21 research outputs found

    Organizational Characteristics and Performance of Export Promotion Agencies: Portugal and Ireland compared

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    Export Promotion Agencies (EPAs) have been in operation in developed countries since the beginning of the 20th century to improve the competitiveness of firms by increasing knowledge and competences applied to export market development.Export Promotion Agencies; Organizational Performance; Portugal; Ireland

    Organizational Characteristics and Performance of Export Promotion Agencies: Portugal and Ireland compared

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    Export Promotion Agencies (EPAs) have been in operation in developed countries since the beginning of the 20th century to improve the competitiveness of firms by increasing knowledge and competences applied to export market development. Some studies exists on the influence of organizational characteristics on EPAs’ performance, but, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have yet been conducted that analyze, detail and explain which of the EPAs’ organizational characteristics are associated to their differing levels of success. In the present paper we compare a laggard (Portuguese) and a highly efficient (Irish) EPA in terms of export promotion. A questionnaire was applied to the employees of the two EPAs who deal directly with firms in terms of exports promotion. Using the non-parametric test of Kruskal Wallis and factor analysis we found that there are clear differences between the agencies regarding organizational dimensions. In particular, Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal (AICEP) emerges as an organization without any clear component of intentionality, being more concerned with internal matters rather than with actions directed at the market. In contrast, Enterprise Ireland (EI)’s philosophy is more market-oriented and taking the clients’ needs into consideration is a priority.Export Promotion Agencies; Organizational Performance; Portugal; Ireland

    Estudo de ectoparasitas no porquinho-da-Índia e noutros pequenos roedores domésticos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaOs pequenos roedores são animais cada vez mais escolhidos como animais de estimação um pouco por todo o mundo, sendo muitos deles também utilizados em investigações médicas e laboratoriais. Estes animais são, por vezes, hospedeiros de ectoparasitas, alguns deles com potencial zoonótico. Contudo, em Portugal, pouco se sabe sobre as prevalências destes parasitas nos roedores domésticos e sobre o seu potencial impacto na saúde pública. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência dos ectoparasitas considerados mais comuns nos pequenos roedores domésticos em Portugal, em particular na região de Lisboa. Foram recolhidos ao nível da clínica, um total de 44 casos suspeitos de presença de ectoparasitas (34 foram recolhidos dos arquivos da clínica e os restantes 10 foram recolhidos durante o período de seis meses de estágio), estando estes distribuídos por 38 porquinhos-da-Índia, quatro murídeos (duas ratazanas e dois ratos), um cricetídeo (um hamster dourado) e uma chinchila. Os animais foram posteriormente analisados através de técnicas de exame direto do pêlo, recolha do mesmo e tricograma, raspagens superficial e profunda da pele, teste da fita adesiva e observação ao microscópio ótico. Procedeu-se ainda à análise estatística descritiva dos dados obtidos. Os porquinhos-da-Índia (n=38) foram positivos a Trixacarus caviae (52,6%), Chirodiscoides caviae (21,1%), Demodex caviae (2,6%), Notoedres muris (2,6%), Psoroptes cuniculi (2,6%), Sarcoptes scabiei (2,6%), Gliricola porcelli (13,2%) e Gyropus ovalis (2,6%). Os murídeos (n=4) foram positivos a Trixacarus caviae (50%) e Myocoptes musculinus (50%). A chinchila (n=1) foi positiva a Trixacarus caviae e o cricetídeo (n=1) foi positivo a Demodex aurati. Dos 44 animais examinados, 23 (52,3%) denotaram a presença do ácaro Trixacarus caviae, oito (18,2%) do ácaro Chirodiscoides caviae, um (2,3%) do ácaro Demodex caviae, um (2,3%) do Demodex aurati, um (2,3%) do ácaro Notoedres muris, dois (4,5%) do ácaro Myocoptes musculinus, um (2,3%) do ácaro Psoroptes cuniculi, um (2,3%) do ácaro Sarcoptes scabiei, cinco (11,4%) do piolho Gliricola porcelli e um (2,3%) do piolho Gyropus ovalis. Verificou-se que em porquinhos-da-Índia a prevalência de piolhos (15,8%) é bastante inferior à de ácaros (84,2%), sendo Gliricola porcelli e Trixacarus caviae, o piolho e ácaro, respetivamente, mais prevalentes nos pequenos roedores domésticos da amostra.ABSTRACT - STUDY OF ECTOPARASITES IN GUINEA PIGS AND OTHER DOMESTIC SMALL RODENTS - Nowadays, small rodents are becoming more popular around the world as house pets and some of them are vastly used in laboratorial and medical research. These animals are sometimes hosts of ectoparasites, some of them with zoonotic potencial. However, in Portugal little is known about the prevalence of ectoparasites in small pet rodents, and about their potencial impact in public health. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the most common ectoparasites in small pet rodents in Portugal, in particular in the Lisbon district. A total of 44 samples from animal suspected of being infested with ectoparasites, were gathered at the practise (34 animals were collected from the clinic arquives and the other 10 were gathered during the six months of internship). 38 of them were guinea pigs, four were murids (two rats and two mice), one cricetid (one golden hamster) and one chinchilla. These animals were later analysed through dermatological techniques, such as direct observation of the fur, trichogram, superficial and deep skin scrapings, adhesive tape test and observation of the gathered samples under light microscope. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed with the gathered data. Guinea pigs (n=38) were positive to Trixacarus caviae (52,6%), Chirodiscoides caviae (21,1%), Demodex caviae (2,6%), Notoedres muris (2,6%), Psoroptes cuniculi (2,6%), Sarcoptes scabiei (2,6%), Gliricola porcelli (13,2%) and Gyropus ovalis (2,6%). The murids (n=4) were positive to Trixacarus caviae and Myocoptes musculinus. The chinchilla (n=1) was positive to Trixacarus caviae and the cricetid (n=1) was positive to Demodex aurati. Out of the 44 examined animals, 23 (52,3%) were infested with the mite Trixacarus caviae, eight (18,2%) with the mite Chirodiscoides caviae, one (2,3%) with the mite Demodex caviae, one (2,3%) with the mite Demodex aurati, one (2,3%) with the mite Notoedres muris, two (4,5%) with the mite Myocoptes musculinus, one (2,3%) with the mite Psoroptes cuniculi, one (2,3%) with the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, five (11,4%) with the lice Gliricola porcelli and one (2,3%) with the lice Gyropus ovalis. It was verified that in guinea pigs the lice prevalence (15,8%) is much lower than the mite prevalence (84,2%), and that the most prevalent lice is Gliricola porcelli and the most prevalent mite is Trixacarus caviae

