569 research outputs found

    Incorporação e implicações do uso de agrotóxico no ambiente e na saúde e a possibilidade de transição agroecológica

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    Este estudo se baseou numa revisão bibliográfica, referente ao tema – problema “Incorporação e implicações do uso de agrotóxico no ambiente e na saúde e a possibilidade de transição agroecológica”. Sua questão inicial parte da pergunta norteadora: Que fatores contribuem para o uso indiscriminado de agrotóxicos e suas implicações no ambiente e saúde e há a possibilidade de transição agroecológica?, que para melhor explorá-la, a temática desta Monografia é a Questão Ambiental e Meio Ambiente. A agricultura modificou os métodos utilizados para aumentar a capacidade produtiva tendo sido responsável pela contaminação e uso excessivo de recursos como solo, biodiversidade e água. Dessa forma, realizou-se uma análise dos principais impactos das novas tecnologias aplicadas à agricultura, especialmente os agrotóxicos, sobre o ambiente e a saúde. Objetivou compreender a incorporação dos agrotóxicos na agricultura e suas implicações no ambiente e saúde e se há a possibilidade de transição agroecológica, além de avaliar a partir da bibliografia escolhida os principais fatores que contribuem para o uso indiscriminado de agrotóxicos; discutir e estimar as externalidades negativas provenientes do uso dos agrotóxicos no meio ambiente e saúde; e avaliar as possibilidades de expansão de práticas agrícolas que não empregam agrotóxicos no processo de produção e investigar se há meios de fazer a transição da utilização de agrotóxicos para a incorporação da agroecologia Diante desta perspectiva essa revisão bibliográfica apresentou estudos que relataram como ocorre a contaminação no meio ambiente, nos alimentos e saúde por agrotóxico, além das normas regulatórias. Os estudos foram selecionados a partir de bases de dados bibliográficos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que há contaminação no meio ambiente, e isto influencia diretamente nos alimentos e saúde humana. Porém, apresenta formas de controle que podem contribuir para uma melhor qualidade de vida da população, como medidas controle biológico natural e a implantação de métodos agroecológicos.This study was based on a bibliographical review, referring to the problem - "Incorporation and implications of the use of pesticides in the environment and health and the possibility of agroecological transition". Its initial question starts with the guiding question: What factors contribute to the indiscriminate use of pesticides and their implications in the environment and health, and is there a possibility of an agroecological transition ?, that to better explore it, the theme of this Monograph is the Environmental and Environmental Question Environment. Agriculture has modified the methods used to increase productive capacity and has been responsible for the contamination and excessive use of resources such as soil, biodiversity and water. Thus, an analysis was made of the main impacts of new technologies applied to agriculture, especially pesticides, on the environment and health. The objective was to understand the incorporation of agrochemicals in agriculture and its implications in the environment and health and if there is a possibility of agroecological transition, besides evaluating from the bibliography chosen the main factors that contribute to the indiscriminate use of pesticides; discuss and estimate the negative externalities arising from the use of pesticides in the environment and health; and evaluate the possibilities of expansion of agricultural practices that do not use pesticides in the production process and investigate if there are ways to make the transition from the use of agrochemicals to the incorporation of agroecology In view of this perspective, this bibliographic review presented studies that reported how contamination occurs in the environment, in food and health by pesticide, in addition to regulatory standards. The studies were selected from bibliographic databases. The results showed that there is contamination in the environment, and this directly influences food and human health. However, it presents control forms that can contribute to a better quality of life of the population, such as natural biological control measures and the implementation of agroecological methods

    In vitro development of green manures: phytotoxicity and remediation of 2,4-D / Desenvolvimento in vitro de adubos verdes: fitotoxicidade e remediação de 2,4-D

