34 research outputs found

    Banantze-axiomak eta funtzioen txertatzea

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    [EUS] Multzo baten gainean espazio topologiko bat definitzeko, irekiak deitzen ditugun azpimultzoak erabiltzen dira. Beraz, normala da galdetzea ireki horiek propietate jakin batzuk betetzen dituzten. Horrela, neurtu ahal izango dugu, nolabait, zeinen ona den espazio topologikoa. Adibidez, espazio topologiko bateko irekiak, bi puntu ezberdin banantzeko gai dira? Argi dago, ohiko topologia gai dela; ordea, topologia indiskretua ez, bertan multzo hutsa eta espazio osoa baitira ireki bakarrak. Aurreko galderaren harira, beste hainbat gaitasun neur ditzazkegu: bi puntu ezberdin beharrean, itxi bat eta bertan ez dagoen puntu bat banantzeko gai da topologia? Bi itxi disjuntu? Banantze-axiomak izango dira gaitasun horiek neurtuko dituzten propietateak

    Acute effect of complexity in basketball on cognitive capacity

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    Background: Executive functions, notably inhibition, significantly influence decision-making and behavioral regulation in team sports. However, more research must be conducted on individual player characteristics such as experience and motor skills. This study assessed how accumulated practical experience moderates inhibition in response to varying task difficulty levels. Methods: Forty-four university students (age: 20.36 ± 3.13 years) participated in this study with two sessions: one followed standard 1 × 1 basketball rules (“Regular Practice”), while the other imposed motor, temporal, and spatial restrictions (“Restriction Practice”). Functional difficulty was controlled by grouping pairs with similar skill levels. Flanker and Go-Nogo tasks were used. Results: Increasing complexity worsened cognitive performance (inhibition). “Restriction Practice” showed a significantly slower and less accurate performance in both tests than “Regular Practice” (p < 0.001). Experience positively impacted test speed and accuracy (p < 0.001). Conclusion: In sports, acute cognitive impacts are intrinsically linked to the task’s complexity and the athlete’s cognitive resources. In this sense, it is essential to adjust individually the cognitive demands of the tasks, considering each athlete’s specific cognitive abilities and capacities.This research was funded by grants awarded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme Andalusia 2014–2020 (Spanish Research Agency); SEJ-746-UGR20 “Effect of the manipulation of contextual variables of physical exercise on mental load and cognitive, emotional and athletic performance.” Additionally, support was provided by the Camilo Cano Cathedra of Culture for Sport and Sport for Culture of the University of Alicante. Further funding was received from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities through Grant FPU19/06224 and the Spanish Ministry of Universities through Grant FPU20/02022

    Acute effect of complexity in basketball on cognitive capacity

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    BackgroundExecutive functions, notably inhibition, significantly influence decision-making and behavioral regulation in team sports. However, more research must be conducted on individual player characteristics such as experience and motor skills. This study assessed how accumulated practical experience moderates inhibition in response to varying task difficulty levels.MethodsForty-four university students (age: 20.36 ± 3.13 years) participated in this study with two sessions: one followed standard 1 × 1 basketball rules (“Regular Practice”), while the other imposed motor, temporal, and spatial restrictions (“Restriction Practice”). Functional difficulty was controlled by grouping pairs with similar skill levels. Flanker and Go-Nogo tasks were used.ResultsIncreasing complexity worsened cognitive performance (inhibition). “Restriction Practice” showed a significantly slower and less accurate performance in both tests than “Regular Practice” (p &lt; 0.001). Experience positively impacted test speed and accuracy (p &lt; 0.001).ConclusionIn sports, acute cognitive impacts are intrinsically linked to the task’s complexity and the athlete’s cognitive resources. In this sense, it is essential to adjust individually the cognitive demands of the tasks, considering each athlete’s specific cognitive abilities and capacities

    The environmental and social footprint of the university of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

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    This work has calculated the organisational environmental and social footprint of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2016. First, input and output data flows of the UPV/EHU activity were collected. Next, the environmental and social impacts of the academic activity were modelled, using the Ecoinvent 3.3 database with the PSILCA-based Soca v1 module in openLCA software. In order to evaluate the environmental impacts, CML and ReCiPe LCIA methods were used. The Social Impact Weighting Method was adjusted for the assessment of specific social impacts. The modelling has identified some hotspots in the organisation. The contribution of transport (8,900 km per user, annually) is close to 60% in most of the environmental impacts considered. The life cycle of computers stands out among the impacts derived from the consumption of material products. More than half of environmental impacts are located outside the Basque Country. This work has also made it possible to estimate some of the impacts of the organisational social footprint, such as accidents at work, only some of which occur at the UPV/EHU. Traces of child labour and illiteracy have also been detected in the social footprint that supports the activity of the UPV/EHU. Some of the social and environmental impacts analysed are not directly generated by the UPV/EHU, but they all demand attention and co-responsibility. Based on the modelling performed, this work explores alternative scenarios and recommends some improvement actions which may reduce (in some cases over 30%) the environmental and social impacts of the UPV/EHU's activity. These scenarios and improvement actions will feed a process with stakeholders in the UPV/ EHU based on the Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methodology.To the Sustainability Directorate and the Educational Advisory Service, both belonging to the Vice-Chancellor's Office for Innovation, Social Commitment and Social Action of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, in the context of the Campus Bizia Lab programme (2017/18, 18/19 and 19/20 calls) for the financing of the EHU-Aztarna project. This research has also been supported by 'Ekopol: Iraunkortasunerako Bideak' research group, recognised by the Basque Government (IT1365-19) and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (GIC-18/22)

