1,278 research outputs found


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    Technological developments in this millennial era can be said to be very advanced, we can start discovering various new technologies. Indeed, along with the times, of course there is the development of human civilization, one of which is about "Technology". Various renewable technologies have been found in this increasingly advanced era. In the world of technology, we know the Internet of Think (IoT) where the meaning of IoT itself is that the Internet is everything. Of course, at this time in almost every activity, activity, etc., we really need an internet network. From almost all aspects, we know technology from the tools/objects that we often use for daily activities such as Gadgets, Laptops, and other electronic devices. Of course, this makes it very easy for us to take advantage of existing technology, and it has become our primary need to support all of our activities. Monitoring electric current is very important to display details of the electricity usage that we use in our environment, with various existing technologies and electronic devices that make it very easy for us to use, one of which is Microcontroller. It is often encountered by some circles of society regarding the use of electricity who may feel that their electricity tokens run out quickly or that electricity meter payments are thought to be quite expensive from their use. Monitoring electricity use is of course very necessary to find out how much electricity we use both within 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month, also so that the Bible can manage our electricity usage according to needs and estimate electricity savings

    Studi Komparasi Lampu Pijar, Led, Lhe Dan Tl Yang Ada Dipasaran Terhadap Energi Yang Terpakai

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    Langkah menghemat penggunaan energi listrik adalah mengurangi pemakaian energi listrik yang digunakan untuk penerangan. Penggunaan jenis lampu yang berbeda seperti LED, PIJAR, LHE dan TL dengan daya yang jauh berbeda tetapi lumen yang hampir sama besarnya berpengaruh pada energi yang terpakai. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah lampu LHE, lampu LED, lampu TL, dan lampu Pijar, sedangkan variable terikatnya adalah energi yang terpakai selama 1 bulan. Subjek penelitian ini Lab. Teknik Listrik, Kampus Politeknik Kotabaru Kabupaten Kotabaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.Dengan jenis penelitian kuantitatif adalah penelitian secara langsung pada obyek penelitian dimana data yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil identifikasi di lapangan / pengukuran. Pengukuran menggunakan alat ukur watt meter dan lux meter. Hasil pengukuran untuk variable bebas lampu Pijar (40 watt, lumen), LED ( 4 watt, lumen), LHE ( 8 watt, lumen) dan TL (10 watt, lumen) mempengaruhi variable terikat selama 1 (satu) bulan dapat dilihat ternyata lampu tipe LED yang lebih efiesien dari pada lampu yang lain. Keutungan dari penggunaan lampu LED dibandingkan dengan yang lain yaitu pengeluaran biaya pembayaran rekening listrik lebih kecil dari pada lampu Pijar, LHE dan TL

    A prototype instrumentation device for monitoring forces on transmission lines

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    PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN ENZIM α –AMILASE TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MALTODEKSTRIN GAPLEK SECARA ENZIMATIS (The added of α –amylase enzim’s influence to the maltodekstrin of gaplek’s characteristic enzimatically )

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    Maltodekstrin is a product of the hidrolisa starch with enzyme catalysts. This aims to make practical maltodekstrin of flour cassavas, examines the influence of the temperature in the making maltodkstrin flour gapek. The manufacturing process is done by using the tool enzimatis reactors, weight 1 kg flour, pH 7, with temperature 800C of dry weight of flour. Free variables are the types of enzyme catalysts α -amylase 0.05% and 0.07%. At the end of the practical value of the analyzed products, DE, and from practical work generated by maltodekstrin DE maximum 4.375%. And note that more and more using α-amylase enzim’s then DE generated the higher as well


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the linguistic features of English and Indonesian languages in students’ text messages sent to their lecturers. Content analysis is employed and the data are the linguistic features identified in 1,521 students’ text messages delivered to the lecturers. The findings confirm the results of the former studies in that the typographic features of emoticons, letter deletion, rebus writing, and phonetic spelling and morphological features of initialism, abbreviation, reduplication, truncation, and casual style of spoken dictions are employed—the features linguistically creating a special register called textese recognized by non-standard form or textisms.  The mechanics of languages are featured by the lack of compliance with the conventional usage of full stops, commas, and capitals; even less than ten percent of spaces considered inevitably used are not conventionally emploed. Dominant uses of one-claused sentences feature the syntax of the languages.   Keywords: linguistic features, text messaging, typography, morphology, and syntax

    Optical preparation and measurement of atomic coherence at gigahertz bandwidth

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    We detail a method for the preparation of atomic coherence in a high density atomic medium, utilising a coherent preparation scheme of gigahertz bandwidth pulses. A numerical simulation of the preparation scheme is developed, and its efficiency in preparing coherent states is found to be close to unity at the entrance to the medium. The coherence is then measured non-invasively with a probe field.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Phenomenon of Unregistered Marriage in Teenagers in Indonesia: A Case Study of the Madurese Community in Situbondo

