180 research outputs found

    Insertion de la rĂ©serve huronne dans l’espace urbain de la ville de QuĂ©bec : Influences de la proximitĂ© de QuĂ©bec sur Wendake

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    Cet article analyse certains aspects liĂ©s Ă  la situation urbaine de Wendake dans la pĂ©riphĂ©rie de la ville de QuĂ©bec, aspects qui sont Ă  la base des particularitĂ©s du dĂ©veloppement socio-Ă©conomique de la communautĂ© huronne. La proximitĂ© de la capitale provinciale joue un important rĂŽle positif dans le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique de Wendake et lui assure une position de centre politique pour les nations autochtones du QuĂ©bec. L’urbanisation de la rĂ©gion de QuĂ©bec a progressivement entraĂźnĂ© Wendake dans ce processus un mĂ©tissage tangible. La morphologie du cadre bĂąti de la rĂ©serve a aussi subi une Ă©volution particuliĂšre, reflĂ©tant aujourd’hui l’amalgame des cultures amĂ©rindienne et europĂ©enne. RĂ©serve situĂ©e au carrefour des cultures, de la modernitĂ© et de la tradition, Wendake est aujourd’hui le lieu de vie d’une communautĂ© jeune et dynamique.This article analyzes certain aspects of the urban situation of Wendake as it relates to the socio-economic development of this Huron community, located in the periphery of Quebec City. The proximity of the provincial capital plays a positive role in the economic development of Wendake and ensures it a central political position vis-Ă -vis the Indigenous Nations of Quebec. The urbanization of the area surrounding Quebec City gradually enveloped Wendake in this process of mixing cultures. The character of the Reserve’s development also reflects a particular evolution and an amalgam of the Amerindian and European cultures. As a reserve at the cross-roads of cultures and of modernity and tradition, Wendake today is a young and dynamic community

    Success and failure factors of the mergers and acquisitions performance : evidence from Bulgaria

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    This paper presents a study on the success and failure factors that influence the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) performance. In the initial part major theoretical studies, developed in the field of strategic management, corporate finance, organisational studies, and human resources are analysed. These works are used to outline ten main elements that can be considered essential for the success of the transactions. The discussed examines are founded on a number of leading theories – Agency theory, Resourced-based theory, Diversification theory, Learning theory, etc. Therefore, the empirical application of these theories is tested in the local context of the Bulgarian M&A deals. By the means of factor and regression analysis, three specific factors of successful M&A performance are empirically drawn. The conclusions are that leadership qualities of the managers, synergy of resources, and fast post-merger integration appear to be crucial for the successful performance of these strategic combinations.peer-reviewe

    Multi-Level Bargaining Cartels in Periods of Transitions: On the Example of Bulgaria

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    This paper examines the levels of social dialogues and the specific links among them that have emerged during the post-communist transformations of central and eastern Europe. Using evidence from Bulgaria, the author adds to the debate over the type of worldwide change in bargaining structures, with the argument that currently the post-communist region is experiencing neither decentralization nor centralization of bargaining structures. Instead, surviving state socialist structures designed to resolve conflicts on a hierarchical basis and the new, transformation-driven centralization of power have combined with decentralizing and democratizing efforts to create specific multi-level bargaining cartels. In such cartels, the scope of bargaining is both more extensive and intensive. It involves the interplay of participants and issues from different levels that contributes importantly for the advancement of economic restructuring and political democratization

    "Business-Government Relations in EU-Acceding Countries: Towards a Model of Institutional Change"

