109 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Brand Trust Terhadap Purchase Behavior Pada Generasi Y Dan Z Dengan Costumer Loyality Sebagai Variabel Intrevening Pada Generasi Y Dan Z. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dan disebar kepada 100 sampel penelitian. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan SPSS versi 20. Teknik pengujian data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini meliputi uji validitas dan reabilitas, Uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, dan Pengujian secara parsial dan simultan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa brand image berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap purchase behavior hal ini telihat dari hasil pengujian t tabel yang menunjukkan bahwa 6,737<1,984 (t hitung>t tabel), brand trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap purchase behavior hal ini telihat dari hasil pengujian t tabel yang menunjukkan bahwa 2,814<1,984 (t hitung>t tabel), brand image berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap costumers loyality hal ini telihat dari hasil pengujian t tabel yang menunjukkan bahwa 2,892<1,984 (t hitung>t tabel), brand trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap custumers loyality hal ini telihat dari hasil pengujian t tabel yang menunjukkan bahwa 3,038<1,984 (t hitung>t tabel). Hal penelitian diketahui dari pengujian secara parsial yang menunjukkan bahwa variabel independent memberikan pengaruh terhadap variabel independen dan intrevening
Implementasi Data Mining menggunakan Algoritma Apriori untuk Menentukan Pola Pembelian Obat di Rumah Sakit
Data mining merupakan proses untuk mendapatkan informasi yang berguna dari gudang basis data yang berupa ilmu pengetahuan. penelitian ini melakukan analisa data dengan menggunakan data mining dan metode algoritma apriori. Sistem yang dibangun ditujukan untuk pemenuhan dalam penentuan pola pembelian obat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database Mysql pada studi kasus Apotik rumah sakit umum majene. Sistem ini dibangun berdasarkan kebutuhan pengguna yang diperoleh melalui metode wawancara dan studi lapangan dengan jumlah data yang diperoleh yaitu 250 data . Metodelogi pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu metode Research and Development (R & D). yang terdiri Analisis, Desain, Pengkodean dan Pengujian. Hasil pengujian dengan algoritma apriori dan sistem yang dibangun menunjukan hasil yang telah memenuhi kebutuhan dalam penentuan pola pembelian obat di rumah sakit berdasarkan kecenderungan pembelian obat oleh pelangga
 Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia whose government is currently being overthrown and controlled by the military. The military junta carried out attacks against civilians, such as massacres against demonstrators and several riots that resulted in the destruction of several state assets and casualties. Myanmar's internal conflicts can be classified as low-intensity conflicts because they are carried out openly and have caused a crisis of legal legitimacy in the region. The purpose of this research id to find out the protection of civil society applied in the armed conflict in Myanmar in International Law and to find out the consewuences of the failure to protect civil society in the armed conflict in Myanmar based on International Law. This research was conducted using a normative research method or library research as a primary material and a study of legal materials in the field as a secondary material for supporting data to be analyzed and explained accurately to the problems studied. The theory used in this study is the theory of state responsibility, the theory of emergencies and the theory of law enforcement. This study found that there were serious violations against civil society in Myanmar and besides that there were several provisions regarding the protection of civilians in a state of conflict, there were preventive rules regarding the possibility of civilian casualties. It is recommended that the state of Myanmar carry out a consensus settlement of the coup in Myanmar by appointing a neutral country that has the power to intervene in the current territory of Myanmar to oversee the transition of power or at least issue a resolution to summon the Myanmar military junta to comply with the applicable conventions so that crimes against humanity do not occur for as long as possible. emergency period in Myanmar
Analisis Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Pembelajaran Jarak jauh Pada Mata Pelajaran Geografi Kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 2 Klaten
Abstrak: Pembelajaran jarak jauh menjadi sesuatu yang baru dalam sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Hal tersebut tentu membutuhkan adaptasi dan penyesuaian baik bagi pendidik maupun peserta didik. Pembelajaran jarak jauh sebagai solusi yang dilaksanakan selama pandemi tentunya tidak berjalan secara mulus tanpa kendala. Masalah yang muncul tersebut akan berakibat pada menurunnya semangat belajar dan motivasi belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh pada mata pelajaran geografi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian terdiri atas informan kunci yaitu guru mata pelajaran geografi, informan utama yaitu peserta didik, dan informan pendamping yaitu wali murid dan wali kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumenter. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik kualitatif yang terdiri atas reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa motivasi belajar peserta didik mengalami penurunan setelah diterapkan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada mata pelajaran geografi. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan guru dan peserta didik bisa beradaptasi dengan kondisi pandemi yang sedang terjadi, sehingga guru dapat menyampaikan pembelajaran dengan baik dan peserta didik dapat termotivasi untuk belajar secara optimal.
