46 research outputs found

    Aktualisasi Diri Individu Dewasa Awal di Wilayah Kabupaten Ngawi

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    Aktualisasi diri merupakan kesadaran individu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar dalam hidupnya sehingga ia dapat menerima dan menyempurnakan segala potensi yang ada dalam dirinya secara penuh. Individu yang mengaktualisasi diri adalah individu yang secara otentik mampu mengenali bakat dan kapasitasnya dalam proses mencapai pemenuhan kebutuhan, ia juga mampu menerima segala kapasitas serta potensi yang ia miliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan aktualisasi diri individu usia dewasa awal di wilayah Kabupaten Ngawi dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan statistik deskriptif. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode kuesioner dengan cara membagikan skala penelitian menggunakan Google Form kepada 60 orang individu berusia 20-30 tahun yang berasal atau berdomisili di wilayah Kabupaten Ngawi. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif menyimpulkan bahwa sebanyak 32% individu usia dewasa awal di wilayah Kabupaten Ngawi memiliki kecenderungan aktualisasi diri yang sangat tinggi, sedangkan 13% memiliki kecenderungan aktualisasi diri tinggi, 23% memiliki kecenderungan aktualisasi diri sedang, 28% memiliki kecenderungan aktualisasi diri rendah, dan hanya 3% yang memiliki kecenderugan aktualisasi diri rendah

    Perspectives of peaceful school on vocational school Students: A narrative research

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    This paper aims to explore the school of peace in the perspective of students in vocational schools. School peace suspected as one of the factors that will determine the formation and behavior of student achievement in school. The narrative method chosen in this study whereas the focus of the study follows the excavation methods offered by Mishler. The study conducted showed that every student has no experience of peace in schools. However, students can receive no peace until he lost condition at meal time. The findings further that there are three things that make students not peaceful, the rules of the school, peer relationships, and the demands of parents and schools

    The role of online learning environment on the students' basic psychological needs satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The transition of learning systems during pandemic is one of the factor causing the inability to fulfill psychological basic needs satisfaction that are oriented on the low level of student self-determination such as self-regulation, self-confidence and responsibility. The focus of study in this article to explain the role ofonline learning process towardstudents’ autonomy, competence and relatedness satisfaction based on the perspective of cognitive evaluation theory. This theory is used to find out how the online learning environment can facilitate and support students’ basic psychological needs satisfaction and the intrinsic motivation level influenced by exsternal, interpersonal and intrapersonal factors. The method in this article used narrative literature review. Through a literature review, researcher can determine what factors can build student self-determination in online learning process. The findings showed social context and teacher facilitating in online learning environment play important in encouraging and maintain students intrinsic motivation to fulfill the level of students’ autonomy, competence and relatedness satisfaction in doing online learning activity

    Group Guidance with Life Modeling and Behavioral Rehearsal Techniques to Increase Entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurial attitude is an attitude instilled in students through learning about entrepreneurship as well as descriptions of personalities through physical movements and thoughts about entrepreneurship. One of the problems among adolescents is having low entrepreneurial attitude, manifested by being pessimistic and unsure about developing their skills, having weak determination to improve their talents, potential, and interests, lacking the desire to work hard and initiatives to develop their skills, having fear of challenges, and avoiding taking risks. This study aims to encourage students to find freedom, to recognize and acknowledge themselves and their current situations objectively and progressively, to guide themselves, to be able to make decisions, and to actualize themselves more properly. This study used systematic literature review to obtain a higher quality theoretical basis and more detailed, accurate, and complex data

    Profil Komformitas Teman Sebaya Berdasarkan Faktor Demografi

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    PEER PERFORMANCE PROFILE BASED ON DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS. The purpose of this study was to determine the conformity profile peers based on demographics socioeconomic status. Participants in this study were 123 students junior high school consist of 39 regulars student and 86 “binalingkungan” (low economic) students. The average age of participants was 12-15 years. This research approach using quantitative approach, types of research using a cross sectional survey. The instruments used was a scale conformity peers who developed the theory Brendt use any form of semantic differential scale with alternative answers 1-6 (1 = very inappropriate, 6 = very appropriate). Data were analysed using analysis Mann-Whitney U with a score of 1488.00 and a significance probability value of 0.414. Because the probability of significance 0.414> 0.05, the results showed that there was no difference conformity peers in the student of low socioeconomic status and students socioeconomic status of middle to top

