264 research outputs found

    El sector vinĂ­cola en España: El caso de “Bodegas La PurĂ­sima”

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    Lexical errors in learners' interlanguage. An Italian/Spanish contrastive study

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    [EN] The objective of this study is to analyse lexical errors in the written production of students who learn related languages, specifically Italian-speaking students who learn Spanish and Spanish-speaking students who learn Italian. The research is approached from a contrastive linguistic perspective. Its main references are, on the one hand, the Error Analysis approach and the Interlanguage hypothesis and, on the other hand, several classic and modem contrastive studies of both related and non-related languages. Afterwards, a proposal to classify lexical errors based on the adaptation of existing models will be offered, which helps us to establish its nature according to two interrelated criteria. First, if they are interlinguistic or intralinguistic errors and, secondly, if they are formal errors or meaning errors. To conclude, the statistical computation of results will be shown, which reveals, on the one hand, that the percentage of interlinguistic errors is higher than that of the intralinguistic errors in both groups and, on the other hand, that the percentage of formal errors is greater than that of the meaning errors. The interpretation of this data stands as evidence for the existence of common patterns in the learning of both related languages.[ES] Este estudio tiene como objetivo el anĂĄlisis de errores lĂ©xicos en la expresiĂłn escrita de los discentes que aprenden lenguas afines, en concreto el español por parte de aprendientes italĂłfonos y el italiano por parte de aprendientes hispanĂłfonos. La investigaciĂłn se aborda desde una perspectiva lingĂŒĂ­stica de carĂĄcter contrastivo que tiene como referencias principales, por un lado, el enfoque del AnĂĄlisis de Errores y la hipĂłtesis de la Interlengua y, por otro, diferentes estudios contrastivos clĂĄsicos y modernos tanto de lenguas afines como no afines. A continuaciĂłn, ofrecemos una propuesta de clasificaciĂłn de errores lĂ©xicos, basada en la adaptaciĂłn de modelos ya existentes, que nos ayuda a establecer su naturaleza segĂșn dos criterios interrelacionados: en primer lugar, si son interlingĂŒĂ­sticos o intralingĂŒĂ­sticos y, en segundo tĂ©rmino, si son de forma o de significado. Para concluir, ofrecemos el cĂłmputo estadĂ­stico de resultados, que señala que, por una parte, en ambos grupos el porcentaje de errores interlingĂŒĂ­sticos es superior al de intralingĂŒĂ­sticos y, por otra, el porcentaje de errores de forma es superior al de significado. La interpretaciĂłn de estos datos nos muestra indicios de la existencia de patrones comunes en el aprendizaje de ambas lenguas afines.BarbasĂĄn-Ortuño, I. (2021). Errores lĂ©xicos en la interlengua de aprendientes de L2. Un estudio contrastivo italiano y español. Cuadernos de FilologĂ­a Italiana. 28:45-71. https://doi.org/10.5209/cfit.7073245712

    Comparison of peristrophic multiplexing and a combination of angular and peristrophic holographic multiplexing in a thick PVA/acrylamide photopolymer for data storage

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    Two different types of multiplexing are used to store 90 holograms at the same location in a polyvinyl alcoholacrylamide photopolymer material. In the first, the 90 holograms are stored using only peristrophic multiplexing, whereas in the second a combination of angular and peristrophic multiplexing is used. The results (diffraction efficiency and dynamic range, M#) obtained with these two multiplexing techniques are compared. With the first, the dynamic range was M# = 13 and with the second M# = 8. An exposure schedule method is used to calculate the exposure time necessary to store the holograms with a more uniform, higher diffraction efficiency.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)” under projects FIS2005-05881-C02-01 and FIS2005-05881-C02-02, and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” under Project GV06/172

    Experimental Conditions to Obtain Photopolymerization Induced Phase Separation Process in Liquid Crystal-Photopolymer Composite Materials under Laser Exposure

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    We analyze the experimental conditions necessary to obtain a photopolymerization induced phase separation process inside liquid crystal-photopolymer composite materials. Composites stored for 24 hours perform poorly in hologram recording but a good result is obtained if they are used recently prepared. We use a procedure combining heat and sonication to disarrange the liquid crystal structures formed during storage of the composite. We also propose incoherent light treatment after recording the hologram in order to evaluate if the phase separation evolved correctly during hologram recording.The work was supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” of Spain under Projects FIS2011-29803-C02-01 and FIS2011-29803-C02-02 and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain under Projects PROMETEO/2011/021 and ISIC/2012/013