    Distribuição do risco em contratos de prestação de serviços

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    O tema da distribuição do risco em contratos de prestação de serviços pertence a uma das áreas de estudo menos aprofundadas no direito dos contratos em geral, não deixando, ainda assim, de ser uma das temáticas mais preponderantes e imprescindíveis para o quotidiano jurídico. Assim, nesta dissertação, propomo-nos a explorar o referido tema, tentando transmitir mais esclarecimento sobre o mesmo. Por conseguinte, debruçar-nos-emos sobre a definição de “risco” e a causa da existência de tanta dificuldade em obter apenas uma definição para o conceito. Sem demora, trataremos também de encontrar uma definição para casos fortuitos e eventos de força maior e de explanar o que estes significam em termos de distribuição de risco. Focar-nos-emos, de seguida, em definir os diferentes tipos de impossibilidade de cumprimento da prestação e, ainda, em levantar questões relativas aos mesmos. Finalmente, prestaremos particular atenção aos artigos 790º a 795º do Código Civil português e tentaremos demonstrar como se distribui o risco nos contratos de prestação de serviços pelos diferentes contraentes. Com este trabalho, tentaremos então apontar soluções para as questões elencadas, esperando que venham a ser um contributo para esta área jurídica.The theme about risk distribution regarding service contracts belongs to one of the less studied matters in contract law in general. Despite this, it’s still one of the most preponderant and indispensable theme for the legal daily routine.In the present dissertation we propose to explore the said theme and try to convey some clarification about it. Therefore, we will lean on the definition of “risk” and the cause why there is such difficulty to obtain just one definition to this concept. Without further delay, we will also try to find a definition for force majeure events and explain what they mean regarding risk distribution.Then we will focus on the definition of the different types of impossibility of accomplishment of the instalment of the service rendered. At this point we will also raise questions about the said types of impossibility. Finally we will pay special attention to the articles 790º to 795º of the portuguese Civil Code and from that we will try to demonstrate how risk is distributed between different contractors in service contracts. With this work we will try to appoint solutions to the listed questions hoping that they may be a contribution to this legal area

