33 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat tingkat efektifitas komunikasi keselamatan yang telah dilakukan selama ini pada sebuah lapangan produksi minyak dan gas PT XYZ di wilayah Kalimantan. Sebanyak 479 pekerja telah mengikuti survey secara online. Empat kriteria dengan score rata-rata untuk penilaian efektitifitas komunikasi meliputi keterbukaan dan objektif mendapat score 8.3, informasi terkini dan relevan 8.2, kemudahan dipahami 8.2 serta umpan balik positif dengan score 8.0. Sehingga diperoleh nilai rata-rata keseluruhan kriteria efektifitas komunikasi sebesar 8.175 maka dapat dikategorikan sebagai “efektif”. Faktor hambatan komunikasi yang berpotensi ada di lokasi kerja meliputi tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, status pekerja dan jabatan. Analisis pearson correlation dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara faktor hambatan komunikasi dengan kriteria komunikasi efektif. Ditemukan adanya hubungan antara faktor hambatan (noise) komunikasi dengan nilai signifikansi

    Studi Kualitas Hidup Pekerja Komuter Pengguna KRL Commuter line dan Busway Transjakarta dari Bogor ke Jakarta

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    Background: Many studies have concluded that commuting activities have an impact on the quality of life of commuters on both physical, mental / psychological, health, and social / environmental aspects of commuting. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of life of commuting workers of busway Transjakartaand train commuter linemodes of transportation from Bogor to Jakarta and what factors which influenced it. Methods:This study was conducted using cross sectional design with WHO Quality of Life BREF questionnaire. Analysis with univariate and bivariate with Chi square. Results: The result showed the respondents had used train commuter line for ≥ 4 years (50.6%) while busway Transjakartauser workers <4 years were 52.5% with frequency ten times a week for train commuter line(72.4%) The quality of life of user commuter line and busway Transjakara is categorized by percentage of 57.1% and 70%. Conclusion:The psychological and environmental domains have the highest scores on both mode transportation while the physical domain has the lowest score.  Bivariate analysis revealed the quality of life in train commuter line workers affected by income and psychological conditions. While the worker busway Transjakarta usersaffected by type of work   Keywords: Quality of Life, WHOQOL BREF, Worker Commuter, Busway Transjakarta, Train Commuter lin

    Analisis Manajemen Risiko Keselamatan di Perusahaan Kontraktor Pertambangan Batubara Site XYZ Berdasarkan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara

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    Risk management is a process of managing risk so the organization can achieve its goals. A strong fundamental is necessary for understanding the concept of risk management before it is implemented. This study will analyze mining safety risk management at PT HPU site XYZ based on the Mineral and Coal Mine Safety Management System (SMKP Minerba). This research is a qualitative descriptive study . Data retrieval is done through in-depth interviews and document review (documentation) with key informants, namely, 4 Project Managers, 14 Superintendents, and 18 Foreman.The results of the interviews were analyzed by its content and compared to PT HPU documents based on Mineral and Coal Mining Safety Management System (SMKP Minerba) and also other risk management standards (ISO 31000: 2009, AS / NZS 4360: 2004, and ISO 45001: 2018) for additional reference. Based on content analysis, it was found that the supervisor's interpretation of PT HPU regarding risk management was not fully in accordance with risk management standards since the company's procedures had not accommodated the entire risk management process. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate procedures for risk management that are integrated with the company's mining safety management system and understood by each line of management

    Analisis Faktor Risiko Keluhan Subjektif Gangguan Muskuloskeletal (MSDs) Pada Guru Dan Murid SMA Akibat Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Di Bogor

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    Pandemi COVID-19 membuat banyak kegiatan masyarakat harus dibatasi, termasuk dunia pendidikan Indonesia yang menerapkan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). PJJ ini membuat seluruh kegiatan pembelajaran menjadi daring dan mewajibkan guru dan murid untuk berada di depan gawai dalam rangka menjalankan kegiatan PJJ. Aktifitas PJJ ini tentu memiliki risiko ergonomi yang berisiko menimbulkan gangguang muskuloskeletal (MSDs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko ergonomi selama kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada murid dan guru SMA di Kota Bogor. Metode yang digunakan adalah desain studi potong-lintang menggunakan Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionaire serta kuesioner tambahan yang disebar secara daring dan penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 496 guru dan murid dari sekolah negeri dan swasta. Variabel yang diteliti adalah faktor individu, faktor pekerjaan, faktor peralatan kerja, dan keluhan subjektif MSDs. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lebih dari sama dengan 60% guru dan murid di kedua sekolah yang mengalami keluhan subjektif MSDs. Keluhan paling banyak dirasakan di leher, bahu, punggung atas, punggung bawah, tangan dan kaki. Ditemukan juga hubungan yang signifikan antara periode PJJ, durasi PJJ, frekuensi PJJ, gerakan repetisi, gerakan statis, frekuensi aktivitas fisik, kondisi kursi, dan kondisi meja

