2,436 research outputs found

    Optical Transmittance Maximization in Superior Performance Tunnel Junctions for Very High Concentration Applications.

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    The light transmission through a tunnel junction in a multijunction solar cell depends on the optical properties and thickness of the whole solar cell layers stack, which configure the light absorption, reflection and interference processes taking place inside the semiconductor structure. In this paper the focus is put on the AlGaAs barrier layers of p++AlGaAs/n++GaAs and p++AlGaAs/n++GaInP tunnel junctions inserted into a GaInP/GaAs dualjunction solar cell. The aim is to analyze the effect of the thickness and Al-composition of these barrier layers on the light transmittance of the tunnel junction, using the bottom cell Jsc as the merit figure to appraise it. An intricate relation between this Jsc and the barrier layers parameters, caused by interferential reflectance, was observed. The importance of an appropriate optical design of the semiconductor structure was corroborated by a non-negligible gain in the bottom cell Jsc when choosing the appropriate barrier layers Al-compositions and thicknesses from a range of practical values for which the optical absorption is not the main contributor to the optical losses

    La evaluación de la formación educativa mediante un software especializado.

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    Leonardo Polo’s anthropology proposes that the purpose of the education is to facilitate to the pupil his growth that consists of the acquisition of virtues. The irruption of the new technologies has contributed to the improvement of the learning, but it is necessary to use it more in the formative dimension. The evaluation of the formation by means of the TICs carries the need of specific software that allows sharing the information between the educators and the parents.La antropología de Leonardo Polo propone que el fin de la educación es facilitar el crecimiento del educando que consiste en la adquisición de virtudes. La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías ha contribuido a la mejora del aprendizaje, pero es necesario utilizarlas más en la dimensión formativa. La evaluación de la formación mediante las TICs conlleva la necesidad de un software específico que permita compartir la información entre los educadores y los padres

    Analysis of Chromatic Aberration Effects in Triple-Junction Solar Cells Using Advanced Distributed Models

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    The consideration of real operating conditions for the design and optimization of a multijunction solar cell receiver-concentrator assembly is indispensable. Such a requirement involves the need for suitable modeling and simulation tools in order to complement the experimental work and circumvent its well-known burdens and restrictions. Three-dimensional distributed models have been demonstrated in the past to be a powerful choice for the analysis of distributed phenomena in single- and dual-junction solar cells, as well as for the design of strategies to minimize the solar cell losses when operating under high concentrations. In this paper, we present the application of these models for the analysis of triple-junction solar cells under real operating conditions. The impact of different chromatic aberration profiles on the short-circuit current of triple-junction solar cells is analyzed in detail using the developed distributed model. Current spreading conditions the impact of a given chromatic aberration profile on the solar cell I-V curve. The focus is put on determining the role of current spreading in the connection between photocurrent profile, subcell voltage and current, and semiconductor layers sheet resistance

    AI‑powered recommender systems and the preservation of personal autonomy

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    Recommender Systems (RecSys) have been around since the early days of the Internet, helping users navigate the vast ocean of information and the increasingly available options that have been available for us ever since. The range of tasks for which one could use a RecSys is expanding as the technical capabilities grow, with the disruption of Machine Learning representing a tipping point in this domain, as in many others. However, the increase of the technical capabilities of AI-powered RecSys did not come with a thorough consideration of their ethical implications and, despite being a well-established technical domain, the potential impacts of RecSys on their users are still under-assessed. This paper aims at filling this gap in regards to one of the main impacts of RecSys: personal autonomy. We first describe how technology can affect human values and a suitable methodology to identify these effects and mitigate potential harms: Value Sensitive Design (VSD). We use VSD to carry out a conceptual investigation of personal autonomy in the context of a generic RecSys and draw on a nuanced account of procedural autonomy to focus on two components: competence and authenticity. We provide the results of our inquiry as a value hierarchy and apply it to the design of a speculative RecSys as an exampleUniversidad de Granada/ CBUAAgencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-104943RB-I00) FEDER/ Junta de Andalucía (B-HUM-64- UGR20

    José de San Martín frente à tumba do soldado desconhecido: Uma análise de Revolución: el cruce de los Andes

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    Este artigo analisa o discurso sobre a memória coletiva da independência argentina proposto no filme Revolución: el cruce de los Andes (Leandro Ipiña, 2011), coprodução argentino-espanhola realizada nas celebrações do bicentenário. Para tanto, focaremos em três aspectos do longa-metragem: a representação de José de San Martín, a ideia da massa anônima, transnacional e multiétnica como motor da emancipação e a centralidade do discurso sobre a liberdade

