2,171 research outputs found

    Thermoluminescence energy response of TLD-100 subjected to photon irradiation using Monte Carlo N-particle transport code version 5

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    Useful TL properties of TLD-100 that is an excellent candidate for using in TL dosimetry of ionizing radiation are demonstrated. This study is focused on response of TLD-100 subjected to photon irradiation. The thermoluminescence (TL) response of TLD-100 subject to various photon energy, ranging from 20 keV to 6 MeV, was investigated as energy absorbed in the TL material using Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code version 5 (MCNP5). The input parameters included in this study are experimental geometry specification, source information, material information, and tallies. Tally F6 is used in this simulation. The results from MCNP5 simulation show good agreement with previous experimental data. However, the data obtained from the simulation are greater than the experimental data especially in lower energy ranges


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap interferensi yang terjadi pada Bahasa Indonesia saat seorang penutur asli Bahasa Banjar Hulu bertutur dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Terdapat beberapa bentuk interferensi fonologis yang terjadi. Penelitian ini juga mengungkap bagaimana kaidah dari interferensi tersebut sehingga masyarakat luas tidak akan merasa asing lagi akan interferensi yang terjadi ini dan dapat memaklumi fenomena interferensi kebahasaan itu sendiri sebagai suatu fenomena normal. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang akan memaparkan tentang bentuk interferensi fonologis seperti apa yang terjadi pada Bahasa Indonesia oleh penutur Bahasa Banjar Hulu dengan menggunakan fitur distingtif sebagai alat ukur untuk menemukan bagaimana bentuk dari interferensi fonologis tersebut. Ditemukan adanya proses fonologis (1) bunyi /ǝ/ menjadi /a/, (2) bunyi /e/ menjadi /i/, (3) bunyi /o/ menjadi /ʊ/, dan (4) bunyi /k/ menjadi /ʔ/. Penempatan bunyi-bunyi tersebut bisa berada dimana saja kecuali bunyi /k/ menjadi /ʔ/ yang berada di akhir kata yang diawali dengan bunyi konsonan.   Kata kunci: interferensi bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Banjar Hulu, proses fonologis, fitur distingtif Abstract This research is written to reveal interferences in the Indonesian language when a Hulu Banjarese native spoke in Bahasa. There are a few kinds of phonological interferences which happened. This research also revealed the pattern of those phonological interferences in case people will not have a strange feeling about it and accept it as a normal phenomenon. This research is qualitative descriptive research that uses distinctive features theory to reveal the phonological interferences, including the shape and the pattern of the phonological interferences in the Indonesian language spoken by Hulu Banjarese native speakers. This research shows four phonological processes heading to the phonological interferences in the Indonesian language spoken by Hulu Banjarese native speakers. (1) sound /ǝ/ being /a/, (2) sound /e/ being /i/, (3) sound /o/ being /ʊ/, and (4) sound /k/ being /ʔ/. Those sounds can be placed everywhere except sound /k/ being /ʔ/, which is placed at the end of the word and start with consonants.   Keywords:      Indonesian language interferences, Hulu Banjarese, phonological process, distinctive feature


