1,089 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Students' Critical Thinking in Speaking Through Debate at English Meeting Club of MAN 2 Parepare

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    The purpose of the research is to describe the students’ critical thinking. The research is adescriptive method which aims to categorize the students’ critical thinking level and involvethe participant of students’ English meeting club. The instrument for collecting data of theresearch is rubric scoring of students' critical thinking based on Ficione which includesinterpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and self-Examination in debatemethod. The result revealed that average percentage of all items in the first meeting till thethird meeting were at a fair with a high percentage Interpretation 50%, Analysis 56.2%,Inference 50%, Evaluation 56.2%, Explanation, 56.2% and Self-Examination 62,6%. On theother side, the students’ critical thinking dominated at weak level. Even if it is not showingthe significant improvement but, in every meeting, the students that conclude in weak levelwas subtracted in 75% to 68.8% and last 62.5% as well as the students in Acceptable levelthere are two students arise in the last meeting. Thus, it can be concluded that the students’critical thinking of the English meeting club of MAN 2 Parepare was the majority in the weaklevel

    Trypanosomosis of The Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius) and its Vectors in The Tsetse-free Arid Zone of North Eastern, Nigeria

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    A cross sectional study on trypanosomosis of the dromedary camel (Camelus dromadarius) and its vectors in the tsetse free zone of northeastern Nigeria was undertaken. Out of 410 camels examined during the 12 month study period, 115 were infected. This was madeup of 94(22.42%) males and 21(5.12%) females. This difference was significant (


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    This research aims to find out the mathematical literacy skills of grade VIII students of MTs Kupang State School Year 2019/2020. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of the study were 30 students grade  MTs Kupang State School Year 2019/2020. The object of this research is the mathematical literacy ability of students grade  MTs Kupang State School Year 2019/2020. Data collection techniques with tests using essay tests. Instruments used in research are essay type tests, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are three, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Test the validity of the data in this study using triangulation techniques. From the results of the study shows that the results of the calculation of the percentage of students who are able to reach KKM as much as 40% while students who do not reach KKM as much as 60%, thus it is concluded that the mathematical literacy ability of grade  MTs Kupang state is still low because in this class there are still many students who are weak on formulating and planning strategies in solving problems

    Effects of Climate Change on Poultry Production in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the effects of climate change on poultry production in Ondo State, Nigeria. Eighty three (83) poultry farmers were interviewed to elicit relevant information in line with the objectives of the study. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical tools were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that majority (93.3%) of the respondents are aware of climate change, 78%, 98.8% and 86.7% of the respondents agreed that temperature fluctuation, increased in sunshine intensity and global warming has a negative effects on poultry production, 72.4% of the respondents agreed that prices of feed grains are usually high in hot and dry seasons which may affect cost of production and number of birds to raise for egg and meat production in the farm, 73.5% of the respondents agreed that climate change has effect on feed grain availability, this implies that high temperature and low rainfall are climatic factors that affect general grain harvest, their supply to the market and ultimately cost of poultry production. the findings further revealed that 94% of the respondents agreed that climate change affects egg and meat production pattern and 95.2% of the respondents agreed that moist climatic conditions encouraged the distribution and development of diseases. Inferential statistics shows that there is a significant relationship between respondents’ socio – economic characteristics and perception of poultry farmers on effects of climate change on poultry production since p > 0.05 (r = 0.454, p= 0.001), the results also revealed there is a significant relationship between socio-economic characteristics of respondents and their level of awareness of climate change since the p > 0.05 (r = 0.652, p= 0.001). It is recommended extension agents and other development agencies need to educate the poultry farmers more about the effects posed by climate change on poultry production and intensify awareness campaign to poultry farmers on how to reduce the effects of climate change on poultry production.Key words: Climate, Climate change, Temperature, Poultry, Farmers, Perception


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    Kurang gizi dan stunting merupakan dua masalah yang saling berhubungan. Stunting pada anak merupakan dampak dari defisiensi nutrien selama seribu hari pertama kehidupan. Hal ini menimbulkan gangguan perkembangan fisik anak yang irreversible, sehingga menyebabkan penurunan kemampuan kognitif dan motorik serta penurunan performa kerja. prioritas masalah yang ditemukan yaitu tingginya angka kejadian stunting dengan data hasil pengkajian awal ditemukan 25 anak yang mengalami stunting, solusi yang di tawarkan dalam penyelesaian masalah tersebut yaitu Pemberian Makanan Tambahan ( PMT ) yang diberikan kepada balita stunting berupa PMT bubur kacang hijau selama 10 hari berturut-turut, Dari hasil intervensi yang telah dilakukan dengan pemberian bubur kacang hijau selama 10 hari berturut-turut yaitu terdapat perbedaan berat badan dan panjang atau tinggi badan sebelum pemberian bubur kacang hijau dan setelah pemberian bubur kacang hijau dengan adanya perubahan peningkatan di masing-masing individu yaitu dari 25 Anak yang mengalami Stunting setelah diberikan bubur kacang hijau selama 10 hari berturut – turut dan terpantau, didapatkan hasil adanya peningkatan berat badan dan peningkatan tinggi/panjang badan sebanyak 12 anak (40%). Dan sebanyak 11 anak (42,3) yang hanya mengalami peningkatan berat badan serta 2 orang anak yang dinyatakan sembuh dari stuntin


