83 research outputs found


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    Childhood is a time when a person begins to know everything and tends to remember things more easily. The concept of safety and health must be instilled since childhood. The purpose of this study was to describe the perception of potential safety and health hazards in elementary school students. This research is a qualitative research using the Focus Group Discussion method. The informants in this study were 40 students grade 5 from 2 elementary schools in Tembalang sub-district. The results showed that the informants had different perceptions in identifying hazards and the actions to be taken when they were injured. The source of information about the dangers was mostly obtained by informants from teachers and parents. The students have been able to identify potential safety and health hazards well. However, the guidance from parents and teachers is still needed regarding how to control these potential hazards. Masa anak-anak merupakan masa dimana seseorang mulai mengenal segala sesuatu dan cenderung lebih mudah mengingat sesuatu. Konsep keselamatan dan kesehatan harus ditanamkan sejak masa anak-anak tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi potensi bahaya keselamatan dan kesehatan pada siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 siswa kelas 5 dari 2 sekolah dasar di kecamatan Tembalang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda dalam mengidentifikasi bahaya dan tindakan yang harus dilakukan saat mengalami cidera. Sumber informasi tentang bahaya paling banyak didapatkan informan dari guru dan orang tua. Informan telah dapat mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya yang ada di sekitar mereka. Namun demikian beberapa informan membutuhkan penjelasan tentang persepsi potensi bahaya yang mereka ketahui. Untuk itu disarankan bagi sekolah untuk selalu menyediakan informasi tentang bahaya dan cara mengatasi atau menghindari bahaya tersebut


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    Childhood is a time when a person begins to know everything and tends to remember things more easily. The concept of safety and health must be instilled since childhood. The purpose of this study was to describe the perception of potential safety and health hazards in elementary school students. This research is a qualitative research using the Focus Group Discussion method. The informants in this study were 40 students grade 5 from 2 elementary schools in Tembalang sub-district. The results showed that the informants had different perceptions in identifying hazards and the actions to be taken when they were injured. The source of information about the dangers was mostly obtained by informants from teachers and parents. The students have been able to identify potential safety and health hazards well. However, the guidance from parents and teachers is still needed regarding how to control these potential hazards. Masa anak-anak merupakan masa dimana seseorang mulai mengenal segala sesuatu dan cenderung lebih mudah mengingat sesuatu. Konsep keselamatan dan kesehatan harus ditanamkan sejak masa anak-anak tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi potensi bahaya keselamatan dan kesehatan pada siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 siswa kelas 5 dari 2 sekolah dasar di kecamatan Tembalang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda dalam mengidentifikasi bahaya dan tindakan yang harus dilakukan saat mengalami cidera. Sumber informasi tentang bahaya paling banyak didapatkan informan dari guru dan orang tua. Informan telah dapat mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya yang ada di sekitar mereka. Namun demikian beberapa informan membutuhkan penjelasan tentang persepsi potensi bahaya yang mereka ketahui. Untuk itu disarankan bagi sekolah untuk selalu menyediakan informasi tentang bahaya dan cara mengatasi atau menghindari bahaya tersebut

    Analisis Bahaya dan Penilaian Kebutuhan Alat Pelindung Diri pada Pekerja Pembuat Batu Bata di Demak, Jawa Tengah

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    Background: The brick manufacturing industry is still needed to support the establishment of a building. Workers in this industry, facing the potential hazards of various factors, are often unaware of the existence of such hazards and, in fact, often overlook the use of protective equipment in work.Β  Method: This study used qualitative approach. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential hazards faced by brick industry workers and assess the needs of personal protective equipment (PPE) in work. The subjects of this research are all brick industry workers in Kembangarum Village, Demak by using job safety analysis approach. Results: The results show that workers face mechanical hazards, heat, radiation, dust, smoke, lighting, and ergonomics. fell. Based on the study concluded that brick industry workers face the danger of physical factors, biology and ergonomics. PPE required are: head cover (hat, caping), mask, long dress, boots and gloves. Conclusion: Eliminating and or reducing occupational hazards risk among workers used adapting PP

    Analisis Kesesuaian Penggunaan Safety Sign Terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Bencana di PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Kantor Cabang Semarang