Kata kunci: motivasi belajar, pembelajaran geografi, pembelajaran jarak jauh
Siklus hidup Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith dengan pakan daun bayam cabut hijau dan daun bayam duri hijau di laboratorium
Spodoptera frugiperda merupakan hama baru di Indonesia yang menyerang tanaman jagung dan memiliki berbagai macam tanaman inang lain. Salah satu tanaman yang dimungkinkan menjadi inang dari hama ini di Indonesia adalah bayam. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui lama siklus hidup S. frugiperda yang diberikan pakan daun bayam cabut hijau dan daun bayam duri hijau. Metode penelitian ini yaitu permeliharaan S. furgiperda dengan sumber pakan yang berbeda dan mengamati beberapa parameter. Analisis statistik berupa inferensial, data yang dilakukan dengan uji normalitas Shapiro-Wilk. Apabila data normal dilakukan uji homogenitas dengan dilanjutkan analisis ANNOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa S. frugiperda pada pakan kontrol (daun jagung) memiliki lama siklus hidup 38 hari, daun bayam cabut hijau 40 hari, dan daun bayam duri hijau 42 hari. Panjang larva S. frugiperda paling panjang didapatan pada pakan daun bayam duri hijau, sedangkan diameter kepala tidak terdapat perbedaan antara ketiga pakan. Bobot larva paling berat didapatkan pada pakan daun bayam cabut hijau. Panjang dan berat pupa S. frugiperda paling tinggi didapatkan pada pakan daun bayam duri hijau. Jumlah jantan paling banyak dihasilkan pada pakan daun bayam cabut hijau dan daun bayam duri hijau, sedangkan jumlah betina paling banyak dihasilkan pakan kontrol. Jumlah telur paling banyak dihasilkan pada pakan kontrol dan paling sedikit pada bayam duri hijau. Pakan bayam cabut dan bayam duri daun bayam cabut hijau dan bayam duri hijau dapat digunakan sebagai pakan alternatif bagi S. frugiperda di laboratorium. Kata kunci: pakan alternatif; perkembangan; pertumbuhan; Spodoptera frugiperda ABSTRACTLife cycle of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith with green spinach and green thorn spinach leaves in the laboratory. Spodoptera frugiperda is a new pest in Indonesia that attacks maize and has a wide variety of other host plants. One of the plants that is possible to host this pest in Indonesia is spinach. The purpose of this study was to determine the length of the life cycle of S. frugiperda which was fed with green spinach leaves and green thorn spinach leaves. This research method is the maintenance of S. furgiperda with different feed sources and observing several parameters. Statistical analysis in the form of inferential, the data was done by using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test. If the data is normal, the homogeneity test is carried out followed by ANNOVA analysis. The results showed that S. frugiperda in control diets (corn leaves) had a life cycle length of 38 days, green spinach leaves 40 days, and green thorn spinach leaves 42 days. Thelarvae of longestS. frugiperda were found in green thorn spinach leaf feed, while there was no difference in head diameter between the three diets. The heaviest larval weight was found in green pulled spinach feed. Thelength and weight ofpupa were S. frugiperda highestfound in green thorn spinach leaf feed. The highest number of males was produced in green spinach leaf and green spinach leaf feed, while the highest number of females was produced in control feed. The highest number of eggs was produced in the control feed and the least was the green thorn spinach. Spinach feed and spinach spines, green pulled spinach and green spiny spinach can be used as an alternative feed for S. frugiperda in the laboratory.  Keywords: alternative food; development; growth; Spodoptera frugiperd
Automatic Chart Interpreter System For Generating Health Surveillance Summaries Based On Indonesian Language
In Indonesia, the communicable diseases have become a serious concern. However, these diseases still cannot be handled properly because of the limited awareness and preparedness in facing the disease threat. This is as a result of that most Indonesian people do not have the capability to read and understand the health surveillance data often presented in a graphical presentation (i.e chart image). Therefore, the chart interpreter system for interpreting the related data into the health surveillance summaries based on Indonesian language were developed using Natural Language Generation (NLG) approaches. However, the naturalness of summaries obtained from the intended systemis still limited. Besides, the related system still depends on the manual input from the experts. Therefore, for overcoming these problems, this study develops a semi-template based that can be implemented into data-to-text architecture. Semi-template based applies a number of possible sentence patterns to be the templates in generating the related summaries. The intended pattern is obtained from the example of the existing health surveillance summaries. The experiment result shows that this method can resolve those problems, such that the naturalness of summaries generated by our system is higher than the naturalness of summaries generated by Pratomo’s system. Besides, our system can work automatically in order to interpret one-line and two-lines chart