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    Unregistered marriage (‘sirri marriage’) is widespread in Indonesian society, and this social phenomenon can be considered a form of disharmony in society. Even though sirri marriages have a negative impact, especially for women and children, they are still commonly found in Indonesia, including in Situbondo Regency, East Java. This study used a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were fifteen teenage girls who were married by unregistered marriage in Situbondo Regency. The research was conducted through interviews and observations. The data were analyzed using qualitative techniques. The results demonstrated that unregistered marriage was interpreted as an effort to avoid sin, as certainty in a relationship, and as an economic solution. Unregistered marriages, with the perception of cultural and religious legitimacy, which are often early marriages, have implications for the development of the family. One of the consequences of an early marriage is that the young couple is still totally dependent on their parents. These early unregistered marriages force children to drop out of school and become underage workers. Unregistered marriages also lead to divorce, and divorce rates are soaring. Divorce occurs because the young couple is not ready to manage conflicts in the household due to immaturity. Keywords: unregistered marriage, phenomenology, teenagers, econom

    Kemampuan Berdialog pada Anak Usia 3 Tahun

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berdialog anak usia 3 tahun yang dilihat dari kajian psikolinguistik. Pada saat anak berusia 3 tahun, bahasa anak mulai berfungsi untuk berkomunikasi. Hal ini dikarenakan pada usia 3 tahun, anak semakin banyak menyimpan pembendaharaan kata dan tuturan anak mulai lebih panjang dan tata bahasanya lebih teratur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitain ini diambil melalui dialog dengan  anak berusia 3 tahun. Teknik dalam pengambilan data menggunakan teknik percakapan antara peneliti dengan subyek berupa isi rekaman yang kemudian dicatat sehingga diperoleh dalam bentuk tulisan. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dialog  pada anak berusia 3 tahun dapat diucapkan dengan baik, walaupun dalam pengucapan bunyi ada beberapa fonem yang kurang jelas dan hasil ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor keluarga dan lingkungan di sekitar tempat tinggal


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    Poverty is a big problem that needs to be solved in Malang Regency. One form of poverty experienced by the community is the quality of housing/houses. Self-help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) is one of the government assistance programs for Low-Income Communities (MBR) to encourage self-reliance in improving the quality of houses and building new homes. The aims of this research are to describe the implementation of the Self-help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) program and to describe the impact of the Self-help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) program in Sambigede Village, Sumberpucung District, Malang Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with a realist ethnographic approach. The techniques used in collecting data are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The research subjects consisted of eleven informants determined using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. At the same time, the theory used in this study is the theory of rational choice by James S. Coleman. The results of this study are the implementation of the BSPS program in Sambigede village is based on the rationale of the goals of the recipient community, which are considered rational, including maximizing the existence of assistance by taking advantage of opportunities to become BSPS recipients, people's desire to live independently, and the desire of the community to improve the quality of housing. Meanwhile, the impact felt by the community receiving the BSPS after the program was implemented, namely the emergence of a debt burden that was borne. The rationality in debt is based on two causes, namely internal and external causes. The internal causes include the desire to own a house, self-help limitations, building homes on the provisions and suggestions of the DPKPCK service. External causes, among others are the system for leveling the types of aid materials by the village government and the policy of dealer shops which are deemed detrimental, and the duration of development time is considered quite short.Kemiskinan menjadi masalah besar yang perlu diselesaikan di Kabupaten Malang. Salah satu bentuk kemiskinan yang dialami masyarakat adalah kualitas hunian/rumah. Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya (BSPS) adalah salah satu program bantuan pemerintah bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) untuk mendorong keswadayaan dalam peningkatan kualitas rumah dan pembangunan rumah baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi program Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya (BSPS) dan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak program Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya (BSPS) di Desa Sambigede, Kecamatan Sumberpucung, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan etnografi realis. Teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari sebelas informan yang ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive dan snowball sampling. Sedangkan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori pilihan rasional oleh James S. Coleman. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu implementasi program BSPS di desa Sambigede didasarkan atas tujuan masyarakat penerima bantuan yang dianggap rasional, antara lain: memaksimalkan keberadaan bantuan dengan memanfaatkan peluang menjadi penerima BSPS, keinginan masyarakat untuk hidup mandiri, dan keinginan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas hunian. Sedangkan dampak yang dirasakan masyarakat penerima BSPS pasca pelaksanaan program yaitu munculnya beban hutang yang ditanggung. Adapun rasionalitas dalam berhutang didasarkan pada dua penyebab yaitu penyebab internal dan eksternal. Penyebab internal tersebut antara lain besarnya keinginan untuk memiliki rumah, keterbatasan swadaya, dan membangun rumah di atas ketentuan dan saran dinas DPKPCK. Penyebab eksternal, antara lain sistem penyamarataan jenis material bantuan oleh pemerintah desa dan kebijakan toko penyalur yang dirasa merugikan serta durasi waktu pembangunan yang dirasa cukup pendek
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