14,676 research outputs found

    Sensor material characterisation for magnetometer application

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    Pengukuran dan gangguan medan magnet arus terus dan arus ulang-alik memerlukan penderia medan magnet yang mempunyai kepekaan yang tinggi dan stabil. Untuk menghasilkan penderia tersebut, ciri-ciri bahan magnet yang baik telah dikenalpasti. Beberapa jenis bahan magnet yang berbeza telah digunakan untuk mengkaji ciri-ciri dan kesannya terhadap medan magnet. Teras gelang yang diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan magnet tersebut direkabentuk dengan dimensi yang sama bagi membolehkan perbandingan dibuat dengan mudah. Selain itu, rod tunggal dan berkembar juga telah digunakan sebagai teras penderia fluxgate, untuk melihat prestasi setiap jenis penderia tersebut. Kedua-dua penderia tersebut telah diuji dengan menggunakan dua sumber bahan magnet iaitu bar magnet tetap dan solenoid dengan diameter dawai yang berbeza. Isyarat keluaran bagi setiap penderia fluxgate seterusnya diproses bagi mengenalpasti hubungannya dengan ketumpatan medan magnet


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    Softball memiliki karakteristik permainan yang cepat dan tepat. Sehingga atletnya dituntut untuk dapat bereaksi dengan cepat, tepat dan lincah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan Speed-Agility-Quickness (SAQ) yang telah disesuaikan dengan situasi yang selalu terjadi di dalam olahraga ini. Dari populasi softball putri Klub Baseball Softball Rusa Hitam Bandung diperoleh 15 orang sampel (purposive sampling). Latihan Speed-Agility-Quickness (variabel bebas) dan kelincahan atlet softball (variabel terikat). Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif (eksperimen). Instrumen penelitian menggunakan Illinois Agility Run Test. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan tes analisis data diperoleh hipotesis bahwa t-hitung (25,162) > t-tabel (1,761), maka hipotesis null (Ho) ditolak, karena terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Maka hipotesis nya adalah latihan Speed-Agility-Quickness (SAQ) memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kelincahan atlet softball putri Klub Baseball Softball Rusa Hitam Bandung. Oleh karena itu penulis memberikan saran kepada pembina, pelatih dan atlet untuk menerapkan latihan ini secara teratur dan terprogram dengan baik guna meningkatkan komponen kondisi fisik kelincahan atlet softball.;---Softball has the characteristics of fast and precise game. So that athletes are required to be able to react quickly, precisely and agile. The aim of research to determine the effect of exercise Speed-Agility-Quickness (SAQ) that has been adapted to the situation always happens in this sport. From a population of women’s softball Baseball Softball Club Rusa Hitam Bandung obtained 15 samples (purposive sampling). Exercise Speed-Agility-Quickness (independent variable) and agility athlete softball (the dependent variable). The research method uses a qualitative approach (experimental). The research instrument used Illinois Agility Run Test. Based on the results of the processing and data analysis tests the hypothesis that the t-test (25.162) > t-table (1.761), then the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, because there are significant differences. His hypothesis is exercise Speed-Agility-Quickness (SAQ) had a significant influence on the agility athlete women's softball Baseball Softball Club Rusa Hitam Bandung. Therefore, the authors give advice to coaches, trainers and athletes to apply these exercises regularly and programmed properly to improve the components of the physical condition of athletes agility softball

    Willingness to pay for irrigation technology: the role of perceived benefits and barriers among cohort of vegetable farmers in Southwest Nigeria

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    Adopting irrigation technology in vegetable production is beyond just the ability to pay. It is a decision that involves the sociology of consumption which asserts the relevance of human perception. Hence, this study was designed to examine how the perceived- benefit of, and barrier against adoption of irrigation technology predict vegetable farmers’ willingness to pay for irrigation technology in Ido LGA of Oyo State, Southwest Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 110 respondents who were sampled using snowball method. Multi-item measures were used to assess variables. Significant differences in mean scores of willingness to pay across sub-groups of sex, age, education, economic wherewithal and category of technology-use were assessed using independent sample Z-test and one-way ANOVA. Stepwise, multiple linear regression was used to assess the predictors of willingness to pay. Results indicate that 30%, 18.2%, and 51.8% of respondents do not currently use irrigation technology, use basic, and improved technology for vegetable production respectively. Respondents who exhibited poor and high willingness to pay constituted 39.1% and 60.9% respectively. Sex, age, education and technology use have no significant effects on willingness to pay (p> 0.05), but economic wherewithal did (p< 0.05). Perceived barrier is a better predictor (standardized β= -0.592, R2 = 0.374, r= -0.611, p< 0.001) when compared to perceived benefit (standardized β= 0.220, R2 = 0.048, r= 0.273, p<0.05). The two variables afforded multiple relationship of 64.9% and explained 42.2% of the variation in willingness to pay (multiple correlation= 0.649; R2= 0.422, p< 0.001). Economic wherewithal is a fundamental limitation to willingness to adopt irrigation technology for vegetable production. Perceived barrier significantly decreased this willingness far more than perceived benefit expands same. Therefore, efforts directed at expanding the adoption of irrigation technology for vegetable production must focus more on boosting farmer-finances and mitigating barriers against the use of irrigation technology

    Sumpah Mubahalah (Studi Tentang Pandangan Majelis Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam)

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     Sumpah adalah salah satu alat bukti di Pengadilan Agama ketika buktibukti lain tidak mampu menyelesaikan kasus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis masalah mubahalah sumpah yang menjadi masalah utama dalam kasus Anwar Ibrahim dengan membandingkan pandangan dari perspektif Islam serta dalam pandangan Dewan Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, ditemukan bahwa sumpah mubahalah dapat digunakan sebagai alat bukti. Namun, meskipun Islam tidak menetapkan pasti di mana sumpah tersebut harus dilakukan, harus merupakan nama Allah atau salah satu dari sifat-Nya, sangat diperlukan bahwa hal itu harus dilakukan di dalam pengadilan dan bukan di luar pengadilan. &nbsp

