1,137 research outputs found

    Social Mobility and Demand for Redistribution. A Comparative Analysis

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    The literature on preferences for redistribution has paid little attention to the effect of social mobility on the demand for redistribution, which is in contrast with the literature on class-voting, where studies on the effect of social mobility has been very common. Some works have addressed this issue but no systematic test of the hypotheses connecting social mobility and preferences has been done. In this paper we use the diagonal reference models to estimate the effect of origin and destination class on preferences for redistribution in a sample of European countries using data from the European Social Survey. Our findings indicate that social origin matters to a little extent to explain preferences, as newcomers tend to adopt the preferences of the destination class. Moreover, we have found only limited evidence supporting the acculturation hypothesis and not support for the status maximization hypothesis. Furthermore, the effect of social origin varies largely between countries. In a second step of the analysis we investigate what are the national factors explaining this variation. The empirical evidence we present leads to conclude that high rates of upward social mobility sharply reduce the effect of social origin on preferences for redistributionUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fluidez social y política : hacia un diálogo necesario

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationLa relació de la mobilitat social amb la política és d'una naturalesa enormement complexa. En aquest article, tractarem de llançar una mica de llum sobre aquesta confusa relació. En primer lloc, ens centrem en la mobilitat absoluta. Especifiquem quins són els factors (polítics i no polítics) que impulsen la mobilitat social ascendent. Distingim dues transicions: el pas d'una societat agrícola a una societat industrial i d'aquesta a una societat postindustrial. El cas amb el il·lustrarem serà l'espanyol. En segon lloc, ens dedicarem a la mobilitat relativa (terme proper a la igualtat d'oportunitats). Indiquem mesures polítiques considerades beneficioses en tres dels àmbits que configuren l'estructura d'oportunitats en les societats avançades: família, estat i mercat

    Approximate controllability and obstruction phenomena for quasilinear diffusion equations

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    Symposium on Computational Science for the 21st-Century, Honoring Roland Glowinski on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Tours, MAY 05-07, 1997Depto. de Análisis Matemático y Matemática AplicadaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEpu

    On the approximate controllability for higher order parabolic nonlinear equations of Cahn-Hilliard type

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    Sire prove the approximate controllability property for some higher order parabolic nonlinear equations of Cahn-Hilliard type when the nonlinearity is of sublinear type at infinity. We also give a counterexample showing that this property may fail when the nonlinearity is of superlinear type

    On the well-posedness of a multiscale mathematical model for Lithium-ion batteries

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    We consider the mathematical treatment of a system of nonlinear partial differential equations based on a model, proposed in 1972 by J. Newman, in which the coupling between the Lithium concentration, the phase potentials and temperature in the electrodes and the electrolyte of a Lithium battery cell is considered. After introducing some functional spaces well-adapted to our framework we obtain some rigorous results showing the well-posedness of the system, first for some short time and then, by considering some hypothesis on the nonlinearities, globally in time. As far as we know, this is the first result in the literature proving existence in time of the full Newman model, which follows previous results by the third author in 2016 regarding a simplified case

    An extinction delay mechanism for some evolution equations

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    We study the ”finite extinction phenomenon”(there exists t0 ≥ 0 such that u(t, x) ≡ 0 ∀t ≥ t0, a.e. x ∈ Ω) for solutions of parabolic reaction-diffusion equations of the type ∂u ∂t − k∆u+λb(t)f(u(t − τ, x)) = 0 and ordinary delayed differential equations (k = 0) with a delay term τ > 0

    Un problema inverso emergente en el estudio de los movimientos con rotaciones intrínsecas no coaxiales de un disco

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    Se aborda el problema inverso de hallar el vector velocidad angular ωb(t) caracterizando el movimiento de rotación de un sólido rígido del que se conoce la descripción de las velocidades. Tal cuestión est´a motivada por el comportamiento observado sobre ciertos prototipos construidos por Advanced Dynamics S.A. Aunque la cuestión planteada puede ser abordada mediante "técnicas de eliminación” para sistemas semiimplícitos asociados a problemas de controlabilidad no lineal, al tomar como control el vector velocidad angular ωb(t) ([2] F. Bonnans and P. Rouchon, Commande et optimisation de systèmes dynamiques, Editions de l’École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2005, [3] H.J. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, Second edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996), aquí seguimos un proceso enteramente original y distinto consistente en la aplicación de un proceso iterativo basado en la inversión de las ecuaciones diferenciales implicadas

