35 research outputs found

    Rigidity sensing explained by active matter theory

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    The magnitude of traction forces exerted by living animal cells on their environment is a monotonically increasing and approximately sigmoidal function of the stiffness of the external medium. This observation is rationalized using active matter theory: adaptation to substrate rigidity results from an interplay between passive elasticity and active contractility.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Cyclic Force Applied to FAs Induces Actin Recruitment Depending on the Dynamic Loading Pattern

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    Mechanical forces acting on focal adhesions (FAs) are believed to be an important determinant for cytoskeletal reorganization. However, the effect of the temporal pattern of forces on cellular responses has not been elucidated. In the present study, we examined the responses of FAs to locally-applied cyclic forces. Magnetic micro beads coated with fibronectin were attached to the apical surface of endothelial cells and continuous or cyclic forces at frequencies of 0.1-10 Hz with duty cycles of 0-100% were applied to the beads using a newly developed electromagnetic tweezer. A significant increase in actin recruitment around the beads was observed when cyclic forces at 1-2 Hz and 25-50% duty cycles were applied. This tendency disappeared upon modification of myosin activity. These results indicate that the sensitivity to temporal patterns of forces is detemined by the viscoelastic properes of FAs and depends on myosin activity

    alpha-Catenin cytomechanics: role in cadherin-dependent adhesion and mechanotransduction

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    The findings presented here demonstrate the role of alpha-catenin in cadherin-based adhesion and mechanotransduction in different mechanical contexts. Bead-twisting measurements in conjunction with imaging, and the use of different cell lines and alpha-catenin mutants reveal that the acute local mechanical manipulation of cadherin bonds triggers vinculin and actin recruitment to cadherin adhesions in an actin-and alpha-catenin-dependent manner. The modest effect of alpha-catenin on the two-dimensional binding affinities of cell surface cadherins further suggests that forceactivated adhesion strengthening is due to enhanced cadherincytoskeletal interactions rather than to alpha-catenin-dependent affinity modulation. Complementary investigations of cadherin-based rigidity sensing also suggest that, although alpha-catenin alters traction force generation, it is not the sole regulator of cell contractility on compliant cadherin-coated substrata

    Modifications mécaniques et biologiques induites dans des cellules en culture par application locale d'une force contrôlée

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    Adherent cells can control their mechanical properties in order to perform crucial biological functions, like division, migration or differenciation. It has now been proved that cells are very sensitive to the mechanical properties of their substrate, which they sense through integrins. Integrins are transmembrane proteins that link the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix through scaffolding proteins. We designed an optical tweezers setup controlled by a feedback loop, which allows the application of a constant local force via microbeads bound to the cell integrins. We can thus measure the creep function of a single cell and retrieve an estimate of its rigidity. Simultaneous fluorescence observations allow us to evaluate the impact of force application on the actin repartition within the cell. We observed that cells stiffen under force application but keep the same rheological response - the creep function still exhibits a power law behavior : J(t) = At^(alpha), in which A decreases on a long time range. Stiffening is coupled to actin recruitment both in the contacts and in the cytoskeleton networtk - up to several µm from the force application point. Stiffening and recruitment dynamics seem strongly correlated. This work presents an evaluation of the dynamics of cell stiffening under stress, which is a novel insight into the elucidation of the more general phenomenon of mechanotransduction.Les propriétés mécaniques des cellules adhérentes ont une importance capitale pour l'ensemble de leurs fonctions : division, migration, différenciation, etc. De plus, on sait désormais qu'elles sont très sensibles aux caractéristiques mécaniques de leur substrat, auquel elles sont ancrées par l'intermédiaire des intégrines. Ces récepteurs transmembranaires lient indirectement le cytosquelette d'actine intracellulaire aux protéines de la matrice extracellulaire.Nous avons conçu un dispositif de pinces optiques contrôlées par une boucle de rétroaction, qui permet d'appliquer aux cellules une force locale constante, via des microbilles liées aux intégrines.Nous pouvons ainsi mesurer la fonction de fluage de chaque cellule et en tirer une estimation de sa rigidité. Des observations simultanées en épifluorescence permettent par ailleurs d'évaluer les effets de l'application de la force sur la répartition d'actine locale.Nous avons constaté que les cellules se rigidifient sous l'application prolongée d'une force, tout en gardant le même comportement rhéologique : une fonction de fluage en loi de puissance du temps, J(t) = At^(alpha), où A décroît aux temps longs. Cette rigidification est couplée à un recrutement d'actine au niveau des contacts et au sein du réseau cytsoquelettique (jusqu'à plusieurs µm du point d'application de la force). De plus, les dynamiques de ces deux phénomènes semblent fortement corrélées. Ce travail présente une évaluation de la dynamique de renforcement cellulaire sous contrainte, et ouvre des perspectives prometteuses vers l'élucidation des phénomènes intervenant dans la mécanotransduction

    Spatiotemporal Analysis of Cell Response to a Rigidity Gradient: A Quantitative Study Using Multiple Optical Tweezers

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    We investigate the dynamic response of single cells to weak and local rigidities, applied at controlled adhesion sites. Using multiple latex beads functionalized with fibronectin, and each trapped in its own optical trap, we study the reaction in real time of single 3T3 fibroblast cells to asymmetrical tensions in the tens of pN · μm−1 range. We show that the cell feels a rigidity gradient even at this low range of tension, and over time develops an adapted change in the force exerted on each adhesion site. The rate at which force increases is proportional to trap stiffness. Actomyosin recruitment is regulated in space and time along the rigidity gradient, resulting in a linear relationship between the amount of recruited actin and the force developed independently in trap stiffness. This time-regulated actomyosin behavior sustains a constant and rigidity-independent velocity of beads inside the traps. Our results show that the strengthening of extracellular matrix-cytoskeleton linkages along a rigidity gradient is regulated by controlling adhesion area and actomyosin recruitment, to maintain a constant deformation of the extracellular matrix

    Cell Cytoskeleton and Tether Extraction

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    We perform a detailed investigation of the force × deformation curve in tether extraction from 3T3 cells by optical tweezers. Contrary to conventional wisdom about tethers extracted from cells, we find that actin filaments are present within them, so that a revised theory of tether pulling from cells is called for. We also measure steady and maximum tether force values significantly higher than previously published ones for 3T3 cells. Possible explanations for these differences are investigated. Further experimental support of the theory of force barriers for membrane tube extension is obtained. The potential of studies on tether pulling force × deformation for retrieving information on membrane-cytoskeleton interaction is emphasized