1,289 research outputs found


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    Justice as Redistribution, Recognition and Representation: Nancy Fraser´s Reconciliations

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    Si nos preguntamos por el desarrollo de la Teoría Crítica y sus marcos conceptuales, es imprescindible tener en cuenta el pensamiento de Nancy Fraser. Con el presente artículo se pretende desglosar el entramado conceptual del que se vale Fraser, tomando para ello principalmente dos de sus obras: ¿Redistribución o reconocimiento? y Escalas de justicia. Con ello el artículo se centra en la consideración de conceptos clave para la elaboración de una teoría crítica capaz de integrar las reivindicaciones actuales presentes en los movimientos sociales, y con ello la puesta de manifiesto de la injusticia y su posible reparación, sin perder de vista en ningún momento el correlato social fáctico de la teoría.If we are asking about the development of the critical Theory, and also about the conceptual (and actual) frames to our society, it is always necessary to keep in mind Nancy Fraser´s Theory. This paper is a description but also an explanation of Fraser´s thinking, taking two of her main books to describe its´ development: Redistribution or recognition? and Scales of justice. Therefore, this essay is focused on important concepts to (re)elaborate a critical Theory capable of the understanding of the actual claims and demands of social movements, as well as remarking the injustice and her possible reparation, without missing the factual connection between her the theory and our Society

    How Courts Became a Battlefront Against Disinformation

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    Aerogel and supercritical technology for the development of skin and pulmonary drug delivery systems

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    Supercritical fluid technology offers great advantages in the field of materials processing for pharmaceutical applications. On one hand, it allows for the processing of materials into microparticles via micronization, reducing or avoiding the use of organic solvents and multi-step processes. On the other hand, supercritical fluids can be used for the extraction of the liquid phase of gels to obtain aerogels without significant damage in the porous structure. In this PhD Thesis, supercritical fluids were applied in the preparation of drug delivery systems for wound treatment and pulmonary administration. A supercritical CO2-based micronization process, the PGSS technique, was modeled and applied for the production of lipid microparticles loaded with lidocaine HCl, an anesthetic drug with antibacterial properties, for wound applications. Chitosan aerogel particles loaded with the anbitiotic drug vancomycin HCl were produced by the dripping method and the jet cutting technique and studied for specific chronic wound applications. Finally, the technological combination of the inkjet printing technique and supercritical drying was proposed and developed for the production of alginate microparticles with suitable aerodynamic diameters for the pulmonary delivery of salbutamol sulphate, used in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases

    Conceptos médicos en Purgatorio XXV, vv. 37-78. Las virtudes y el desarrollo vital del feto.

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    A passage from Divina Commedia (Purgatorio XXV, vv. 37-78) is analyzed that presents different reading problems, especially those related to doctrinal and medical aspects of medieval thought. Doctrinal problems are connected with the reception of the three animae (vegetative, sensitive and intellective souls) in the womb, and with the consequences derived from this fact. Medical problems are related to foetus’ formation, development and evolution, and to the adquisition of certain characteristics that determine its nature. This paper analyzes these problems, by comparing some relevant elements to fundamental texts of medieval medical knowledge, general science, Christian doctrine and other works by the same author

    Rational Design and Development of Polymeric Nanogels as Protein Carriers

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    Proteins have gained significant attention as potential therapeutic agents owing to their high specificity and reduced toxicity. Nevertheless, their clinical utility is hindered by inherent challenges associated with stability during storage and after in vivo administration. To overcome these limitations, polymeric nanogels (NGs) have emerged as promising carriers. These colloidal systems are capable of efficient encapsulation and stabilization of protein cargoes while improving their bioavailability and targeted delivery. The design of such delivery systems requires a comprehensive understanding of how the synthesis and formulation processes affect the final performance of the protein. This review highlights critical aspects involved in the development of NGs for protein delivery, with specific emphasis on loading strategies and evaluation techniques. For example, factors influencing loading efficiency and release kinetics are discussed, along with strategies to optimize protein encapsulation through protein-carrier interactions to achieve the desired therapeutic outcomes. The discussion is based on recent literature examples and aims to provide valuable insights for researchers working toward the advancement of protein-based therapeutics

    Aulas afectivas e inclusivas y bienestar adolescente: una revisión sistemática

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    El ambiente de aula percibido por los estudiantes incide de forma significativa en su aprendizaje y desarrollo de la personalidad. El profesorado puede contribuir a promover el bienestar adolescente y la inclusión a través del ambiente de aula. Los estudios sobre clima de aula, bienestar adolescente e inclusión en educación secundaria son minoritarios en comparación con los existentes en educación infantil y primaria. En este contexto, los objetivos de este trabajo son los siguientes: (a) analizar las relaciones entre un clima de aula afectivo e inclusivo con el bienestar adolescente; (b) sistematizar las competencias docentes más apropiadas para dinamizar la calidad afectiva e inclusiva del ambiente de aula en educación secundaria.            Para responder a los objetivos del estudio, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura y se han seguido las directrices marcadas en la declaración PRISMA para revisiones sistemáticas científicas. Para la revisión metodológica, se evaluaron los artículos con la herramienta JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Qualitative Research. Se consultaron las bases de datos ERIC y Web of Science. El período de búsqueda comprendió desde 2016 a 2020.            La revisión se realizó sobre la base de 32 estudios seleccionados. Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen evidencias contrastadas del impacto de un ambiente afectivo e inclusivo de aula en el bienestar adolescente de educación secundaria. Asimismo, se demuestra el papel destacado del profesorado en la promoción de un ambiente amigable e integrador de aula y la necesidad de formación en competencias emocionales, interpersonales e interculturales. Se concluye que un clima de aula afectivo e inclusivo promueve no solo un desarrollo óptimo de la personalidad en la etapa de la adolescencia, sino que también impulsa la socialización en los valores de aprecio y respeto a la diversidad