    Infiltrative Lipoma - Atypical Presentation in a Bitch

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    Background: Primary pelvic tumors have a less favorable prognosis when compared to long bone tumors. Infiltrativelipomas are benign neoplasms of mesenchymal origin, but with an invasive nature, in which highly differentiated adipocytes infiltrate tissues such as muscles, connective tissues, bones, peripheral nerves and spinal cord. Reports of infiltrative lipoma causing bone and joint damage are rare, so the objective of this report is to present clinical-surgical aspects and particularities involved in the treatment of a bitch, with an extensive tumoral mass in the left pelvic limb and coxofemoral and femoro-tibio-patellar joint destruction. The treatment used in search of a cure for the patient is highlighted.Case: One bitch, 1 and a half years old, not neutered, Australian Cattle, 13 kg body weight, with a history of increased volume in the left pelvic limb for approximately 1 year, was admitted at the Veterinary Hospital. The radiographic examination showed loss of delimitation of the coxofemoral joint, irregularity, and the presence of a proliferative and lytic process in the femoro-tibio-patellar portion, in addition to an increase in volume in adjacent soft tissue. A thoracic radiographic study was also carried out to search for metastases and cytological examination by fine-needle aspiration in several points of the limb, including the popliteal lymph node. Aggressive surgical treatment was based on evidence of bone destruction and existing damage to the joints. A mid-to-caudal partial hemipelvectomy was chosen, accompanied by limb amputation. To perform the surgery, a tumor-free area was identified and osteotomy was performed at three points, in the body of the proximal ilium, ischium plate, and pubic body. Due to the removal of the limb and the tumor, there was no muscle to close the pelvic wall, requiring the use of polypropylene mesh to correct the defect. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 24 h. The histopathological analysis of the limb revealed that it was an infiltrative lipoma, which showed infiltration of superficial and deep muscle tissue and marked degenerative lesions in the hip and femoro-tibio-patellar joints. In the macroscopy, the extension of the neoplastic mass was evident and when cutting, the loss of bone architecture. Radiographic images were also compatible with invasion and destruction of the bone delimitation. The patient was evaluated 10, 30, and 120 days post-operatively, and the animal presented a quick recovery. However, 161 days after surgery it was necessary to remove the polypropylene mesh due to its contamination. Discussion: Invasion of infiltrative lipoma into bones has been reported in only 3 dogs. Furthermore, due to the difficult macroscopic differentiation between infiltrative lipoma and normal tissue, the reported recurrence rate after surgical resection varies between 36 and 50%. Hemipelvectomy is a radical surgical procedure indicated for the management of tumors and functional abnormalities involving the pelvis or adjacent soft tissue. In canine patients diagnosed with infiltrative lipoma, surgery is reported to increase life expectancy. In studies, median survival time of 4 patients was 940 days and 13 dogs treated with cobalt radiation 60, of which 10 also underwent cytoreductive surgery, survived from 6 to 94 months. The patient in the current report survived for 21 months after the postoperative period, which is in agreement with the researchs. A case of atypical infiltrative lipoma and consequent joint destruction was highlighted in this work. However, partial hemipelvectomy was effective in the treatment, curing the alteration, despite contamination of the mesh which led to the need for surgical intervention.Keywords: surgery, complications, hemipelvectomy, polypropylene mesh

    Bio-based solar energy harvesting for onsite mobile optical temperature sensing in Smart Cities

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) fosters the development of smart city systems for sustainable living and increases comfort for people. One of the current challenges for sustainable buildings is the optimization of energy management. Temperature monitoring in buildings is of prime importance, as heating account for a great part of the total energy consumption. Here, a solar optical temperature sensor is presented with a thermal sensitivity of up to 1.23% °C-1 based on sustainable aqueous solutions of enhanced green fluorescent protein and C-phycocyanin from biological feedstocks. These photonic sensors are presented under the configuration of luminescent solar concentrators widely proposed as a solution to integrate energy-generating devices in buildings, as windows or façades. The developed mobile sensor is inserted in IoT context through the development of a self-powered system able to measure, record, and send data to a user-friendly website.publishe

    Sporotrichoid leishmaniasis: a cross-sectional clinical, epidemiological and laboratory study in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Background Atypical presentations of cutaneous leishmaniasis include sporotrichoid leishmaniasis (SL), which is clinically described as a primary ulcer combined with lymphangitis and nodules and/or ulcerated lesions along its pathway. Aims To assess the differences between patients with sporotrichoid leishmaniasis and typical cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Methods From January 2004 to December 2010, 23 cases of SL (4.7%) were detected among 494 CL patients diagnosed at a reference center for the disease in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. These 23 cases were compared with the remaining 471 patients presenting CL. Results SL predominated in female patients (60.9%, p = 0.024), with older age (p = 0.032) and with lesions in upper limbs (52.2%, p = 0.028). CL affected more men (64.5%), at younger age, and with a higher number of lesions exclusively in lower limbs (34.8%). Conclusions Differences in clinical and epidemiological presentation were found between SL patients as compared to CL ones, in a region with a known predominance of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. The results are similar to the features of most of the sporotrichosis patients as described in literature, making the differential diagnosis between ATL and sporotrichosis more important in overlapping areas for both diseases, like in Rio de Janeiro State

