31 research outputs found

    Morphofunctional characteristics of the adrenal cortex in tesetctomised rats acclimated on different ambient temperature

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    The activity of the adrenal gland is connected with the activity of other endocrine glands, such as the gonads. The experiments were conducted on testectomized adult, male rats, Wistar strain, acclimated on two ambient temperatures: room and moderately high temperature. Bilateral testectomy was performed on the rats of both temperatures and analyses were made 15-20 days after surgery. It was shown that the adrenal weight of testectomized heat acclimated rats was significantly increased. The widening of zona reticularis, shortening of zona fasciculata, as well as presence of supracortical nodules in the adrenal cortex of testectomized rats, regardless of the ambient temperature, was evidenced. Lipid content in the adrenocortical cells was lowered in both groups, but that was more prominent in testectomized rats from room temperature. The morphometric measurements of the nuclear area and volume were significantly elevated only in zona reticularis cells of testectomised animals from room temperature. Those parameters were significantly decreased in testectomized heat acclimated rats in comparison with the same values in the testectomized animals from room temperature. These results suggest that testectomy provokes changes towards increased activity of the adrenal cortex in both ambient temperatures, but those changes are less intense in heat acclimated animals

    Visibly marked and microchipped lost dogs have a higher chance to find their owners in Belgrade

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the demographic characteristics of lost and found dogs in Belgrade, Serbia. The demographic data concerning the 246 lost and 81 found dogs in the period of 5 consecutive years (January, 2009 to January 2014) was sampled and analysed from the data bases of four organizations for animal protection in Belgrade. The recovery rate of lost dogs and the chance to be reunited again with their owners was 33%. The highest recovery rate was estimated in the category of lost dogs with visible marks such as tags or collars (30%). The chi-square test disclosed that besides dogs with special visible marks, significantly more females, light colour coated, friendly/sociable and neutered dogs were reunited with their owners (P<0.0001)

    The effect of steps to promote higher levels of farm animal welfare across the EU. Societal versus animal scientists’ perceptions of animal welfare

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    Information about animal welfare standards and initiatives from eight European countries was collected, grouped, and compared to EU welfare standards to detect those aspects beyond minimum welfare levels demanded by EU welfare legislation. Literature was reviewed to determine the scientific relevance of standards and initiatives, and those aspects going beyond minimum EU standards. Standards and initiatives were assessed to determine their strengths and weaknesses regarding animal welfare. Attitudes of stakeholders in the improvement of animal welfare were determined through a Policy Delphi exercise. Social perception of animal welfare, economic implications of upraising welfare levels, and differences between countries were considered. Literature review revealed that on-farm space allowance, climate control, and environmental enrichment are relevant for all animal categories. Experts’ assessment revealed that on-farm prevention of thermal stress, air quality, and races and passageways’ design were not sufficiently included. Stakeholders considered that housing conditions are particularly relevant regarding animal welfare, and that animal-based and farm-level indicators are fundamental to monitor the progress of animal welfare. The most notable differences between what society offers and what farm animals are likely to need are related to transportation and space availability, with economic constraints being the most plausible explanation

    Methodologies for Assessing Disease Tolerance in Pigs

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    Features of intensive farming can seriously threaten pig homeostasis, well-being and productivity. Disease tolerance of an organism is the adaptive ability in preserving homeostasis and at the same time limiting the detrimental impact that infection can inflict on its health and performance without affecting pathogen burden per se. While disease resistance (DRs ) can be assessed measuring appropriately the pathogen burden within the host, the tolerance cannot be quantified easily. Indeed, it requires the assessment of the changes in performance as well as the changes in pathogen burden. In this paper, special attention is given to criteria required to standardize methodologies for assessing disease tolerance (DT) in respect of infectious diseases in pigs. The concept is applied to different areas of expertise and specific examples are given. The basic physiological mechanisms of DT are reviewed. Disease tolerance pathways, genetics of the tolerance-related traits, stress and disease tolerance, and role of metabolic stress in DT are described. In addition, methodologies based on monitoring of growth and reproductive performance, welfare, emotional affective states, sickness behavior for assessment of disease tolerance, and methodologies based on the relationship between environmental challenges and disease tolerance are considered. Automated Precision Livestock Farming technologies available for monitoring performance, health and welfare-related measures in pig farms, and their limitations regarding DT in pigs are also presented. Since defining standardized methodologies for assessing DT is a serious challenge for biologists, animal scientists and veterinarians, this work should contribute to improvement of health, welfare and production in pigs