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    Safety sign adalah tanda – tanda atau rambu keselamatan yang dapat menarik perhatian dan dapat memberikan informasi dengan jelas tentang potensi bahaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian penggunaan safety sign terhadap kesiapsiagaan bencana di PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Kantor Cabang Semarang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan enam orang informan utama dan dua orang informan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sign jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul yang terpasang berbahan glow in the dark sehingga tulisan dan gambar masih dapat terlihat jelas dalam kondisi ruangan gelap. Kondsi sign jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul yang terpasang tahan terhadap air, panas, dan goresan, memiliki daya rekat yang tinggi sehingga tidak mudah lepas atau terjatuh saat dipasang. Tata letak sign jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul yang terpasang tidak menghalangi jarak pandang dan tulisan dapat terbaca dengan jelas. Terdapat pelatihan kesiapsiagaan bencana yaitu fire drill alat tradisional dan modern serta pelatihan evakuasi. Safety sign adalah tanda – tanda atau rambu keselamatan yang dapat menarik perhatian dan dapat memberikan informasi dengan jelas tentang potensi bahaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian penggunaan safety sign terhadap kesiapsiagaan bencana di PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Kantor Cabang Semarang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan enam orang informan utama dan dua orang informan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sign jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul yang terpasang berbahan glow in the dark sehingga tulisan dan gambar masih dapat terlihat jelas dalam kondisi ruangan gelap. Kondsi sign jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul yang terpasang tahan terhadap air, panas, dan goresan, memiliki daya rekat yang tinggi sehingga tidak mudah lepas atau terjatuh saat dipasang. Tata letak sign jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul yang terpasang tidak menghalangi jarak pandang dan tulisan dapat terbaca dengan jelas. Terdapat pelatihan kesiapsiagaan bencana yaitu fire drill alat tradisional dan modern serta pelatihan evakuasi

    Analisis Komitmen Pimpinan Terhadap Kesiapan Penerapan Sistem Manajemen K3 Pada Salah Satu Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Indonesia

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    Public health faculty X University is one of the working area that contain high level potential hazard which under working more than 100 workers. According to the characteristic, Public Health X university should implement safety and health management system according to Government Law No. 50 year 2012. However, until now, they have not already implemented safety and health management system. One of the fundamental principal to safety and health management system is commitment. The purpose of this research was to analyse how far the leader commitment towards institution readiness through implementation safety and health management system. The method of this research was qualitative research with in depth interview and observational approach. Interviews were conducted to top leader on public health faculty with triangulation to supportive party on safety and health management system faculty, such as Vice Dean II and Chairman of logistic and administration. Result showed that leader commitment form could be observed by resources through the availability of safety and health expertise, funding, facility and infrastructure, communication on safety induction or safety signates, and training to occupational safety and health student. No rules to regulate implementation safety and health management system in X University finally made the implementation of safety and health management system were not become the priority. Public Health Faculty X can make initiation to implement safety and health management system around X University with safety communication, safety maintenace, and emergency response preparedness simulation

    Analisis Perilaku Safety Riding pada Warga Kampung Safety di Kelurahan Pandean Lamper Kota Semarang

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    Safety riding is an effort to reduce the number of accidents as a result of traffic accidents with regard to the safety of riders and other road users.Kampung Safety is a CSR program (Cosporate Social Responsibility) from PT. Astra Motor International to support the movement of 'Indonesia, Ayo Aman Berlalu Lintas' and the first one was located in Pandean Lamper Sub-District Gayamsari District, Semarang City, Central Java.This study aimed to describe safety riding behavior in the residents of Kampung Safety in Pandean Lamper Urban Village Semarang. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research with in-depth interview method and observation.The subject consist of four respondents, two safety agent, and three triangular subjects. The in-depth interview guide is based on Lawrence Green's behavioral theory of Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing.The results showed that the Predisposing Factors include knowledge about safety riding and kampung safety supported by giving a workshop by Astra Motor, positive support in the form of residents participation by removing all road hump in RW X area and marking side of the road with yellow and black colour , experience in committing an offense and having an accident and defeat in the safety riding race, and driving skills supported by training on safety riding agent using Honda Simulator Riding Trainer. Enabling factors include regulations about riding in village area, information media include wall magazines, safety riding post and sanctions in the form of reprimands. Reinforcing factors are the support of family members to remind each other to be carefull during riding, agent safety riding which has been designated by residents who are considered to have better driving skillsand good communication between resident
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