    Pola Brief Hope Intervention dalam Mengembangkan Kekuatan Harapan Siswa

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    Building hope is necessary so students are not easily discouraged, fragile, and frustrated in an era of competition. Intervention on the power of hope must be given in short sessions because the z-generation is used to short processes. The research aims to describe the Brief Hope Intervention (BHI) pattern to develop students' hope power. The research was conducted using a systematic literature review method. The study results show that BHI  is a modification of hope therapy that aligns with the principles of SFBC. BHI was conducted in four sessions: two face-to-face sessions (1 hour) and two follow-up sessions (30 minutes). BHI targets are  1) finding workable goals (goal setting), 2) finding ways to achieve targets (pathway), and 3) positive self-talk to optimize motivation in achieving set goals (agency). In practice, focus on the perception of development and assessment of self-strength. Counselors can use worksheets and questions directed at strengths and resources, especially relational questions

    Trend of Students Religiosity Viewed Gender and Background Majors

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    This study aims to determine the trend of student religiosity in terms of gender and background majors. The research approach uses a quantitative approach to the type of cross-sectional survey. Participants numbered 292 (58 male and 234 female) students in the Faculty of Education taken with non-probability random sampling technique. The data collection technique used a scale. The research instrument used Religiosity Scale for Youth from Hernandez. The test of validity, using the Pearson product-moment correlation, with 37 items that valid and reliability using Cronbach Alpha test with 0893. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive technique and Two Way Anova. The results showed that the trend of religiosity students Including a high category in the aspect of religious belief, and the category is quite high in the aspect of religious activity. The overall dynamics of the diversity of students in the category is quite high, and the majors PLB, PLS, PGSD has a higher category. There is no difference between the gender with religiosity, but female students are higher than males

    Perbandingan Tingkat Spiritualitas Remaja Berdasarkan Gender dan Jurusan

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    Spirituality is a self-ability to recognize the power of the One mighty, like God. Through an understanding of spirituality, one understands the meaning itself, the meaning of life and the purpose of his life. So that the person is able to direct his self positively in any situation. Spiritual hopes can be implemented and developed in guidance and counseling in Indonesia. The research objective was to compare the level of spirituality adolescents by gender and majors. This research design surveys, with descriptive analysis techniques. Participants determined by population sampling techniques, a number of 122 adolescents (students) SMAN 1 Punggur, Lampung. Results of this research were obtained an average score of; boys r = 115.64, and the female r = 121.36. A significant level of 0.320, meaning that there is no difference. Meanwhile, the average score of 119.58 science major teens and young majors for IPS at 119.09. A significant level of 1,000 and that means there is no difference. The conclusions of the research were the level of teenage boys spiritualism relatively similar to adolescent girls, and adolescents in the spiritualism level science majors are relatively the same as the teenagers in the majors IPS. Recommendations are given is that research on the study and implementation of spiritual guidance and counseling can be developed, and teacher guidance and counseling so that this study can be considered to help develop students' independence through a spiritual approach

    Pedagogy of Peacefulness as an Effort of Peaceful Education at School

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    Based on the phenomenon occurred at all level of education, it was found that the circumstances of the schools were unsafe and uncomfortable for students and academics. There were a number of direct and indirect violence carried out at schools and it had impacts on physical and psychological health of students. There was no existence of positive peace in the form of structural violence, socio-cultural violence, ecological violence and negative peace such as tribal warfare, fights and aggression. What happened actually although the nature of man in conscience had the basic harmony and desire to live together in tranquility? Therefore, the common perception of the concept of peace and peace pedagogy was needed to be created. Teachers as peace educators, thus, played an important role as a figure that had the personality of peace in the classroom and at school. The teacher as a peaceful personality consisted of three components: peaceful states, attitudes, and behavior that were consistent across one’s life spaces and life span. Moreover, the school also needed to develop an educational approach in the curriculum in synergy with the goals of education

    Adolescents Strength Profile of Hope Based on Demographic Factors

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    This research aims to reveal ‘hope' of Indonesian adolescents especially in Bantul regency of Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data were gathered from 106 adolescents consisting of 38 males and 68 females (16 -18 years old) from high schools.The instruments of this study was a hope scale in the form of semantic deferential scale ranged from 1 to 8 (1= very inappropriate, 8 = very appropriate). The data analysis of this study was descriptive statistics. The result of the study showed that the hope of female students is higher than male students. In agency thinking, male students are higher than female students, otherwise, in pathways thinking, female students are higher than male students. Based on the parents' occupation, those who work in private sector have high hope. Conversely, the students whose parents are farmers have a low hope. The lowest scale of pathways thinking was obtained by the students whose parents are farmers as well as in the agency showed that the students whose parents are labours obtained the lowest scal