377 research outputs found

    KONSEP KEMASLAHATAN MAQĀṢĪḌ SYARĪAH IBNU ‘ASHUR TERHADAP PERMASALAHAN DI ERA MILENIAL: Polemik Kebijakan Lockdown dan PSBB Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Menangani Pandemi Covid-19

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    As a scholar, Ibn ‘Ashur a prolific scholar. One of this famous works is about Maqashid Syariah. Where in this heory contains the concept of mashlahah which is considered in accordance with the times. One of the problems in the millennial era that is being faced by the world community, especially Indonesia is the Covid-19 pandemic. To deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has established a PSBB policy. It is not the lockdown policy tha most parties have been promoting. The purpose of this paper is to find out the concept of mashlahah in the theory maqashid syariah Ibnu ‘Ashur regarding the Covid-19 polemik of the Indonesian government’s lockdown and PSBB policies in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method in this writing uses a research library that is deductive to analysis, where data is collected and then describes the data. Sources of data in this paper are in the form of scientific journals, books, online articles anda Indonesian Government Regulation related ti the theme. Data Collection techniques with documentation techniques. The results showed that in determining the benefit of law, Ibn ‘Ashur used a more philosophical approach. By examining the purpose of the legal text the looking for its arguments. In facing problems in the millennial are, the concept of kemashlahatan Ibn ‘Ashur’s maqashid sharia theory is still very relevant

    Three-Dimensional vs Two-Dimensional Minimally Invasive Surgery. A comparison of the visual work load and surgical outcomes

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    BACKGROUND Three-dimensional (3D) imaging, a recent technical innovation in laparoscopic surgery, has been introduced to enhance depth perception and facilitate operations. The clear benefit of the 3D laparoscopy has never been tested. Some concerns emerged regarding the possible negative effects over the visual system in those surgeons who performed 3D surgery every day. 3D laparoscopy has been validated both in “in-vitro” and “in-vivo” (clinical) settings. All survey done in laparoscopic simulator comparing surgical exercise (suturing, peg transfer, cutting) performed with 2D or 3D system reported better results in the second group, regardless the surgeon experience. Less data is disposable in the clinical setting, but with same conclusions. The use of 3D technology needs passive or active polarized glasses. Optometric tests, objective exams (RMN or EEG) and subjective questionnaires have been widely used to evaluate the alterations in the visual system utilizing the 3D technology. Each test concluded that 3D technology causes alteration in the EEG waves, but how long these alterations last is still unknown. AIM The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible benefit of using the 3D technology in terms of surgical outcomes (study 1) and to evaluate the alterations over the visual system operating in 3D laparoscopy (study 2). MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was a single-center prospective observational clinical trial, divided in two sub-study with a single patients-population. Participants included patients aged 18 years old and above, eligible for colorectal resections for neoplastic or inflammatory diseases. Four experienced surgeons in colorectal and laparoscopic surgery participated in the study. Each surgeon followed the standard laparoscopic surgical rules performing the different type of colorectal resection, regardless the study subgroup. Data were collected at the pre-operative clinic, during surgery, during the hospitalizations and at the short term follow-up (30th days). For each study, there was a primary endpoint: 1. Primary endpoint for Study 1: incidence of Clavien grade 3, 4 and 5 postsurgical complications in patients undergone 3D colorectal resection; 2. Primary endpoint for Study 2: to grade the visual work load of surgeons operating with 3D screens and glasses. At the end of each procedure (2D or 3D) the first surgeon had to fill in two different subjective questionnaire (the NASA task load index questionnaire and the Simulator Sickness questionnaire) to grade the visual sickness felt during the operation. RESULTS From January 2015 to September 2017, 313 patients were enrolled in the study: 82 in the 2D group, 231 in the 3D group. STUDY 1: Colorectal cancer was the main indication for surgery (n 235, 75.1%), followed by colonic diverticulosis, benign polyposis and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), respectively 43 (13.8 %), 25 (7.9 %) and 10 (3.2 %). Age, sex, ASA score were comparable between the two groups. The median operative time showed no statistically significant difference between the 3D and 2D groups (p 0.611). Less drains were positioned at the end of the 3D operations comparing with 2D procedures (p 0.013). The stapled anastomosis was the most frequent performed over other techniques. The other intra-operative findings showed no significant difference between the two study groups. The median hospitalization and the reoperation rate showed no difference between the two groups. STUDY 2: The statistical analysis done over all 313 cases divided in 2D and 3D did not reveled significant difference of the visual work scored by the NASA TLX. Data emerging from the SSQ questionnaire reveled no case of moderate or severe symptoms in both groups. CONCLUSIONS 3D laparoscopic surgery had the same postoperative results of the 2D standard laparoscopy. The more frequent intra-abdominal anastomosis in the 3D group might suggest a more safeness felt by the surgeon using the new technology. The NASA TLX and the SSQ questionnaire did not reveled significant difference of the visual work between 2D and 3D vision

