12 research outputs found

    Design of Medical Devices to Monitor Body Temperature, Heart Rate And Oxygen Saturation Levels In Human Body Based On IoT

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    Understanding body temperature and heart rate plays a crucial role in detecting disease symptoms. Heart rate serves as a vital parameter reflecting human body function, with a typical range of 60-100 beats per minute for adults. This study aims to leverage Internet of Things (IoT) technology to create a monitoring system for heart rate and body temperature.The main objective of this final project is to design a device capable of monitoring body temperature, heart rate, and oxygen saturation levels in the human body. The anticipated benefits of this research include facilitating the continuous monitoring of body temperature, heart rate, and oxygen saturation levels, thus aiding in timely health assessments. To achieve this, the study employs the MLX90614 sensor for temperature measurement and the MAX30100 sensor for heart rate and oxygen saturation level readings. These sensors are integrated with the Arduino Nano microcontroller and NodeMCU ESP8266.The study's findings demonstrate that the sensors effectively measure body temperature, heart rate, and oxygen saturation levels, as confirmed by comparison with medical-grade devices. The system developed in this research performs well and is ready for practical application, providing the desired benefits of enhanced monitoring capabilities for healthcare purposes

    Gambaran Kasus Forensik di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang Periode 2017-2023

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    Kasus forensik pada anak merupakan seluruh kasus pada anak yang berkaitan dendan penegakan hukum, seperti kasus kekerasan, keracunan, dan tenggelam. Kasus forensik kerap terluput untuk dikonsultasikan oleh dokter Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) ke bagian forensik, sehingga pencatatan dan penanganan kasus tersebut tidak berjalan dengan baik, termasuk ketika pasien tersebut menjalani rawat inap di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran kasus forensik di PICU RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Desain penelitian ini adalah observasional deskriptif yang menggunakan data rekam medis pasien kasus forensik yang dirawat di PICU RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang selama periode 2017-2023. Teknik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah total sampling. Data yang didapat dari rekam medis kemudian diekstraksi dan diolah menjadi tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan 51 sampel. Sejumlah 18 pasien (35,3%) merupakan remaja (10-18 tahun), 27 pasien (52,9%) berjenis kelamin laki-laki, dan 35 pasien (68,6%) berasal dari luar Kota Padang. Berdasarkan faktor kesengajaan, 49 kasus (96,1%) terjadi secara tidak sengaja dan 2 kasus (3,9%) terjadi secara sengaja. Berdasarkan jenis kasus, kekerasan menjadi jenis kasus terbanyak dengan jumlah 40 kasus (78,4%) diikuti tenggelam dengan jumlah 5 kasus (9,8%) dan keracunan 6 kasus (11,8%). Berdasarkan jenis luka, patah tulang merupakan jenis luka terbanyak dari keseluruhan kasus kekerasan dengan jumlah 15 kasus (29,4%). Berdasarkan jenis racun, zat kimia (sabun, minyak tanah, dan bensin) menjadi penyebab terbanyak dengan jumlah 3 kasus (5,9%)

    Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Forensic Cases Study

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    The pediatric forensic case study encompasses all pediatric cases with potential legal implications, including violence, poisoning, and drowning. While many of these cases receive initial treatment in emergency departments (ED), certain patients are admitted to pediatric intensive care units (PICU) due to poor outcomes. This study aims to determine the profile of pediatric forensic cases in the PICU of a tertiary hospital in Indonesia. This descriptive-observational study used medical records of PICU patients in a tertiary hospital in Indonesia from 2017 to 2023 with a total sampling technique. Among 51 samples obtained, the majority of cases involved violence (78.4%), followed by fracture as the most common injury (29.4%), and equal distribution between chemical substances and pesticides in poisoning cases (5.9% each). Most of the cases in this study occurred unintentionally (93.3%). Remarkably, this study is the first of its kind in Indonesia and holds the potential to inform legal frameworks

    Sistem Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Online di SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura Berbasis Website

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    The application of online-based new student admissions (PPDB) is an online acceptance of new students with an admissions system designed to automate the selection of new student admissions starting from the registration process, the selection examination process, to the process of announcing the results of the selection. All processes in accepting new students are carried out online and on a real time basis which are managed automatically by a computerized system and can be viewed at any time via the website and in real time. Acceptance of new students at SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar PK Kartasura is still very ineffective and takes a lot of time, because they have to go through different stages and go through different links, as well as contact persons who have to contact applicants which is very unacceptable. efficient. The purpose of this study was to develop a website-based PPDB Online system at SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar to make it easier for prospective students to register at the school and to make it easier for school staff to work. The method used is one of the SDLC methods, namely the waterfall method which has 5 stages including analysis, design, coding, testing, maintenance. The coding stage in this study uses the MERN stack. The system has gone through the stages of black-box testing which results in the conclusion that all the features contained in the system are running properly as they should. This PPDB Online system can process all needs related to the PPDB process at Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar PK Kartasura High School

    Hubungan Beban Kerja Dengan Tingkat Stres Perawat Di Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 Rsud Kota Salatiga

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    Background: The high stress level is caused working frquency. Overburden working nurses will cause stress on nurses. This study aims to find relationship between workload with nurse stress level in isolation room at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Salatiga. Methods: This study used qualitative method with cross sectional approach. The sample were taken with sampling total technique. The sample amount were 41 respondents. The data analysis of the study used spearman rank test. Research Results: The study found out that the workload in the isolation room are in average experiencing low workload of 36,6 % from 41 nurses, the stress level on isoation room nurses in average experiencing high stress with 34,1%, the relationship of workload with stress showed a significant corelation. It is found that high workloads correlated to high stress level. Therefore, there is correlation betweeen workload with stress level of Covid-19 isolation room nurses in RSUD of Salatiga. This study showed Rho as 0,638 with 0,001 probablity. The probability value showed that there is hypothesis of the significant workload of nurses with their stress level in isolation room of RSUD Salatiga. Conclusion: The findings shows the significant relationship of nurses workload with work stress level in isolation room of RSUD Salatiga

