2,177 research outputs found

    Aspectos eclesiológicos en la teología de Basilio de Cesarea

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    Cadenas globales de valor: una revisión bibliográfica

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    During the last thirty years, production of goods and services has undergone a relocation and fragmentation process worldwide. This new phase of productive organization was called global value chains. The studies framed in this theoretical framework focused on economic development (Upgrading) and the government of these chains (governance). The objective of this article is to systematize how global value chains have been studied to identify potential contributions of such theory to the understanding of this new phase of productive development. To achieve this purpose, academic publications from public institutions and study centers were analyzed. As a result, a deep state of the art on the subject was obtained.Durante os últimos trinta anos, a produção de bens e serviços tem sofrido um processo de des-localização e fragmentação em nível mundial. Essa nova fase da organização produtiva recebeu o nome de cadeias globais de valor . Os estudos delimitados nesse contexto teórico estão focados no desenvolvimento econômico (upgrading) e no governo dessas cadeias (governança). O objetivo deste artigo é sistematizar como as cadeias globais de valor vêm sendo estudadas para identificar as potenciais contribuições que essa teoria pode fazer ao entendimento dessa nova fase do des-envolvimento produtivo. Para cumprir esse propósito, foram analisadas publicações acadêmicas de instituições públicas e de centros de estudos. Como resultado, foi obtido um profundo estado da arte sobre a temática.Durante los últimos treinta años, la producción de bienes y servicios ha sufrido un proceso de des-localización y fragmentación a nivel mundial. Esta nueva fase de la organización productiva recibió el nombre de cadenas globales de valor. Los estudios enmarcados en este entramado teórico se focalizaron en el desarrollo económico (Upgrading) y el gobierno de estas cadenas (gobernanza). El objetivo de este artículo, es sistematizar cómo han sido estudiadas las cadenas globales de va-lor, para identificar los potenciales aportes que esta teoría puede hacer al entendimiento de esta nueva fase del desarrollo productivo. Para cumplir dicho propósito, se analizaron publicaciones académicas, de instituciones públicas y centros de estudios. Como resultado se obtuvo un profundo estado del arte sobre la temática

    Cuenta corriente y acuerdos de compensación multilateral extrabancaria

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    Se comentan, en primer término, las novedades que introducen los regímenes del contrato de cuenta corriente y de los pactos de compensación multilateral proyectados en el Código Mercantil, y su conexión con el ordenamiento vigente. En segundo lugar, se exponen la noción y la función que desempeñan los nacientes sistemas de compensación multilateral de deudas de empresas y particulares gestionados por entidades no financieras, y sus analogías y disimilitudes respecto a los sistemas de compensación bancarios y del mercado de valores. Se cierra el texto con diversos posicionamientos ante las cuestiones que plantea el vacío legal sobre estas innovaciones parabancarias: oponibilidad a terceros de los pactos plurilaterales de neteo, naturaleza de los pactos llamados pagos indirectos para cerrar cadenas de compensación, invocación del neteo practicado en el sistema frente a la masa pasiva del cliente del sistema concursado, y procedencia de las acciones concursales rescisorias del contrato plurilateral

    Proof of concept of prehabilitation: a combination of education and behavioural change, to promote physical activity in people with fibromyalgia

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    Objectives To establish proof of concept of a prehabilitation intervention, a combination of education and behavioural change, preceding a physical activity programme in people with fibromyalgia (FM). Settings Open-label, feasibility clinical trial. Participants Eleven people with FM (10 women). Interventions The prehabilitation intervention consisted of 4 weeks, 1 weekly session (~1 to 1.5 hours), aimed to increase self-efficacy and understand why and how to engage in a gentle and self-paced physical activity programme (6 weeks of walking with telephone support). Primary and secondary outcome measures Primary outcome was the acceptability and credibility of the intervention by means of the Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire. Secondary outcomes comprised scales to measure FM severity, specific symptoms and sedentary behaviour. An exit interview was conducted to identify the strengths and weaknesses and barriers to the intervention. Results One participant dropped out due to finding the walking programme excessively stressful. Participants expected the intervention would improve their symptoms by 22%–38% but resulted in 5%–26% improvements. Participants would be confident in recommending this intervention to a friend who experiences similar problems. The interviews suggested that the fluctuation of symptoms should be considered as an outcome and that the prehabilitation intervention should accomodate these fluctuation. Additional suggestions were to incorporate initial interviews (patient-centred approach), to tailor the programmes to individuals’ priorities and to offer a variety of physical activity programmes to improve motivation. Conclusions This feasibility study demonstrated that our novel approach is acceptable to people with FM. Future interventions should pay attention to flexibility, symptoms fluctuation and patients support.Health and Social Care Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland (STL/5268/16 to CH and JGM)Ramón y Cajal 2021 Excellence Research Grant action from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FSE/AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN, RYC2021-034311- I

