79 research outputs found

    Las viejas innovaciones: Vygotski y la educación emocional

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    La innovación no tiene por qué venir de lo más novedoso sino de la incorporación real a la práctica educativa de planteamientos que puedan transformarla. Para ello es necesaria una buena organización conceptual –una buena teoría- que permita adoptar las decisiones en el día a día, ajustando la acción educativa a los contextos tanto del centro como del aula; el enfoque vygotskiano dota de un conjunto de herramientas conceptuales y de una mirada sobre la educación con un alto potencial innovador, aún décadas más tarde de cuando empezó a formularse. Además, la visión holística del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje como parte del desarrollo personal de nuestros niños y niñas, supone una nueva (vieja) mirada dentro de esta vorágine apresurada y tecnológica, en la que pensar y sentir no encuentran momento ni lugar.2020-2

    El papel de los discursos en la educación emocional. La estructura discursiva del aula.

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    Existe ya cierto acuerdo en que la enseñanza es un intenso trabajo emocional. El enfoque que adoptamos en el trabajo es el de las Competencias emocionales ya que nos parece más interesante pensar en la competencia en uso y trabajar con actividades contextualizadas que utilizar el concepto de Inteligencia Emocional y entrenarla en actividades enmarcadas en programaciones temporales. Además, buscamos dar valor al conocimiento en la práctica y tender puentes entre la escuela y el mundo académico para lo cual adoptamos una perspectiva cualitativa. Por último, partimos del enfoque Sociocultural que hace énfasis en que estos procesos se construyen con otros y pone lo social y lo cultural en el centro. Los datos que se presentan forman parte de un estudio etnográfico de dos años y medio de duración en dos grupos de Educación Infantil de un CEIP público de Madrid en su paso por el aula de 3, 4 y 5 años con las mismas tutoras. A través de observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad (con sus consiguientes devoluciones) intentamos entender cómo estas maestras abordan la vida emocional de las aulas y promueven el desarrollo emocional de sus alumnos. De esta manera hemos podido recoger una forma de trabajar la educación emocional integrada en el día a día del aula basada en traer al frente las emociones (que habitualmente están en el fondo) y hacer con ellas un trabajo prioritario a través de las relaciones y el diálogo. En este trabajo abordamos con mayor profundidad el conjunto de discursos (frases o mensajes) que usan las maestras con los niños para ayudarles a regularse y establecer así un clima de aula positivo. Este conjunto de discursos aparece de manera estable en diferentes momentos y termina siendo utilizado por los propios alumnos para su propia regulación. Consideramos que esto que las maestras hacen más o menos conscientes podría ser un elemento importante sobre el que se debe tomar conciencia de cara a planificar la organización del aula. Que los discursos tengan un papel importante en la regulación, que haya un proceso de cesión de control por parte del adulto y de apropiación por parte del grupo de niños es especialmente interesante desde la perspectiva sociocultural desde la que trabajamos.2020-2

    Promover las Emociones en Educación Infantil: Descripción de eventos críticos dentro del aula

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    There is an increasing interest in understanding the emotional nature of teaching and its impact on social and emotional development of children. We conducted an instrumental case study describing the emotional processes that occur in a second cycle preschool classroom. We have accompanied two preschool teachers of a public school in a metropolitan area close to Madrid and their respective students for three consecutive years. We have done in-depth interviews with the teachers and participant observation in each classes. Through thematic content analysis we have identiϐied aspects that are relevant around how teachers act within the class, their affective bonding with the children, the type of structure that allows the relationships and the network of relationships. In this communication we present a description of situations we have categorized as critical for their higher power or emotional demand and which are key in order to promote emotional competencies in the classroom2017-1

    El papel de las Competencias Emocionales en la Educación Infantil: Las relaciones en la Comunidad Educativa

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    Es creciente el interés en torno al papel que ocupan las emociones y las relaciones en los procesos educativos. La escuela se presenta como uno de los contextos de socialización y desarrollo principales. Desde una perspectiva socio-cultural llevamos a cabo un estudio fenomenológico descriptivo en el que recogimos las voces de diecisiete profesoras de educación infantil en torno a sus ideas y vivencias sobre el papel de las competencias emocionales en su actividad profesional. Nuestros resultados muestran que con diferentes grados de conciencia las profesoras explican que las relaciones con niños, familias y compañeros están influidas por sus emociones y a su vez influyen en ellas, suponiendo una alta exigencia emocional al situarlas a ellas en el centro de la red de relaciones de la comunidad educativa.2018-1

