760 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Enterprise Historic Resources Information Management In Large Transportation Agencies, MTI Report 09-06

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    Historic resources are in some way managed by every transportation agency in the nation. Transportation agencies manage historic and prehistoric archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects, routes, landscapes, and districts to prevent damage to such resources and to mitigate damage when it is unavoidable. In order to track known resources, transportation agencies often keep local files in a variety of forms, rely upon external sources of information (e.g., historic preservation agencies at the state level), and depend upon staff expertise gained by years of local work. Starting in 1997, Caltrans started a series of surveys of rural rights of way in its district offices. This work, which is still on-going, created fairly similar sets of digital data within approximately half of the agency´s district offices. The GIS datasets and relational database management systems are roughly similar between offices, but not identical. The present study focuses on defining how the district office information systems for historic resources can (and cannot) be used to create an enterprise information management model specific to historic resources within Caltrans. Results of this study range from findings specific to Caltrans and its district offices to general findings that should apply to any transportation agency contemplating an enterprise-wide system for managing cultural resources

    Presence and distribution of urocortin and corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptors in the bovine thyroid gland

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    Urocortin (UCN), a 40 amino acid peptide is a Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) related peptide. The biological actions of CRH family peptides are mediated via two types of G-protein coupled receptors, CRH type 1 (CRHR1) and CRH type 2 (CRHR2). The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression of UCN, CRHR1 and CRHR2 by immunoprecipitation, Western blot, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR in the bovine thyroid gland. Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis showed that tissue extracts reacted with the anti-UCN, -CRHR1 and –CRHR2 antibodies. RT-PCR experiments demonstrated that mRNAs of UCN, CRHR1 and CRHR2 were expressed. UCN-immunoreactivity (IR) and CRHR2–IR were found in the thyroid follicular and parafollicular cells and CRHR1-IR in the smooth muscle of the blood vessels. These results suggest that a regulatory system exists in the bovine thyroid gland based on UCN, CRHR1 and CRHR2 and that UCN plays a role in the regulation of thyroid physiological functions through an autocrine/paracrine mechanis

    Mutational analysis of Peroxiredoxin IV: exclusion of a positional candidate for multinodular goitre

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    BACKGROUND: Multinodular goitre (MNG) is a common disorder characterised by an enlargement of the thyroid, occurring as a compensatory response to hormonogenesis impairment. The incidence of MNG is dependent on sex (female:male ratio 5:1) and several reports have documented a genetic basis for the disease. Last year we mapped a MNG locus to chromosome Xp22 in a region containing the peroxiredoxin IV (Prx-IV) gene. Since Prx-IV is involved in the removal of H(2)O(2) in thyroid cells, we hypothesize that mutations in Prx-IV gene are involved in pathogenesis of MNG. METHODS: Four individuals (2 affected, 2 unrelated unaffected) were sequenced using automated methods. All individuals were originated from the original three-generation Italian family described in previous studies. A Southern blot analysis using a Prx-IV full-length cDNA as a probe was performed in order to exclude genomic rearrangements and/or intronic mutations. In addition a RT-PCR of PRX-IV was performed in order to investigate expression alterations. RESULTS: No causative mutations were found. Two adjacent nucleotide substitutions were detected within introns 1 and 4. These changes were also detected in unaffected individuals, suggesting that they were innocuous polymorphisms. No gross genomic rearrangements and/or restriction fragment alterations were observed on Southern analysis. Finally, using RT-PCR from tissue-specific RNA, no differences of PRX-IV expression-levels were detected between affected and unaffected samples. CONCLUSIONS: Based on sequence and genomic analysis, Prx-IV is very unlikely to be the MNG2 gene

