178 research outputs found

    Window on Serbia

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    Neue Fakten über die Existenz und literarische Tätigkeit des Bektaschija-Ordens im 19. Jahrhundert

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    It is generally assumed that the Bektashi dervish order has never been active on the territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The author deals with a so far unknown source (a manuscript in Turkish from the National Library in Sarajevo) which undoubtedly proves an activity of the order in Bosnia even in the late 19th and early 20th centuries i.e. when the order was formally dissolved. In the mentioned manuscript there are some verses belonging to two Bektashi poets, Bosnevi and Fahri (probably from Sarajevo) evaluated as literary average but socially rather interesting personalities. Their poetry reveals elements of social and political satire as well as examples of the traditional extreme esoteric teachings of marginal groups in Islam. The author offers their verses which reflect the Bektashi spirit and the theological doctrine of the brotherhood, both in Turkish original and translation. The article sheds some light on the history of the Bektashi order, history of Bosnia-Herzegovina under Ottoman dominance as well as cultural history of Bosnia.Obično se smatra da bektašijski derviški red nije djelovao na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine. Autor obrađuje do sada neobjavljen izvor (rukopis na turskom jeziku iz Narodne biblioteke u Sarajevu) koji nedvojbeno svjedoči o aktivnostima reda u Bosni i to, što je zanimljivo, krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća kada je red formalno već bio ukinut. U spomenutom rukopisu nalaze se stihovi dvojice bektašijskih pjesnika po imenu Bosnevi i Fahri (podrijetlom vjerovatno iz Sarajeva) koji su ovdje ocijenjeni kao umjetnički prosječni, ali društveno iznimno zanimljivi likovi. Bektašijsko pjesništvo koje zastupaju pokazuje elemente socijalne i političke satire, kao i primjere tradicionalnog ekstremno ezoteričkoga učenja marginalnih skupina u islamu. Autor u turskom originalu i prijevodu donosi njihove stihove, u kojima se apsolutno zrcali bektašijski duh pjesnika i teološka doktrina tog mističnoga reda. Rad baca nešto više svjetla na povijest bektašijskog reda, povijest BiH u vrijeme osmanske vlasti te na kulturnu povijest Bosne.In islamistischen Fachkreisen geht man gemeinhin von der Annahme aus, dass der Derwisch-Orden der Bektaschija- Mönche auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Bosnien und Herzegowina nicht vertreten war. Der Verfasser dieses Aufsatzes berichtet von seiner Arbeit an einer bisher nicht veröffentlichten Quelle (einer in Türkisch verfassten und in der Nationalbibliothek in Sarajevo vorliegenden Handschrift), die unzweifelbar auf die Existenz dieses Ordens in Bosnien schließen lässt. Interessant ist, dass seine Tätigkeit in das Ende des 19. und den Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts fiel, als der Orden formal bereits aufgelöst war. Die erwähnte Handschrift enthält die Verse zweier Dichter aus den Reihen des Bektaschija-Ordens namens Bosnevi und Fahri (vermutlich aus Sarajevo gebürtig), die in künstlerischer Hinsicht als mittelmäßig einzustufen sind, die gesellschaftlich jedoch äußerst interessant sind. Diese Werke der Bektaschija- Dichtung enthalten Elemente einer sozialen und politischen Satire sowie Beispiele extrem esoterischer Lehren, die von marginalen islamischen Glaubensgruppen vertreten werden. Der Verfasser führt Verse in türkischer Urfassung und natürlich in der Übersetzung an, um den Geist der Bektaschija-Dichtung sowie der theologischen Doktrin dieses mystischen Ordens zu veranschaulichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit trägt zu einer besseren Kenntnis der Geschichte des Bektaschija-Ordens bei und erhellt im weiteren Sinne die Geschichte Bosnien und Herzegowinas in der Zeit der osmanischen Vorherrschaft sowie die Kulturgeschichte dieses Landes

    Impact of educational intervention on prescribing inappropriate medication to elderly nursing homes residents

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    © 2015, Serbia Medical Society. All rights reserved. Introduction Problems with polypharmacy, adverse drug reactions and non-adherence are especially frequent among elderly nursing home residents. Objective The aim of our study was to evaluate effectiveness of a specific form of staff education on appropriateness of prescribing in a cluster of nursing homes for the elderly. Methods The study was designed as before-and-after trial of educational intervention on appropriateness of prescribing in nursing homes for the elderly. In total 20 nursing homes located in Belgrade, Serbia were included in the study with 104 elderly residents and 27 caring physicians. Appropriateness of prescribing was checked against Beers, START and STOPP criteria, before and 6 months after the intervention. Results There were 349 inappropriately prescribed drugs according to Beers criteria before the intervention and 37 drugs six months after the intervention. According to STOPP criteria there were 70 drugs inappropriately prescribed before the intervention, and 20 drugs 6 months after. When both criteria are taken together, there is a significant difference between the average number of inappropriate drugs per patient before (3.4±0.5) and after (0.6±0.7) educational intervention (t=38.902; p<0.001). Finally, before the intervention 143 appropriate drugs were omitted according to START criteria, while 6 months after the intervention there were only 67 omissions. Conclusion Simple, but well targeted educational interventions may improve polypharmacy and decrease inappropriate prescribing rate, contributing to a better care of elderly patients in nursing homes

