149 research outputs found

    Tunneling of electromagnetic waves through complex optical media

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    Predmet ove disertacije je analiza karakteristika tunelovanja elektromagnetskih talasa kroz različite kompleksne optičke sredine, sa posebnim osvrtom na metamaterijale sa negativnim indeksom prelamanja. Teorijski su razmatrane različite strukture, te su za njih, korišdenjem brojnih matematičkih metoda, izvedeni izrazi za vremena tunelovanja u: (1) nelinearnim disperzivnim anizotropnim strukturama, (2) linearnim anizotropnim strukturama (poluprovodničkim metamaterijalima), a proračunat je i uticaj Gus-Henkenovog pomeraja na ova vremena. Vremena tunelovanja za različite, postojede, strukture su izračunate koridenjem numeričke metode pod nazivom metoda pogađanja (shooting method), koja je odgovarajuda za ovu problematiku. Takođe, teorijski je razmatrana propagacija elektromagnetnog zračenja u anizotropnim strukturama sastavljenim od naizmenično postavljenih slojeva dva različita poluprovodnika, te je, na osnovu ove analize, dizajniran poluprovodnički metamaterijal sastavljen od naizmenično postavljenih slojeva različito dopiranih InGaAs. Mogudnost negativnog prelamanja u ovim materijalima potvrđena je primenom FDTD (Finite-Difference Time-Domain) numeričke metode, koja omogudava simulaciju realnog prostiranja elektromagnetnog zračenja kroz različite strukture.Subject of this dissertation is the analysis of electromagnetic waves tunneling properties through different complex optical media, with emphasis on metamaterials with negative index of refraction. Different structures are theoretically considered, i.e., using numerous mathematical methods, expressions for tunneling times are derived for: (1) nonlinear dispersive anisotropic structures, (2) linear anisotropic structures (semiconductor metamaterials). Also, influence of Goos- Hänchen shift on these times is calculated. Tunneling times for existing structures are calculated by using suitable numerical method: shooting method. Besides these, propagation of electromagnetic radiation through anisotropic structures composed of alernately placed layers of two different semiconductors is analyzed. On the grounds of this analysis, semiconductor metamaterial composed of alternately placed layers of differently doped InGaAs is designed. The possibility of obtaining negative refraction in these structures is confirmed by using FDTD (Finite-Difference-Time-Domain) numerical method, which enables simulation of electromagnetic radiation propagation through various structures


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    In modern sport, cognitive abilities are one of the key factors that affect the success rate of athletes. The goal of this study is to determine the statistically significant structures and differences in the area of cognitive abilities on the sample of top handball, volleyball, basketball and football players. The sample of subjects consisted of 200 male athletes, divided into four groups of 50 subjects. In order to assess the conative characteristics of the subjects, KOG 3 battery of tests was used. The structures and the differences of the athletes’ test results were determined using the method of principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis. The observed structure of cognitive abilities indicate the existence of a single, general factor. The results of all applied tests are significant at the entire sample level, most dominantly on the input processor level, followed by serial and parallel processor test values, which can be attributed to the requirements imposed by the top rank of the competition in which participants perform. The differences in cognitive characteristics exhibited the isolation of one discriminant dimension. The values shown in the structure matrix suggests that the first discriminative function positively distinguishes the basketball and volleyball players compared to other athletes based on the tests for assessing the efficiency of input and parallel processors. These results can be linked to the fact that volleyball and basketball are more dynamic sports, as well as that specific nature of these sports requires solving of complex tactical tasks

    Modelovanje oralnog procesiranja čvrste hrane korišćenjem metoda Quality Function Deployment

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    This paper shows a model for food oral processing using quality function deployment. Modelling consists of two phases. In the first phase, authors constructed a generic flow chart of solid foods oral processing, based on which five oral processing quality demands were derived. These five characteristics were inputs in the second phase where a house of quality has been constructed translating oral processing characteristics into useful information for research and development of solid food. As a conclusion, authors suggest methods to validate this model with the aid of a qualified sensory panel and results of a consumers' survey. When validated, this method can be of interest in the product development process, especially for developing special purpose products such as food for denture wearers, food for healthy aging or food for sportsmen.U ovom radu prikazan je model oralnog procesiranja primenom metoda planiranja kvaliteta usmerenog ka potrebama kupaca (QFD - Quality Function Deployment). Modelovanje se sastojalo iz dve faze. U okviru prve faze, autori su predstavili uopšteni dijagram toka oralnog procesiranja čvrste hrane. Na osnovu njega, izvedeno je pet zahteva za kvalitetom. Ovih pet karakteristika predstavljaju ulaze u drugu fazu koju čini kuća kvaliteta koja je konstruisana kako bi se prevele karakteristike oralnog procesiranja u informacije koje bi mogle biti od koristi pri istraživanju i razvoju čvrste hrane. Kao zaključak, autori predlažu metode za validaciju ovog modela uz pomoć kvalifikovanog senzornog panela i istraživanja stavova potrošača. Kada se validira, ova metoda može biti korišćena i u procesu razvoja novog proizvoda, posebno za razvoj proizvoda posebne namene kao što su hrana za nosioce proteza, hrana za zdravo starenje ili hrana za sportiste