    Studies on the Effect of Load Variations for Three-Phase AC-DC Current Injection Hybrid Resonant Converter

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    This paper presents an investigation on the effect of load variations for three-phase ac to dc current injection hybrid resonant converter. The performance of the converter was analyses with different values of output load resistor. The effect of load variations on the supply current waveforms, resonant current waveform and the output voltage waveform was observed and investigated. Apart of the waveforms, the performance of the converter was analyzed based on the total harmonics distortion (THD) level of the supply current waveform for both nominal output load operation and during increases the output load resistor. The circuit was simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment. A 1-kW experimental test-rig was constructed to verify the output load variations studies for the three-phase ac-dc current injection hybrid resonant converter. Selected simulation and experimental results have been provided in the paper to validate the analysis

    Gambaran Interaksi Sosial dalam Film Huit Rue de L’Humanite karya Dany Boon

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan gambaran interaksi sosial dalam film Huit Rue de L’Humanite karya Dany Boon. Pandemi Covid-19 membuat para penghuni sebuah kawasan apartemen mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Namun interaksi antar penghuni menjadi lebih menarik karena adanya keterbatasan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis dengan pemanfaatan teori interaksi sosial Soerjono Soekanto (1982). Teori yang digunakan sesuai dengan penelitian penulis dengan menjawab dan menjelaskan rumusan masalah berdasarkan penggambaran interaksi sosial dalam film. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan observasi film, menganalisis dialog dan adegan, mengaitkan hasil analisis dan menjelaskan penyebab, menarik kesimpulan dari hasil analisis pada film Huit Rue de L’Humanite. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam film Huit Rue de L’Humanite menunjukkan gambaran interaksi sosial, di antaranya kerja sama, stalemate, konsiliasi, kontravensi, dan konflik berdasarkan teori interaksi sosial Soerjono Soekanto. Gambaran interaksi sosial dalam film Huit Rue de L’Humanite didominasi oleh proses asosiatif, yaitu kerja sama, stalemate, konsiliasi. Keterbatasan dan perbedaan sifat tokoh yang kuat menjadi alasan utama terjadinya interaksi sosial tersebut. Saran kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk menganalisis semiotika tokoh di dalam film tersebut. Hal ini berdasarkan masing-masing tokoh memiliki keunikan tersendiri dalam penokohannya yang kuat dalam alur cerita

    Sex and national differences in internet addiction in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Understanding individual differences in psychology, and how they relate to specific addictions, may allow society to better identify those at most risk and even enact policies to ameliorate them. Internet addiction is a growing health concern, a research focus of which is to understand individual differences and the psychology of those most susceptible to developing it. Western countries are strongly overrepresented in this regard. Method: Here, sex and national differences in internet addiction are measured, using Young's ‘Internet Addiction Test,’ in two non-Western countries, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. >800 students aged 18 and 35 years (M = 20.65, SD = 1.48) completed a multidimensional internet addiction instrument. The instrument measures traits such as Withdrawal and Social Problems, Time Management and Performance and Reality Substitute. Results: Analyses revealed that males scored higher than females and Saudis higher than Egyptians on nearly all scales, including the total score. Factor analysis of the 20-item instrument revealed three factors, all exhibiting sex and culture differences. Conclusions: These findings add to the body of evidence that males are higher than females in problematic internet use, as they are in addictive behaviors in general. Our findings may also imply that restrictions on male-female interaction, which are more pronounced in Saudi Arabia, may elevate the prevalence of internet addiction. The internet is also easier and cheaper to access in Saudi Arabia than in Egypt

    Synthesis and Characterization of Antibiotic–Loaded Biodegradable Citrate Functionalized Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Nanocarriers as an Alternative Treatment for Bone Infections

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    The continuing growth of bacterial resistance makes the top challenge for the healthcare system especially in bone-infections treatment. Current estimates reveal that in 2050 the death ratio caused by bacterial infections can be higher than cancer. The aim of this study is to provide an alternative to currently available bone-infection treatments. Here we designed mesoporous hydroxyapatite nanocarriers functionalized with citrate (Ctr–mpHANCs). Amoxicillin (AMX) is used as a model drug to load in Ctr–mpHANCs, and the drug loading was more than 90% due to the porous nature of nanocarriers. Scanning electron microscopy shows the roughly spherical morphology of nanocarriers, and the DLS study showed the approximate size of 92 nm. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) specific surface area and pore diameter was found to be about 182.35 m2/g and 4.2 nm, respectively. We noticed that almost 100% of the drug is released from the AMX loaded Ctr–mpHANCs (AMX@Ctr–mpHANCs) in a pH-dependent manner within 3 d and 5 d at pH 2.0 and 4.5, respectively. The sustained drug release behaviour was observed for 15 d at pH 7.4 and no RBCs hemolysis by AMX@Ctr–mpHANCs. The broth dilution and colony forming unit (CFU) assays were used to determine the antimicrobial potential of AMX@Ctr–mpHANCs. It was observed in both studies that AMX@Ctr–mpHANCs showed a significant reduction in the bacterial growth of S. aureus, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa as compared to Ctr–mpHANCs with no bacteria-killing. Thus, we proposed that Ctr–mpHANCs can be used as a drug carrier and a treatment option for bone infections caused by bacteria