    Analysis of Light Vehicle Accident Data at PT Z Period 2018-2022 Using Human Factor Analysis and Classification System-Mining Industry Framework

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    The mining industry is an industry with high risk characteristics, where human factors are one of the main causes of work accidents. PT Z, is a mineral mining company operating in the Papua region, Indonesia with quite complex operations, ranging from underground mining techniques to various numbers and types of production equipment. With the workforce currently reaching more than 29,563 (February 2023 data), the potential for human interaction with moving vehicles is quite high so that the risk of traffic accidents is something that is currently the company's focus. In the period 2018 to 2022, there have been 513 incidents involving light vehicles. This research, which was conducted at PT Z, aims to examine light vehicle accidents using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification-Mining Industry (HFACS-MI) framework. The research methodology consists of collecting qualitative data on accident cases at PT Z for 5 years, which are included in the classification of light vehicle accidents sourced from the incident management system. Next, the light vehicle accident data will be classified using the HFACS-MI framework, with descriptive statistics for data analysis. Data shows that 88% of light vehicle accidents occur in the highland operating area. Based on the HFACS-MI framework, light vehicle accidents that occurred at PT Z occurred due to contributions from several layers or levels, namely organizational influence factors (106%), unsafe leadership (9%), precondition for unsafe acts (109%) , as well as unsafe acts carried out (77%). It can be concluded that by reducing errors caused by human factors, light vehicle accidents can be reduced in mining operation areas. The HFACS-MI framework is considered effective in analyzing accidents in a structured and standardized manner, especially regarding the contribution of human factors in accidents in the mining industry

    Analisis Faktor Risiko Kelelahan Kerja pada Kurir PT Tiki Jalur Ekakurir (JNE) di Wilayah Kecamatan Pondok Gede Kota Bekasi tahun 2022

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat gambaran faktor risiko kelelahan yang dialami oleh kurir PT JNE di wilayah Kecamatan Pondok Gede Kota Bekasi tahun 2022. Penelitian dilakukan pada 31 orang kurir yang beroperasi di wilayah Pondok Gede dan sekitarnya pada Mei – Juni 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi cross-sectional dengan metode kuantitatif. Variabel dependen penelitian ini adalah kelelahan kerja, dan variabel independen yaitu faktor risiko terkait pekerjaan (shift kerja, durasi kerja, waktu istirahat), faktor risiko non pekerjaan (masa kerja, commuting time, dan kepuasan terhadap sistem insentif dan reward), dan faktor individu (usia, status gizi, kualitas tidur, kuantitas tidur, ketakutan pada akan Covid-19, dan kebiasaan sarapan). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 51,6% (16 orang) mengalami kelelahan sedang, 35,5% (11 orang) kelelahan ringan, dan 12,9%(4 orang) tidak kelelahan. Kelelahan sedang cenderung dialami oleh durasi kerja berlebih (39,3%), beban kerja rendah (75%), istirahat cukup (45%), shift kerja siang (41,7%), masa kerja >5 tahun (47,1%), commuting time lama (57,1%), puas dengan sistem reward (45%), puas dengan sistem insentif (47,4%), usia ≤35 tahun (37,9%), tidur kurang dari 7 jam (53,8%), status gizi berlebih (40%), dan ketakutan terhadap covid-19 yang ringan (40%)