    Federalism and the Arab League: A theoretical synergy

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    Abstract. The paper is a theoretical analogy of the Arab league as a regional organization. The paper also discusses the objectives, strengths and weaknesses of the league. By adopting descriptive-historical research from library instrument, findings show that, there is no doubt that the league had recorded some appreciable level of achievements since its inception and there have equally been some challenges along the line. The paper concludes that, the Arab league must find a way to reduce the perpetual tension and violence in Palestine by working towards enthroning a peaceful relationship with Israel while retaining their cultural identity. The paper also recommends that, the Arab league should strengthen their relationship with the non-Arab Nations especially in the face of globalization to reap the benefits therein involved as a league. Arab league must ensure that Arab states stop waging needless wars between and among themselves. The Syria and Yemeni crises among others is a disgrace to the Arab world.Keywords: Arab league, Theoretical, Synergy, Federalism, Integration.JEL. A10, F15

    Hygrothermal performance of building envelopes in the tropics under operative conditions : condensation and mould growth risk appraisal

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    Poor indoor hygrothermal performance increases the risk of indoor moisture problems and deterioration due to mould growth, corrosion and damage to archival materials. Hence, proper control of indoor thermohygric intensity abates indoor moisture and its associated problems. This paper presents the results of envelopes hygrothermal performance assessments in a hot and humid climate building with varying operational profile between adjacent spaces. The case-studied building runs on 24hrs cooling mode in one part against natural and/or mechanical supply-exhaust fan means on the other. In-situ experiments were combined with hygrothermal analytical methods to assess the envelope thermal quality together with the operative conditions against condensation and mould growth risks. The results show that the building is overcooled leading to poor envelope hygrothermal performance with associated condensation and mould growth problems on non-airconditioned sides of the envelopes

    Determinants of grassland primary production in seasonally-dry silvopastoral systems in Central America

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    Grassland primary productivity is the function that underpins the majority of the fodder production in cattle-rearing silvopastoral farms. Hence, understanding the factors that determine grassland productivity is critical for the design and management of silvpastoral systems. We studied the effect of two factors with documented impact on grassland productivity in seasonally dry silvopastures of Nicaragua, rainfall and trees. We assessed the effects of three species that differed in crown size and phenology, one evergreen, Cassia grandis, and two deciduous species, Guazuma ulmifolia and Tabebuia rosea. Overall, grassland ANPP had a quadratic response to rainfall, with a decline at high rainfall that coincided with peak standing biomass and grassland cover. Trees had a predominately negative effect on grassland productivity, and the effect was concentrated in the rainy season at peak productivity. The effect of the trees corresponded with the tree crown area, but not with crown density. Trees reduced the standing biomass of graminoids and increased forb biomass; thus, the effect of trees on grassland ANPP appears in part to respond to changes in grassland composition. We also found higher levels of soil moisture content below the tree canopy, particularly at the peak of the rainy season when soils tend to become waterlogged. The evergreen species, C. grandis, affected grassland ANPP more strongly than the deciduous specie

    CP-odd Phase Correlations and Electric Dipole Moments

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    We revisit the constraints imposed by electric dipole moments (EDMs) of nucleons and heavy atoms on new CP-violating sources within supersymmetric theories. We point out that certain two-loop renormalization group corrections induce significant mixing between the basis-invariant CP-odd phases. In the framework of the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM), the CP-odd invariant related to the soft trilinear A-phase at the GUT scale, theta_A, induces non-trivial and distinct CP-odd phases for the three gaugino masses at the weak scale. The latter give one-loop contributions to EDMs enhanced by tan beta, and can provide the dominant contribution to the electron EDM induced by theta_A. We perform a detailed analysis of the EDM constraints within the CMSSM, exhibiting the reach, in terms of sparticle spectra, which may be obtained assuming generic phases, as well as the limits on the CP-odd phases for some specific parameter points where detailed phenomenological studies are available. We also illustrate how this reach will expand with results from the next generation of experiments which are currently in development.Comment: 31 pages, 21 eps figures; v2: additional remarks on 2-loop threshold corrections and references added; v3: typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Examining the cancellation mechanism of neutron EDM in a model with dilaton-dominated susy breaking

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    We examine the cancellation mechanism between the different contributions to the electric dipole moment of the neutron in a model with dilaton-dominated SUSY breaking. We find these accidental cancellations occur at few points in parameter space. For a wide region of this space we must constrain the phase of μ\mu to be of order 10−110^{-1} and have the phases of AA and μ\mu strongly correlated in order to have small neutron EDM. Moreover, we consider the indirect CP violation parameter ϵ\epsilon in this region where the electric dipole moment is less than the experimental limit and find that we can generate ϵ\epsilon of order 10−610^{-6}

    Quantum states in a magnetic anti-dot

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    We study a new system in which electrons in two dimensions are confined by a non homogeneous magnetic field. The system consists of a heterostructure with on top of it a superconducting disk. We show that in this system electrons can be confined into a dot region. This magnetic anti-dot has the interesting property that the filling of the dot is a discrete function of the magnetic field. The circulating electron current inside and outside the anti-dot can be in opposite direction for certain bound states. And those states exhibit a diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition with increasing magnetic field. The absorption spectrum consists of many peaks, some of which violate Kohn's theorem, and which is due to the coupling of the center of mass motion with the other degrees of freedom.Comment: 6 pages, 12 ps figure
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