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    Bu çalışmanın amacı dünya tarihinde önceki yıllarda ve küreselleşme sürecinde bazı ülkelerde ortaya çıkan ekonomik krizlerin diğer ülkeler üzerindeki etkileri ve gelişmiş ya da gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki etkilenmeler arasındaki farkları araştırmaktır. Bu araştırma ile bazı ülkelerde yaşanan krizlerin hem ortaya çıktığı ülkenin hem de diğer ülkelerin ekonomik verileri üzerinde oluşturduğu değişim oranlarına göre analiz yapılmaktadır. Küreselleşme sonucunda dünyanın ekonomik ve sosyal perspektifinde gözlemlenen yansımaları ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. Öncelikle genel olarak ekonomik kriz kavramı ve dünyada meydana gelen önemli büyük krizler hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Daha sonra yaşanan en büyük finansal krizler olarak bilinen 1929 Büyük Buhran ve 2008 Dünya Ekonomik Krizlerinin başlama nedenleri, etkileri, sonuçları ve süreleri arasındaki farklar örnek alınarak incelenmektedir. Bu çalışma ile krizlerin gelişmiş ülkelerdeki etkilerinin özellikle karlılık oranlarında düşme eğilimi görülmesi, diğer taraftan gelişmekte olan ülke ekonomilerinde uluslararası ticari faaliyetlerinde azalma, üretimin azalması, ihracat oranlarının düşmesi ve toplumsal olarak ekonomik güçlükler ortaya çıkması değerlendirilmektedir. Ülkelerin istihdam oranlarında yaratılan düşme eğiliminin arka planında bu krizlerin yansımaları araştırılarak küreselleşme sistemi bir de krizler açısından irdelenmektedir. Jel Kodları: F6The aim of this study is to search impacts of economic crisis arising in some countries in the previous years in the world history and at globalization process on other countries, and differences between interactions in developed or developing countries. With this research, it is analyzed by the rates of change caused by crisis experienced in some countries on the economic data of both the country where the crisis arouse and the other countries. It targets to reveal the reflections observed in the economic and social perspective of the world as a result of the globalization. Primarily, information is given about economic crisis concept in general sense and major important crises arose in the world. Then, the biggest financial crises experienced namely 1929 Great Depression and 2008 World Economic Crises are examined by taking differences among their outbreak reasons, impacts, outcomes and durations as sample. With this study, impacts of the crises in developed countries are evaluated particularly as downward trend in profitability rates, decrease in international commercial activities in the national economies in developing countries, decrease in production, falling exportation rates and economic difficulties in society on the other hand. The globalization system is analyzed in terms of crises by searching the reflections of these crises in the background of downward trend created in the employment rates of countries. Jel Codes: F


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    On the one hand, it is claimed that a new world order from which unprecedented successful performance will be obtained thanks to the globalization system is established or all countries in the world will obtain useful results from the globalization process in the world. On the other hand, it is mentioned about critics regarding arrangements intended for only huge companies called as multinational within globalization system and commercial opportunities of very developed countries which these companies belong to are made. As long as effects started to be experienced as a result, it is clearly understood that the real goal is to provide integration and consolidation all over the world because it is seen that very important developments will be obtained by developing countries which are the ones most benefiting from this process in some ways after quarter century. In this study, effects of globalization on positive results provided by multinational companies in this globalization system and different results arising from country managements are obtained on which ones among these effects are searched. Jel Codes: F6Dünyada küreselleşme sürecinde bir taraftan küreselleşme sistemi sayesinde günümüze kadar görülmemiş kadar başarılı bir performans elde edilecek olan yeni bir dünya düzeni kurulmaya çalışıldığı veya dünyadaki bütün ülkelerin aynı yararlı sonuçlara ulaşacağı iddia edilmektedir. Diğer taraftan küreselleşme sistemi içinde sadece çok uluslu denilen devasa büyüklükteki şirketler ile bu şirketlerin ait oldukları çok gelişmiş ülkelerin ticari olanaklarına yönelik düzenlemelerle ilgili eleştirilerden bahsedilmektedir. Sonuç olarak yaşanmaya başlanan etkiler ortaya çıktıkça gerçek amacın bütün dünyada birleşme ve bütünleşme sağlanmış olduğu açıkça anlaşılmaktadır çünkü ancak çeyrek asır sonra aslında bu sürecin fazla yarar sağlayanları olarak gelişmekte olan ülkeler tarafından bazı açılardan çok önemli yararlar elde edileceği görülmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında küreselleşme sisteminde aslında çok uluslu şirketler tarafından sağlanan olumlu sonuçlar üzerinde küreselleşmenin etkileri ile bu etkiler arasında hangileri üzerinde ülke yönetimlerinden doğan sonuçlar elde edildiği araştırılmaktadır. Jel Kodları: F