    Related Factors of Work Stress Among Breastfeeding Working Women in Indonesia

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    Work stress is a common response experienced by workers, including breastfeeding working women, due to stressors arising in the workplace. In the short term, work stress has a negative impact on the productivity and lactation activity of working women. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the factors associated with work stress among breastfeeding working women. A cross-sectional design was used by distributing the workplace stress scale questionnaire and additional questions to breastfeeding working women. The data used were obtained from 162 respondents spread across Indonesia who were willing to fill out online questionnaires. Subsequently, the collected data were analyzed using the Logistic Regression test. The results indicated that 85 people (52.47%) felt high stress, particularly regarding the lack of opportunity to show ability and talent during work. A statistically significant relationship (p=0.034, aOR= 2.139) was also discovered between the type of family and work-related stress in breastfeeding working women. Although this problem was directly sourced from stressors at work, demographic factors such as the type of family contributed to the stress experienced by breastfeeding working women

    Risk Analysis of Job Stress Among Balinese Crew of Cruise Ships

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    Job stress can appear in all fields of work. Job stress not only occurs from the environment at work but also can be caused by the psychological condition of the workers. Working on a cruise ship demands higher patience to serve the guests in various activities and handle complaints. Moreover, work on cruise ships causes the workers separated from their families for a long time period, which can increase their mental pressure. The aim of this research is to describe the job stress of workers at a cruise ship. This research was conducted in January-June 2017. In an attempt to examine and understand this research, the researcher used a quantitative research method with a cross-sectional design and descriptive approach. The sample of this research was 111 participants with an affordable population are crew members who only come from Bali Province. Researchers used a convenient sampling technique and questionnaire as research instruments. The result shows that 60,36% of respondents experience job stress in moderate categories and 12.61% in the higher categories. The proportion of job stress in the higher categories was: mostly male (16.67%); at galley station (20.00%); working >5 years (14.71%); age group 11-20 years (25.00%); duration of work >11 hours (16.07%); and the level of fatigue is very tired (100%). The data, bivariate analyzed by using Kendall's tau-b correlation test with significance level is 0.05, showed a significant correlation between job stress and fatigue level (p = 0.001, r=0,41). Recommendation to solve these problems are: First, workers need to conduct stress management to minimize the impact of job stress. Second, companies need to pay attention to the workload and complaints of workers so it can develop a sustainable plan, particularly related to job stress

    The conformity of anthropometric measurements of bathroom and bedroom designs for independent elderly at Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha (PSTW)* Budi Mulia I Jakarta in 2018

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    Nowadays, most of the facilities that are available for the elderly are no different from those available for most adults, although they already have different levels of capacity and limitation. In average, the elderly go through 1 cm anthropometric size decrease per decade. This study is a descriptive study with quantitative approach conducted in elderly care owned by local government, which is aimed to find out the conformity between the anthropometric size and the dimension of the facilities available in bathrooms and bedrooms. This research focuses on Catelya House for women and Edelweiss House for men. It is found that the beds, wardrobes, and toilet facilities are still not in conformity with the anthropometric of elderly. The heights of 3 different bed designs in 2 houses are not proportional. Most of the wardrobes shelves are not proportional with the elbow height of elderly, as they are either too high or too low forthe elderly. But the bathrooms design in Catelya and Edelweiss is quite proportional. Only the handrails in Edelweiss house are too far for elderly, which requires it to be redesigned in order to minimize the safety and health risks to the elderly.Peer Reviewe

    Analisis Manajemen Risiko Keselamatan di Perusahaan Kontraktor Pertambangan Batubara Site XYZ Berdasarkan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara

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    Risk management is a process of managing risk so the organization can achieve its goals. A strong fundamental is necessary for understanding the concept of risk management before it is implemented. This study will analyze mining safety risk management at PT HPU site XYZ based on the Mineral and Coal Mine Safety Management System (SMKP Minerba). This research is a qualitative descriptive study . Data retrieval is done through in-depth interviews and document review (documentation) with key informants, namely, 4 Project Managers, 14 Superintendents, and 18 Foreman.The results of the interviews were analyzed by its content and compared to PT HPU documents based on Mineral and Coal Mining Safety Management System (SMKP Minerba) and also other risk management standards (ISO 31000: 2009, AS / NZS 4360: 2004, and ISO 45001: 2018) for additional reference. Based on content analysis, it was found that the supervisor's interpretation of PT HPU regarding risk management was not fully in accordance with risk management standards since the company's procedures had not accommodated the entire risk management process. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate procedures for risk management that are integrated with the company's mining safety management system and understood by each line of management