148 research outputs found

    Management and prevention of post-transplant malignancies in kidney transplant recipients

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    The central issue in organ transplantation remains suppression of allograft rejection. Thus, the development of immunosuppressive drugs has been the key to successful allograft function. The increased immunosuppressive efficiency obtained in the last two decades in kidney transplantation dramatically reduced the incidence of acute rejection. However, the inevitable trade-off was an increased rate of post-transplant infections and malignancies. Since the incidence of cancer in immunosuppressed transplant recipients becomes greater over time, and the introduction of new immunosuppressive strategies are expected to extend significantly allograft survival, the problem might grow exponentially in the near future. Thus, cancer is becoming a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients otherwise successfully treated by organ transplantation. There are at least four distinct areas requiring consideration, which have a potentially serious impact on recipient outcome after transplantation: (i) the risk of transmitting a malignancy to the recipient within the donor organ; (ii) the problems of previously diagnosed and treated malignancy in the recipient; (iii) the prevention of de novo post-transplant malignant diseases and (iv) the management of these complex and often life-threatening clinical problems. In this scenario, the direct and indirect oncogenic potential of immunosuppressive therapy should be always carefully considered

    Malattia renale policistica autosomica dominante. Nuovi approcci terapeutici "Ottimisti per diritto"

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    La malattia renale policistica autosomica dominante (Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease, ADPKD), è la più comune forma di malattia renale cistica e rappresenta, nel mondo, la causa di terapia sostitutiva emodialitica nel 7–10% dei pazienti. Sono noti due tipi di malattia policistica: il tipo I è causato da mutazioni del gene PKD1, che codifica per la policistina-1, è la forma più diffusa e aggressiva e colpisce soggetti di età giovane; il tipo II è causato da mutazioni del gene PKD2 che codifica per la policistina-2 e rappresenta il 10–15% dei casi, a evoluzione più lenta. Clinicamente, le cisti si svilup-pano a livello renale, epatico, pancreatico e intestinale. Il dolore cronico, la chirurgia palliativa, l'insufficienza renale, la dialisi, il trapianto, come anche la morte, sono tutte conseguenze di questa malattia genetica che non ha ancora una terapia medica per rallentare o arrestare la sua progressione. Di grande interesse per il suo potenziale terapeutico, è la dimostrazione che la Policistina-1, formando un complesso con la tuberina (la proteina la cui mutazione causa la sclerosi tuberosa), agisce come un inibitore endogeno dell'attività del mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR). Se mutato, come nell'ADPKD, tale meccanismo inibitorio viene compromesso e ciò favorirebbe lo sviluppo delle cisti. I recenti discordanti risultati di alcuni studi nell'uomo sull'uso di un inibitore di mTOR in pazienti affetti da ADPKD, possono generare interrogativi e confusione, ma diverse e molteplici possono essere le ragioni per cui tali studi hanno portato a conclusioni diverse fra di loro. A questo punto, è d'obbligo porsi l'interrogativo se questi risultati siano la fine o possano essere l'inizio di nuovi studi. Agli Autori piace considerare la seconda ipotesi, in quanto tutti gli studi di biologia molecolare, quelli preclinici, e su animali, hanno confermato la "bontà" del percorso intrapreso. Questa rassegna viene proposta per fare chiarezza sui risultati di tali studi e per dare una speranza concreta, secondo l'opinione degli Autori, sulla possibilità di riuscire a scoprire una cura per tale patologia

    Recurrence of immunoglobulin A nephropathy after kidney transplantation: a narrative review on incidence, risk factors, pathophysiology and management of immunosuppressive therapy

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    Abstract Glomerulonephritis (GN) is the underlying cause of end-stage renal failure in 30–50% of kidney transplant recipients. It represents the primary cause of end-stage renal disease for 25% of the dialysis population and 45% of the transplant population. For patients with GN requiring renal replacement therapy, kidney transplantation is associated with superior outcomes compared with dialysis. Recurrent GN was previously considered to be a minor contributor to graft loss, but with the prolongation of graft survival, the effect of recurrent disease on graft outcome assumes increasing importance. Thus the extent of recurrence of original kidney disease after kidney transplantation has been underestimated for several reasons. This review aims to provide updated knowledge on one particular recurrent renal disease after kidney transplantation, immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN). IgAN is one of the most common GNs worldwide. The pathogenesis of IgAN is complex and remains incompletely understood. Evidence to date is most supportive of a several hit hypothesis. Biopsy is mandatory not only to diagnose the disease in the native kidney, but also to identify and characterize graft recurrence of IgAN in the kidney graft. The optimal therapy for IgAN recurrence in the renal graft is unknown. Supportive therapy aiming to reduce proteinuria and control hypertension is the mainstream, with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive treatment tailored for certain subgroups of patients experiencing a rapidly progressive course of the disease with active lesions on renal biopsy and considering safety issues related to infectious complications

