71 research outputs found

    Application of extended photoperiod in lentil: Towards accelerated genetic gain in breeding for rapid improved variety development

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    The application of extended photoperiod is a simple method that allows accelerating plant growth and development. Genetic improvement is one of the main applications of this technique. We tested this method in lentil by comparing an extended photoperiod treatment of 22 h light at 25-28 °C and 2 h dark at 12-18 °C in a growth chamber and a conventional control treatment under a glasshouse of 10 h/14 h to 12 h/12 h day/night photoperiod and 15°C to 32°C minimum and maximum temperature during the experiment period. Statistically different results were obtained for the two treatments. Promising results were obtained for segregating genetic material (F2 populations) derived from crosses. In fact, we were able to get 3-4 generations a year using a single seed descent method under the extended photoperiod treatment instead of one single generation under the control treatment. Lower number of days to maturity and higher average growth rate for F2 lines were obtained for the extended photoperiod method compared to the glasshouse-based conventional method with 84 and 172; 0.68 and 0.33 cm/day, respectively. Likewise, for wild accessions of L. orientalis, number of days to maturity was 115 and 225 for the extended photoperiod method and the glasshouse-based conventional method, respectively. Slight plant mortality and reduced seed viability were observed. This could be fixed through light characteristics optimization. The obtained results highlight the potential of this method to speed breeding and pre-breeding in lentil. The use of this simple but efficient technique in breeding programs is important for rapid development of high yielding, biotic and abiotic stresses resistant and climate change resilient varieties. Keywords: Speed breeding, development cycle, segregating accessions, L. orientalis, generation tim

    Chickpea genetic improvement in Morocco: State of the art, progress and prospects

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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/815Chickpea is the second major food legume in Morocco. Compared to spring type, winter type is more adapted to semi-arid rainfed areas, escaping the frequent end-cycle drought and heat stresses. The winter chickpea breeding program of INRA Morocco aims to develop and release varieties that are well adapted to different agro-ecological areas, with high yield potential, resistant to Ascochyta blight and others diseases and pests prevalent in the target areas. Tolerance to drought and ability for mechanized harvesting are also other important objectives. Other traits, related to seed quality, such as large seed size, cooking time and high nutritional value, are also being introduced in the breeding program. Since 1994, seven winter chickpea varieties were released and registered by the breeding program. Those new high yielding varieties are resistant to Aschochyta blight. However, seed increase and marketing are still needed to make these varieties available to farmers. Keywords: chickpea, genetic improvement, varieties, Morocc

    Understanding the Impact of the Cultural Factors on Hospital Information System Acceptance: A Literature Review and Proposal of a New Model

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    The behavioural intention to accept information system technologies remains an interesting research field for information system management specialists and researchers. However, the cultural dimension has rarely been treated by researchers in the healthcare context. This paper focuses on identifying the impact of national culture on users’ intention to accept the Hospital Information System in public healthcare establishments in Morocco. Thus, we propose a research model which is based on a strong literature review, taking into consideration the previous studies’ recommendations and limitations. The proposed model was developed through the extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989), by Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

    Lentil genetic improvement in Morocco: State of art of the program, major achievements and perspectives

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    Lentil contributes to sustainable farming by biological fixation of nitrogen in soils, therefore reducing the use of chemical fertilizers. It enhances health and nutrition due to its grain rich in proteins, iron, zinc and other micronutrients. Furthermore, lentil is a staple food for a large proportion of the population, thus playing an important role in food security. In Morocco, lentil is grown in rainfed areas as part of the cereal-based cropping system. However, despite the importance of lentil, the country still relies on imports to cover local demand. Breeding towards high yielding, biotic and abiotic resistant and adapted varieties corresponding to farmer’s needs are at utmost importance to enhance and sustain crop productivity. Clear review of the achievements, specific constraints analysis and improvement objectives definition could contribute to operational design of future prospects. Under this perspective, this paper is a review of lentil genetic improvement in Morocco. Keyword: lentil, improved varieties, Morocco.&nbsp

