2,024 research outputs found

    Nothing Is Impossible Pengaruh Kecemasan terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik

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    Prokrastinasi akademik adalah kecenderungan seseorang untuk menunda-nunda mengerjakan tugas-tugas akademik yang seharusnya dikerjakan sampai tidak ada lagi waktu untuk menunda. Banyak alasan yang membuat seseorang akhirnya memutuskan untuk melakukan prokrastinasi. Salah satu alasannya adalah kecemasan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen pretest-posttest control group design non-randomized. Subjek penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Penyusunan Alat Ukur pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah kecemasan yang ditimbulkan oleh tugas berpengaruh pada perilaku prokrastinasi mahasiswa tersebut. Penelitian ini mengkajinya dengan Temporal Motivation Theory (TMT) (Steel, 2007). Penelitian ini menggunakan Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) dan jam pengumpulan tugas untuk mengukur tingkat prokrastinasinya, sedangkan untuk kecemasan digunakan skala yang terdiri atas 22 butir pernyataan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kecemasan dan prokrastinasi akademik (r = 0,417 ; p = 0,000). Terbukti pada kelompok eksperimen seseorang yang cemas lebih memilih untuk segera mengerjakannya, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terbukti seseorang yang cemas lebih memilih untuk melakukan penundaan

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Materi Tata Surya Untuk Mengoptimalkan Pemanfaatan Media Video Berbasis Komputer

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    Research and development carry out in order to find out study of scenario to optimize the utilization of video solar system and to know the student worksheet to be balance with used video of solar system than find through result of this. Research population includes all student from class IX of junior high school 19 in Bandar Lampung. The examples as a small group test student class IX G. The research data gathered by observation, direct interview, expert test, and questioner. The development conducted by modifying the development model of Borg and Gall includes analyzing early product of Development, testing expert, product revision, and field-testing. On the development stage learning data of solar system on class IX to be optimize with video media based of computer such as syllabus, teaching plan, and student worksheet adopted with video media. After words on the expert testing phase, revision will be conducted by researches to find any mistakes or discrepancy from the result of the product using assessment to expert test. Then improvement will be executed base on the advise from test expert. The last step would be the field test which conducted to 32 students The result of the field test showed that level of student learning is 78.13% with a value of 70 KKM. The final level is more than 75% so that the learning can be effective

    An Optimized Data Management Model for Maternal Mortality in Bayelsa State

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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is the quantity of maternal deaths in a given duration per 100,000 of reproductive aged (15-49) women. This amounts to both the obstetric risk and the rate of recurrence at which women are unprotected to this risk. In Bayelsa State, the maternal mortality has high rates. The driving reasons for death are related with hypertensive disorder, severe bleeding, infection and other complications of delivery that could be avoided. This research aims to develop a maternal mortality system using Data mining techniques; estimation of maternal mortality rate in Otuasega Cottage Hospital in Ogbia Local Government Area in Bayelsa State was carried out by analyzing the causes of death during pregnancy; Naive Bayes was used in Bayes Server to classify Hypertensive diseases into preeclampsia and gestational, identifying the symptoms and risk factors. Among other causes of maternal death evaluated, Hypertensive disease was the highest cause of maternal death in Bayelsa State between 2012 to 2018. We developed a Bayesian maternal mortality estimation model, that catches increasing speeds and deceleration in the rate of progress in the maternal death rate. Result shows that the trend was as low as 2 maternal deaths in every 202 live births in 2012 but increased to 12 per 210 live births in 2016. The maternal mortality rate continued its upward trend and increased to 14 deaths per 172 live births in the year 2018. Maternal mortality rate which was very low have increased significantly, and most death were caused by Hypertensive, followed by bleeding, complications and little of infections. Keywords: Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Estimation Model, Maternal Mortality DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/10-5-02 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Pembuatan dan Uji Efektivitas Chess Of Chemistry (Coc)sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Minat, Prestasi dan Kecepatan Berpikir Siswa dalam Pokok Bahasan Stoikiometri

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    Pembelajaran dibidang Kimia seringkali dianggap sulit bagi pelajar maupun mahasiswa terutama untuk bidang perhitungan kimia dan deskripsi objek yang dipelajari di kimia yang cenderung abstrak, kendala ini mesti dicari solusinya agar bidang kimia yang punya peranan penting di kehidupan dapat dipelajari dengan baik oleh pelajar ataupun mahasiswa, sehingga Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang memahami kimia akan dapat termanfaatkan dengan baik demi kemajuan bangsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan efektivitas Chess of Chemistry (COC) sebagai Media Pembelajaran terhadap pembelajaran siswa pada pokok bahasan Stoikiometri khususnya dan perhitungan kimia pada umumnya, penelitian ini berjenis eksperimen (Experiment Research) yang melibatkan 2 kelas yang mengambil perwakilan dari kelas-kelas IPA yang dipilih berdasarkan homogenitas sebagai sampel. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah pelajar bidang IPA SMAN 8 Kota Bengkulu, pengujian efektivitas dari COC ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan rata-rata nilai dan kecepatan berpikir menggunakan tes yang singkat(dalam rentang waktu yang sempit), antara kelas yang menggunakan Chess of Chemistry (COC) dalam pembelajaran dan yang tidak, dengan membandingkan nilai rata-rata tes, waktu dan nilai rata-rata tes sebelumnya serta membandingkan nilai rata-rata kelas yang menggunakan COC dan kelas yang menggunakan metode konvensional, kesimpulan efektivitas positif diambil, jika nilai rata-rata kelas dengan metode menggunakan Chess of Chemistry (COC) > dari kelas yang menggunakan metode tanpa media Chess of Chemistry (COC)

