17 research outputs found

    Ilmakuva rakennusvalvonnan työkaluna paikkatieto-ohjelmassa

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    Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Rovaniemen kaupungin käyttämän paikkatieto-ohjelman ilmakuvasovelluksien hyödyntämistä rakennusvalvonnan käytössä asemakaava alueilla. Lisäksi esitetään menetelmiä ongelmien korjaamiseksi sekä arvioita ongelmien aiheuttajista. Paikkatieto-ohjelman tietosisällön merkittävimpiä puutteita rakennusvalvon-nan kannalta ovat rakennusten puuttuminen kokonaan, sekä keskeneräiset rakennukset. Ilmakuvista voidaan päivittää kiinteistön rakennusten nykytilanne sekä todeta luvattomat rakennukset asemakaava alueilla. Tutkimus on toteutettu työskentelemällä Rovaniemen kaupungin rakennusvalvonnassa. Rovaniemen kaupungin rakennusvalvonnalla on käytössä Tekla Municipality GIS paikkatieto-ohjelma. Rekisterissä on todettu huomattavan paljon virheitä ja puutteita. Rakennuksia puuttuu kokonaan ja rakennusten sijaintitiedoissa on virheitä. Näiden lisäksi osa valmiista rakennuksista on rekisterissä keskeneräisinä. Rekisterissä olevia virheitä korjataan vertailemalla rakennuslupa-asiakirjoja, valtiontietojärjestelmän (VTJ) tietueita ja ilmakuvia sekä tekemällä katsel-muksia rakennuksille. Ongelmat aiheutuvat pääsääntöisesti rakentajien tilaamattomista katselmuksista, jolloin keskeneräiset rakennukset jäävät päivittämättä valmiiksi tietokantaan. Ongelmien aiheutumista voitaisiin ehkäistä painottamalla rakentajille katselmusten tilaamisen tärkeyttä. Ongelmat eivät koske yleensä asuinrakennuksia.The aim of this thesis was to study the use of aerial images in the GIS and how to put them in use within the area covered by detailed planning. In addition, the aim was also to present the improvement methods on how to solve problems within the software. Moreover, the factors behind the problems were studied. The study was carried out by working in the building supervision office in Rovaniemi. The most significant flaw in the information content of the Geographical Information System (GIS) was the absence of buildings and buildings under construction. Aerial images could be used as a source to fill in or update this missing information. Aerial images could also be used to detect illicit build-ings in the detailed plan area. Misinformation in the building and apartment registry application of the GIS-system is corrected by analyzing and comparing the building permit docu-ments, the State Information System records and the aerial photographs and by making onsite reviews. The builders’ negligence towards onsite reviews lead up to misinformation or incomplete information in the building and apartment registry. This could be solved by emphasising the importance of onsite reviews to the builders. Onsite reviews must be ordered by the builder. The building supervision office in Rovaniemi uses the Tekla Municipality GIS-software. There is much misinformation and incomplete information found in the building and apartment registry of the system. Some buildings are missing and some of the locations are incorrect. Moreover, some of the buildings that are complete still appear as if they were under construction. Examination of the images was found to be a good way for correcting errors. Aerial images will be used more widely in the future

    Optimising protein detection with fixable custom oligo-labelled antibodies for single-cell multi-omics approaches

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    Background and Aim Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a powerful method utilising transcriptomic data for detailed characterisation of heterogeneous cell populations. The use of oligonucleotide-labelled antibodies for targeted proteomics addresses the shortcomings of the scRNA-seq-only based approach by improving detection of low expressing targets. However, optimisation of large antibody panels is challenging and depends on the availability of co-functioning oligonucleotide-labelled antibodies. Main Methods and Results We present here a simple adjustable oligonucleotide-antibody conjugation method which enables a desired level of oligo-conjugation per antibody. The mean labelling in the produced antibody batches varied from 1 to 6 oligos per antibody. In the scRNA-seq multimodal experiment, the highest sensitivity was seen with moderate antibody labelling as the high activation and/or labelling was detrimental to antibody performance. The conjugates were also tested for compatibility with the fixation and freeze storage protocols. The oligo-antibody signal was stable in fixed cells indicating the feasibility of a stain, fix, store, and analyse later type of workflow for multimodal scRNA-seq. Conclusions and Implications Optimised oligo-labelling will improve detection of weak protein targets in scRNA-seq multimodal experiments and reduce sequencing costs due to a more balanced amplification of different antibody signals in CITE-seq libraries. Furthermore, the use of a pre-stain, fix, run later protocol will allow for flexibility, facilitate sample pooling, and ease logistics in scRNA-seq multimodal experiments.Peer reviewe