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    Abstrak Aktivitas fisik adalah segala gerakan tubuh yang mengakibatkan pengeluaran tenaga dan energi. Terlihat pada gaya hidup siswa sekarang berbeda dengan gaya hidup siswa pada jaman dahulunya, terutama pada ketidakaktifan bergerak atau cenderung pasif ,dengan berkurangnya aktivitas fisik seseorang jelaslah mempengaruhi kebugaran dan kesehatannya. Teknologi informasi adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi aktifitas fisik siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang seberapa besar pengaruh teknologi informasi terhadap aktifitas fisik siswa,serta seberapa banyak penggunaan teknologi informasi dan aktivitas fisik siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Padangan.Total subyek penelitian sebanyak 230 siswa sebagai populasi dan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 64 siswa. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, sedangkan pengambilan data dilakukan pemberian 2 angket yaitu angket teknologi informasi dan aktifitas fisik harian siswa. Pengolahan data menggunakan bantuan komputerisasi dengan software SPSS for windows release 22.0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara teknologi informasi dengan aktifitas fisik siswa. Rata-rata teknologi informasi adalah 16,30 dengan nilai minimum 9 dan maksimumnya 27 dan standar deviasi sebesar 4,361. Rata-rata aktifitas fisik adalah 5936,03 dengan nilai minimum 1223 dan maksimumnya 21309 dan standar deviasinya 3585,64. Hasil analisis teknologi informasi -,639 dengan probabilitas 0.000 < 0.05, yang berarti antara teknologi informasi dan aktifitas fisik dapat dinyatakan signifikan. Besar kontribusi teknologi informasi adalah 34,7%. Kata kunci: Pengaruh, Teknologi Informasi, Aktivitas Fisik. Abstract Physical activities are all body movements that bring power and energy expenditures. It can be seen from students’ life style now a days is different from their predecessors’ life style, especially they tend to be inactive or passive, with the decreasing in physical activities of someone, it is clear that it influences their fitness and health. Information technology is one of factors that influencing students physical activities in their daily life. Purpose of this research is to gain information about how much is the influence of information technology toward students physical activity, and to know how much is the using of information technology and physical activity of seven class students of SMP Negeri 1 Padangan. Total subjects for this research were 230 students, it stand as population and 64 students as the samples. Method used for this research was  quantitative research method with descriptive approach, whereas for taking the data, two questionnaires were given, technology information questionnaire and student daily physical activity questionnaire. SPSS software for Windows release 22.0 was used for tabulating the data. Based on the research, it showed that there was influence of information technology toward students physical activities. Average of information technology was 16.30 with minimum value was 9, maximum value was 27 and deviation standard was 4.361. Average of physical activities was 5936.03 with minimum value was 1223, maximum value was 21309, and its deviation standard was 3585.64 Analysis result of information technology -.639 with probability 0.000<0.05, it means relation between information technology and physical activity can be stated as significant. Contribution amount of information technology was 34.7% Keywords: Influnce, Information Technology, Physical Activit

    Masyarakat Modern dan Kenakalan Remaja: Suatu Telaah Sosial

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    This study tried to assess the problem of juvenile delinquency that lately rife in society. Delinquency is conducted diverse, ranging from the mild to the delinquency that led to the criminal delinquency. Even more worrying is the increasing numbers of teenagers who went to prison for his actions that lead to crime, from drugs, murder, and teenage prostitutes.This research uses a qualitative approach. Collecting data in this study derived from statistical data regarding juvenile delinquency contained in East Java, where the data is contained in adolescents aged 21 years and below the Prisoners, but it is also supported by the literature that supports the research.From the data found in 2015, the number of child convicts at the end of the year reached 127 people, then increased at the end of 2016 to 137 child prisoners, at the end of 2017 experienced a significant increase reaching 195 prisoners, then at the end of 2018 and 2019 decreased by 186 and 143 child convicts, respectively, with cases dominated by drug abuse as much as 51 percent where drug users and addicts are still children or adolescents under 19 years. Followed by cases of prostitution, gangsters, ect.    The cause of juvenile delinquency can be caused by various factors, other than self-defense of the weak and family factors. Delinquency also be due to lack of ability of adjustment to the social environment, westernization, economic problems, and a basic lack of faith and religious values as a bastion of self

    Sisi Positif Taqlîd dalam Sejarah Perkembangan Hukum Islam

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    The main problem that this paper is interested in dealing with is the notion of taqlid, the English translation of which being a blind acceptance. Taqlid is the opposite of Ijtihad, the intellectual exercise to draw certain legal rules from their sources. Muslims over centuries believed that taqlid in legal matters is not allowed, and that the door of Ijtihad has never been closed, as some Western scholars would emphatically argue. The paper nonetheless maintains that taqlid does take place in a major part of Islamic legal history. It has become unavoidable for Muslims to accept blindly ?due to some reasons- the legal views of the earlier scholars and jurists. But the paper also argues that to accept without question the views of the authoritative scholars in legal matters is not always bad. The paper tries to show that there are ?due to some conditions- positive things in committing Taqlid. To show this, the paper would attempt to scrutinize the historical facts in which Muslims do benefit from doing Taqlid. It means also that, Ijtihad is not always good for Muslims. By presenting some findings -the paper will argue- that in some cases, Muslims should abandon independent intellectual exercise and resort to blind acceptance if in doing so would bring benefit for them