    The construction of reality through the medium of photography

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    Ovaj rad fokusira se na pitanje istinitosti fotografskog medija. Komparacijom fotografskih primjera iz domene dokumentarne fotografije naspram onih umjetničke funkcije, prikazuju se uvjeti u kojima fotografijenastaju i uvjeti o kojima fotografska istina ovisi. Kroz rad se pojašnjava koncept fotografskog projekta Nova stvarnost. S naglaskom na konstrukciju zbilje putem medija fotografije, u radu se spominju i autori koji su neupitno utjecali na nastanak serije fotografija "Nova stvarnost".This paper focuses on question of the photographic truth. The conditions on which photographic truth depends and conditions in which photographs are made in are shown trought comparision of photographic examples from documentary to art photography. Trough this work, the conceptualization of the work "New Realness" is described. With accent on construction of reality trought photographic medium, the authors which inspired the making of the series "New Realness" are also represented in this work

    Marijanski koncert kao primjer dobre prakse

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    U Folklornom ansamblu Broda mnoge generacije prolaze još od 1948. godine kada je i osnovan. Svake godine publici priređuje različite programe i koncerte kao što su Božićni koncert ili Godišnji koncert, ali 2022. voditelj je odlučio publici pokazati nešto novo što još nikada nije bilo. Stariji dječji ansambl izveo je cjelovečernji Marijanski koncert u Slavonskom Brodu, Varaždinu i Đakovu. To je bio prvi takav koncert, toga karaktera, u Folklornom ansamblu Broda, ali i na hrvatskoj folklornoj sceni, gdje ga u cijelosti izvode djeca školskoga uzrasta


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    In modern sport, cognitive abilities are one of the key factors that affect the success rate of athletes. The goal of this study is to determine the statistically significant structures and differences in the area of cognitive abilities on the sample of top handball, volleyball, basketball and football players. The sample of subjects consisted of 200 male athletes, divided into four groups of 50 subjects. In order to assess the conative characteristics of the subjects, KOG 3 battery of tests was used. The structures and the differences of the athletes’ test results were determined using the method of principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis. The observed structure of cognitive abilities indicate the existence of a single, general factor. The results of all applied tests are significant at the entire sample level, most dominantly on the input processor level, followed by serial and parallel processor test values, which can be attributed to the requirements imposed by the top rank of the competition in which participants perform. The differences in cognitive characteristics exhibited the isolation of one discriminant dimension. The values shown in the structure matrix suggests that the first discriminative function positively distinguishes the basketball and volleyball players compared to other athletes based on the tests for assessing the efficiency of input and parallel processors. These results can be linked to the fact that volleyball and basketball are more dynamic sports, as well as that specific nature of these sports requires solving of complex tactical tasks

    The construction of reality through the medium of photography

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    Ovaj rad fokusira se na pitanje istinitosti fotografskog medija. Komparacijom fotografskih primjera iz domene dokumentarne fotografije naspram onih umjetničke funkcije, prikazuju se uvjeti u kojima fotografijenastaju i uvjeti o kojima fotografska istina ovisi. Kroz rad se pojašnjava koncept fotografskog projekta Nova stvarnost. S naglaskom na konstrukciju zbilje putem medija fotografije, u radu se spominju i autori koji su neupitno utjecali na nastanak serije fotografija "Nova stvarnost".This paper focuses on question of the photographic truth. The conditions on which photographic truth depends and conditions in which photographs are made in are shown trought comparision of photographic examples from documentary to art photography. Trough this work, the conceptualization of the work "New Realness" is described. With accent on construction of reality trought photographic medium, the authors which inspired the making of the series "New Realness" are also represented in this work

    Parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar

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    Wild ruminants and wild boar belong to the order Artiodactyla, the suborders Ruminantia and Nonruminantia and are classified as wild animals for big game hunting, whose breeding presents a very important branch of the hunting economy. Diseases caused by protozoa are rarely found in wild ruminants in nature. Causes of coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcocystiosis, giardiasis, babesiosis, and theileriosis have been diagnosed in deer. The most significant helminthoses in wild ruminants are fasciosis, dicrocoeliasis, paramphistomosis, fascioloidosis, cysticercosis, anoplocephalidosis, coenurosis, echinococcosis, pulmonary strongyloidiasis, parasitic gastroenteritis, strongyloidiasis and trichuriasis, with certain differences in the extent of prevalence of infection with certain species. The most frequent ectoparasitoses in wild deer and doe are diseases caused by ticks, mites, scabies mites, and hypoderma. The most represented endoparasitoses in wild boar throughout the world are coccidiosis, balantidiasis, metastrongyloidiasis, verminous gastritis, ascariasis, macracanthorhynchosis, trichinelosis, trichuriasis, cystecercosis, echinococcosis, and less frequently, there are also fasciolosis and dicrocoeliasis. The predominant ectoparasitoses in wild boar are ticks and scabies mites. Knowledge of the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar is of extreme importance for the process of promoting the health protection system for animals and humans, in particular when taking into account the biological and ecological hazard posed by zoonotic infections

    False Aneurysms

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