    Expectations to data : Perspectives of service providers and users of future health and wellness services

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    The healthcare and wellness sector currently attempts to provide more proactive service models with data-driven solutions. This study examines the expectations and values related to personal data i.e. data valences from the perspective of service providers and individual users. The study is based on the analysis of extensive empirical material collected through interviews and a collaborative workshop. The data was collected in one cultural context, Finland. The results suggest that the potential service providers and users have similar expectations regarding self-evidence of data while the main differences concern the expectations of transparency. The results of the study propose some basic requirements for the development of personalised data-driven services in future. The study suggests that basic requirements for the development of future data driven services concern expectations to usable data visualisations, data as a motivator, data accuracy and data transparency. Even though there are varying expectations to personal health data and even some concerns, it can be seen that here different ecosystem actors primarily perceived the wider use of personal health and wellness data as a positive trend. It can be concluded that collaborative personal data-driven service ecosystems are an integral part of development towards proactive service models in healthcare.Peer reviewe

    Radiological score of computed tomography scans predicts revision surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Objective. Evaluate computed tomography (CT) signs that predict need for revision endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Methods. CRS patients (n = 48) underwent routine sinus CT scans and baseline ESS in 2006-2011. Lund-Mackay (LM) scores and 43 other CT signs were analysed blinded from both sides. Patients filled in a questionnaire during the day of CT scanning. Follow-up data were collected from hospital records until January 2018. Associations were analysed by Fisher's exact, Mann Whitney U, Kaplan-Meier method with logrank test and Cox's proportional hazard model. Results. Total LM score was not significantly associated with the need for revision ESS. The best predictive model was a sum of CT signs of non-detectable anatomy of inferior/middle turbinates, obstructed frontal recess, and previous sinus surgery. Using these CT findings, we formed a Radiological Score (RS) (min-max, 0-3 points). Having at least one RS point was significantly associated with the need for revision ESS during the average follow-up of 10.7 years (p = 0.008, Logrank test). Conclusion. We identified a radiologic score that was able to predict the need for revision ESS, which is probably useful in predicting CRS outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Cluster Analysis of Finnish Population-Based Adult-Onset Asthma Patients

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    Background: Phenotypes of adult asthma have been identified in previous studies but rarely in population-based settings. Objective: To identify clusters of adult-onset asthma in a Finnish population-based study on subjects born before 1967. Methods: We used population-based data from 1350 asthmatics with adult-onset asthma (Adult Asthma in Finland) from Finnish national registers. Twenty-eight covariates were selected based on literature. The number of covariates was reduced by using factor analysis before cluster analysis. Results: Five clusters (CLU1-CLU5) were identified, 3 clusters with late-onset adult asthma (onset ≥40 years) and 2 clusters with onset at earlier adulthood (<40 years). Subjects in CLU1 (n = 666) had late-onset asthma and were nonobese, symptomatic, and predominantly female with few respiratory infections during childhood. CLU2 (n = 36) consisted of subjects who had earlier-onset asthma, were predominantly female, obese with allergic asthma, and had recurrent respiratory infections. Subjects in CLU3 (n = 75) were nonobese, older, and predominantly men with late-onset asthma, smoking history, comorbidities, severe asthma, least allergic diseases, low education, many siblings, and childhood in rural areas. CLU4 (n = 218) was a late-onset cluster consisting of obese females with comorbidities, asthma symptoms, and low education level. Subjects in CLU5 (n = 260) had earlier onset asthma, were nonobese, and predominantly allergic females. Conclusions: Our population-based adult-onset asthma clusters take into account several critical factors such as obesity and smoking, and identified clusters that partially overlap with clusters identified in clinical settings. Results give us a more profound understanding of adult-onset asthma phenotypes and support personalized management.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Lohi-istutukset elvyttivät Tornionjoen

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    Viljatilan kehittäminen

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on viljatilan muuttaminen perunaa viljeleväksi tilaksi ja kuvata perunanviljelyprosessia. Työssä tarkastellaan viljelytilan toimintakulttuurin muutosta ja Lean-periaatteita soveltaen pyritään kehittämään toimintaa keskittyen lähinnä perunanviljelyn prosessiin. Tutkimusaineistona ovat omistajien haastattelut sekä perunanviljelyyn ja leaniin maataloudessa liittyvä kirjallisuus. Tekijällä on myös kokemusta kohteen kenttätyössä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on tapaustutkimus. Tuloksena on ollut perunanviljelyprosessin toimimisen vakiintuminen. Lean on tuonut mukanaan rohkeutta kokeilun kulttuuriin ja pyrkimyksen jatkuvaan parantamiseen. Hyvät käytänteet on saatu kokemuksen kautta käyttöön