    Review: Early life predisposing factors for biting in pigs

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    The pig industry faces many animal welfare issues. Among these, biting behaviour has a high incidence. It is indicative of an existing problem in biters and is a source of physical damage and psychological stress for the victims. We categorize this behaviour into aggressive and non-aggressive biting, the latter often being directed towards the tail. This review focusses specifically on predisposing factors in early life, comprising the prenatal and postnatal periods up to weaning, for the expression of aggressive and non-aggressive biting later in life. The influence of personality and coping style has been examined in a few studies. It varies according to these studies and, thus, further evaluation is needed. Regarding the effect of environmental factors, the number of scientific papers is low (less than five papers for most factors). No clear influence of prenatal factors has been identified to date. Aggressive biting is reduced by undernutrition, cross-fostering and socialization before weaning. Non-aggressive biting is increased by undernutrition, social stress due to competition and cross-fostering. These latter three factors are highly dependent on litter size at birth. The use of familiar odours may contribute to reducing biting when pigs are moved from one environment to another by alleviating the level of stress associated with novelty. Even though the current environment in which pigs are expressing biting behaviours is of major importance, the pre-weaning environment should be optimized to reduce the likelihood of this problem.ISSN:1751-7311ISSN:1751-732

    "Tourism in the 21 century from the aspect of climatic and social changes, the future of tourism and trade law"

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    Abstract The climatic changes will undoubtedly have a dramatic effect on the social living of mankind. Tourism as one of the most developed economic branches, will feel the impact maybe more than the other ones. The new technological achievements such as the Internet and its easy and mass availability, completely change the application of the trade law in tourism. Concluding individual trade agreements on line, although more risky, cannot be prevented by anyone. Tourism will have to be extremely vigilant of the changes and will have to acquire more flexibility and adapt accordingly. Key words:tourism, climate, population, future, regulation

    "Skopje 2014" - zwischen verspäteter Nationenbildung und den Herausforderungen der Globalisierung