    Enhanced safety surveillance of GSK's quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccine in Germany and Spain (2021/2022 season) using an electronic patient-reported outcome system for vaccine safety remote monitoring

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    Influenza; Safety; VaccinationGrip; Seguretat; VacunacióGripe; Seguridad; VacunaciónBackground Seasonal influenza epidemics are managed through vaccination each winter in the European Union, to prevent infections, complications, and deaths. As circulating virus strains vary unpredictably, vaccines are reformulated annually, and their safety monitored rapidly and continuously at the start of each season, following European Medicines Agency guidelines.Seasonal influenza epidemics are managed through vaccination each winter in the European Union, to prevent infections, complications, and deaths. As circulating virus strains vary unpredictably, vaccines are reformulated annually, and their safety monitored rapidly and continuously at the start of each season, following European Medicines Agency guidelines. Methods This enhanced safety surveillance study assessed pre-specified and other adverse events (AEs) occurring within 7 days of GSK's inactivated quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccine (IIV4) in children and adults in Spain and Germany. As the study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021/2022 season), data were collected electronically, using a web portal or call center. Results Safety was assessed in 737 participants (median age 49 and 9 years in Germany and Spain, respectively, 19.3% with a chronic medical condition). After Dose 1 and Dose 2, respectively, 332 (45.1%) and 5 (26.3%) participants reported at least one AE, primarily pre-specified AEs. The most common AEs after Dose 1 (adults and children) were injection site pain, swelling or erythema, headache, and fatigue. After Dose 2 (in children), the most common AEs were injection site pain, rhinorrhea, fatigue, and decreased appetite. No new or unexpected safety issues were identified. Conclusion This study supports and confirms the safety profile of GSK's IIV4 in all age groups with a vaccine indication. The new electronic safety reporting method (with response rates of 75.4% following Dose 1 and 100% following Dose 2) provides an alternative for future studies to reduce the burden on sites or in case site visits are not feasible.GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA is the funding source and was involved in all stages of the study. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA also funded all costs associated with the development and the publishing of the present manuscript

    Control de diabetes en deportes de esfuerzo prolongado

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    La diabetes es una enfermedad con una gran incidencia y prevalencia en la actualidad. Su tratamiento consiste por una parte en tratamiento farmacológico y por otra en cambios en el estilo de vida entre los que se incluyen la realización de ejercicio. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es proporcionar al profesional de enfermería las pautas a seguir en la educación de pacientes diabéticos para la práctica de deportes de larga duración. La revisión bibliográfica, basada en evidencia científica, ha sido el marco conceptual del protocolo. Este protocolo va dirigido para profesionales de enfermería que atienden pacientes diabéticos que realizan deportes de esfuerzo prolongado. En él se explica el modo de practicar dichos deportes de una forma segura y minimizando los posibles riesgos para los pacientes diabéticos compatibilizando el tratamiento farmacológico y la ingesta de alimentos en relación con la intensidad y duración del ejercicio. La combinación de diabetes y deportes de esfuerzo prolongado es posible realizarlo siguiendo una serie de pautas como son el control por parte del equipo médico y la modificación del tratamiento farmacológico e ingesta de hidratos de carbono en función de la intensidad y duración del ejercicio

    HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptance among European adolescents and their parents: a systematic literature review

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    Since the introduction of HPV vaccines, several studies have been conducted in different countries to assess HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptance. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic literature review to summarize results and identify factors associated with HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptance in adolescents and their parents and to compile the measurement tools used in the published research studies performed in European countries where HPV is licensed.This study was funded by Merck Sharp & Dohme Spain.Medicin

    Tensiomyography, sonoelastography, and mechanosensitivity differences between active, latent, and control low back myofascial trigger points: a cross-sectional study