    Paroxysmal Amnesia Attacks due to Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy

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    Hashimoto’s encephalopathy is a rare disease which is thought to be autoimmune and steroid responsive. The syndrome is characterized by cognitive impairment, encephalopathy, psychiatric symptoms, and seizures associated with increased level of anti-thyroid antibodies. The exact pathophysiology underlying cerebral involvement is still lesser known. Although symptoms suggest a nonlesional encephalopathy in most of the cases, sometimes the clinical appearance can be subtle and may not respond to immunosuppressants or immunomodulatory agents. Here we report a case who presented with drowsiness and amnestic complaints associated with paroxysmal electroencephalography (EEG) abnormalities which could be treated only with an antiepileptic drug

    Evaluation of the Cases Admitted to the Disability Board After A Traffic Accidental Head Trauma, in Terms of Neuropsychiatric Sequelae

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    Objective:Trauma is the most important cause of death in underdeveloped and developing countries. Although the brain has protective layers such as the cranium and scalp, it can be damaged as a result of various traumas, causing permanent neurological and psychiatric sequelae. In our study, we aimed to evaluate the demographic data of patients who applied to our department to be evaluated in terms of disability after head trauma due to a traffic accident, and to emphasize that objective data criteria are required in the evaluation of neuropsychiatric sequelae.Methods:Sociodemographic characteristics, neuropsychiatric complaints, neuropsychological testing results and disability rate/duration of patients evaluated in the disability board of our department between 01.01.2019-31.12.2020.Results:It was observed that 579 of the patients investigated during the study period had head trauma. It was observed that 173 of 579 patients had intracranial injury and neuropsychiatric sequelae and a related disability rate was determined. 79.2% of the cases were male, 20.8% were female, the mean age was 29.6±15.6. Most common symptoms were dementia in 113 cases (65.3%), headache in 60 cases (34.6%) and psychiatric complaints in 48 cases (27.7%).Conclusion:As a result of the study, it was seen that neuropsychiatric sequelae due to head trauma are quite common and varied. The severity of the trauma and clinical situation should be determined by objective criteria. Detailed examination, neuropsychological testing and radiological examinations will prevent such cases from being overlooked

    Frequency of skeletal chest injuries associated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation: forensic autopsy

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    BACKGROUND: Fractured ribs and sternum are frequent complications of thoracic compression during CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) in adults. This study was conducted to determine the incidence of rib and sternal fractures after conventional closed-chest compression in the treatment of cardiac arrest. METHODS: We reviewed the forensic autopsy findings of 231 deaths referred to the Pamukkale University Department of Forensic Medicine over a 12-month period, 2004-2005. CPR-related chest injuries comprising rib and sternum fractures, ecchymosis and subcostal hemorrhage were compared retrospectively in 104 patients. RESULTS: Ninety-one (87.5%) of the 104 patients were adults, and 13 patients (12.5%) were children. The mean (SD) age in the pediatric group (5F/8M) was 5.48 (±5.96) and in the adult group (18F/73M) was 44.88 (±18.31). Forty-four (42.3%) of the 104 patients died of traumatic cause and 60 (57.7%) of non-traumatic cause. Ecchymosis was present in 26 (28.8%) patients, subcostal hemorrhage in 16 (17.6%) patients and fractures (sternal and costal) in 12 (13.2%) patients in adults. There were no significant differences between groups according to age, sex and traumatic-nontraumatic cause in terms of skeletal chest injuries associated with CPR in adult patients (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: This study shows a low incidence of rib and sternal fracture after closed-chest compression in the treatment of cardiac arrest in forensic autopsy cases

    Our Cases of Secondary Narcolepsy with Three Different Etiology: Review of the Literature

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    Narcolepsy is neurological disorder classified among central hypersomnolences group and characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, associated symptoms like hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucinations and sleep paralysis. It is divided into two types on the basis of accompanying cataplexy. In the pathophysiology of this disorder, which is accused an autoimmune process, hypocretin deficiency in the hypothalamus was shown. Narcolepsy is often seen as a primary disease in young population but may also occur with other disorders like cerebrovascular diseases, intracranial tumors, encephalitis, sarcoidosis, multiple sclerosis or after head trauma, infections, and vaccines; in which the disease is accepted as secondary narcolepsy. In this case report, patients presenting with excessive daytime sleepiness and diagnosed as having secondary narcolepsy due to medical causes, and who have Parkinson’s disease (PD), history of interferon use and hypothalamic involvement associated with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) were reported. Daytime sleepiness complaints should be well questioned in organic pathologies related with hypothalamus-pituitary system such as PD and similar diseases or in patients with history of drug use and secondary narcolepsy should be beared in mind