Rancang Bangun Kontroler Logika Fuzzy Untuk SEPIC Pada Pengisian Baterai Lead Acid Berbasis SIMULINK
Single Ended Primary Inductace Converter (SEPIC) merupakan konverter turunan buck-boost converter di mana konverter tersebut dapat menaikkan maupun menurunkan tegangan input namun polaritas tegangan output SEPIC tidak berubah. Di mana polaritas tegangan output buck-boost converter terbalik. Salah satu pengaplikasian SEPIC adalah pada sistem pengisian baterai Lead-Acid 48 volt 45 AH. Hasil simulasi gelombang pada software MATLAB saat kondisi pengisian open-loop masih terdapat ripple di dalamnya. Kontrol yang digunakan saat sistem charging close-loop merupakan kontrol Fuzzy Logic dengan metode yang digunakan adalah metode Mamdani. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah nilai error pada tegangan output sistem close-loop dengan kontrol fuzzy yang lebih kecil yaitu 1, 05 % dari respon kontrol PI dengan error pada tegangan output sebesar 1,56 % dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencapai steady state pada sistem dengan kontrol fuzzy lebih singkat sebesar 0,012 detik daripada dengan menggunakan kontrol PI dengan waktu sebesar 0,026 deti
Perbandingan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Dan Weighted Product Dalam Penilaian Kinerja Guru
The teacher performance appraisal process is carried out through a manual assessment form which will then be given a value according to predetermined criteria. Comparative analysis of the Simple Additive Weighting and Weighted Product methods on teacher performance assessment data is carried out by comparing the final results obtained from the two methods. The analysis is carried out by looking at the number of criteria used, the processing time and also the ranking results. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the comparison results obtained in terms of processing time, the SAW method is faster than the WP method, and from the ranking results the SAW method and the WP method have the same value
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Disiplin Kerja dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru di UPTD SDN 15 Pinang Damai
This study aims to analyze the effect of leadership, work environment, and work discipline on teacher performance, partially and simultaneously. Teacher performance plays an important role for the advancement of education in Indonesia, especially in UPTD SDN 15 Pinang Damai, less than optimal teacher performance which results in program targets not being optimal. Given the importance of teacher performance in order to achieve educational goals optimally, encouraging researchers to conduct research with the title "The Effect of Principal Leadership Style, Work Environment and Compensation on Teacher Performance at UPTD SDN 15 Pinang Damai". The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The results showed that the X1 variable was 0.001, then the X2 variable sig. 0.007, then the X3 variable sig. 0.000. All of these significant values ​​are less than 0.05 which means that the X1 variable, X2 variable, X3 variable partially affects the Y variable. The significance value of F (0.000) < error rate (α = 0.05), then the hypothesis is accepted, so it can be concluded that the three variables together or simultaneously have a significant effect on teacher performance. The R² value of 0.589 or 58.9% indicates that the employee performance variable that can be explained by the three variables is 58.9%, while 41.1% is explained by other factors not included in this study
Upaya Comic Relief dalam Meningkatkan Kesehatan di Ghana Tahun 2013
This research is a contemporary study which explain the efforts from a non-governmental International organization that operates as a charity foundation called Comic Relie f to improving healthiness in Ghana at 2013. Comic Relief was established initially in Britain in 1988 by the English-born New Zealand scriptwriter Richard Curtis and Alexander Mendis in response to the famine in Ethiopia. After that, Comic Relief becomes a charity that stands with a vision of the world to be just, free from poverty and with a mission to encourage positive change through the power of entertainment.This is qualitative research which used descriptive methods, and collecting datas from some resources like books,journals, official publications and relevant websites. This paper used the pluralism perspective and International Organizations written by Clive Archer. The object in this research is Comic Relief as an main actor in International Relations.The result of this research shows that Comic Relief creates some programs and efforts that involving several parties such as International organizations, corporations, UK Government, medias, and public figures in social aspect. The programs and efforts such as making television programs, visiting marginalized country to get to know how to help them and donate the funds to the British and African countries
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