    Enhancing The Specification Of Retinal Neurons From Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    poster abstractA variety of retinal degenerative diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration, result in the loss of retinal neurons leading to a gradual loss of vision. An in vitro model to study the development of human retinal cells would provide a better understanding of the structure and functionality of the retina, eventually leading to new therapeutic approaches to blinding disorders that could involve replacing cells that had been lost to disease. Following previously established protocols, two types of populations of cells are observed early in the differentiation process, those that lead to retinal cells and those that lead to other anterior phenotypes of the central nervous system. These cells arise from a common progenitor population derived from induced pluripotent stem cells, yet the mechanism underlying the differentiation of these two different types of cells remains elusive. To further study the specification of retinal cells from this common progenitor population, a more efficient method to produce these cells needs to be developed. The purpose of this experiment is to test several candidate growth factors and observe their effect on the production of retinal cells. This study tests five different growth conditions using insulin-like growth factor-1, fibroblast growth factor-2, the sonic hedgehog agonist purmorphamine, retinoic acid and an untreated control. Treatment was carried out from Day 7 until Day 20, a period during which previous studies have demonstrated an ability to influence the decision of these cells to become retinal non-retinal. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) and RT-PCR analysis was used to monitor the expression of proteins characteristic of retinal and non-retinal cells. These results can be used to devise a more efficient protocol for retinal specification from human induced pluripotent stem cells and in turn, will further our understanding of the development of the retina

    Don’t Shoot the Message: Regulating Disinformation Beyond Content

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    This paper approaches regulatory strategies against disinformation with two main goals: (i) exploring the policies recently implemented in different legal contexts to provide insight into both the risks they pose to free speech and their potential to address the rationales that motivated them, and (ii) to do so by bridging policy debates and recent social and communications studies findings on disinformation. An interdisciplinary theoretical framework informs both the paper’s scope (anchored on understandings of regulatory strategies and of disinformation) and the analysis of the legitimate motivations for states to establish statutory regulation that aims at disinformation. Departing from this analysis, I suggest an organisation of recently implemented and proposed policies into three groups based on their regulatory target: content, data, and structure. Combining the analysis of these three types of policies with the theoretical framework, I will argue that, in the realm of statutory regulation, state action is better off targeted at data or structure, as aiming at content represents disproportional risks to freedom of expression. Furthermore, content targeted regulation shows little potential to address the structural transformations on the public sphere of communications that, among other factors, influence current practices of production and spread of disinformation

    Emotional self-regulation in children in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education: relationship with family stress and recommendations for its promotion in the school context

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    [ES] La autorregulación emocional es un componente esencial en el desarrollo socioemocional de las personas, siendo la infancia un periodo crítico, pues en ella se desarrolla el cerebro, se establecen los vínculos de apego y se aprende a experimentar y manejar las emociones, principalmente a través del modelado y de las respuestas de los progenitores. Por tanto, el principal objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar el nivel de estrés en padres y madres y el nivel de autorregulación emocional en niños/as de tres a seis años, para posteriormente analizar la relación entre ambos. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio en el que se ha diseñado un cuestionario online que incluye dos instrumentos estandarizados: la Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), para la medición del estrés parental, y el Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC), para medir la percepción de los progenitores sobre la autorregulación emocional de sus hijos/as. La muestra de este estudio está compuesta por 73 padres (35.6%) y madres (64.4%) y los resultados obtenidos indican que el nivel de estrés de los progenitores es moderado y el nivel de autorregulación emocional de los niños/as es medio-alto. De igual forma, los resultados sugieren que apenas existen diferencias en el nivel de estrés entre hombres y mujeres. Además, se ha observado que cuanto mayor es el nivel de estrés parental, menor es el nivel de autorregulación emocional de los hijos/as, siendo esta correlación más fuerte cuando el estrés es experimentado por los hombres. Es necesario que la escuela se esfuerce por promocionar la autorregulación emocional, con el fin de garantizar el correcto desarrollo de todo el alumnado y especialmente de aquellos alumnos/as que puedan tener dificultades familiares. Por ello, se incluyen una serie de recomendaciones que podrían ser de utilidad para dicha promoción de la autorregulación emocional desde el contexto educativo.[EN] Emotional self-regulation is an essential component in the socioemotional development of individuals, with childhood being a critical period, as it is in the early years when the brain develops, attachment bonds are established and the child learns to experience and manage emotions, mainly through modeling and parental responses. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to evaluate the stress levels in parents and the emotional self-regulation levels in children aged three to six years, to subsequently analyze the relationship between the two. To this end, a study was conducted in which an online questionnaire was designed, including two standardized instruments: the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), to measure parental stress, and the Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC), to measure parents' perception of their children's emotional self-regulation. The sample of this study is composed of 73 parents (35.6% fathers and 64.4% mothers) and the results indicate that the stress level of the parents is moderate, and the emotional self-regulation level of the children is medium-high. Likewise, the results suggest that there are hardly any differences in the level of stress between men and women. Furthermore, it has been observed that the higher the level of parental stress, the lower the level of children’s emotional self-regulation, with this correlation being stronger when the stress is experienced by men. Thus, schools need to make an effort to promote emotional self-regulation so as to ensure the proper development of all students, especially of those who may have family difficulties. Consequently, this study includes several recommendations that could be useful for the promotion of emotional self-regulation within the educational context