    Prioritizing integration goals in the ASEAN economic community in a changing world

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    According to the Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), by 2015 ASEAN countries should have established the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) to “create a single market and production base which is stable, prosperous, highly competitive and economically integrated” in paragraph 5 of Article 1. Unfortunately, in its current condition, ASEAN is not well-prepared to undertake such ambitious objectives. ASEAN does not have strong regional institutions to deal with economic integration, unlike the EU. Nor does ASEAN have detailed legal agreements and robust dispute settlement procedures, unlike NAFTA. As a result, the AEC faces structural problems in dealing with regional economic integration, particularly the cross-pressures coming from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the EU’s bilateral FTAs with individual ASEAN members. This paper therefore advocates strengthening the ASEAN institutions and processes so that all of the AEC participants can interact in conjunction with the TPP and EU-ASEAN FTAs, and not become caught up in the cross-pressures of these modern FTAs. We present a series of potential reforms ranging from the modest to the ambitious that would allow the AEC to flourish and go beyond its current limitations. Ultimately that choice needs to be made by the ASEAN leaders themselves – but that choice needs to be made, and soon


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    Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja has received a variety of strong reactions from various activists and womens’ advocacy institutions. They claim that the articles on the right to leave menstruation, pregnancy, miscarriages and childbirth for women workers have been abolished of the Omnibus Law on Employment Law. Whereas before the leave rights for women workers in certain circumstances have been neatly codified in the Manpower Act. Even though the Minister of Manpower has denied this, the absence of leave rights for women workers in certain circumstances in the Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright will provide the potential for violation of leave rights for women workers. This paper uses the theory of maqashid sharia Ibn ‘Ashur as material to study the potential violation of leave rights for women workers in certain circumstances. The reason for choosing Ibn ‘Ashur theory is because of this moderate and progressive mind. This paper uses the literature method with data sources in the form of written documents, namely accredited journals, books and online articles on the theme of writing. The results showed the potential violation of leave rights for women workers in certain circumstances in terms of the sharia maqashid Ibn ‘Ashur is very large. And this does not reflect the purpose of the shariah maqashid which is to safeguard religion, reason, soul, descent and wealth


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi kerja dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Laris Indo Sukses Gemilang Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian studi kasus dengan metode kuantitatif dengan sampel penelitian 40 responden yang merupakan karyawan di PT. Laris Indo Sukses Gemilang Tangerang Selatan. Untuk melihat pengaruh variabel bebas pada variabel terikat, pengolahan data menggunakan software SPSS. Hasil dari penelitian membuktikan motivasi kerja dan kompensasi berpengaruh penting pada kinerja karyawan di PT. Laris Indo Sukses Gemilang Tangerang Selatan.Kata Kunci : Motivasi Kerja, Kompensasi, Kinerja Karyawa

    Evidenze di slip prismatico in direzione c in una zona di shear granulitica. Evidence of primastic C-direction slip in a granulite shear zone.

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    In this work we analyze the microstructural deformation of a milonitic metapelite, from the Amaroni shear zone, in the Calabrian Serre Massif. This fault seems to be linked to the Curinga-Girifalco Lines, an Alpine contact (developed under greenschist facies condition) which separates the deepest high grades metamorphic basement from upper lower grade metamorphic domains. This research aims to discover if there is a relationship between the two faults, or if they are completely independent of each other. Specifically, we would like to understand if the milonite was subject to granulite metamorphic facies condition (high temperature), typical of the older Varisican Orogeny, or if it formed at lower temperatures during greenshist/amphibolite facies condition and therefore during a later time. These metamorphic condition can be deduced from the analysis of the microstructures of the rocks, specifically from the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of quartz. The EBSD technique we used enables the measurement of the crystallographic preferred orientation of any single rock-forming mineral. Our analytical data show that during milonite formation, quartz deformed by prism glide, which is indicative for high temperature condition, typically of the granulite facies. These condition were only achieved in a time interval between 300 and 250 Ma, i.e. during the extension phase of the Varisican Orogeny, or immediately after.ope


