119 research outputs found

    El papel del alumnado en el trabajo de fin de grado: una visión desde la perspectiva de solución de problemas

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    This paper presents a personal approach on how the supervision of a Degree Disseration could be carried out, focusing on the problem from the point of view of the student. The execution of the Degree Dissertation is a personal challenge that can be considered as a problem to be solved by the student and it can offer different solutions. The role of the professor of university as tutor, following the phases of the IDEAL method of Bransford and Barry Stein (1984): Identification of the problem, Definition and problem representation, Exploration of the different and possible strategies, Intervention based on a strategy, Achievements and assessment of the impact, can help students to develop metacognitive skills (thinking and personal motivations skills), strengthening planning, self-regulation, autonomy and self-efficiency in performing the Degree Dissertation.Este trabajo presenta un planteamiento personal de cómo podría llevarse a cabo la tutela de un Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) enfocando el problema desde el punto de vista del alumno. La realización del TFG es un reto personal que se puede plantear como un problema a resolver por el estudiante pudiendo derivar en soluciones diversas. El papel del tutor, siguiendo las fases del método IDEAL de Bransford y Barry Stein (1984): Identificación del problema, Definición y representación del problema, Exploración de diferentes y posibles estrategias, Actuación fundada en una estrategia, Logros y evaluación de efectos, puede ayudar al alumnado en el desarrollo de competencias metacognitivas, de pensamiento y de motivación, potenciando la planificación, la autorregulación, la autonomía y la autoeficacia en la realización del Trabajo Fin de Grado

    The Gender Perspective of Professional Competencies in Industrial Engineering Studies

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    Sexism and gender relations in higher education require special attention and are a topic of great interest in regulations related to education. The low participation percentage of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) studies has been identified as one of the main problems that must be resolved in order to close the gender gap that exists in the technology sector. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of professional competences on the selection of university studies according to the absence or presence of masculinization factors in those studies. Mechanical engineering competences, both generic and transversal, and competence acquisition methods, are classified into ‘care’ (feminine) or ‘provisions’ (masculine) concepts. After the competence analysis, it can be concluded that explicit engineering curricula are focused on “provisions”, which translates into a cultural perception of industrial engineering as a male profession. After a professional competence analysis in engineering studies at The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), our study identified a relationship between the masculinization factors included in professional competences and the selection of university studies. This paper presents working actions towards the incorporation of a gender perspective into the degree in mechanical engineering at the UPV/EHU.This research was funded by PIE (Educational Innovation Projects) program of the University of the Basque Country for their support via 2018–2019 call and grant number [59]

    La experiencia de coordinación en el Grado de Maestro de Educación Infantil

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    The objective of this work was to disseminate the perception detected about the implementation of the Teaching Degree in pre-primary Education adapted to the EHEA and propose suggestions for improvement. It was performed through a SWOT analysis, to the teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Valladolid. The data came from different assessments carried out by the Committee of Title during the first years of these studies, responding to one of the assigned competencies: To propose improvements in the educational program and in the services provided in the degree.El objeto de este trabajo fue dar a conocer la percepción detectada, sobre la implantación del Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil adaptado al EEES y proponer sugerencias de mejora.  Se realizó a través de un  análisis DAFO, al profesorado y al alumnado de la Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Valladolid. Los datos procedieron de diferentes evaluaciones llevadas a cabo por el Comité de Título durante los primeros cursos académicos de estos estudios, dando respuesta a una de las competencias asignadas: proponer  mejoras en el programa formativo y en los servicios prestados en la titulación

    Los contenidos de cultura en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera: exploración de la publicidad en la prensa escrita

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    Con el objetivo de dar respuesta a las interrogaciones que se plantea el profesorado de español como lengua extranjera ante los contenidos curriculares referidos a la componente cultural, clave para una comunicación intercultural eficaz, las autoras han efectuado una exploración de los anuncios publicitarios de la prensa periódica española de mayor difusión, por cuanto que los mass media son un lugar privilegiado por el que transita la cultura, la cultura compartida (R. Galisson) y de tipo universal. Se ha llevado a cabo el análisis del producto, del resultado y del universo que presentan cuantitativa y cualitativamente, para identificar e interpretar los contenidos y los soportes. De la conjunción de ambos factores se han determinado los campos nocionales y asociativos, cuyo repertorio responde a los criterios de pertinencia, representatividad y revelación de la realidad sociocultural de la España actual.With the purpose of answering teachers´ questions about Spanish curricular contents as a foreign language related to the cultural component, a key element for intercultural communication, the authors have made a research of the widest broadcasting Spanish newspapers´ advertisements, as mass media are an exceptional place to find culture, shared culture (Galisson) and universal culture. Product and result analysis have been made as well as the qualitative and quantitative contexts with the object of identifying and interpreting the bases and the contents. From the union of that pair of factors, the authors have settled the associative and notional subjects, a repertoire which fulfills the criteria of appropriateness, representativeness and revelation criteria of the Spanish sociocultural reality