    Molecular Mechanisms of AKI in the Elderly: From Animal Models to Therapeutic Intervention

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI), a critical syndrome characterized by a sudden reduction of renal function, is a common disorder among elderly patients particularly in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). AKI is closely associated with both short- and long-term mortality and length of hospital stay and is considered a predictor of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Specific hemodynamic, metabolic, and molecular changes lead to increased susceptibility to injury in the aged kidney; therefore, certain causes of AKI such as the prerenal reduction in renal perfusion or vascular obstructive conditions are more common in the elderly; moreover, AKI is often multifactorial and iatrogenic. Older patients present several comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, heart failure) and are exposed to multiple medical interventions such as the use of nephrotoxic contrasts media and medications, which can also trigger AKI. Considering the emerging relevance of this condition, prevention and treatment of AKI in the elderly should be crucial in the internist and emergency setting. This review article summarizes the incidence, the risk factors, the pathophysiology, the molecular mechanisms and the strategies of prevention and treatment of AKI in elderly patients

    Modulation of complement activation by pentraxin-3 in prostate cancer.

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    Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is an essential component of the innate immune system and a recognized modulator of Complement cascade. The role of Complement system in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer has been largely underestimated. The aim of our study was to investigate the role of PTX3 as possible modulator of Complement activation in the development of this neoplasia. We performed a single center cohort study; from January 2017 through December 2018, serum and prostate tissue samples were obtained from 620 patients undergoing prostate biopsy. A group of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) underwent a second biopsy within 12-36 months demonstrating the presence of a prostate cancer (Group A, n = 40) or confirming the diagnosis of BPH (Group B, N = 40). We measured tissue PTX3 protein expression together with complement activation by confocal microscopy in the first and second biopsy in group A and B patients. We confirmed that that PTX3 tissue expression in the first biopsy was increased in group A compared to group B patients. C1q deposits were extensively present in group A patients co-localizing and significantly correlating with PTX3 deposits; on the contrary, C1q/PTX3 deposits were negative in group B. Moreover, we found a significantly increased expression of C3a and C5a receptors within resident cells in group A patient. Interestingly, C1q/PTX3 deposits were not associated with activation of the terminal Complement complex C5b-9; moreover, we found a significant increase of Complement inhibitor CD59 in cancer tissue. Our data indicate that PTX3 might play a significant pathogenic role in the development of this neoplasia through recruitment of the early components of Complement cascade with hampered activation of terminal Complement pathway associated with the upregulation of CD59. This alteration might lead to the PTX3-mediated promotion of cellular proliferation, angiogenesis and insensitivity to apoptosis possible leading to cancer cell invasion and migration

    The Effect of Curcumin on Idiopathic Parkinson Disease: A Clinical and Skin Biopsy Study

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    There are currently no standardized therapies for Parkinson disease (PD). Curcumin shows anti-amyloidogenic properties in vitro and may be a promising treatment for PD. We evaluated the effects of curcumin supplementation on clinical scales and misfolded, phosphorylated α-synuclein (p-syn) accumulation in skin biopsies in 19 PD patients who received curcumin supplementation for 12 months and 14 PD patients to treated with curcumin. The patients underwent autonomic (COMPASS-31), motor (MDS-UPDRS and H&Y) and nonmotor (NMSS) questionnaires and skin biopsies to evaluate clinical involvement and p-syn load in skin nerves at the beginning and the end of study. Curcumin and curcuminoid levels were assayed in plasma and CSF. Supplemented patients showed detectable CSF curcuminoid levels that were lower than those in plasma. They showed a decrease of COMPASS-31 and NMSS scores, and a slight p-syn load decrease versus untreated patients who displayed a worsening of these parameters despite increased levodopa doses. Multiple regression models showed a significant effect of curcumin supplementation in decreasing the worsening of the clinical parameters and p-syn load at after curcumin treatment. These data suggest that curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier, that it is effective in ameliorating clinical parameters and that it shows a tendency to decrease skin p-syn accumulation in PD patients

    Genomic resources for a commercial flatfish, the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis): EST sequencing, oligo microarray design, and development of the Soleamold bioinformatic platform