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    Evaluation of phytoremediation capacity under aseptic, controlled conditions can be achieved with the use of plant tissue cultures as a model, eliminating interference from the physical environment. Herein, we developed an in vitro culture protocol for green manures of Crotalaria juncea, C. spectabilis and Canavalia ensiformis, each of which contributes to a sustainable cropping system. In particular, we studied their behavior in the presence of the herbicide 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). Disinfection of C. juncea seeds was efficient, and plantlets presented the best development of roots, stem and leaves. Thus, subsequent experiments were conducted only with C. juncea. For 2,4-D tolerance tests, C. juncea seedlings were transferred to Murashige and Skoog (MS) solid media under the following concentrations of 2,4-D: 0 (control), 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1 for a 30-day period. After this period, MS culture media for C. juncea was analyzed by HPLC for quantification of residual 2,4-D. C. juncea development was observed to be sensitive to 2,4-D toxicity; however it was observed 2,4-D reduction in the media. Nonetheless, field assays are still necessary to evaluate the feasibility of using it as a phytoremediator, as well as determine the influence of environmental and plant density variables on 2,4-D absorption capacity from soil

    Conteúdo e bioconversão de isoflavonas β‑glicosídeos em agliconas nas condições de processamento do tempeh de soja

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the processing conditions of soybean tempeh on the contents of β‑glycoside isoflavones and on their bioconversion into aglycones. Different times of soaking (6, 12, and 18 hours), cooking (15, 30, and 45 minutes), and fermentation (18, 24, and 30 hours) with Rhizopus oligosporus at 37°C were evaluated for tempeh preparation. Grains from the cultivar 'BRS 267' were used, and the experiment was carried out according to a central composite design (23). The response functions comprised the contents of genistin, malonyldaidzin, malonylgenistin, daidzein, and genistein, quantified by ultraperformance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Soaking, cooking, and fermentation times change the content, profile, and distribution of the different forms of isoflavones in tempeh. The highest bioconversion of glycoside isoflavones into aglycones occurred in 6‑hour soaked soybean grains, whose cotyledons were cooked for 15 minutes and subjected to 18‑hour fermentation.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das condições de processamento do tempeh de soja sobre o conteúdo de isoflavonas β‑glicosídeos e sobre sua bioconversão em agliconas. Diferentes tempos de maceração (6, 12 e 18 horas), cozimento (15, 30 e 45 minutos) e fermentação (18, 24 e 30 horas) com Rhizopus oligosporus a 37°C foram avaliados na preparação do tempeh. Foram utilizados grãos da cultivar 'BRS 267', e o experimento foi realizado de acordo com um delineamento composto central (23). As funções-respostas compreenderam o teor de genistina, malonildaidzina, malonilgenistina, daidzeína e genisteína, quantificadas por cromatografia líquida de ultraeficiência (CLUE). Os tempos de maceração, cozimento e fermentação alteraram o conteúdo, o perfil e a distribuição das diferentes formas de isoflavonas no tempeh. A maior bioconversão de β‑glicosídeos em agliconas ocorreu em grãos de soja macerados por 6 horas, cujos cotilédones foram cozidos por 15 minutos e submetidos à fermentação por 18 horas

    Malignização primária no tumor de células gigantes: um estudo de caso

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    CONTEXT: Primary malignancy in giant cell tumor (PMGCT) is rare. It is defined as a high-grade sarcoma originating in a giant cell tumor (GCT) and seems to behave less aggressively than its secondary counterpart does. CASE REPORT: This report presents the case of a 39-year-old female with pain in her left shoulder for one month. Radiography showed a pathological fracture of the proximal humerus associated with an osteolytic lesion. Histopathological analysis showed typical areas of GCT juxtaposed with a sarcomatous component. CONCLUSIONS: PMGCT seems to behave less aggressively than secondary malignancy in GCT, and it may simulate its more common benign counterpart clinically and radiographically. However, it requires a more aggressive type of treatment.CONTEXTO: Malignização primária no tumor de células gigantes (MPTCG) é rara. Ela é definida como um sarcoma de alto grau originário de um tumor de células gigantes que parece ser menos agressivo que o tipo secundário. RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos um caso de uma paciente de 39 anos de idade, com dor no ombro esquerdo há um mês. A radiografia mostrou uma fratura patológica do úmero proximal associada a uma lesão osteolítica. O exame histopatológico revelou típicas áreas de tumor de células gigantes justapostas por um componente sarcomatoso. CONCLUSÃO: MPTCG parece se comportar menos agressivamente que a neoplasia secundária do tumor de células gigantes (TCG), e pode simular o TCG, que é mais comum, tanto clínica como radiograficamente. Entretanto, exige tratamento mais agressivo

