1,201 research outputs found

    Y cuando despertamos, Augusto Monterroso (1921-2003) todavía está allí

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    Precarious language: Mexican poetry in epistemic crisis

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    Este ensayo estudia la manera en que poetas categorizados bajo la rúbrica institucional de «escritor joven» confrontan en su obra los fenómenos de la crisis epistémica de la literatura causada por la pérdida del privilegio cultural de lo literario y la emergencia de tecnologías post-librescas. Tras una discusión de la escena de escritura de poesía en México hoy en día, el texto se aproxima a debates en torno al género de parte de autores como Luis Felipe Fabre y Julián Herbert, para concluir discutiendo la forma en que autores como Alejandro Tarrab e Inti García Santamaría construyen poéticas desde las problemáticas discutidas.This essay studies the way in which poets categorized under the institutional rubric of «young writer» confront in their work the phenomena of the epistemic crisis of literature caused by the loss of cultural privilege of the literary and the emergence of post-book technologies. After a discussion of the poetry writing scene in Mexico today, the text approaches debates about the genre on the part of authors such as Luis Felipe Fabre and Julián Herbert, to conclude by discussing the way in which authors such as Alejandro Tarrab and Inti García Santamaría build poetics from the issues discussed

    Juan José Arreola (1918-2001): La magia ha muerto un poco

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    Leopoldo Zea (1912-2004): Trascender la marginación y la barbarie

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    La ocupación de época emiral islámica del Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Córdoba): Análisis de un contexto representativo: la fosa UN 1088/US 1077

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    Las excavaciones recientes en el Cerro de la Cruz, junto a Almedinilla (Córdoba) han confirmado y documentado adecuadamente la existencia, atisbada desde las primeras excavaciones en el siglo XIX, de un pequeño asentamiento en alto de época medieval islámica. En este trabajo se presenta el aspecto general del asentamiento y se precisa su cronología entre mediados del s. IX y principios del s. X d.C., durante el emirato omeya y la revuelta de Ibn Hafsun. Analizamos en detalle una fosa rellena de material fragmentado pero casi completo, incluyendo cerámica y objetos metálicos y algunos restos de faunaRecent archaeological excavations at El Cerro de la Cruz (Almedinilla, Córdoba) have confirmed and documented in detail the existence, hinted at by early excavators in the 19th century, of a small settlement of Medieval Islamic date. In this article we present the general characteristics of the site and we can fix its date between the mid-9th and early 10th c. AD, during the Umayyad Emirate and the revolt of Umar Ibn Hafsun. We analize in detail the contents of a shallow pit,a typical structure at the site, which contained a fair amount of fragmented but almost complete remains, including pottery vessels and metal objects, as well as some faunal remain

    Incidence and risk factors of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity

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    Introduction and objectives: Cisplatin is one of the drugs with greater ototoxicity within clinical use. Hearing loss detection and therapeutic measures can be done in early stages by controlling the auditory thresholds of patients on treatment. With this paper we intend to assess the incidence and severity of hearing loss by cisplatin in our environment, identifying major risk factors./nMethods: The case study was conducted on a third level hospital by monitoring and recording the hearing loss by cisplatin among the first 100 patients who accepted the audiologic monitoring. Those patients were sent by the oncology department. Then a high frequency audiometry and the otoacoustic emissions was carried out on the patients to evaluate them./nResults: Essentially, we refer to a group which us made up of adults with an average age of 59 years old. Out of the 70 patients treated only with cisplatin, 27% experienced hearing loss. Among the remaining 30 patients who received radiotherapy in addition to cisplatin, hearing impairment at 53% was detected. Cisplatin ototoxic effects are dose-dependent and more intense with normal hearing. In our results, gender, age or the presence of previous hearing loss, were not statistically significant factors in vulnerability./nConclusions: the susceptibility variable to ototoxic damage on patients, the clinically insidious onset of hearing loss and its irreversibility, justify the need to monitor the cisplatin ototoxicity. Clinical data allow us to calculate the risk of an average population, although it does not help to predict what will happen to each patient.Introducción y objetivos: El cisplatino es uno de los fármacos de uso clínico con mayor ototoxicidad. Controlando los umbrales auditivos de los pacientes en tratamiento, podemos realizar una detección precoz de la hipoacusia y adoptar medidas terapéuticas. Con este trabajo pretendemos evaluar la incidencia y severidad de la hipoacusia por cisplatino en nuestro medio, identificando los principales factores de riesgo. /nMétodos: Monitorización y registro, en un hospital de tercer nivel, de la pérdida auditiva por cisplatino, en los primeros 100 pacientes enviados por oncología que aceptan el seguimiento audiológico, aplicando la audiometría de alta frecuencia y las otoemisiones acústicas./nResultados: Se trata de una población fundamentalmente adulta, con una edad media de 59 años. De los 70 pacientes tratados sólo con cisplatino un 27% manifestó la aparición o el incremento de su hipoacusia. En los 30 restantes, que además de cisplatino recibieron radioterapia, detectamos afectación auditiva en el 53%. Los efectos ototóxicos del cisplatino son dosis dependiente y más intensos con audición normal. En nuestros resultados, ni el género, ni la edad, ni la presencia de hipoacusia previa, fueron factores estadísticamente significativos en la vulnerabilidad./nConclusiones: La susceptibilidad variable al daño ototóxico, el inicio clínicamente insidioso y su irreversibilidad, justifican la conveniencia de monitorizar la ototoxicidad por cisplatino. Los datos clínicos nos permiten calcular el riesgo medio de una población, aunque no sirvan para predecir lo que le ocurrirá a un paciente en concreto

    Incidence of Hypersensitivity Reactions During Hemodialysis

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    Background/Aims: A recent alert from Spanish health authorities warned of a higher incidence of reported hypersensitivity reactions to hemodialysis membranes with polysulfone, in the 2017 review of acute reactions to dialyzers found only published reports in the 21st century on polysulfone and its derivatives. The aim is to assess/evaluate the current incidence and characteristics of hypersensitivity reactions in hemodialysis patients. Methods: A retrospective multicentre study in 9 Spanish hospitals evaluated patients in whom a hypersensitivity reaction required a change in dialyzer membrane. Results: A total of 37 patients out of 1561 (2.37%) had hypersensitivity reactions and clinical, epidemiological and analytical data were available for 33 patients (2.11%). The membranes involved were polysulfone (n=23), polynephron (n=8), polyethersulfone (n=1) and polyacrylonitrile (n=1). This distribution reflected the frequency of use of membranes in the participating dialysis units. The reactions were described as type A in 18 cases and type B in 15 cases. There were no significant differences between the two types in clinical symptoms, the composition of the membrane involved, the method of sterilization, the season, or the time during the session in which they occurred. The most frequent symptom was dyspnea/breathlessness (64% of reactions). Eosinophilia was common (74%). 54% of the reactions occurred within the first 30 minutes of hemodialysis, 64% occurred during the first year of dialysis, and 54% required discontinuation of dialysis session. Cellulose triacetate was used as an alternative dialyzer in 78% of the cases. Conclusion: The incidence of hypersensitivity reactions was in the range found in reports from 20 years ago and is observed associated with synthetic membranes, not just polysulfones. Cellulose triacetate appears to be a good alternative for these patients