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    Background: The Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, is a highly prized flatfish of growing commercial interest for aquaculture in Southern Europe. However, despite the industrial production of Senegalese sole being hampered primarily by lack of information on the physiological mechanisms involved in reproduction, growth and immunity, very limited genomic information is available on this species. Results: Sequencing of a S. senegalensis multi-tissue normalized cDNA library, from adult tissues (brain, stomach, intestine, liver, ovary, and testis), larval stages (pre-metamorphosis, metamorphosis), juvenile stages (post-metamorphosis, abnormal fish), and undifferentiated gonads, generated 10,185 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Clones were sequenced from the 3'-end to identify isoform specific sequences. Assembly of the entire EST collection into contigs gave 5,208 unique sequences of which 1,769 (34%) had matches in GenBank, thus showing a low level of redundancy. The sequence of the 5,208 unigenes was used to design and validate an oligonucleotide microarray representing 5,087 unique Senegalese sole transcripts. Finally, a novel interactive bioinformatic platform, Soleamold, was developed for the Senegalese sole EST collection as well as microarray and ISH data. Conclusion: New genomic resources have been developed for S. senegalensis, an economically important fish in aquaculture, which include a collection of expressed genes, an oligonucleotide microarray, and a publicly available bioinformatic platform that can be used to study gene expression in this species. These resources will help elucidate transcriptional regulation in wild and captive Senegalese sole for optimization of its production under intensive culture conditions

    Recent advances in molecular mechanisms of acute kidney injury in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Several insults can lead to acute kidney injury (AKI) in native kidney and transplant patients, with diabetes critically contributing as pivotal risk factor. High glucose per se can disrupt several signaling pathways within the kidney that, if not restored, can favor the instauration of mechanisms of maladaptive repair, altering kidney homeostasis and proper function. Diabetic kidneys frequently show reduced oxygenation, vascular damage and enhanced inflammatory response, features that increase the kidney vulnerability to hypoxia. Importantly, epidemiologic data shows that previous episodes of AKI increase susceptibility to diabetic kidney disease (DKD), and that patients with DKD and history of AKI have a generally worse prognosis compared to DKD patients without AKI; it is therefore crucial to monitor diabetic patients for AKI. In the present review, we will describe the causes that contribute to increased susceptibility to AKI in diabetes, with focus on the molecular mechanisms that occur during hyperglycemia and how these mechanisms expose the different types of resident renal cells to be more vulnerable to maladaptive repair during AKI (contrast- and drug-induced AKI). Finally, we will review the list of the existing candidate biomarkers of diagnosis and prognosis of AKI in patients with diabetes

    Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning. The Platinum Project

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    The book presents developmental outcomes from an EU Erasmus+ project involving eight partner universities in seven countries in Europe. Its focus is the development of mathematics teaching and learning at university level to enhance the learning of mathematics by university students. Its theoretical focus is inquiry-based teaching and learning. It bases all activity on a three-layer model of inquiry: (1) Inquiry in mathematics and in the learning of mathematics in lecture, tutorial, seminar or workshop, involving students and teachers; (2) Inquiry in mathematics teaching involving teachers exploring and developing their own practices in teaching mathematics; (3) Inquiry as a research process, analysing data from layers (1) and (2) to advance knowledge inthe field. As required by the Erasmus+ programme, it defines Intellectual Outputs (IOs) that will develop in the project. PLATINUM has six IOs: The Inquiry-based developmental model; Inquiry communities in mathematics learning and teaching; Design of mathematics tasks and teaching units; Inquiry-based professional development activity; Modelling as an inquiry process; Evalutation of inquiry activity with students. The project has developed Inquiry Communities, in each of the partner groups, in which mathematicians and educators work together in supportive collegial ways to promote inquiry processes in mathematics learning and teaching. Through involving students in inquiry activities, PLATINUM aims to encourage students‘ own in-depth engagement with mathematics, so that they develop conceptual understandings which go beyond memorisation and the use of procedures. Indeed the eight partners together have formed an inquiry community, working together to achieve PLATINUM goals within the specific environments of their own institutions and cultures. Together we learn from what we are able to achieve with respect to both common goals and diverse environments, bringing a richness of experience and learning to this important area of education. Inquiry communities enable participants to address the tensions and issues that emerge in developmental processes and to recognise the critical nature of the developmental process. Through engaging in inquiry-based development, partners are enabled and motivated to design activities for their peers, and for newcomers to university teaching of mathematics, to encourage their participation in new forms of teaching, design of teaching, and activities for students. Such professional development design is an important outcome of PLATINUM. One important area of inquiry-based activity is that of „modelling“ in mathematics. Partners have worked together across the project to investigate the nature of modelling activities and their use with students. Overall, the project evaluates its activity in these various parts to gain insights to the sucess of inquiry based teaching, learning and development as well as the issues and tensions that are faced in putting into practice its aims and goals
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