001), use of alternative treatments (β=0.153, p<0.001), selective dry cow therapy (β=0.120, p=0.005) and teat dipping routines (β=-0.076, p=0.028). However, the model only explained 17.0% of the total variation in SCC. This variable depends on factors other than those considered here, amongst which udder infection is probably one of the most important. Nonetheless, the study findings enabled us to determine the contribution of the main management factors that should be taken into account to improve udder health status on organic farms

    Glucosa oral y leche materna como estrategia para reducción del dolor durante el procedimiento de punción del talón en recién nacidos

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    Introduction: This paper presents the results of a study on pain reduction in newborns that undergo painful medical procedures. This research analyzed the reactions of babies before and after the heel lance procedure, a diagnostic test performed to detect phenylketonuria. This test involved the extraction of a capillary blood sample with a heel lance, a medical procedure that is painful for neonates. Objective: The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 24% oral glucose solution and breastfeeding during heal lance. Method: An experimental study was thus conducted on a sample of 93 newborns in the San Cecilio University Hospital in Granada in 2010. The babies in the sample were divided into three groups, depending on what they ingested during the heal lance. Results: The results obtained showed that there was an association between the difference in HR and the time before the newborn’s HR returned to normal after the heel lance (r = 0.562; p = 0.000). Moreover, a positive relation was found between the absolute difference in HR and the difference in oxygen saturation (OS) (r = 0.538; p = 0.000). Conclusion: The OS was found to be greater in the group of newborns that received breast milk.Introducción: Para la detección de la fenilcetonuria, se realiza la prueba diagnóstica que consiste en la extracción de una muestra de sangre capilar, mediante la punción del talón al recién nacido. Este proceder es muy doloroso para el neonato. Objetivo: Valorar la efectividad de la administración de glucosa oral al 24 % y lactancia materna durante la punción del talón en el recién nacido. Método: Se realizó un estudio experimental en una muestra de 93 recién nacidos del Hospital Clínico “San Cecilio” de Granada durante el año 2010. La muestra se distribuyó en tres grupos en función del tipo de ingesta administrada en la realización de la prueba del talón. Resultados: El estudio pone de manifiesto que existe asociación en la diferencia de la FC con el tiempo transcurrido hasta alcanzar la normalidad después de la punción (r = 0,562; p = 0,000). También se halló una relación positiva entre la diferencia absoluta en la FC y la diferencia en la Saturación de Oxígeno (SO) (r = 0,538; p = 0,000). Conclusión: La SO es mayor en el grupo de lactancia materna que en el resto; así como en el de glucosa oral 24% que en el de control

    The main factors affecting somatic cell count in organic dairy farming

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    Preventive management practices are essential for maintaining acceptable udder health status, especially in organic farming, in which the use of antimicrobials is restricted. The contribution of the following factors to somatic cell count (SCC) was assessed in 788 cows from 15 organically reared herds in northern Spain: milk production, lactation number, treatments applied, selective dry cow therapy and teat dipping routines. The data were examined by linear logistic regression. Lactation number was the main factor affecting logSCC (β= 0.339, p<0.001) followed in order of importance by milk production (β= -0.205, p<0.001), use of alternative treatments (β=0.153, p<0.001), selective dry cow therapy (β=0.120, p=0.005) and teat dipping routines (β=-0.076, p=0.028). However, the model only explained 17.0% of the total variation in SCC. This variable depends on factors other than those considered here, amongst which udder infection is probably one of the most important. Nonetheless, the study findings enabled us to determine the contribution of the main management factors that should be taken into account to improve udder health status on organic farms.Spanish Government (AGL2010-21026); Centro Tecnológico Agroalimentario de Lugo, Spain (CETAL); IO is in receipt of a FPU fellowship (Ref. FPU14/01473) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and SportsS

    Embarazada con asma : ¿se puede tratar?