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    The study focuses on the project “Skopje 2014” in Macedonia, a controversial, expensive, mass construction project, evidently related to boosting national pride, but also legitimised as nation-(re)branding venture, aiming to attract tourists and foreign investment in the relatively new country. Embedded in the policy of “antiquisation” (new mythopoesis grounding Macedonian identity in antiquity), the monuments and the facilities built during short four years period have created conflicts both within the country, by challenging the old national narrative of the Slavic origins of present-day Macedonians and complicating the relationships with the ethnic Albanians, and internationally, by challenging the Greek national myth perceiving Greece as a cradle of Western civilization. The last point is very important having on mind that Greece has vetoed Macedonia’s accession to NATO and the EU for longer than two decades based on the fray over the ancient Macedonian heritage. The opposition has accused the political entrepreneurs not only of altering national identity but also of money laundering during this most expensive investment in the history of the country, funds later assumed to be re-directed into election frauds and other means of sustaining power illegally. The case is also interesting because the (right-wing) populist tones of the project and the autocratic implementation of it signal governing elites’ distrust in pluralist democratic institutions. In a meantime similar projects have appeared in other Western Balkan countries, whose populist rhetoric suggest possible linkages between these regimes and fascination with autocratic-populist regimes from the wider region. The study tries to answer how the discourses on national identity and development of the Macedonian governing elite have been incorporated in “Skopje 2014” and how, in turn, the Project and its legitimization have reinforced the existing discourses; how these were challenged and de-constructed; how the EU behaved during this process? The study draws mainly on Critical Theory (world-system analysis and critical discourse analysis (CDA)) as theoretical and methodological background. Beside the phenomenological site of the project I systematically analyse a large corpus of texts, videos, speeches and documents related to it. The study focused on the analysis of the discursive strategies and argumentation schemes employed by the actors. The analyses demonstrated that the project was predominantly directed at the domestic audience, bringing the governing elite short-term victories, but one leading towards long-term societal divisions and conflicts. The study has also demonstrated that responsibility for emergence and sustainability of the autocratic-populist regime in Macedonia also has the EU, as representative of the core of the world-system. The study concludes with some recommendations for improvement of the critical approach in context of its ability to combine macro with micro (CDA) perspectives and its ability to serve as a basis for sustainable democratic political program.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Projekt „Skopje 2014“, das in Mazedonien realisiert wurde und als kontrovers, kostspielig und als Megabau-Projekt galt. Die Verstärkung des Nationalstolzes muss offensichtlich in Bezug zu diesem Vorhaben gestanden haben, jedoch wurde es als Vorhaben zur „(Re-) Branding der Nation“ mit dem Ziel Touristen und ausländische Investoren anzuziehen legitimiert. Eingebettet in eine Politik der „Antikisierung“ hat das Bauen von Denkmälern und Gebäuden, die während vier Jahren gebaut worden sind, Konflikte innerhalb des Landes und auf internationaler Ebene provoziert. Zum Einen wurde die alte nationale Narration der slawischen Herkunft in Frage gestellt. Zum Anderen wurden die Verhältnisse mit den albanischen Mazedoniern kompliziert. Mit diesem Bauprojekt wird auch der griechisch-nationale Mythos herausgefordert, in dem man vorschlägt, dass Mazedonien die Wiege der westlichen Zivilisation sein soll (Griechenland seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte das Veto zum Beitritt von Mazedonien in die NATO und in EU eingelegt hat, basierend auf dem Streit um die antike mazedonische Herkunft). Gleichzeitig die Opposition die politische Unternehmer beschuldigt haben, nicht nur die mazedonische Identität verändern zu wollen sondern auch Geldwäsche während der kostspieligsten Investition seit der Gründung des jungen Landes zu betreiben. Diese Gelder, so wurde vermutet, wurden für Wahlbetrug und für andere, illegale Tätigkeiten zum Erhalt der Macht missbraucht. „Skopje 2014“ ist besonders deshalb interessant, da die rechtspopulistischen Töne des Projektes und die autokratische Implementierung das Misstrauen der Regierungselite in pluralistische demokratische Institutionen signalisieren. Zur gleichen Zeit haben sich ähnliche Projekte in anderen Westbalkanländern entwickelt. Die populistische Rhetorik der Projekte lässt vermuten, dass diese autoritäre Regierungen verlinkt sind und gegenseitige Faszination mit autokratisch- populistischen Regimen aus der weiteren Region ausüben. Die Studie versucht die folgenden Fragen zu beantworten: wie die Diskurse der mazedonischen Regierungselite über die nationale Identität und die Entwicklung in das Projekt "Skopje 2014" aufgenommen wurden; wie das Projekt und seine Legitimierung die bestehenden Diskurse verstärkt haben; wie diese Diskurse herausgefordert und dekonstruiert wurden; wie sich die EU während dieser Prozesse verhalten hat. Die Studie stützt sich hauptsächlich auf die Kritische Theorie (Weltsystemanalyse und kritische Diskursanalyse (CDA)) als theoretischen und methodischen Hintergrund. Neben dem phänomenologischen Aspekt des Projektes analysiere ich einen großen Korpus von Texten Videomaterialien, sowie öffentliche Gedenkreden. Die Studie konzentriert sich auf die Analyse der diskursiven Strategien und der Argumentationsschemen der Akteure. Die Analysen zeigten, dass das Projekt überwiegend auf das nationale Publikum gerichtet war und dass die Regierungselite Kurzzeit-Siege erhielt, aber einer, der zu langfristigen gesellschaftlichen Spaltungen und Konflikten führte. Die Arbeit hat auch gezeigt, dass die Verantwortung für die Entstehung und Nachhaltigkeit des autokratisch-populistischen Regimes in Mazedonien auch bei der EU als Vertreter des Kerns des Weltsystems liegt

    Климатски промени

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    Анализа и прогноза на глобалните климатски карактеристики со посебен осврт на климата во Македониј