    Towards a Financial-based View of Business Failure

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    The survival of a company finds its limit in the problems faced throughout its existenceand which are likely to lead her to failure. Indeed, the company can be affected duringits existence by several parameters that can compromise its durability, among which wemention: continuous or discontinuous decrease of activity, loss of business orders, debtrecovery problems, imbalanced financial structure or a small capitalization,governmental tax adjustment, shareholders changes, key man death, social movement,etc. This makes business failure a transversal, dynamic and complex concept includingmany sides and multiple definitions.The aim of this paper is to highlight the contribution of various studies dedicated tobusiness failure. An in-depth analysis of the literature as well as the factors explainingdistress, leads us to develop a research model of business failure based on a financialapproach

    La RSE et la contribution à la Performance Financière

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    In recent decades, the issue of corporate social responsibility has been the subject of several fruitful debates, both in the scientific and practical framework. Indeed, in this manuscript we will deal with an issue that we constantly encounter, but which differs from one context to another and from one managerial strategy to another. The issue relates to the impact of the integration of corporate social responsibility practices on financial performance, an issue that is mixed between proponents and opponents. This manuscript first deals with the continuous development of the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the years and according to the visions of different authors, and then we have addressed the key concepts considered paramount for the outcome of our research. In a second plan, we will approach the notion of financial performance which has served us for the completion of a conceptual model carried out by us at the end of this article, allowing us to formulate the hypotheses related to our problematic in order to go towards the validation in a future moment. And finally, we will proceed to the presentation of two theories; namely the stakeholder theory, which has had an unparalleled impact on the organisational world, will come the agency theory, these two theories will serve us to understand the notion of CSR at the crossroads of scientific thought. And to conclude, we will present a conceptual model that we were able to build through the elements mentioned above, allowing us to know the variables involved in achieving financial performance through the integration of CSR practices, mainly with standards and certifications.     JEL Classification: L20, L21. Paper type: Theoretical Research.Au cours des dernières dĂ©cennies, la question de responsabilitĂ© sociale (ou sociĂ©tale) des entreprises fait l’objet de plusieurs dĂ©bats fructueux, que ce soit dans le cadre scientifique ou pratique. En effet, au niveau de ce manuscrit nous traiterons une problĂ©matique que nous rencontrons constamment, mais qui diffère d’un contexte Ă  un autre et d’une stratĂ©gie managĂ©riale Ă  une autre. La question se rapporte Ă  l’impact de l’intĂ©gration des pratiques de la responsabilitĂ© sociale des entreprises sur leur performance financière, une problĂ©matique mitigĂ©e entre partisans et contradicteurs. Ce manuscrit traite en prime abord le dĂ©veloppement continu de la notion de ResponsabilitĂ© Sociale des Entreprises (RSE) Ă  travers les annĂ©es et selon les visions de diffĂ©rents auteurs, puis nous avons abordĂ© les concepts clĂ©s estimĂ©s primordiaux pour l’aboutissement de notre recherche. Dans un second plan, nous allons aborder la notion de performance financière qui nous a servi pour l’accomplissement d’un modèle conceptuel effectuĂ© par notre soin Ă  la fin de cet article, nous permettant de formuler les hypothèses liĂ©es Ă  notre problĂ©matique afin d’aller vers la validation dans un moment futur. Et enfin, nous allons procĂ©der Ă  la prĂ©sentation de deux thĂ©ories ; Ă  savoir la thĂ©orie des parties prenantes, ayant eu un impact sans Ă©gal dans le monde organisationnel, par la suite ; viendra la thĂ©orie d’agence, ces deux thĂ©ories nous serviront Ă  comprendre la notion de RSE au carrefour de la pensĂ©e scientifique. Et pour conclure, nous prĂ©senterons un modèle conceptuel que nous avons pu constituer Ă  travers les Ă©lĂ©ments citĂ©s ci-dessus, nous permettant de connaitre les variables en jeu pour l’atteinte de la performance financière Ă  travers l’intĂ©gration des pratiques RSE, principalement avec les normes et certifications.     Classification JEL : L20, L21. Type de l’article : Article thĂ©orique