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    págs.: 127-141Capítulo incluido en el libro: Optimizando el abordaje del asma bronquial. Manuel Alcántara Villar (coordinador). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2023. ISBN: 978-84-7993-396-8. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/737

    Desarrollando el marco DALI de alfabetización en datos para la ciudadanía

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    In the current postdigital age, where data has become increasingly ubiquitous, the management of data has emerged as a vital aspect of digital literacies, particularly for active citizenry. This article introduces a Data Literacy framework that emphasizes the importance of an ideological emancipatory vision of data literacy for critical citizenry. The framework provides a comprehensive perspective on the key elements of data literacy and their interrelationships. Grounded Theory served as the foundation for conducting a three-and-a-half round Delphi study involving experts from diverse fields such as data, education, and literacy, across four countries. The outcome of this study is the DALI Data Literacy framework, which encompasses four primary elements. Three of these elements are interconnected and sometimes overlapping: (1) Understanding Data, (2) Acting on Data, and (3) Engaging Through Data. Additionally, there is a cross-cutting element, (4) Ethics &amp; Privacy, which permeates the other three. The DALI framework is flexible and scalable, making it suitable for adaptation across various international, organizational, and educational contexts. Furthermore, the article's conclusions reflect on how the DALI framework can support pedagogical initiatives aimed at promoting data literacy among adults. Its adaptability and scalability make it well-suited for addressing the diverse needs and contexts found within different educational settings and organizations internationally. By incorporating the DALI framework, digital education can evolve to foster critical data literacy skills and empower individuals to navigate and participate meaningfully in the postdigital age.En la era postdigital actual, donde los datos son cada vez más omnipresentes, la gestión de datos se ha convertido en un aspecto crucial de la alfabetización digital para la ciudadanía activa. Este artículo presenta el proceso de elaboración de un marco de Alfabetización en Datos que se llevó a cabo utilizando la Teoría fundamentada como base metodológica, y el método Delphi como estrategia para conjugar la participación de expertos de diversos campos como la ciencia de datos, la educación y la alfabetización, provenientes de cuatro países, en tres rondas y media de trabajo. El resultado de este estudio es el marco DALI de alfabetización en datos para la ciudadanía, que abarca cuatro elementos principales. Tres de estos elementos están interconectados y a veces se superponen: (1) Comprender los datos, (2) Actuar a partir de los datos y (3) Comprometerse a través de los datos. Además, hay un elemento transversal, (4) Ética y Privacidad, que impregna los otros tres. El marco DALI es flexible y escalable, lo que permite su adaptación a diversos contextos internacionales, organizativos y educativos. Además, las conclusiones del artículo reflexionan sobre cómo el marco DALI puede respaldar iniciativas pedagógicas destinadas a promover la alfabetización en datos entre los adultos y cómo su adaptabilidad y escalabilidad lo hacen ideal para abordar las diversas necesidades y contextos encontrados en diferentes entornos educativos y organizaciones internacionales

    Teriflunomide and Epstein–Barr virus in a Spanish multiple sclerosis cohort: in vivo antiviral activity and clinical response