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    Kinerja berkaitan erat dengan hasil kerja karyawan yang sesuai dengan perannya dalam organisasi sekaligus merupakan suatu hasil karyawan dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dengan penuh tanggung jawab. Bila kinerja karyawan (individual performance) baik, maka kemungkinan besar penampilan perusahaan (corporate performance) juga akan baik. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti Gaya Kepemimpinan, kondisi Lingkungan Kerja dalam perusahaan, serta Disiplin Kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan pada BPR Artha Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu data yang dapat dihitung berupa angka-angka. Penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan pada BPR Artha Ponorogo. Analisis data penulis lakukan di awali dengan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data berupa kuesioner tertutup dengan digunakan skala likert dimana alternatif jawaban nilai 5 sampai dengan 1 pemberian skor dilakukan atas jawaban pertanyaan baik mengenai Gaya Kepemimpinan (X1), Lingkungan Kerja (X2), dan Disiplin Kerja (X3) maupun Kinerja Karyawan (Y). Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan sesuai dengan data yang dikelola dengan model analisis regresi linear berganda disimpulkan bahwa Berdasarkan hasil uji t variabel independen Gaya Kepemimpinan, diperoleh nilai t hitung > t tabel (3,974 > 2,000), maka Ho ditolak, artinya terdapat pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Lingkungan Kerja, diperoleh nilai t hitung > t tabel (2,299 > 2,000) maka Ho ditolak, artinya terdapat pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Disiplin Kerja, diperoleh nilai t hitung > t tabel (8,059 > 2,000) maka Ho ditolak, artinya terdapat pengaruh Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Sementara berdasarkan hasil uji F variabel dependen Kinerja Karyawan, diperoleh nilai F hitung > F tabel (43,716 > 2,76) maka Ho ditolak, artinya ada pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawa

    El testimonio afectado: declaraciones de los hijos e hijas de desaparecidos en los juicios de lesa humanidad

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    El presente trabajo pretende abordar la figura del testimonio en el caso de la llamada segunda generación en la Argentina. Es decir la que abarca a los hijos e hijas de detenidos desaparecidos durante la última dictadura militar, su propia experiencia traumática, la memoria construida a partir de dicha experiencia y de la recolección de otros objetos de la historia (fotografías, anécdotas, libros, documentos, ropa). Esos relatos ponen en cuestión el modelo clásico del testimonio del testigo sobreviviente. Se arman a partir de imágenes precarias, recuerdos incompletos, todas piezas de un rompecabezas que se exhibe explícitamente para dar cuenta de su forma de construcción y la finalidad de su objetivo: la justicia. La incorporación de estos testimonios en los llamados juicios de lesa humanidad en la Argentina representa una novedad con respecto a procesos similares desarrollados en el pasado (juicio a las juntas, juicios por la verdad). Por un lado, aportando desde lo subjetivo a la reafirmación de la identidad en cada uno de esos hijos e hijas que logran rescatar el sentido ante la elaboración del testimonio. Y por el otro, en un plano más social y colectivo, sirviendo de prueba en los juicios, sobre el secuestro, tortura y desaparición. Entre estos dos elementos se pretende indagar sus nuevas configuraciones e implicancias.The present work tries to approach the figure of the testimony in the case of the so-called second generation in Argentina. That is, the one that includes the sons and daughters of detainees who disappeared during the last military dictatorship, their own traumatic experience, the memory built from that experience and the collection of other objects of history (photographs, anecdotes, books, documents , clothes). These accounts call into question the classic model of the surviving witness's testimony. They are assembled from precarious images, incomplete memories, all pieces of a puzzle that is explicitly exhibited to account for its form of construction and the purpose of its objective: justice. The incorporation of these testimonies in the so-called trials against humanity in Argentina represents a novelty with respect to similar processes developed in the past (trial of the boards, trials for the truth). On the one hand, contributing from the subjective to the reaffirmation of identity in each one of those sons and daughters who manage to rescue the meaning before the elaboration of the testimony. And on the other, on a more social and collective level, serving as evidence in trials, about kidnapping, torture and disappearance. These two elements are intended to investigate their new configurations and implications.The present work tries to approach the figure of the testimony in the case of the so-called second generation in Argentina. That is, the one that includes the sons and daughters of detainees who disappeared during the last military dictatorship, their own traumatic experience, the memory built from that experience and the collection of other objects of history (photographs, anecdotes, books, documents , clothes). These accounts call into question the classic model of the surviving witness's testimony. They are assembled from precarious images, incomplete memories, all pieces of a puzzle that is explicitly exhibited to account for its form of construction and the purpose of its objective: justice. The incorporation of these testimonies in the so-called trials against humanity in Argentina represents a novelty with respect to similar processes developed in the past (trial of the boards, trials for the truth). On the one hand, contributing from the subjective to the reaffirmation of identity in each one of those sons and daughters who manage to rescue the meaning before the elaboration of the testimony. And on the other, on a more social and collective level, serving as evidence in trials, about kidnapping, torture and disappearance. These two elements are intended to investigate their new configurations and implications