    Kokcidioza u proizvodnji živine

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    Coccidiosis is a permanent health problem in poultry industry especially in intensive production systems. It is the most important poultry disease as far as economy is concerned since yearly costs of prophylaxis, as well as of therapy exceed 2 billion Euros, at the global level. In Serbia the disease has the highest prevalence in chicken, less in turkeys, gees, ducks and pheasants. The causes of the infection are protozoa belonging to the Eimeridae family, spore oocists being the infective form. The source of the infection are already infected birds, whereas the disease can spread in the sussceptible bird population by direct and indirect contact such as dust, objects on the farm, people, rodents, wild birds, as well as insects. The incidence of the disease depends on the lack of space on the farm, high temperature and high relative humidity, improper feeding, other diseases and all factors that can compromise bird immunity and general resistance to infectious diseases. Coccidiosis is the disease of the spring and fall, i.e. humid seasons with plenty of rain. The parasite development takes place in epithelial cells of the intestine of all bird species. The parasite can develop also in epithelial cells of the kidney glomerully in gees whereas merozoits and shizonts (as a developing form of the parasite) cause severe lesions and desquamation of the mucus. Local symptoms are accompanied with general health disturbance and typical diarrhea which is the characteristic symptom. Diagnosis is on the basis of the general symptoms, gross and microscopic findings as well as feces sample testing. To control coccidiosis in poultry, there is a vaccine or the disease is controlled by anticoccidials in the feed. Coccidiosis is possible to treat with anticoccidials (coccidiostatics and coccidiocides). Economical consequences of the coccidiosis in poultry are decreased feed conversion, smaller weight gain, inadequate feed conversion, smaller body weight at the end of the fattening period, prolonged fattening period, as well as therapy costs. Body weight gain is reduced, as well as accumulation of abdominal fat. The disease has a negative impact on chemical and sensory meat appearance. One of the problems as far as coccidiosis is concerned is drug resistance. Today, coccidiosis control strategies are the 'shuttle' and 'switch' program of the prophylactic medication, good manufacturing praxis and proper sanitation. .Kokcidioza je oboljenje koje predstavlja stalan zdravstveni problem, naročito u uslovima intenzivnog uzgoja živine. Najznačajnija je bolest živine u ekonomskom pogledu, jer godišnji troškovi za profilaksu i terapiju kokcidioze prevazilaze dve milijarde eura na globalnom nivou. U našoj zemlji najzastupljenija je kod kokošaka, a ređe se javlja kod ćuraka, gusaka, pataka i fazana. Uzročnici oboljenja su protozoe iz familije Eimeridae, a infektivni oblik predstavljaju sporulisane oociste. Izvor infekcije su inficirane jedinke, a bolest se prenosi direktnim i indirektnim kontaktom - pribor, oprema, prašina, ljudi, glodari, divlje ptice i insekti. Na rasprostranjenost bolesti utiču: nedovoljan prostor, visoka temperatura i relativna vlažnost vazduha, neadekvatna ishrana, pojava drugih oboljenja i svi faktori koji smanjuju otpornost organizma. Najčešće se javlja u proleće i jesen, odnosno u kišnim periodima. Razvoj parazita odigrava se u epitelnim ćelijama creva svih ptica, odnosno epitelu bubrežnih kanalića gusaka, a razvojni oblici (merozoiti i šizonti) dovode do teških oštećenja i deskvamacije sluznice, praćenih promenom opšteg stanja i karakterističnim prolivom. Dijagnoza oboljenja postavlja se na osnovu kliničke slike, koprološkog, patomorfološkog i patohistološkog nalaza. Profilaksa oboljenja sprovodi se vakcinacijom ili primenom antikokcidijala u smešama za ishranu, dok se terapija sprovodi antikokcidijalima, koji mogu biti kokcidiostatici i kokcidiocidi. Ekonomski gubici ogledaju se u povećanom utrošku hrane, smanjenom prirastu, nižoj konverziji hrane, manjoj prosečnoj telesnoj masi na kraju tova, produženom trajanju tova i troškovima lečenja. Prinos trupova i deponovanje abdominalnog masnog tkiva su manji, a oboljenje negativno utiče i na hemijske i senzorne parametre kvaliteta mesa. Problem u suzbijanju oboljenja je brz razvoj rezistencije na lekove, a kontrolne strategije u suzbijanju kokcidioze su 'shuttle' i 'switch' program profilaktičke medikacije, dobra proizvođačka praksa i sanitacija.

    Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling

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    Using silhouettes in uncontrolled environments typically requires handling occlusions as well as changing or cluttered backgrounds, which limits the applicability of most silhouette based methods. For the purpose of 3-D shape modeling, we show that representing generic 3-D surfaces as implicit surfaces lets us effectively address these issues. This desirable behavior is completely independent from the way the surface deformations are parame-trized. To show this, we demonstrate our technique in three very different cases: Modeling the deformations of a piece of paper represented by an ordinary triangulated mesh; reconstruction and tracking a person's shoulders whose deformations are expressed in terms of Dirichlet Free Form Deformations; reconstructing the shape of a human face parametrized in terms of a Principal Component Analysis mode


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    This paper proposes a method for tackling the problem of scalable object instance detection in the presence of clutter and occlusions. It gathers together advantages in respect of the state-of-the-art object detection approaches, being at the same time able to scale favorably with the number of models, computationally efficient and suited to texture-less objects as well. The proposed method has the following advantages: a) generality – it works for both texture-less and textured objects, b) scalability – it scales sub-linearly with the number of objects stored in the object database, and c) computational efficiency – it runs in near real-time. In contrast to the traditional affine-invariant detectors/descriptors which are local and not discriminative for texture-less objects, our method is based on line segments around which it computes semi-global descriptor by encoding gradient information in scale and rotation invariant manner. It relies on both texture and shape information and is, therefore, suited for both textured and texture-less objects. The descriptor is integrated into efficient object detection procedure which exploits the fact that the line segment determines scale, orientation and position of an object, by its two endpoints. This is used to construct several effective techniques for object hypotheses generation, scoring and multiple object reasoning; which are integrated in the proposed object detection procedure. Thanks to its ability to detect objects even if only one correct line match is found, our method allows detection of the objects under heavy clutter and occlusions. Extensive evaluation on several public benchmark datasets for texture-less and textured object detection, demonstrates its scalability and high effectiveness

    Multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors for vibration control based on the particle swarm optimization technique: Part 2: Numerical analysis

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    Ovo je drugi deo istraživanja višeciljne fazi optimizacije veličine i položaja piezoelektričnih aktuatora i senzora na tankozidnoj kompozitnoj gredi. Prvi rad je fokusiran na teorijskom modelu optimizacione tehnike za optimalno dimenzionisanje i postavljanje piezoelektičnih aktuatora i senzora na pametnu strukturu za aktivno upravljanje vibracijama. U ovom delu, biće prikazana numerička analiza predstavljene optimizacione tehnike za kompozitnu konzolu sa i bez ograničenja u pogledu stepena upravljivosti za rezidualne modove.This is the second part of a two-paper research of the multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of the collocated piezoelectric actuators and sensors on the thin-walled composite beam. The first paper is focussed on the theoretical model of a optimization techique for optimal sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on a smart structure for active vibration control. In this part, the numerical analysis of the presented optimization technique will be presented for the cantilever composite beam with and without limitations in degrees of controllability (DCs) for residual modes

    Multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors for vibration control based on the particle swarm optimization technique: Part 2: Numerical analysis

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    Ovo je drugi deo istraživanja višeciljne fazi optimizacije veličine i položaja piezoelektričnih aktuatora i senzora na tankozidnoj kompozitnoj gredi. Prvi rad je fokusiran na teorijskom modelu optimizacione tehnike za optimalno dimenzionisanje i postavljanje piezoelektičnih aktuatora i senzora na pametnu strukturu za aktivno upravljanje vibracijama. U ovom delu, biće prikazana numerička analiza predstavljene optimizacione tehnike za kompozitnu konzolu sa i bez ograničenja u pogledu stepena upravljivosti za rezidualne modove.This is the second part of a two-paper research of the multi-objective fuzzy optimization of sizing and location of the collocated piezoelectric actuators and sensors on the thin-walled composite beam. The first paper is focussed on the theoretical model of a optimization techique for optimal sizing and location of piezoelectric actuators and sensors on a smart structure for active vibration control. In this part, the numerical analysis of the presented optimization technique will be presented for the cantilever composite beam with and without limitations in degrees of controllability (DCs) for residual modes

    A Cue for Rational Reasoning: Introducing a Reference Point in Cognitive Reflection Tasks

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    The dual process framework posits that we reason using the quick System 1, and the deliberate System 2, both of which are part of our "adaptive toolbox". The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) estimates which system was used to solve a reasoning problem. Usually, the CRT tasks are solved incorrectly by using System 1, and correctly through System 2. We have applied the reference point hypothesis to the tasks of the CRT and proposed that this change would facilitate the switch between systems, resulting in better performance on the version of the test with a reference point, compared to the CRT without one. The results confirmed our assumptions, as evidenced by a generally higher score on the CRT with a reference point, albeit with different effects between items