    3D Visualization Techniques in Health Science Learning. Application case of Thermographic Images to Blood Flow Monitoring

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    The present work proposes a new learning methodology based on the combination of geotechnologies for the acquisition of competence in the studies of physiotherapy and nursery. The approach is based on three-dimensional visualization techniques over thermographic images to improve the comprehension and interpretation of blood flow. The proposal is aimed to be applied in practical sessions of subjects of the area of knowledge of the Physiology, to demonstrate through the geotechnologies, the effect of the application of the changes of the flow blood. The present approach is related to the virtual laboratories field, since the generated virtual material can be used for acquisition of practical skills and competences, as well as evaluation of competencies in e-learning courses. The learning material is structured to be easily deployed in a learning management system, allowing the students to work with the models by means of open-source solutions without an additional effor

    La enseñanza de la Geología en el contexto de la educación ambiental a través de un aula activa

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    Dentro del programa de AULAS ACTIVAS iniciado por varias Consejerías de la JUNTA DE CASTILLA Y LEON, creemos que el Aula Activa de San Martín de Castañeda (SANABRIA), reúne unas excepcionales condiciones para la enseñanza de la Geología; condiciones que vendrían de terminadas por las características físicas de la zona, ubicada en un Parque Natural, y por realizarse su estudio dentro de un programa interdisciplinar al que se intenta dar un carácter de Educación Ambiental. El programa contiene aparte de la información teórica, varios supuestos prácticos a los que el alumno deberá responder o realizar a lo largo de los recorridos previamente señalados: morfología glaciar (relieve, morrenas, rocas aborregadas, etc.), tipos de suelos, su génesis y evolución, guía de identificación de rocas presentes en la zona, aprovechamientos hidroeléctricos, etc., además de otras actividades relacionadas, orientación, topografía, etc. Se intentará hacer una enseñanza de la Geología eminentemente práctica, apoyándonos de modo permanente en el medio natural y utilizando los recursos que el "Parque" nos ofrece. Los conceptos geológicos del programa se basarán en aquellos fenómenos o procesos que tenemos a la vista, de los que pretendemos, en la manera de lo posible, su correcta comprensión, identificación e interpretación. Dicho trabajo consta entre otras cosas de: Libro-guía para el profesor, guía de actividades para alumnos desarrollada a dos niveles (8º E.G.B., 1º B.U.P.-3º B.U.P., C.O.U.), así como mapas, cortes, paneles explicativos, diapositivas, vídeo, etc.Within the programme of ACTIVE CLASSROOMS initiated by several councils of the JUNTA DE CASTILLA Y LEON, we belive that the Active classrooms of S.M. de Castañeda (SANABRIA) provides exceptional conditions for the teaching of Geology: these conditions are determined by the physical characteristics of the area, situated in a Natural Park, and by the fact that it has been carried out within an interdisciplinary programme to which it has been attempted to give the character of a Natural Education. Apart from the theoretical information the programme contains various practical assumptions to which the pupil will have to respond or carry out throughout the previously indicated trips: glacial morphology (relief, "morrenas", "rocas aborregadas", etc.), types of ground, their genesis and evolution, a guide to the identification of rocks present in the area, hydroelectric uses, etc., aswell as other related activities, orientation, topography, etc. We will attempt to carry out an eminently practical teaching of Geology, depending permanently on natural means and using the resources that the Park offers us. The geological concepts of the programme will be based on those phenomena or processes which we have on hand and which we intend, as for as is possible, counderstand, identify and interpret correctly. The above work consists of among other things: a teacher's book, an activity book for pupils developed at two levels (8th form E.G.B., 1st B.U.P.-3rd form B.U.P., C.O.U.), as well as maps, cuttings, explanatory pannels, slides, video, etc