    Diapause characterization in the invasive alien mosquito species Aedes koreicus: a laboratory experiment

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    Aedes koreicus is an invasive alien mosquito species native to Asia now introduced in several European countries, including northern Italy. In this temperate region, mosquito populations survive cold winter temperatures thanks to diapausing eggs or adults, depending on the species. In its native area, Ae. koreicus was reported to overwinter in the egg stage, but to the best of our knowledge, it is not confirmed whether overwintering eggs are actually diapausing or only in a quiescence stage, i.e., they might hatch as soon as external conditions are favorable. Based on previous laboratory studies, we established a diapausing Ae. koreicus colony, maintained at 21 °C with a photoperiod of 12L:12D. Females were allowed to lay eggs, which were consequently placed in water at different time intervals after oviposition, from 30 days to 5 months. We found that diapausing eggs younger than 3 months have a poor hatching rate, while after about 100 days we observed that almost all eggs hatched. Our findings highlight that water immersion alone did not lead to the hatching of eggs, as age was found to be a significantly important factor. We thus confirm effective diapause, occurring at the egg stage, for Ae. koreicus in a recently invaded area. Moreover, our quantification of diapause duration and hatching success might help in better designing future experiments and improving modeling effort

    Kekayaan Jenis dan Distribusi Anggrek Terestrial di Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus (KHDTK) Sawala Mandapa, Majalengka: Species Richness and Distribution of Terrestrial Orchids in the Forest Area with Special Purpose (KHDTK) Sawala Mandapa, Majalengka

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    Orchid is a plant species with a very high level of diversity, consisting of 28,000 species including 763 genera. As one of the mega-biodiversity countries, Indonesia has at least 5000 types of orchids scattered in various places. This study aims to inventory the types of Terrestrial Orchids found in KHDTK Sawala-Mandapa, Majalengka Regency, West Java Province. This qualitative research uses the roaming method with the scope of the Sawala-Mandapa area and by recording the type and coordinates of each Terrestrial Orchid encountered. The primary data taken was recorded using a note sheet to record the type and GPS to record the coordinates of the point. The results obtained are that there are at least four types of Terrestrial Orchids found, including; Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr; Nervilia concolor (Blume) Schltr; Nervila campestris (J.J. SM) Schltr; and Perystilus djampangensis J. J. Sm. At the species level, soil orchids in both areas tend to have a clustered pattern with the size of each group at each point being 2-126 individuals.Anggrek merupakan salah satu jenis tumbuhan dengan tingkat keanekaragaman yang sangat tinggi, terdiri dari 28.000 jenis termasuk 763 marga. Sebagai salah satu negara megabiodiversitas, Indonesia memiliki setidaknya 5000 jenis Anggrek yang tersebar di berbagai tempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi jenis Anggrek Terestrial yang terdapat di KHDTK Sawala-Mandapa, Kabupaten Majalengka, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian Kualitatif ini menggunakan metode jelajah dengan ruang lingkup area Sawala-Mandapa dan dengan cara mencatat jenis dan titik koordinat tiap Anggrek Terestrial yang ditemui. Data primer yang diambil direkam menggunakan lembar catatan untuk mencatat jenis dan GPS untuk mencatat titik koordinat. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terdapat setidaknya empat jenis Anggrek Terestrial yang ditemui antara lain; Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr; Nervilia concolor (Blume) Schltr; Nervila campestris (J.J. SM) Schltr; dan Perystilus djampangensis J. J. Sm. Pada tingkat jenis, anggrek tanah di kedua area memiliki kecenderungan pola terkelompok dengan ukuran tiap kelompok pada tiap titiknya adalah 2-126 individu