    Identification of a Cell-of-Origin for Fibroblasts Comprising the Fibrotic Reticulum in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive disease of the middle aged and elderly with a prevalence of one million persons worldwide. The fibrosis spreads from affected alveoli into contiguous alveoli, creating a reticular network that leads to death by asphyxiation. Lung fibroblasts from patients with IPF have phenotypic hallmarks, distinguishing them from their normal counterparts: pathologically activated Akt signaling axis, increased collagen and α-smooth muscle actin expression, distinct gene expression profile, and ability to form fibrotic lesions in model organisms. Despite the centrality of these fibroblasts in disease pathogenesis, their origin remains uncertain. Here, we report the identification of cells in the lungs of patients with IPF with the properties of mesenchymal progenitors. In contrast to progenitors isolated from nonfibrotic lungs, IPF mesenchymal progenitor cells produce daughter cells manifesting the full spectrum of IPF hallmarks, including the ability to form fibrotic lesions in zebrafish embryos and mouse lungs, and a transcriptional profile reflecting these properties. Morphological analysis of IPF lung tissue revealed that mesenchymal progenitor cells and cells with the characteristics of their progeny comprised the fibrotic reticulum. These data establish that the lungs of patients with IPF contain pathological mesenchymal progenitor cells that are cells of origin for fibrosis-mediating fibroblasts. These fibrogenic mesenchymal progenitors and their progeny represent an unexplored target for novel therapies to interdict fibrosis

    Neuron-derived transthyretin modulates astrocytic glycolysis in hormone-independent manner

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    It has been shown that neurons alter the expression of astrocytic metabolic enzymes by secretion of until now unknown molecule(s) into extracellular fluid. Here, we present evidence that neuron-derived transthyretin (TTR) stimulates expression of glycolytic enzymes in astrocytes which is reflected by an increased synthesis of ATP. The action of TTR is restricted to regulatory enzymes of glycolysis: phosphofructokinase P (PFKP) and pyruvate kinase M1/M2 isoforms (PKM1/2). The regulation of PFK and PKM expression by TTR is presumably specific for brain tissue and is independent of the role of TTR as a carrier protein for thyroxine and retinol. TTR induced expression of PKM and PFK is mediated by the cAMP/PKA-dependent pathway and is antagonized by the PI3K/Akt pathway. Our results provide the first experimental evidence for action of TTR as a neuron-derived energy metabolism activator in astrocytes and describe the mechanisms of its action. The data presented here suggest that TTR is involved in a mechanism in which neurons stimulate degradation of glycogen-derived glucosyl units without significant modulation of glucose uptake by glial cells

    Interaction between growth factors and retinoic acid in the induction of kidney tubulogenesis in tissue culture

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    Kidney tubulogenesis is the initial step in renal organogenesis. The precise molecular determinants of this pattern formation are presently unknown, although soluble factors, such as growth factors, and insoluble factors, such as extracellular matrix molecules, most likely play fundamental roles in this process. To define the molecular determinants of renal proximal tubule morphogenesis, primary cultures of rabbit renal proximal tubule cells in hormonally defined, serumfree media were treated with transforming growth factor-[beta]1 (TGF-[beta]1), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and the retinoid, all trans-retinoic acid (RA), singly or in combination. Utilizing phase contrast and light and transmission electron microscopy, the simultaneous administration of TGF-[beta]1 (10 ng/ml), EGF (1 nM), and RA (0.1 nM) transformed a confluent monolayer of renal proximal tubule cells within 5 to 6 days into three-dimensional cell aggregates containing lumens within the interior of the cell clusters. The lumens were bordered by tubule cells possessing a polarized epithelial cell phenotype with extensive microvilli formation and tight junctional complexes along the luminal border. All three factors were necessary and sufficient to induce this phenotypic transformation. Further studies demonstrated that RA promoted the deposition of the A and B1 chains of laminin, a cell attachment protein of the basement membrane, in a small subset of proximal tubule cells in culture, as deduced by indirect immunofluorescent microscopy. Additional studies demonstrated that soluble purified laminin fully substituted for RA in this system to promote renal tubulogenesis when combined with TGF-[beta]1 and EGF. These results demonstrate that the growth factors, TGF-[beta]1 and EGF, and the retinoid, RA, promote tubulogenesis in adult renal proximal tubule cells in tissue culture in a manner reminiscent of inductive embryonic kidney morphogenesis. These observations define a coordinated interplay between growth factors and retinoids to induce pattern formation and morphogenesis. Furthermore, the demonstration of RA-induced laminin deposition as a critical event in this morphogenic process identifies laminin as a possible target protein for RA to act as a morphogen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29950/1/0000309.pd
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