2,763 research outputs found

    Involving service users in trials: developing a standard operating procedure

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    <p>BACKGROUND: Many funding bodies require researchers to actively involve service users in research to improve relevance, accountability and quality. Current guidance to researchers mainly discusses general principles. Formal guidance about how to involve service users operationally in the conduct of trials is lacking. We aimed to develop a standard operating procedure (SOP) to support researchers to involve service users in trials and rigorous studies.</p> <p>METHODS: Researchers with experience of involving service users and service users who were contributing to trials collaborated with the West Wales Organisation for Rigorous Trials in Health, a registered clinical trials unit, to develop the SOP. Drafts were prepared in a Task and Finish Group, reviewed by all co-authors and amendments made.</p> <p>RESULTS: We articulated core principles, which defined equality of service users with all other research team members and collaborative processes underpinning the SOP, plus guidance on how to achieve these. We developed a framework for involving service users in research that defined minimum levels of collaboration plus additional consultation and decision-making opportunities. We recommended service users be involved throughout the life of a trial, including planning and development, data collection, analysis and dissemination, and listed tasks for collaboration. We listed people responsible for involving service users in studies and promoting an inclusive culture. We advocate actively involving service users as early as possible in the research process, with a minimum of two on all formal trial groups and committees. We propose that researchers protect at least 1% of their total research budget as a minimum resource to involve service users and allow enough time to facilitate active involvement.</p> <p>CONCLUSIONS: This SOP provides guidance to researchers to involve service users successfully in developing and conducting clinical trials and creating a culture of actively involving service users in research at all stages. The UK Clinical Research Collaboration should encourage clinical trials units actively to involve service users and research funders should provide sufficient funds and time for this in research grants.</p&gt

    Excited Random Walk in One Dimension

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    We study the excited random walk, in which a walk that is at a site that contains cookies eats one cookie and then hops to the right with probability p and to the left with probability q=1-p. If the walk hops onto an empty site, there is no bias. For the 1-excited walk on the half-line (one cookie initially at each site), the probability of first returning to the starting point at time t scales as t^{-(2-p)}. Although the average return time to the origin is infinite for all p, the walk eats, on average, only a finite number of cookies until this first return when p<1/2. For the infinite line, the probability distribution for the 1-excited walk has an unusual anomaly at the origin. The positions of the leftmost and rightmost uneaten cookies can be accurately estimated by probabilistic arguments and their corresponding distributions have power-law singularities near the origin. The 2-excited walk on the infinite line exhibits peculiar features in the regime p>3/4, where the walk is transient, including a mean displacement that grows as t^{nu}, with nu>1/2 dependent on p, and a breakdown of scaling for the probability distribution of the walk.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, 2-column revtex4 format, for submission to J. Phys.

    The impact of heterogeneity in contact structure on the spread of infectious diseases

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    Contact structure between individuals in a population has a large impact on the spread of an epidemic within this population. Many techniques and models are used to investigate this, from heterogeneous age-age mixing matrices to the use of network models in order to quantify the heterogeneity in the populations contacts. For many diseases, the probability of infection per contact, along with the exact contact structure are unknown, compounding the difficulty of identifying accurate contact structures. In this thesis, the impact that the contact structure has on the epidemic is examined in several different ways. Analytical expressions for the variance in the spread of an epidemic in its early exponential growth phase on heterogeneous networks are derived, showing that the third moment of the degree distribution is needed to fully specify this variance. This quantifies the impact that very well connected individuals can have on the early spread of an epidemic through a network. The dependency of the potential epidemic on the heterogeneity in workplace sizes and transmission rates is examined. It is shown that large workplaces can increase the expected size of the epidemic significantly, along with increasing the effectiveness of control strategies enacted during the early stages of an epidemic. In addition to this, a synthetic population is constructed for England and Wales from available datasets, in an attempt to model the spread of an epidemic through a realistic network of comparable size to the true population. The contact structure that is derived from this is compared with that taken from two surveys of contact structure in the same population, using simple models, and qualitative differences are seen to exist between the surveyed structures and the synthetic population structure

    That’s more like they know me as a person": one primary pre-service teacher’s stories of her personal and ‘professional’ digital practices