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    This research was conducted to determine the form of empowerment of tambak workers in improving family welfare in Baru-Baru Tanga Village, Pangkajene Subdistrict, Pangkep Regency and to find out how the constraints of farmworkers in improving family welfare from economic aspects in the Baru-Baru Tanga Village, Pangkajene Subdistrict, Pangkep Regency. The results showed that the efforts to empower pond workers in promoting family welfare were beneficial in covering their family's daily needs as well as maintaining and maintaining the family's survival. There are several obstacles faced by farmworkers in improving family welfare, namely lack of business capital, low education, sometimes unsupportive weather and minimal equipment/tools

    Dampak Penggunaan Instagram sebagai Media Pencitraan pada Kalangan Remaja di Palembang

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    The rapid development of technology in this era has affected the development of communication technology. Most People in this era communicate through an online platform. Social media is a communication technology that utilizes the advanced development of technology. It has a variety of types depending on the features offered, for example, Instagram social media that offers a photo upload feature. Instagram is one of the most famous social media, because of its superiority which can display photo along with the description sentence which is known as caption. This feature distinguishes Instagram from other social media. The rise of the use of Instagram has encouraged us to conduct research on the Impact of Using Instagram as a Self-branding Media for Teenagers in Palembang City. The study was conducted using explanative research methods with data collected through observation and distribution of questionnaires conducted in two places, SMAN 11 and SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang. The questionnaire was distributed to 150 teen respondents with ages ranging from 14 to 18 years. Through this research, it was found that the use of Instagram as self-branding media among teenagers in Palembang city had an impact. It has positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is that it can motivate teenagers to upload useful posts, for example, uploads about their achievements and the beneficial activities they lead. However, the research also shows the negative impact of using Instagram as a Teenage Imaging media, namely the emergence of envy towards the ownership or achievements of their peers.Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi di era ini telah mempengaruhi perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Kebanyakan Orang di era ini berkomunikasi melalui platform online. Media sosial adalah teknologi komunikasi yang memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi canggih. Ini memiliki berbagai jenis tergantung pada fitur yang ditawarkan, misalnya, media sosial Instagram yang menawarkan fitur pengunggahan foto. Instagram adalah salah satu media sosial yang paling terkenal, karena keunggulannya yang dapat menampilkan foto bersama dengan kalimat deskripsi yang dikenal sebagai caption. Fitur ini membedakan Instagram dari media sosial lainnya. Maraknya penggunaan Instagram telah mendorong kami untuk melakukan penelitian tentang Dampak Penggunaan Instagram sebagai Media Self-branding untuk Remaja di Kota Palembang. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian eksplanatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan penyebaran kuesioner yang dilakukan di dua tempat, SMAN 11 dan SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang. Kuesioner dibagikan kepada 150 responden remaja dengan usia mulai 14 hingga 18 tahun. Melalui penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa penggunaan Instagram sebagai media pencitraan di kalangan remaja di kota Palembang memiliki dampak. Ini memiliki dampak positif dan negatif. Dampak positifnya adalah dapat memotivasi remaja untuk mengunggah posting yang bermanfaat, misalnya, mengunggah tentang prestasi mereka dan kegiatan bermanfaat yang mereka jalani. Namun, penelitian juga menunjukkan dampak negatif dari menggunakan Instagram sebagai media Pencitraan Remaja, yaitu munculnya kecemburuan terhadap kepemilikan atau prestasi rekan-rekan mereka

    Modelling Growth Kinetics of Klebsiella sp. FIRD 2 on TBT-Resistant Containing Lead

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    Tributyltin (TBT) is one of the most toxic substances ever deliberately introduced into the marine environment. The high toxicity of TBT has resulted in a wide range of adverse effects on biological systems ranging from bacteria to mammals and from the molecular to the community level. One of the most deleterious effects of TBT is imposex. The growth kinetics of TBT-Resistant Bacterium containing lead was studied. In this study various lead concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 mg/dm3 were used. Seven kinetic models (Teissier, Monod, Yano, Luong, Aiba, Webb, and Haldane,) were investigated and the accuracy of the fitted models were evaluated using statistical analysis such as coefficient of determination, adjusted coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square (RMSE). Aiba model was fitted to the experimental growth kinetics data and gave a very good fit with an R2 of 0.98 and RMSE of 0.0042 respectively. The calculated value for the Aiba constants such as maximal growth rate, half saturation constant and half inhibition constant rate symbolized by μmax, ks, and ki, were 0.038 hr-1, 0.38s mg/dm3 and 34.38 mg/dm3respectively. This is the first report of growth kinetics of TBT-Resistant bacterium by Klebsiella sp. FIRD 2 Containing lead.Keywords: Growth Kinetic models, Klebsiella sp. FIRD 2, lead, TBT-resistant bacteria

    Kamus Lima Bahasa dengan Metode Binary Search dan Levenshtein Distance Berbasis Android

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    Dictionary is a reference used to find the meaning or translation of a word. Dictionary comes in many different forms but nowadays dictionary application in smartphone is widely used for its flexibility. So the aim of this research was to make five language dictionary android based application. This application can be used to translate words from Indonesian, English, Germany, Spanish, France and vice versa. This application was developed using ECLIPSE. This application used levenshtein distance algorithm and binary search methods. These methods simplified searching and translating of a word using this application. This application showed translation from one language to four other languages at once. The result of external survey from 30 respondents using questionnaire showed that 86% respondents satisfied with the interface and feature of this applicatio
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