    Estudo de conservação sob atmosfera controlada na qualidade da cereja cv. Satin

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    A cereja é muito apreciada e apresenta um tempo de comercialização muito curto devido a ser um fruto altamente perecível. Técnicas de conservação pós-colheita são essenciais para manter a qualidade da cereja até serem consumidas. Baixas temperaturas são utilizadas para retardar o processo de deterioração da fruta e como complemento a aplicação de atmosferas controladas permite retardar o processo de amadurecimento e envelhecimento. A diminuição de oxigénio e o aumento de dióxido de carbono e azoto inibe o amadurecimento, mantendo o sabor e a qualidade da fruta. Neste trabalho experimental, cerejas da cultivar Satin foram conservadas em câmaras de refrigeração no produtor e nas instalações do CATAA com equipamento de atmosferas controladas. Quatro atmosferas controladas com diferentes combinações de oxigénio e dióxido de carbono foram testadas e o seu efeito na qualidade das cerejas foi avaliado. Ao longo do tempo de conservação as cerejas foram analisadas a diferentes níveis: qualidade (peso, dureza, cor e sólidos solúveis totais), microbiológico e organolético. Os resultados de temperatura e humidade no produtor e no CATAA, foram comparados e indicam que ambas as situações apresentam ótimas condições de conservação. No entanto, complementar a conservação com atmosferas controladas sugere que a qualidade da cereja é mantida por mais tempo, através da minimização do envelhecimento e processo de amadurecimento.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo de conservação sob atmosfera controlada na qualidade da cereja cv. Satin.

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    A cerejeira (Prunus avium L.) é uma espécie pertencente à subfamília das Prunóideas e a produção de cereja apresenta elevada importância económica na região da Beira Interior, que, embora não seja a região com maior área de produção é a principal região de produção de Portugal. A cereja apresenta um elevado teor de compostos bioativos como vitamina C, fibra, antocianinas, quercetina e carotenóides relacionados com a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes e cancro (McCune et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2016). No entanto, este fruto não climatérico deteriora-se rapidamente após a colheita apresentando alterações na cor da pele, acastanhamento do pedúnculo, desidratação, amolecimento da polpa, diminuição da acidez e apodrecimento (Dugan & Roberts, 1997; Wang et al., 2016). A refrigeração, combinada com a utilização de atmosferas controladas, visa o atraso da deterioração e o consequente prolongamento da vida útil alargando o período de oferta. Esta técnica consiste no armazenamento a baixa temperatura num ambiente com uma concentração elevada de CO2, uma concentração baixa de O2 e uma humidade relativa elevada (Andrade et al., 2019). Os valores indicados na bibliografia relativos à concentração de CO2 variam entre 5% e 20% (Gross et al., 2016) e, para a concentração de O2, encontram-se entre 1% (Gross et al., 2016) e 10% (Ben-Yehoshua et al., 2005)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The aim of this article is to take a look at the current medical literature on ways of preventing and treating possible post-surgical complications in heart transplants. The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medline and LILACS were used as search engines. The terms "Heart Transplant", "Prevention", "Treatment" and "Complications" were chosen as the study keywords. It was concluded that the main acute manifestations are humoral and cellular responses, generally managed with immunosuppressive therapy. In the case of late manifestations, the therapy instituted varies according to the patient's degree of involvement. In terms of prevention, the first measure is the appropriate choice of donor.  Este artigo tem por objetivo realizar uma abordagem da literatura médica vigente sobre os meios de prevenção e tratamento de possíveis complicações pós-cirúrgicas em transplantes cardíacos. Foram utilizados como motores de busca os indexadores Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Medline e LILACS. Optou-se pelos termos “Transplante Cardíaco”, “Prevenção”, “Tratamento” e “Complicações” como palavras-chave do estudo. Conclui-se que as principais manifestações agudas são resposta humoral e celular, geralmente manejadas com terapia imunossupressora. No caso das manifestações tardias, a terapêutica instituída varia de acordo com o grau de acometimento do paciente. Em termos de prevenção, a primeira medida é a escolha adequada do doador