    Intralinguistic subtitling in the classroom of languages for specific purposes

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    [EN] This article centres on the field of educational research in tertiary education; its objective is to optimise the teaching and learning process. Its innovation consists of applying intralinguistic subtitling of videos as a teaching tool in the classroom of languages for specific purposes. After 3 years testing and improving the process, we came up with a pioneering methodological design to approach the study of English/Spanish as a foreign language while contributing to the development of transversal competences. Specifically, we focus on making listening and vocabulary learning much more attractive to our students and enhancing significant learning through peer feedback. The activity developed involves students as authors of subtitling authentic videos in pair work with the tool SubtitleWorkshop. The students' opinions in the questionnaire show their motivation and satisfaction with the activity. Moreover, the key competences, teamwork skills and leadership, are enhanced through this learning activity. On the whole, this study highlights the learning potential of active subtitling technology in courses of languages for specific purposes of students who have been learning these foreign languages for a long time.[ES] La innovaciĂłn de este trabajo tiene como eje la subtitulaciĂłn intralingĂŒĂ­stica de vĂ­deos como herramienta docente en un contexto universitario de aprendizaje de lenguas de especialidad. Se trata de un proceso realizado durante 3 cursos acadĂ©micos que, tras testar y perfilar el diseño inicial, ha permitido configurar una propuesta metodolĂłgica pionera que incentive el aprendizaje de español/inglĂ©s como lenguas extranjeras (LE) y contribuya al desarrollo de competencias genĂ©ricas/transversales. La propuesta estĂĄ orientada a hacer mĂĄs atractiva la prĂĄctica de la comprensiĂłn oral y al afianzamiento del vocabulario de especialidad en un contexto real, asĂ­ como fomentar el aprendizaje significativo mediante la retroalimentaciĂłn entre pares. La actividad involucra a los alumnos como autores de la subtitulaciĂłn de materiales autĂ©nticos: vĂ­deos trabajados en parejas utilizando la herramienta SubtitleWorkshop. Las opiniones del alumnado en encuestas reflejan motivaciĂłn y satisfacciĂłn con la actividad. Mediante esta propuesta se fomenta tambiĂ©n el "trabajo en equipo y liderazgo", competencia transversal que se debe trabajar en las asignaturas de la Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. La contribuciĂłn del estudio resalta el potencial educativo de la tecnologĂ­a en la subtitulaciĂłn activa implementada en el aula de lenguas para fines especĂ­ficos por alumnado que lleva muchos años en el aula de LE. This article centres on the field of educational research in tertiary education; its objective is to optimise the teaching and learning process. Its innovation consists of applying intralinguistic subtitling of videos as a teaching tool in the classroom of languages for specific purposes. After 3 years testing and improving the process, we came up with a pioneering methodological design to approach the study of English/Spanish as a foreign language while contributing to the development of transversal competences. Specifically, we focus on making listening and vocabulary learning much more attractive to our students and enhancing significant learning through peer feedback. The activity developed involves students as authors of subtitling authentic videos in pair work with the tool SubtitleWorkshop. The students' opinions in the questionnaire show their motivation and satisfaction with the activity. Moreover, the key competences, teamwork skills and leadership, are enhanced through this learning activity. On the whole, this study highlights the learning potential of active subtitling technology in courses of languages for specific purposes of students who have been learning these foreign languages for a long time.BarbasĂĄn-Ortuño, I.; PĂ©rez-Sabater, C. (2021). La subtitulaciĂłn intralingĂŒĂ­stica en la docencia de lenguas de especialidad. ALSIC. Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication. 24(1):1-18. https://doi.org/10.4000/alsic.540911824

    Adulterant Detection in Peppermint Oil by Means of Holographic Photopolymers Based on Composite Materials with Liquid Crystal

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    Diffraction gratings are recorded in a holographic photopolymer containing nematic liquid crystal and peppermint oil. The presence of the oil modifies the polymerization and the holographic response. The composite containing oil adulterated with triethyl citrate obtains a diffraction efficiency related to the oil’s purity. The results obtained suggest the possibility of developing a holographic chemical analysis method for quality control of raw materials.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) under projects; PID2019-106601RB-I00 FIS2017-82919-R; Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under projects: IDIFEDER/2021/014; (cofunded by European Union through the FEDER Programme) PROMETEO 2021/006

    Influencia del ACPA en la resoluciĂłn y estabilidad de redes hologrĂĄficas almacenadas en fotopolĂ­meros basados en PVA/Acrilamida

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos después de almacenar redes hologråficas por transmisión con una frecuencia espacial de 2663 líneas/mm, en un material basado en PVA/AA. A la composición del material se le ha incorporado un agente acortador de cadenas para mejorar su resolución espacial. Ademås, se ha aplicado un proceso de curado a las redes almacenadas para fijar el rendimiento en difracción y que no disminuya con el paso del tiempo.Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (proyectos FIS2011-29803-C02-01 y FIS2011-29803-C02-02), por la Generalitat Valenciana (proyecto PROMETEO/2011/021) y por la Universidad de Alicante (proyecto GRE09-10)

    Novel characterization methods and applications for photopolymers

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    Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (FIS2011-29803-C02-01 y FIS2011-29803-C02-02), por la Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2011/021, ISIC/2012/013) y por la Universidad de Alicante (GRE12-14)

    Photopolymer characterization for diffractive and holographic applications

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    The work was supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” of Spain under projects FIS2011-29803-C02-01 and FIS2011-29803-C02-02 and by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain under projects PROMETEO/2011/021 and ISIC/2012/013

    Study of influence of ACPA in PVA/AA photopolymer for holographic reflection gratings

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    This work pretends to optimize the standard composition of the PVA/Acrylamide photopolymer, changing its composition in order to improve its spatial resolution. To do this, a chain transfer agent, 4,4'-azobis (4-cyanopentanoic acid) (ACPA) was introduced in the photopolymer and its concentration was modified. Thus, the optimal concentration which gets obtain the maximum diffraction efficiency for high spatial frequencies was found. To quantify the improvement that occurs with the inclusion of the ACPA in the PVA/Acrylamide photopolymer, holographic reflexion gratings of 4553 lines/mm were stored. Moreover, diffraction efficiency obtained with the different concentrations of ACPA was measured to compare the obtained results.This work was supported by the “Generalitat Valenciana” (Spain) under project PROMETEO/2011/021, ISIC/2012/013 and GV/2012/099 and by “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” (Spain) under projects FIS2011-29803-C02-01 and FIS2011-29803-C02-02