    Cereal bars functionalised with tempeh: nutritional composition, isoflavone content and consumer acceptance

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    The aim of this study was to produce cereal bars (CB) added with tempeh flour (TF) and evaluate the nutritional composition, fatty acids profile, isoflavone content and sensory acceptance. Tempeh was produced from organic soya beans cotyledons fermented by Rhizophus oligosporus followed by freeze-drying and milling in order to obtain the TF. The addition of 10%, 15% and 20% TF to CB resulted in both protein and lipid content increase and a higher polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio. The content of isoflavone aglycones, the forms considered to have higher biological activity, was higher in TF than in soya bean, which was also reflected in the CB chemical composition. An acceptance test showed that CB added with TF (up to 15%) were sensory accepted. Overall results suggest that the addition of TF as an ingredient in cereal bars allows improving the chemical and functional characteristics of this type of ready-to-eat foods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Frequency of false-positive FISH 1p/19q codeletion in adult diffuse astrocytic gliomas

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    Oligodendroglioma is genetically defined by concomitant IDH (IDH1/IDH2) mutation and whole-arm 1p/19q codeletion. Codeletion of 1p/19q traditionally evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) cannot distinguish partial from whole-arm 1p/19q codeletion. Partial 1p/19q codeletion called positive by FISH is diagnostically a "false-positive" result. Chromosomal microarray (CMA) discriminates partial from whole-arm 1p/19q codeletion. Herein, we aimed to estimate the frequency of partial 1p/19q codeletion that would lead to a false-positive FISH result

    Consultas neurológicas e diagnósticos em um grande hospital universitário dedicado a COVID-19