    Laboratorio de experiencias infantiles: Ciencia inclusiva en la escuela

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    Innovación EducativaEn este proyecto de innovación docente pretendemos mejorar el aprendizaje y la inclusión del alumnado de todas las etapas educativas a través de la aplicación de metodologías activas y pensamiento visible. Esta propuesta cuenta con tres objetivos fundamentales de innovación educativa: (1) Generar una cultura científica en todo el alumnado a lo largo de las diferentes etapas educativas utilizando metodologías activas que permitan experimentar con los contenidos académicos; (2) Favorecer una cultura del pensamiento, haciendo hincapié en las estrategias relacionadas con el Visible Thinking o pensamiento visible; (3) Favorecer la inclusión educativa de todas las personas en la comunidad educativa. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de la bibliografía relacionada con los temas del PID, se ha analizado, de forma exploratoria, qué conocimientos tienen los docentes y futuros docentes sobre metodologías activas y pensamiento visible, y finalmente, se ha organizado una jornada y un taller en los que proporcionar una base teórica e información práctica para poner en marcha los objetivos propuestos en el PID.PsicologíaUniversidad de Valladolid. Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica e Innovación Docent

    Analysis of Physical Demands in Four Tug of War World Indoor Championships (2010-2016)

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    Background: Tug-of-war (TOW) is one of the oldest sports in current existence and is an internationally played activity that includes professional and amateur sport athletes, played according to the rules laid out by the Tug of War International Federation (TWIF). In this type of competition, the two teams of eight members each pull against one another on a rope. The team that pulls the opposing team towards a centerline for a distance of 4 m in two pulls out of three is considered the winning team in an international competition. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous scientific articles have described data during a follow-up period of Championships in TOW. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to analyze the duration of the matches, differentiating between the first (T1) and second pull (T2) of each match. Methods: The pulls were compared in the qualification point phase and the final phase, as well as in each weight category. In addition, any differences between the statistics for each of the four World Championships studied were analyzed. Finally, the total volume of pulls in each weight category was studied, both in the open club competition and in the national team competition. Data were collected from four World Indoor Championships (2010–2016). A total of 1862 matches were registered (3724 pulls), differentiating the first (T1) and second (T2) pull. The data were expressed as means (M) ± standard deviations (SD). Results: (1) The second pull is shorter than the first: T1 T1 phase1, p T2 phase1, (p < 0.05), (ES = 0.486; small effect); (3) there are statistical differences (p < 0.005) in T1 and T2 at all weights, except for T1 at 500 kg and T2 at 640 kg; (4) the comparison among World Championships does not present significant changes in the duration of the pulls; (5) however, in females, significant differences (p < 0.05) between the 2010 World Championships and the remainder in T1 are observed; (6) the volumes that we should take into account when designing the preparation should be those obtained when 11 teams compete against each other, considering the maximum volume that we could find in the competition. Conclusion: This first aspect of the reality of TOW indoor competitions, specifically the duration of the matches, leads to a better understanding of the demands of the sport and the type of effort required. These ideas may help coaches in the design of training plans, maximizing their specificity and their effectiveness.Funds have been obtained from the project number 257/24

    Analysis of Tug of War Competition: A Narrative Complete Review

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    Tug-of-war (TOW) is an internationally played activity including professional and amateur athletes, defined as early as 4000 years ago (as a rope-less version) in the artwork on Egyptian tomb engravings, and is played as per the rules laid out by TWIF, which has 73 member countries and administrative headquarters in the USA. Typically, two teams of “pullers” participate and apply enormous contra directional forces on the pulling rope. Originally, two types of competition are used: knockout and points. This narrative review describes the scientific state of the art of TOW. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous information has been published on this topic. Anthropometric parameters for competitors are near 83.6, lean body mass 69.4, and body fat 16. The VO2MAX is 55.8 mL/kg/min. In terms of relative strength, the dynamic leg power is 4659.8 N. Endurance TOW elicits minimal muscle damage. Injured strains and sprains comprised over half of all injuries: back (42%), shoulder–upper limb (23%) and knee (17%). Pulling movement in TOW contests can be divided into three phases, namely the “drop”, “hold” and “drive” phases. The maximal pulling force was 1041.6 ± 123.9 N. The percentage of dynamic pulling force in the static maximal pulling force was 75.5 ± 14.4% and the dynamic ranged from 106.4 to 182.5%. There are two gripping styles: indoor and outdoor. The friction characteristics between surface and shoe in TOW is important in determining a suitable shoe for indoor TOW. A waist belt might be a useful piece of equipment for TOW sport. The EMG technique in TOW entails a high degree of dorsal muscle activity during the pulling. The factor of force vanishing was the coordination among athletes. The force vanishing percentage goes from 8.82 ± 5.59 for two contenders to 19.74 ± 2.22 for eight athletes, 6.4% in the sum of two pullers. However, in the drop phase, for female elite TOW team, only the 0.5% of the pulling force was wasted. Future studies are need in order to understand better this historical sport activity.This research received external funding VAGI20IRR