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    7 p.The myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is considered the most common musculoskeletal condition. The lumbopelvic pain (LPP) is established as one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders. Nevertheless, previous research has not yet studied the contractibility changes by tensiomyography between myofascial trigger point (MTrP) types and normal tissue. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the tensiomyography, sonoelastography, and pressure pain threshold (PPT) differences between the palpation area of active and latent MTrPs with regards to control points in the lumbar erector spinae muscles of subjects with LPP. A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed. A convenience sample of 60 points (20 active MTrPs, 20 latent MTrPs, and 20 control points) was registered bilaterally in the lumbar erector spinae muscles from subjects with nonspecific LPP. The palpation order of active MTrPs, latent MTrPs, or control points was randomized for each side. The outcome assessors were blinded to the order or point type. The outcome measurements order for each point was sonoelastography manual strain index, tensiomyography, and PPT, separated by 15 minutes. Five contractile objective parameters were: maximal radial displacement (Dm), contraction time (Tc), sustain time (Ts), delay time (Td), and half-relaxation time (Tr). Tensiomyography parameters did not show any statistically significant difference (P> 0.05) between active MTrPs, latent MTrPs, and control points. Nevertheless, PPT and sonoelastography showed statistically significant differences (P< 0.05) between all point types, except for active and latent MTrPs PPT comparison (P= 0.091). Regarding the active MTrPs, a moderate positive correlation was observed between PPT and Dm (P= 0.047; tB = 0.450). Considering the control points, a moderate positive correlation was shown between sonoelastography and Td (P= 0.044; tB = 0.328). The tensiomyography contractile properties did not seem to show differences, while the sonoelastography and mechanosensitivity presented a higher stiffness and a lower PPT, respectively, between the palpation area of active and latent MTrPs with regards to control points in the lumbar erector spinae muscles of subjects with LPP. Considering the correlations, further research is needed regarding the muscle contractile properties modifications under MPS treatments, especially Dm in active MTrPs and Td in normal sites.S

    HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptability: a survey-based study among parents of adolescents (KAPPAS study)

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    Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is recognized as one of the major causes of infection-related cancer worldwide. In Spain, the HPV vaccination program started in 2007 and until 2022, it targeted 12-year-old girls. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, multicenter survey-based research carried out at 24 pediatric offices to describe HPV knowledge and vaccine acceptability in parents of children aged between 9 and 14 years-old in Spain. Parents were randomly selected from the medical records following specific quotas to ensure representativeness. The survey included five sections that aim to collect information about sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge of HPV, knowledge and acceptability of vaccines in general, HPV vaccination knowledge and HPV vaccine acceptability. Each section was constituted by a number of close questions with different answer options. Specific scores were assigned to each possible answer to these questions. Based on these scores, four composite variables were created to assess HPV knowledge, HPV vaccine knowledge, HPV vaccine acceptability and vaccines knowledge and acceptability in general. A latent class analysis was performed to identify different group of respondents according to their HPV vaccine acceptability. Results: A total of 1405 valid surveys were included, with 86.19% of the respondents being mothers. The mean score of HPV knowledge was 28.92 out of 40 (maximum value) (95% CI 28.70-29.20) and the mean score of HPV vaccine acceptability was 3.37 out of 5 (maximum value). One third of parents still need more information to take a final decision about HPV vaccination in their children. Parents perceived that females were more likely to become infected than males and tended to associate HPV infection mainly with cervical cancer, showing a. a lack of information about other HPV-related diseases affecting males. Conclusions: This study results highlight the need for future actions and educational initiatives to raise awareness of HPV consequences in both genders and to contribute to achieving the elimination of HPV-related diseases beyond cervical cancer.Funding: This study has been funded and sponsored by MSD Spain. Acknowledgements: Investigators of the KAPPAS study: Magdalena Aga (CS Repélega); Isabel Cañabate (CS Churriana); Cynthia Crespo (CAP Montclar); Mara Garcés (CS Nazaret); Ana Belén López (IHP Córdoba); Gema Belén López (IHP Córdoba); María Martín (CS La Cala de Mijas); Abián Montesdeoca (CS Guanarteme); Ana María Nocea (CS Condes de Barcelona); Mª Belén Panizo (CS Illescas); Lizeth Peña (CS Pla Vinalopó); Victoria Planelles (CS Paiporta); Almudena Sánchez (CAP Les Hortes); Eva Suarez (CS Burriana II); Isabel Úbeda (CS L’Eliana); Edelmiro Verges (CS Binissalem, CS Alaro). Editorial assistance and medical writing support were provided by Esther Tapia, PhD and Adelphi Targis, S

    Estudio para la mejora de la calidad del grado en Trabajo Social en atención a las necesidades de nuestros egresados y sus empleadores

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    Mediante este proyecto la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la UCM pretende conocer cuáles son las necesidades formativas de nuestros alumnos con el principal objetivo de hacer una modificación en la titulación que pueda dar respuesta a las necesidades de conocimiento de nuestros profesionales así como conocer las condiciones esenciales en las que nuestros egresado acceden al mercado laboral