3,350 research outputs found

    On Flux Compactification and Moduli Stabilization

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    We study the effect of adding charged matter fields to both D3 and D7 branes in type IIB string theory compactification with fluxes. Generically, charged matter fields induce additional terms to the Kahler form, the superpotential and the D-terms. These terms allow for minima with positive or zero cosmological constants, even in the absence of non-perturbative effects. We show this result first by decoupling the dilaton field along the lines of the KKLT, and second by reincorporating it in the action with the Kahler moduli.Comment: 9 page

    Superheavy Dark Matter with Discrete Gauge Symmetries

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    We show that there are discrete gauge symmetries protect naturally heavy X particles from decaying into the ordinary light particles in the supersymmetric standard model. This makes the proposal very attractive that the superheavy X particles constitute a part of the dark matter in the present universe. It is more interesting that there are a class of discrete gauge symmetries which naturally accommodate a long-lived unstable X particle. We find that in some discrete Z_{10} models, for example, a superheavy X particle has lifetime \tau_X \simeq 10^{11}-10^{26} years for its mass M_X \simeq 10^{13}-10^{14} GeV. This long lifetime is guaranteed by the absence of lower dimensional operators (of light particles) couple to the X. We briefly discuss a possible explanation for the recently observed ultra-high-energy cosmic ray events by the decay of this unstable X particle.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Nucleon decay in gauge unified models with intersecting D6-branes

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    Baryon number violation is discussed in gauge unified orbifold models of type II string theory with intersecting Dirichlet branes. We consider setups of D6-branes which extend along the flat Minkowski space-time directions and wrap around 3-cycles of the internal 6-d manifold. The discussion is motivated by the enhancement effect of low energy amplitudes anticipated for M-theory and type II string theory models with matter modes localized at points of the internal manifold. The conformal field theory formalism is used to evaluate the open string amplitudes at tree level. We study the single baryon number violating processes of dimension 6 and 5, involving four quarks and leptons and in supersymmetry models, two pairs of matter fermions and superpartner sfermions. The higher order processes associated with the baryon number violating operators of dimension 7 and 9 are also examined, but in a qualitative way. We discuss the low energy representation of string theory amplitudes in terms of infinite series of poles associated to exchange of string Regge resonance and compactification modes. The comparison of string amplitudes with the equivalent field theory amplitudes is first studied in the large compactification radius limit. Proceeding next to the finite compactification radius case, we present a numerical study of the ratio of string to field theory amplitudes based on semi-realistic gauge unified non-supersymmetric and supersymmetric models employing the Z3 and Z2xZ2 orbifolds. We find a moderate enhancement of string amplitudes which becomes manifest in the regime where the gauge symmetry breaking mass parameter exceeds the compactification mass parameter, corresponding to a gauge unification in a seven dimensional space-time.Comment: 63 pages revtex4. 8 postscript figures. 4 tables. Subsection II.B revised. Several new references added. To appear in Physical Review

    Gauge Coupling Unification from Unified Theories in Higher Dimensions

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    Higher dimensional grand unified theories, with gauge symmetry breaking by orbifold compactification, possess SU(5) breaking at fixed points, and do not automatically lead to tree-level gauge coupling unification. A new framework is introduced that guarantees precise unification -- even the leading loop threshold corrections are predicted, although they are model dependent. Precise agreement with the experimental result, \alpha_s^{exp} = 0.117 \pm 0.002, occurs only for a unique theory, and gives \alpha_s^{KK} = 0.118 \pm 0.004 \pm 0.003. Remarkably, this unique theory is also the simplest, with SU(5) gauge interactions and two Higgs hypermultiplets propagating in a single extra dimension. This result is more successful and precise than that obtained from conventional supersymmetric grand unification, \alpha_s^{SGUT} = 0.130 \pm 0.004 \pm \Delta_{SGUT}. There is a simultaneous solution to the three outstanding problems of 4D supersymmetric grand unified theories: a large mass splitting between Higgs doublets and their color triplet partners is forced, proton decay via dimension five operators is automatically forbidden, and the absence of fermion mass relations amongst light quarks and leptons is guaranteed, while preserving the successful m_b/m_\tau relation. The theory necessarily has a strongly coupled top quark located on a fixed point and part of the lightest generation propagating in the bulk. The string and compactification scales are determined to be around 10^{17} GeV and 10^{15} GeV, respectively.Comment: 29 pages, LaTe

    Strongly Coupled Grand Unification in Higher Dimensions

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    We consider the scenario where all the couplings in the theory are strong at the cut-off scale, in the context of higher dimensional grand unified field theories where the unified gauge symmetry is broken by an orbifold compactification. In this scenario, the non-calculable correction to gauge unification from unknown ultraviolet physics is naturally suppressed by the large volume of the extra dimension, and the threshold correction is dominated by a calculable contribution from Kaluza-Klein towers that gives the values for \sin^2\theta_w and \alpha_s in good agreement with low-energy data. The threshold correction is reliably estimated despite the fact that the theory is strongly coupled at the cut-off scale. A realistic 5d supersymmetric SU(5) model is presented as an example, where rapid d=6 proton decay is avoided by putting the first generation matter in the 5d bulk.Comment: 17 pages, latex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Unifying CP violations of quark and lepton sectors

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    A preliminary determination of the Dirac phase in the PMNS matrix is \dell\approx -\frac{\pi}{2}. A rather accurately determined Jarlskog invariant JJ in the CKM matrix is close to the maximum. Since the phases in the CKM and PMNS matrices will be accurately determined in the future, it is an interesting problem to relate these two phases. This can be achieved in a families-unified grand unification if the weak CP violation is introduced spontaneously {\it \`a la} Froggatt and Nielsen at a high energy scale, where only one meaningful Dirac CP phase appears.Comment: 10 pages with 3 figure

    Twist Deformations of the Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    The N-extended Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics is deformed via an abelian twist which preserves the super-Hopf algebra structure of its Universal Enveloping Superalgebra. Two constructions are possible. For even N one can identify the 1D N-extended superalgebra with the fermionic Heisenberg algebra. Alternatively, supersymmetry generators can be realized as operators belonging to the Universal Enveloping Superalgebra of one bosonic and several fermionic oscillators. The deformed system is described in terms of twisted operators satisfying twist-deformed (anti)commutators. The main differences between an abelian twist defined in terms of fermionic operators and an abelian twist defined in terms of bosonic operators are discussed.Comment: 18 pages; two references adde

    Gravitational Violation of R Parity and its Cosmological Signatures

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    The discrete R-parity (RPR_P) usually imposed on the Supersymmetric (SUSY) models is expected to be broken at least gravitationally. If the neutralino is a dark matter particle its decay channels into positrons, antiprotons and neutrinos are severely constrained from astrophysical observations. These constraints are shown to be violated even for Planck-mass-suppressed dimension-five interactions arising from gravitational effects. We perform a general analysis of gravitationally induced RPR_P violation and identify two plausible and astrophysically consistent scenarios for achieving the required suppression.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Divergent male androgen pattern in two sympatric species of Leptodactylus from subtropical South America

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