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    Background: More than one-third of COVID-19 patients present neurological symptomsranging from anosmia to stroke and encephalopathy. Furthermore, pre-existingneurological conditions may require special treatment and may be associated with worseoutcomes. Notwithstanding, the role of neurologists in COVID-19 is probablyunderrecognized. Objective: The aim of this study was to report the reasons forrequesting neurological consultations by internists and intensivists in a COVID-19-dedicated hospital. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out at Hospital dasClínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, a 900-bedCOVID-19 dedicated center (including 300 intensive care unit beds). COVID-19 diagnosiswas confirmed by SARS-CoV-2-RT-PCR in nasal swabs. All inpatient neurologyconsultations between March 23rd and May 23rd, 2020 were analyzed. Neurologistsperformed the neurological exam, assessed all available data to diagnose theneurological condition, and requested additional tests deemed necessary. Difficultdiagnoses were established in consensus meetings. After diagnosis, neurologists wereinvolved in the treatment. Results: Neurological consultations were requested for 89 outof 1,208 (7.4%) inpatient COVID admissions during that period. Main neurologicaldiagnoses included: encephalopathy (44.4%), stroke (16.7%), previous neurologicaldiseases (9.0%), seizures (9.0%), neuromuscular disorders (5.6%), other acute brainlesions (3.4%), and other mild nonspecific symptoms (11.2%). Conclusions: Mostneurological consultations in a COVID-19-dedicated hospital were requested for severeconditions that could have an impact on the outcome. First-line doctors should be able torecognize neurological symptoms; neurologists are important members of the medicalteam in COVID-19 hospital care.Introdução: Mais de um terço dos pacientes com COVID-19 apresentam sintomasneurológicos que variam de anosmia a AVC e encefalopatia. Além disso, doençasneurológicas prévias podem exigir tratamento especial e estar associadas a pioresdesfechos. Não obstante, o papel dos neurologistas na COVID-19 é provavelmentepouco reconhecido. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar os motivos para solicitarconsultas neurológicas por clínicos e intensivistas em um hospital dedicado à COVID-19. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade deMedicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, um centro dedicado à COVID-19 com900 leitos (incluindo 300 leitos para unidades de terapia intensiva). O diagnóstico deCOVID-19 foi confirmado por SARS-CoV-2-RT-PCR em swabs nasais. Todas asinterconsultas de neurologia hospitalar entre 23 de março e 23 de maio de 2020 foramanalisadas. Os neurologistas realizaram o exame neurológico, avaliaram todos os dadosdisponíveis para diagnosticar a patologia neurológica e solicitaram exames adicionaisconforme necessidade. Diagnósticos difíceis foram estabelecidos em reuniões deconsenso. Após o diagnóstico, os neurologistas participaram da condução dos casos.Resultados: Foram solicitadas consultas neurológicas para 89 de 1.208 (7,4%) empacientes internados por COVID-19 durante o período. Os principais diagnósticosneurológicos incluíram: encefalopatia (44,4%), acidente vascular cerebral (16,7%),doenças neurológicas prévias (9,0%), crises epilépticas (9,0%), transtornosneuromusculares (5,6%), outras lesões encefálicas agudas (3,4%) e outros sintomasleves inespecíficos (11,2%). Conclusões: A maioria das consultas neurológicas em umhospital dedicado à COVID-19 foi solicitada para condições graves que poderiam afetaro desfecho clínico. Os médicos na linha de frente devem ser capazes de reconhecersintomas neurológicos. Os neurologistas são membros importantes da equipe médica noatendimento hospitalar à COVID-19

    CRISIS AFAR: an international collaborative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and service access in youth with autism and neurodevelopmental conditions

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    BackgroundHeterogeneous mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic are documented in the general population. Such heterogeneity has not been systematically assessed in youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). To identify distinct patterns of the pandemic impact and their predictors in ASD/NDD youth, we focused on pandemic-related changes in symptoms and access to services.MethodsUsing a naturalistic observational design, we assessed parent responses on the Coronavirus Health and Impact Survey Initiative (CRISIS) Adapted For Autism and Related neurodevelopmental conditions (AFAR). Cross-sectional AFAR data were aggregated across 14 European and North American sites yielding a clinically well-characterized sample of N = 1275 individuals with ASD/NDD (age = 11.0 ± 3.6 years; n females = 277). To identify subgroups with differential outcomes, we applied hierarchical clustering across eleven variables measuring changes in symptoms and access to services. Then, random forest classification assessed the importance of socio-demographics, pre-pandemic service rates, clinical severity of ASD-associated symptoms, and COVID-19 pandemic experiences/environments in predicting the outcome subgroups.ResultsClustering revealed four subgroups. One subgroup-broad symptom worsening only (20%)-included youth with worsening across a range of symptoms but with service disruptions similar to the average of the aggregate sample. The other three subgroups were, relatively, clinically stable but differed in service access: primarily modified services (23%), primarily lost services (6%), and average services/symptom changes (53%). Distinct combinations of a set of pre-pandemic services, pandemic environment (e.g., COVID-19 new cases, restrictions), experiences (e.g., COVID-19 Worries), and age predicted each outcome subgroup.LimitationsNotable limitations of the study are its cross-sectional nature and focus on the first six months of the pandemic.ConclusionsConcomitantly assessing variation in changes of symptoms and service access during the first phase of the pandemic revealed differential outcome profiles in ASD/NDD youth. Subgroups were characterized by distinct prediction patterns across a set of pre- and pandemic-related experiences/contexts. Results may inform recovery efforts and preparedness in future crises; they also underscore the critical value of international data-sharing and collaborations to address the needs of those most vulnerable in times of crisis