    Academic Procrastination and Self-Control in Thesis Writing Students of Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Surabaya

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    Procrastination has long been regarded as reflection of low self-control. The emergence of temporal motivation theory (TMT) as a theoretical framework to explain procrastination also supports the role of self-control in bringing forth procrastination. This study aimed to test the suitability of TMT in explaining correlational pattern of self-control and procrastination, both in general and in thesis completion. Subjects were 157 psychology students working on their thesis. The results show that self-control has a negative correlation with general procrastination (r = -0.663) and thesis (r=-0.504). The role of TMT’s elements as mediators has been proven when the negative correlations weakened significantly after controlling for TMT elements. Nevertheless, a greater attenuation was actually found when self-control was used as the mediator variable. Alleged causes and implications of the findings are discussed. Keywords: general procrastination, self-control, temporal motivation theory, undergraduate thesis procrastinatio

    Non-perturbative renormalization of meson decay constants in quenched QCD for a renormalization group improved gauge action

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    Renormalization constants (ZZ-factors) of vector and axial-vector currents are determined non-perturbatively in quenched QCD for a renormalization group improved gauge action and a tadpole improved clover quark action using the Schr\"odinger functional method. Non-perturbative values of ZZ-factors turn out to be smaller than one-loop perturbative values by O(15O(15%) at lattice spacing of a1a^{-1}\approx 1 GeV. The pseudoscalar and vector meson decay constants calculated with the non-perturbative ZZ-factors show a much better scaling behavior compared to previous results obtained with tadpole improved one-loop ZZ-factors. In particular, the non-perturbative ZZ-factors normalized at infinite physical volume show that scaling violation of the decay constants are within about 10% up to the lattice spacing a11a^{-1}\sim 1 GeV. The continuum estimates obtained from data in the range a1=a^{-1}= 1 -- 2 GeV agree with those determined from finer lattices (a124a^{-1}\sim 2-4 GeV) with the standard action.Comment: 19 pages, 18 eps figures. Corrected addres

    Seismic and geodetic constraints on Cascadia slow slip

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    Automatically detected and located tremor epicenters from episodic tremor and slip (ETS) episodes in northern Cascadia provide a high-resolution map of Washington’s slow slip region. Thousands of epicenters from the past four ETS events from 2004 to 2008 provide detailed map-view constraints that correlate with geodetic estimates of the simultaneous slow slip. Each of these ETS events exhibits remarkable similarity in the timing and geographic distribution of tremor density and geodetically inferred slip. Analysis of the latest 15-month inter-ETS period also reveals ageodetic tremor activity similar both in duration and extent to ETS tremor. Epicenters from both ETS and inter- ETS tremor are bounded between the 30- and 45-km plate interface depth contours and locate approximately 75 km east of previous estimates of the locked portion of the subducting Juan de Fuca plate. Inter-ETS tremor overlaps but is generally downdip of ETS tremor and does not yet correlate with geodetically observed slip, but this is likely because the slip is below current GPS detection levels. Based on the tremor and slip correlation and the tremor-duration and slip magnitude relationship, we suggest that the well-resolved, sharp updip edge of tremor epicenters reflects a change in plate interface coupling properties. The region updip of this boundary may accumulate stress with the potential for coseismic shear failure during a megathrust earthquake. Alternatively, plate convergence in this region could be accommodated by continuous slow slip with no detectable tremor or by slow slip events with sufficiently long recurrence intervals that none have been detected during the past 10 years of GPS observations

    Attribute-aware Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes for Understanding Pedestrian Orientations

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    Semantic segmentation is an interesting task for many deep learning researchers for scene understanding. However, recognizing details about objects' attributes can be more informative and also helpful for a better scene understanding in intelligent vehicle use cases. This paper introduces a method for simultaneous semantic segmentation and pedestrian attributes recognition. A modified dataset built on top of the Cityscapes dataset is created by adding attribute classes corresponding to pedestrian orientation attributes. The proposed method extends the SegNet model and is trained by using both the original and the attribute-enriched datasets. Based on an experiment, the proposed attribute-aware semantic segmentation approach shows the ability to slightly improve the performance on the Cityscapes dataset, which is capable of expanding its classes in this case through additional data training