    Main individual factors influencing the learning approaches: The first-year students’ perspective

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    Currently, the quality of student learning i.e. in-depth learning is essential in any planned reform. The massification phenomenon is one of the challenges facing this quality. This study explored the student characteristics influencing the learning process in an open access faculty, namely, the Dhar El Mahraz Faculty of Science in Fez, Morocco. Semi-structured interviews were conducted on 15 freshmen who enrolled in Earth and Universe Sciences and Life Sciences (EUS/LIS) program and presented a dominance of a surface learning approach. The main factors encouraging surface learning emerged were the learning habits and strategies, language competencies, motivational aspects and gender. The findings serve as an input for the design and implementation of actions to enhance deep learning

    Les pratiques du système de contrôle de gestion au niveau du secteur public : Le cas des administrations publiques marocaines

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    Dans le contexte national actuel, le royaume a adoptĂ© une sĂ©rie de chantiers de rĂ©formes visant Ă  moderniser l’administration publique qui est soumise aux nouvelles règles de gestion introduites par la loi organique de la loi des finances. Cependant, cette dernière constitue une Ă©tape dĂ©cisive et un vĂ©ritable levier de la modernisation de gestion des finances publiques.  De ce fait, il s’agit d’implanter des outils de management public dont le contrĂ´le de gestion,qui apparaĂ®t comme une rĂ©ponse tangible aux besoins de gestion interne et de gouvernance des administrations publiques. Ce papier vise Ă  prĂ©senter les pratiques de contrĂ´le de gestion dans les administrations publiques marocaines, Ă  travers une Ă©tude qualitative qui contient un Ă©chantillon de 8interlocuteurs issus de diffĂ©rentes administrations. Ainsi, les facteurs d’émergence du contrĂ´le de gestion, les obstacles qui entravent sa rĂ©ussite, de plus de montrer la nĂ©cessitĂ© de se doter de ce système de pilotage comme rĂ©ponse aux dysfonctionnements de gouvernance qui existent au niveau de ces organisations

    Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling root and shoot traits associated with drought tolerance in a lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) recombinant inbred line population

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    Drought is one of the major abiotic stresses limiting lentil productivity in rainfed production systems. Specific rooting patterns can be associated with drought avoidance mechanisms that can be used in lentil breeding programs. In all, 252 co-dominant and dominant markers were used for Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis on 132 lentil recombinant inbred lines based on greenhouse experiments for root and shoot traits during two seasons under progressive drought-stressed conditions. Eighteen QTLs controlling a total of 14 root and shoot traits were identified. A QTL-hotspot genomic region related to a number of root and shoot characteristics associated with drought tolerance such as dry root biomass, root surface area, lateral root number, dry shoot biomass and shoot length was identified. Interestingly, a QTL (QRSratioIX-2.30) related to root-shoot ratio, an important trait for drought avoidance, explaining the highest phenotypic variance of 27.6 and 28.9% for the two consecutive seasons, respectively, was detected. This QTL was closed to the co-dominant SNP marker TP6337 and also flanked by the two SNP TP518 and TP1280. An important QTL (QLRNIII-98.64) related to lateral root number was found close to TP3371 and flanked by TP5093 and TP6072 SNP markers. Also, a QTL (QSRLIV-61.63) associated with specific root length was identified close to TP1873 and flanked by F7XEM6b SRAP marker and TP1035 SNP marker. These two QTLs were detected in both seasons. Our results could be used for marker-assisted selection in lentil breeding programs targeting root and shoot characteristics conferring drought avoidance as an efficient alternative to slow and labor-intensive conventional breeding methods
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