    The Research of Sleep Disorders and Their Effects on Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure and Renal Transplant

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    Objective End stage renal insufficiency (ESRI) is defined as the irreversible loss of renal functions. In its treatment is used hemodialisis, peritoneal dialisis or renal transplantation. Sleep disorders cause excesive daytime sleepiness, mental problems, dysfunction in general health and functions; and therefore affect the quality of life in patients with ESRI. In this study is evaluated the relationship between sleep quality and the qulity of life in patients with hemodialisis, peritoneal dialisis and renal transplantation. Materials and Methods A total of 117 patients being treated in Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Dialisis Unit between years 2011-2012 were enrolled. Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used to determine sleep quality of patients, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (EUS) and Rolls Royce Quality of Life Scale were used. Results In PSQI, poor sleep quality was observed in 81.5% of patients with hemodialisis, which was 80.8% in patients with renal transplantation and 82% in patients with peritoneal dialisis. In Rolls-Royce Quality of life scale, general health, physical symptoms and activities were higher in patients with renal transplantation, and sleep disorders were higher in patients with hemodialisis. Conclusion Chronic renal insufficiency is a very common condition. Sleep disorders in these patients may affect self-care and show a negative influence on the quality of life. Fort his reason, sleep disorders should be questioned and treated in these chronically ill patients with ESRI

    Effects of dietary interventions on 24-hour urine parameters in patients with idiopathic recurrent calcium oxalate stones

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the effects of dietary factors on 24-hour urine parameters in patients with idiopathic recurrent calcium oxalate stones. A total of 108 of idiopathic recurrent calcium oxalate stones were included in the study. A 24-hour urinalysis was performed and metabolic abnormalities were measured for all of the patients. All of the patients were given specialized diets for their 24-hour urine abnormalities. At the end of first month, the same parameters were examined in another 24-hour urinalysis. Hyperoxaluria, hypernatruria, and hypercalciuria were found in 84 (77%), 43 (39.8%), and 38 (35.5%) of the patients, respectively. The differences between the oxalate, sodium, volume, uric acid, and citrate parameters before and after the dietary intervention were significant (p < 0.05). The calcium parameters were not significantly different before and after the intervention. We found that oxalate, sodium, volume, uric acid, and citrate—but not calcium—abnormalities in patients with recurrent calcium oxalate stones can be corrected by diet. The metabolic profiles of idiopathic calcium oxalate stone patients should be evaluated and the appropriate dietary interventions should be implemented to decrease stone recurrence

    Assessment of the relation of violence and burnout among physicians working in the emergency departments in Turkey

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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Violence and burnout are frequently seen among medical doctors; however, the relation is not clear. This study aimed to assess the violence and its possible effects on burnout in physicians working in emergency units

    Starch and polyvinyl alcohol encapsulated biodegradable nanocomposites for environment friendly slow release of urea fertilizer

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    Low nitrogen (N) use efficiency from urea fertilizers due to environmental losses results in high cost of fertilizers for agricultural productions. Coating of urea with biodegradable polymers makes them effective for control and efficient N release. In this study, starch and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were used in combination with acrylic acid (AA), citric acid (CA) and maleic acid (MA) for the coating of urea prills. Different formulations of the coating were prepared and applied on urea prills such as urea coated with starch (10%) and PVA (5%) with acrylic acid: 2, 4 and 6% (USP-A2, USP-A4, USP-A6), with citric acid: 2, 4 and 6% (USP-C2, USP-C4, USP-C6), and with maleic acid: 2, 4 and 6% (USP-M2, USP-M4, USP-M6). After urea coating in fluidized bed coater, all uncoated and coated urea samples were characterized by scanning electron spectroscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), crushing strength and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The morphological and XRD analysis indicated that a new uniform coating with no new phase transformation occurred. Among all urea coated samples, USP-A2 and USP-C2 showed the highest crushing strengths: 12.08 and 13.67 N with nitrogen release efficiency of 70.10 and 50.74% respectively. All coated urea samples improved the spinach plants’ foliage yield, chlorophyll content, N-uptake and apparent nitrogen recovery (ANR) than uncoated urea and control plants. However, USP-A2 and USP-C2 provided promising results among all coated samples with dry foliage yield (2208 ± 92 and 2428 ± 83 kg/ha), chlorophyll (34 ± 0.6 and 34 ± 0.4 mg/g), N-uptake (88 ± 4 and 95 ± 6 kg/ha) and ANR (59 ± 4 and 67 ± 6%). Therefore, urea prills coated with a combination of biodegradable polymers can be a better choice for the farmers to enhance agronomical productions by controlling the fertilizer nutrient release rate