    Tiempo e Historia en el cine cubano de los años 1960 y 1970

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    La ley de fundación del Instituto Cubano del Arte y la Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC) de 1959, estableció que la historia cubana sería uno de los principales temas del cine de la isla. Sin embargo, solo a partir de 1968, con motivo del centenario de la Guerra de los diez años (1868 – 1878), se privilegió la producción de un cine histórico que abordó el proceso de independencia. Este ciclo formó parte de la política cultural desarrollada durante la llamada “Ofensiva revolucionaria”, que se caracterizó por un mayor control de la libertad creativa de los artistas nacionales. En este artículo, propongo un análisis de los largometrajes Lucía (Humberto Solás, 1968) y La primera carga al machete (Manuel Octavio  Gómez,  1969),  a  través  del  cual   estudiaré  cómo  el  ICAIC asoció las guerras de independencia con la revolución cubana, dentro de un ciclo conocido como los “Cien años de lucha” por la liberación. En dicho ciclo el régimen castrista fue visto como una culminación del proceso de independencia

    Le "Nouveau cinéma latino-américain" : un projet de développement cinématographique sous-continental

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    The first attempts to create an alliance of the cinematographic renewal experiences that were occurring in several Latin American countries, took place in the early sixties. The attempt to revolutionize the autonomous forms of the cinema was conceived as a contribution to the social and political revolution claimed by the Latin American liberation movements of the time. Our research is dedicated to the analysis of this cinematographic development project that would be known as the New Latin American Cinema since the late sixties. We will examine the films and the theoretical reflections of some of the filmmakers who adhered to the project, whose work is characterized by a subversive approach within the cinematographic field, in relation to the hegemonic position of the Hollywood model. Through the analysis of the theoretical assumptions of these filmmakers and by studying the meetings and exchanges occurred between them, we will seek to establish the characteristics of the concept of New Latin American Cinema, as well as its contradictions and limits.Au début des années soixante ont lieu les premiers essais pour créer une alliance des expériences de rénovation cinématographique menées dans divers pays d’Amérique latine. La tentative de révolutionner les formes autonomes du cinéma fut conçue comme une contribution à la révolution sociale et politique revendiquées par les mouvements de libération latino-américains de cette époque. Notre étude est consacrée à l’analyse de ce projet de développement cinématographique, qui sera connu comme Nouveau cinéma latino-américain dès la fin des années soixante. Nous examinerons les films et les réflexions théoriques de quelques-uns des cinéastes qui adhérèrent au projet, dont l’œuvre se caractérise par un positionnement subversif au sein du champ cinématographique, face à la position hégémonique du modèle hollywoodien. À travers l’analyse des apports théoriques de ces réalisateurs et l’étude des rencontres et échanges entre eux, nous chercherons à établir les caractéristiques du concept de Nouveau cinéma latino-américain, ainsi que ses contradictions et limites

    Talent management and organizational commitment: the partial mediating role of pay satisfaction

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    Purpose - the purpose of this study is to better understand the role of pay satisfaction and employee perception of talent management in business loyalty strategies, which implies considering both economic and non-economic variables in order to achieve organizational success. Design/methodology/approach - results from a survey of 198 workers were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) based on three constructs (confirmatory factor analysis, CFA). The scales used were: employee perception of talent management, pay satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Pay satisfaction acts as a mediating variable in the significant relationship between the perception of talent management and organizational commitment. Findings - the partial mediating model hypothesised was supported by the SEM model, indicating that loyalty strategies require both good talent management and a good compensation system. Research limitations/implications - the article promotes the use of mediating variables as an explanation to better understand the strategies of loyalty in the management of talent, framed within the model of the resource-based view (RBV) theory. Practical implications - the implications are important for practitioners, who normally put every effort into strategies related to economic reinforcement, since the model suggests that they should also strive to correctly apply talent management. Social implications - the study suggests the need to understand better retributive systems with an application of talent management based on improvement and professional development. Originality/value - the originality lies in the article stating that the application of good talent management must be complemented with adequate compensation systems in order to achieve efficient retention strategies for talented employees

    State Estimation for the VASIMR Plasma Engine

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    This paper presents work on the application of virtual metrology techniques to the VAriable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASMIR) engine. The work concentrates on the estimation of internal temperatures of the rocket using state space models and Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES). These estimations are useful as direct thermal measurements will not be available in the final system design

    Distributed Simulation of Real Tunnel Junction Effects in Multi-Junction Solar Cells

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    In this paper, we present an improved 3D distributed model that considers real operation regimes in a tunnel junction. This advanced method is able to accurately simulate the high concentrations at which the current in the solar cell surpasses the peak current of the tunnel junction. Simulations of dual-junction solar cells were carried out with different light profiles and including chromatic aberration to show the capabilities of the model. Such simulations show that, under some circumstances, the solar cell short circuit current may be slightly higher than the tunnel junction peak current without showing the characteristic dip in the J-V curve. This behavior is caused by the lateral current spreading towards the dark regions, which occurs through the anode region of the tunnel junction