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    Biomarker; Multiple sclerosis; TeriflunomideBiomarcador; Esclerosi múltiple; TeriflunomidaBiomarcador; Esclerosis múltiple; TeriflunomidaBackground: Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) have been associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). Teriflunomide is an oral disease-modifying therapy approved for treatment of relapsing forms of MS. In the preclinical Theiler’s murine encephalitis virus model of MS, the drug demonstrated an increased rate of viral clearance versus the vehicle placebo. Furthermore, teriflunomide inhibits lytic EBV infection in vitro. Objective: 1. To evaluate the humoral response against EBV and HHV-6 prior to teriflunomide treatment and 6 months later. 2. To correlate the variation in the humoral response against EBV and HHV-6 with the clinical and radiological response after 24 months of treatment with teriflunomide. 3. To analyze the utility of different demographic, clinical, radiological, and environmental data to identify early biomarkers of response to teriflunomide. Methods: A total of 101 MS patients (62 women; mean age: 43.4 years) with one serum prior to teriflunomide onset and another serum sample 6 months later were recruited. A total of 80 had been treated for at least 24 months, 13 had stopped teriflunomide before 24 months, and 8 were currently under teriflunomide therapy but with less than 24 months of follow-up. We analyzed the levels of the viral antibodies titers abovementioned in serum samples with ELISA commercial kits, and the levels of serum neurofilament light chain (Nf-L). Results: Antiviral antibody titers decreased for EBNA-1 IgG (74.3%), VCA IgG (69%), HHV-6 IgG (60.4%), and HHV-6 IgM (73.3%) after 6 months of teriflunomide. VCA IgG titers at baseline correlated with Nf-L levels measured at the same time (r = 0.221; p = 0.028) and 6 months later (r = 0.240; p = 0.017). We found that higher EBNA-1 titers (p = 0.001) and a higher age (p = 0.04) at baseline were associated with NEDA-3 conditions. Thus, 77.8% of patients with EBNA-1 >23.0 AU and >42.8 years (P50 values) were NEDA-3. Conclusion: Treatment with teriflunomide was associated with a reduction of the levels of IgG antibody titers against EBV and HHV-6. Furthermore, higher EBNA-1 IgG titers prior to teriflunomide initiation were associated with a better clinical response.AM has a technician contract from “REI: Red de Enfermedades Inflamatorias” (RD21/0002/0038). This work was financially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyectos de generación de conocimiento)-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Feder) (PID2021-126041OB-I00) and “Fundación LAIR”

    Les espaces naturels, ces « nouveaux territoires »

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    Les conséquences territoriales, économiques et sociales des politiques de protection de la nature, de développement local et de tourisme vert sont analysées dans un premier temps. Puis les auteurs vérifient, dans le cas d'un espace « emblématique » - le parc naturel de Grazalema -, l'hypothèse selon laquelle les perceptions d'un espace protégé diffèrent si profondément, selon qu'elles sont le fait des habitants, des visiteurs ou des administrations, qu'elles deviennent un facteur décisif de sa gestion quotidienne et de sa conservation future. Natural spaces as « new territories ». development policies, perceptions, prospects. The territorial policies preserving natural spaces as well as concerning local development and rural tourism are analysed in regard to their socio-economic consequences. Considered as an « emblematic » space, the Grazalema Natural Park provides the opportunity to test the very differing perceptions of a natural space by either the inhabitants, the visitors or the administrative agents and authorities. It appears that the wide range of perceptions greatly influences daily management and future preservation. Los espacios naturales como « nuevos territorios ». Políticas valorizadoras, percepciones y expectativas sobre los mismos. En la primera parte se analizan las consecuencias territoriales, económicas y sociales de las políticas de protección de la naturaleza, de desarrollo local y de turismo rural. En la segunda parte, se aplica a un espacio protegido emblemático de Andalucía (el Parque Natural de Grazalema) las hipótesis según las cuales las percepciones de un territorio protegido por parte de sus habitantes, visitantes y administraciones gestoras son tan diferentes que se convierten en condicionante fundamental de su gestión cotidiana y de su permanencia futura

    La salida itinerante de Geografía

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    La Salida Itinerante de Geografía es un proyecto educativo transversal y extracurricular, consistente en la realización de una salida de campo de varios días de duración. A pie y por un espacio de carácter natural y rural, profesores y alumnos de la titulación de Geografía de la Universidad de Sevilla, previamente organizados en grupos de trabajo, analizan las principales claves territoriales del ámbito recorrido. Hasta la fecha se han realizado nueve ediciones, una en cada curso académico desde 2008. El objetivo de esta comunicación es mostrar las principales aportaciones didácticas de esta actividad, detectar sus fortalezas y debilidades, y exponer perspectivas de mejora en el futuro