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    Quality is standard to consumers of the product selected, so the company must ensure that the product is marketed products that passed the inspection, and quality or defects. PT. Primissima is a company that produces fabric, with the problems encountered is the presence of defects in the fabric that is not detected in the inspection process. Additionally fabric grading process is done manually, requiring high accuracy of the operator in charge and is strongly influenced by the factors of fatigue and concentration. Detection quality in this study using the model of Quality Control Simulation (QCSim). Software to detect fabric defects using Borland Delphi 7.0 programming language. Results obtained in the form of information that classify detection results in a fabric sample to a good fabric, including the type of handicap or disability. Defect can be determined by looking at the red block on the fabric. Output current detection program on fabric 25 showed that the percentage of each type of defect is 0%. This indicates that the fabric is a fabric that is not defective. 2nd detection, showed that the fabric 26 is less warp fabric defects with a percentage of 94.87%. Results showed the detection of red cloth blocked in the presence of defect location. 3rd detection, shows that 30 is a cloth fabric defects broken feed with 84.47% percentage. Defect detection is less feed shows the percentage of 1.34%, meaning that the fabric can not rework, so that the production process can be immediately corrected. Fabric can not rework for defect type collapse, loose feed, less warp and weft break up any percentage. Keywords: Information Systems, Defect Detection, Quality, Simulatio

    Principal Policy in Developing Islamic Student Characters

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    A principal has an important role in establishing student character because a principal is authorized to put policies and rules related to the development of educational institutions. The principal rule is to lead, to guide and to counsel the teachers and staff, so that they can carry out their duties properly. The teacher as an educator and facilitator is an extension of the principal in developing student character. The phenomenon of juvenile delinquency occurred recently is a proof that at this time the spiritual mentality of young generation still weak. Therefore, it is very important to encourage religious values, character and cultural building to the students at the early stage/age


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    The purpose of this study was (1) to know a difference between student learning outcomes of low and high sub groups with learning to use the media worksheets in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam); and (2) to know the obstacles in the implementation of learning by using the worksheets on the subject. The subjects study were three Open Junior High Schools, Bandung, namely Open Junior High School 8 Bandung, Open Junior High School 27 Bandung, and Open Junior High School 36 Bandung. The hypothesis tested the increase in student achievement in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education after a learning process using worksheets. This study was a quasi-experimental study. The design used in this study is a pre-test post-test one group design. The results show that learning outcomes after the use of worksheets has no significant difference. Then the t-test Test Final Problem Description pretest and posttest seen that the value of significance (sig.2-tailed) with the t-test is 0.007. Since the significance value less than 0.05 then the decision-making criteria, H0 rejected. This shows that learning outcomes after the use of worksheets has significant difference. Using the analysis, the results showed that the use of worksheets in the learning process could improve the learning outcomes of students in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education in junior high school in Bandung

    Efektivitas Metode Mudarosah Dalam Menjaga Hafalan Al Quran Di Pondok Pesantren Madrasatul Quran Tebuireng

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    Al-Qur’an adalah sumber dari segala sumber ilmu yang menimbulkan kebaikan serta kesejahteraan bagi seluruh umat manusia di dunia. Di era sekarang para penghafal Al-Qur’an sangatlah banyak diminati oleh anak-anak di usia yang sedang memasuki jenjang dewasa. Banyak lembaga-lembaga atau pesantren tahfidz yang menerapkan macam-macam metode menghafal dan cara menjaganya. Salah satu contoh yaitu metode sima’an (mudarosah). Metode mudarosah adalah salah satu metode untuk menjaga hafalan Al Quran yang banyak diterapkan dibeberapa pondok pesantren yang tersebar di Indonesia, salah satunya di Pondok Pesantren Madrasatul Qur an Tebuireng. Metode ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hafalan Al Quran yang sudah dihafalkan oleh para santri. Dalam metode ini pelaksanaannya dengan cara saling simak menyimak dengan teman sekelompoknya. Dalam pendekatan kajian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, dan jenis kajian adalah studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model dari Miles dan Huberman terdiri dari  reduksi data, penyajian data, dan pengambilan kesimpula