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    In contributing to debates about how student-teachers might draw from personal experience in addressing digital literacy in the classroom, this paper explores the stories that one primary student-teacher told of her digital practices during a larger study of the role of digital literacy in student-teachers' lives. The paper investigates the 'recognition work' this student-teacher did as she aligned herself with different discourses and notes how themes of 'control' and 'professionalism' seemed to pattern her stories of informal and formal practices both within and beyond her professional education. The paper calls for further research into how student-teachers perceive the relevance of their personal experience to their professional role and argues for encouraging pre-service and practising teachers to tell stories of their digital practices and reflect upon the discourses which frame them

    49th. Annual Food Science and Technology Conference: Book of Abstracts

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    The Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland, Technological University Dublin and the Environmental Sustainability Health Institute (ESHI) will host the 49th Annual Food Science & Technology Conference virtually on Tuesday 15th December 2020. This years conference will focus on the topic of food sustainability and has six themes. • Alternative food sources and processing • Targeted nutrition • Bioeconomy • Food Security • Improving Sustainability of Food Systems • Improving the Healthiness of Food Systems 70 submissions were received and the Scientific Committee selected 16 of them for Oral presentations. Following the long lasting tradition of this conference, the committee considered providing opportunities to researchers initiating their career. You will find in this book of abstracts all the presentations of the conference, demonstrating the diversity of Irish Food Science and Technology Research

    Achievement of multiple therapeutic targets for cardiovascular disease prevention. Retrospective analysis of real practice in Italy

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    Background: Pharmacological therapy in patients at high cardiovascular (CV) risk should be tailored to achieve recommended therapeutic targets. Hypothesis: To evaluate individual global CV risk profile and to estimate the control rates of multiple therapeutic targets for in adult outpatients followed in real practice in Italy. Methods: Data extracted from a cross-sectional, national medical database of adult outpatients in real practice in Italy were analyzed for global CV risk assessment and rates of control of major CV risk factors, including hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and obesity. CV risk characterization was based on the European SCORE equation and the study population stratified into 3 groups: low risk ( 40 (males)/>50 (females) mg/dL (OR: 0.926, 95% CI: 0.895–0.958), triglycerides <160 mg/dL (OR: 0.925, 95% CI: 0.895–0.957), and BMI <25 kg/m2(OR: 0.888, 95% CI: 0.851–0.926), even after correction for diabetes, renal function, pharmacological therapy, and referring physicians (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Despite low prevalence and optimal medical therapy, individuals with high to very high SCORE risk did not achieve recommended therapeutic targets in a real-world practice

    Towards an optimal swap gate

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    We present a novel approach that generalizes the well known quantum SWAP gate to higher dimensions and construct a regular quantum gate composed entirely in terms of the generalized CNOT gate that cyclically permutes the states of d qudits for d prime. We also investigate the case for d other than prime. A key feature of the construction design relates to the periodicity evaluation for a family of linear recurrences which we achieve by exploiting generating functions and their factorization over the complex reals

    Current concepts in anterior glenohumeral instability: diagnosis and treatment.

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    The glenohumeral joint is the most dislocated articulation, accounting for more than 50% of all joint dislocations. The reason behind shoulder instability should be investigated in detail for successful management, and the treatment plan should be individualized for all patients. Several classification systems have been proposed for glenohumeral instability. A physical exam is mandatory no matter what classification system is used. When treating patients with anterior shoulder instability, surgeons need to be aware of the critical size of the bone loss, which is commonly seen. The glenoid track concept was clinically adopted, and the measurement of the glenoid track for surgical decision-making is recommended. Detailed assessment of existing soft tissue injury to the labrum, capsule, glenohumeral ligaments, and rotator cuff is also mandatory as their presence influences the surgical outcome. Rehabilitation, arthroscopic repair techniques, open Bankart procedure, capsular plication, remplissage, Latarjet technique, iliac crest, and other bone grafts offer the surgeon different treatment options according to the type of patient and the lesions to be treated. Three-dimensional (3D) technologies can help to evaluate glenoid and humeral defects. Patient-specific guides are low-cost surgical instruments and can be used in shoulder instability surgery. 3D printing will undoubtedly become an essential tool to achieve the best results in glenohumeral instability surgery