86 research outputs found

    Los orígenes de las gacetas : sistemas y prácticas de la información entre los siglos XVI y XVII

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    Después de la instauración de la imprenta en Europa y antes de la generalización de las gacetas como principal instrumento informativo, las hojas manuscritas que confeccionaban los reportisti o menanti cumplieron la misión de abastecer de noticias a los políticos y al público en general. Tomando como referencia ciudades italianas como Venecia, Roma o Bolonia, se analiza esta práctica informativa durante los siglos XVI y XVII.Després de la instauració de la impremta a Europa i abans de la generalització de les gasetes com a instrument informatiu principal, els fulls manuscrits que confeccionaven els reportisti o menanti van acomplir la missió d'abastir de notícies els polítics i el públic en general. Prenent com a referència ciutats italianes com ara Venècia, Roma o Bolonya, aquest article analitza l'esmentada pràctica informativa durant els segles XVI i XVII.After the invention of the printing press and before the circulation of newspapers as the main source of information, the manuscripts done by the so-called reportisti or menanti were the main source of information for politicians and all sort of readers. Taking as reference some Italian cities as Venice, Rome or Bologna, this article analyses this kind of source during the XVIth and XVIIth centuries

    European Postal Networks

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    During the early sixteenth century state postal routes, based on a sequence of horses ridden by a single rider across a series of organised stages, were developed across Europe and were progressively transformed into public services. Postal communication was fundamental to European news, and though they were by no means the only basis of communication they formed the essential spine to news networks.1 We have two working assumptions: the first, that the penetration of avvisi into the public culture of early-modern Europe (i.e. beyond official communications) depended on the development of accessible postal services. The second is that (relatively) predictable public postal deliveries, which developed out of state administrative needs and manuscript culture, including manuscript news, were a precondition for the development of a (relatively) periodic newspaper press. Once newspapers were established, they could draw in communications from other types of network connection (merchants, churches and monasteries, booksellers, diplomatic couriers, soldiers, travellers, ships’ captains, and so on), but to be widely established in the first place they needed reliable public posts, bringing correspondence from a number of newswriting centres elsewhere. In this article we sketch the various postal systems that transversed Europe, and, crucially, how they were interconnected.Durante el siglo XVI, las rutas postales estatales, basadas en una sucesión de caballos montados por un solo ciclista a través de una serie de etapas organizadas, se desarrollaron en toda Europa y se transformaron progresivamente en servicios públicos. La comunicación postal era fundamental para las noticias europeas y, aunque no eran en modo alguno la única base de comunicación, formaban la columna vertebral esencial de las redes de noticias.1 Tenemos dos suposiciones de trabajo: la primera, que la penetración de la avvisi en la cultura pública de las primeras (Es decir, más allá de las comunicaciones oficiales) dependía del desarrollo de servicios postales accesibles. La segunda es que las entregas postales públicas (relativamente) predecibles, que se desarrollaron a partir de las necesidades administrativas del estado y de la cultura manuscrita, incluidas las noticias manuscritas, eran una condición previa para el desarrollo de una prensa periodística (relativamente) periódica. Una vez que se establecieron los periódicos, podían recurrir a comunicaciones de otros tipos de conexión de red (comerciantes, iglesias y monasterios, libreros, correos diplomáticos, soldados, viajeros, capitanes de buques, etc.), pero ser ampliamente establecidos en primer lugar Necesitaban puestos públicos fiables, trayendo correspondencia de un número de centros de redacción de noticias en otros lugares. En este artículo bosquejamos los diversos sistemas postales que atravesaban Europa, y, crucialmente, cómo estaban interconectados

    European communication networks in the Early Modern Age

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    Recent contributions to knowledge about early journalism developed in different parts of Europe*Italy, France, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain . . . *have made it possible to trace a fairly precise map for the historical origin of this phenomenon. However, the scope of work carried out with a view to developing frameworks of interpretation to explain the reasons for this appearance is not as far-reaching. This paper reviews the recurring theoretical models found to date in the specific bibliography and proposes a new framework of interpretation, capable of encompassing the complexity and pan-European nature of early journalism in history

    Il Petrarca dell'ingegnere.

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    This paper focuses on a sonnet by Giovanni Casoni, who worked as engineer in Venice during the first half of the nineteenth century and developed some methods about medieval venetian Archeology. From his literary production, mostly still unpublished, are here slected some verses on the recognition, in 1843, of Francesco Petrarca tomb in Arquà. The composition is interesting for some new elements that it provides around this circumstance, and as evidence of the political inclinations of Casoni