    Dataset on the environmental and social footprint of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

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    [EN] The organisational life cycle assessment (O-LCA) and the social organisational life cycle assessment (SO-LCA) of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU were conducted. The data presented in this paper support the calculation of the environmental and social footprint of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU for year 2016 [1] , and may be used as a reference for future calculations of the environmental and social footprint of higher education institutions and other organisations. This dataset provides detailed information on the UPV/EHU and the boundaries considered; on the compilation and quantification of the life cycle inventory (LCI) which included a transport survey conducted in summer 2018-; and on the modelling process followed for the calculation of the environmental and social footprints, based on the ecoinvent 3.3 database [2] and PSILCA-based Soca v1 add-on [3 , 4] , and carried out with the openLCA free software [5] . The dataset also includes the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) results provided by the CML (baseline, 2015) [6] and ReCiPe (endpoint (H), 2008) [7] LCIA methods and post-processed social impacts provided by the Social Impacts Weighting Method [3] , disaggregated by subprocesses and impact locations. Data is provided for the reference year (2016), and some aggregated data is also provided for alternative scenarios that were explored in order to check pathways to reduce social and environmental impacts of the academic activity of the UPV/EHU [1]To the Sustainability Directorate and the Educational Advisory Service, both belonging to the Vice-Chancellor's Office for Innovation, Social Commitment and Social Action of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, in the context of the Campus Bizia Lab programme (2017/18, 18/19 and 19/20 calls) for the financing of the EHU-Aztarna project. This research has also been supported by 'Ekopol: Iraunkortasunerako Bideak' research group, recognised by the Basque Government (IT-1365-19) and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (GIC-18/22)

    Cannabinoid signaling modulation through JZL184 restores key phenotypes of a mouse model for Williams-Beuren syndrome

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a rare genetic multisystemic disorder characterized by mild-to-moderate intellectual disability and hypersocial phenotype, while the most life-threatening features are cardiovascular abnormalities. Nowadays, there are no pharmacological treatments to directly ameliorate the main traits of WBS. The endocannabinoid system (ECS), given its relevance for both cognitive and cardiovascular function, could be a potential druggable target in this syndrome. We analyzed the components of the ECS in the complete deletion (CD) mouse model of WBS and assessed the impact of its pharmacological modulation in key phenotypes relevant for WBS. CD mice showed the characteristic hypersociable phenotype with no preference for social novelty and poor short-term object-recognition performance. Brain cannabinoid type-1 receptor (CB1R) in CD male mice showed alterations in density and coupling with no detectable change in main endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoid signaling modulation with subchronic (10 days) JZL184, a selective inhibitor of monoacylglycerol lipase, specifically normalized the social and cognitive phenotype of CD mice. Notably, JZL184 treatment improved cardiovascular function and restored gene expression patterns in cardiac tissue. These results reveal the modulation of the ECS as a promising novel therapeutic approach to improve key phenotypic alterations in WBS

    Banantze-axiomak eta funtzioen txertatzea

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    [EUS] Multzo baten gainean espazio topologiko bat definitzeko, irekiak deitzen ditugun azpimultzoak erabiltzen dira. Beraz, normala da galdetzea ireki horiek propietate jakin batzuk betetzen dituzten. Horrela, neurtu ahal izango dugu, nolabait, zeinen ona den espazio topologikoa. Adibidez, espazio topologiko bateko irekiak, bi puntu ezberdin banantzeko gai dira? Argi dago, ohiko topologia gai dela; ordea, topologia indiskretua ez, bertan multzo hutsa eta espazio osoa baitira ireki bakarrak. Aurreko galderaren harira, beste hainbat gaitasun neur ditzazkegu: bi puntu ezberdin beharrean, itxi bat eta bertan ez dagoen puntu bat banantzeko gai da topologia? Bi itxi disjuntu? Banantze-axiomak izango dira gaitasun horiek neurtuko dituzten propietateak