    Land, Environmental Externalities and Tourism Development

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    In a two sectors dynamic model we analyze the process of tourism development based on the accumulation of capital (building of tourism facilities) and the reallocation of land from traditional activities to the tourism sector. The model incorporates the conflict between occupation of the territory by the tourism facilities, other productive activities and availability of cultural, natural and environmental assets that are valued by residents and visitors. We characterize the process of tourism development in two settings: the socially optimal solution and a situation where the costs of tourism expansion are external to the decision makers, where externalities on residents as well as intraindustry externalities are considered. Regarding the optimal solution, we show that it is optimal to limit tourism expansion before it reaches its maximum capacity even in a context where the economic attractiveness of tourism relative to other productive sectors rise continuously. However, in this context and when all the costs of tourism development are externalities the only limit to tourism quantitative expansion is its maximum capacity determined by the availability of land. Finally, we show that excessive environmental degradation from the future generations’ point of view is not a problem of discounting the future but rather a problem of externalities that affects negatively the current and future generations.Intertemporal land allocation, Structural economic change, Tourism industry

    Variables Cataclísmicas en cartografíados de gran campo

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, leída el 28/01/2021Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) are interacting binary systems comprised of a white dwarf (WD) and a secondary star, typically a red dwarf (RD). The secondary is transferring material through the inner Lagrangian point (L1) which, in absence of strong magnetic fields, forms an accretion disc surrounding the central WD. The evolution of CVs is driven by angular momentum loss, moving from long orbital periods and high mass transfer rates to short orbital periods and low mass trasnfer rates. Their evolution proceeds in this way until reaching the period minimum at 78 min. In addition, there is an abrupt drop in the number of systems with periods between 2 h and 3 h, the period gap. Below the gap, the main mechanism ofangular momentum loss is governed by gravitational radiation while above it, the stronger magnetic braking dominates...Las Variables Cataclísmicas (CV por sus siglas en inglés) son sistemas binarios que interactúan entre sí, compuestos por una enana blanca y una estrella secundaria, típicamente una enana roja. La secundaria transfiere material a través del punto interno de Lagrange (L1) que, en ausencia de fuertes campos magnéticos, forma un disco de acreción que rodea a la enana blanca central. La evolución de las CVs está impulsada por la pérdida de momento angular, pasando de largos períodos orbitales y altas transferencias de masa a períodos orbitales cortos y bajas transferencias de masa. Su evolución prosigue de esta manera hasta alcanzar el período mínimo de 78 min. Además, hay un descenso abrupto en el número de sistemas con períodos entre 2 h y 3 h, el ’period gap’. Por debajo del gap, el principal mecanismo de pérdida de momento angular se rige por la radiación gravitatoria, mientras que por encima de él, domina el frenado magnético más fuerte...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Gothic drawing and drawings in the gothic tradition in the iberian peninsula (13th–18th centuries)

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    The inventory and cataloguing of the architectural drawings in the Gothic tradition made In the Iberian Peninsula has brought together exceptional sources that were previously scattered, usually little-known and valued, and, in many cases, unpublished. These materials can now be analyzed from multiple points of view, notably as tools for planning and surveying; as invaluable documents for the study of the enterprises they represent or helped to develop; as sources for the study of master builders; and as data sets for the analysis of the typological models, vaulting solutions, and rib-vault designs used in Gothic architecture—and in architecture of Gothic tradition—built in the Iberian Peninsula throughout the Middle Ages and Early Modern period