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    [From the introduction]. Using an institutionalist approach grounded in the comparative Europeanization literature, this study explores institutional change in the business-government relationship in the EU acceding countries from the post-communist region. Similar to the neo-pluralist (societal) approach (see Nowell, 1996), the institutionalist approach emphasizes the importance of business-state alliances in determining political and policy outcomes and the fulfillment of business strategic objectives. Unlike the neo-pluralist approach, however, which emphasizes primarily the desire of business to control the state (Gibbs, 1991; Cox, 1994; Ferguson, 1983, 1984, 1995; Ferguson and Rogers, 1986; Frieden, 1988; Abraham, 1986), the institutionalist approach counts for the goals of business, but regards these goals as significantly constrained – defined and shaped – by institutions.3 Institutions have always played a vital role in the EU integrative processes, including EU accession; the European Union is a polity heavily grounded in institutions (Katzenstein, 1997). What matters most in the case of European integration are the European common law, the acquis communautaire, and the EU common policy content and procedures. As Christopher Preston observes, the requirements that EU candidate countries take on board the entire acquis communautaire with no permanent derogations allowed; and that the accession negotiations concentrate exclusively on the practical aspects of the adoption of the acquis by the applicants, stand on top of the list of principles applied in all EU enlargement rounds (Preston, 1997). These requirements consequently define EU integration and more specifically the EU enlargement process as a highly institutionalized one

    A comparison of social media marketing between B2B, B2C and mixed business models

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    This paper explores the implicit assumption in the growing body of literature that social media usage is fundamentally different in business-to-business (B2B) companies than in the extant business-to-consumer (B2C) literature. Sashi’s (2012) customer engagement cycle is utilized to compare B2B, B2C, Mixed B2B/B2C and B2B2C business model organizational practices in relation to social media usage, importance, and its perceived effectiveness as a communication channel. Utilizing 449 responses to an exploratory panel based survey instrument, we clearly identify differences in social media marketing usage and its perceived importance as a communications channel. In particular we identify distinct differences in the relationship between social media importance and the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing across business models. Our results indicate that B2B social media usage is distinct from B2C, Mixed and B2B2C business model approaches. Specifically B2B organizational members perceive social media to have a lower overall effectiveness as a channel and identify it as less important for relationship oriented usage than other business models

    Determinants of Sovereign Investment Protectionism: the Case of Bulgaria’s Nuclear Energy Sector

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    Foreign direct investment (FDI) by entities controlled by foreign governments (especially state-owned enterprises) is a new global phenomenon that is most often linked to the rise of emerging markets such as China and Russia. Host governments have struggled to properly react to this type of investment activity especially in key strategic sectors and critical infrastructure that ultimately raise questions of national security. Academic research on sovereign investment as a factor contributing to the new global protectionist trend is very limited, and predominantly focused on sovereign investors from China. This study explores the specifics of Russian sovereign investment in the former Soviet Bloc countries, now members of the European Union, especially in strategic sectors such as energy. We use the case of Bulgaria’s nuclear energy sector and the involvement of Russia’s state-owned company Rosatom in the halted Belene nuclear power plant project to analyze the dynamics of policy and politics, political-economic ideologies and historical legacies in the formation of national stances towards Russia as a sovereign investor. Our research contributes to the emerging literature on FDI protectionism and sovereign investment by emphasizing the significance of political-ideological divides and the heritage of the past as determinants of sovereign investment protectionism

    Le tourisme autochtone en milieu urbain : le cas de Wendake, une communauté amérindienne au Québec

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    Cette thĂšse traite du dĂ©veloppement du tourisme urbain dans la communautĂ© huronne de Wendake, situĂ©e en pĂ©riphĂ©rie de la ville de QuĂ©bec. Le thĂšme du tourisme autochtone urbain est abordĂ© Ă  partir d'une approche interdisciplinaire et en utilisant les mĂ©thodes de la recherche qualitative. Dans ce travail, nous cherchons Ă  identifier la place de Wendake en tant que destination touristique dans l'espace touristique de la ville de QuĂ©bec et Ă  dĂ©crire l'Ă©tat actuel du dĂ©veloppement touristique chez les Autochtones de la province de QuĂ©bec en gĂ©nĂ©ral. De plus, nous voulons comprendre le rĂŽle de la ville dans la formation de Wendake en tant que pĂŽle touristique et enfin saisir l'impact de l'industrie touristique sur le dĂ©veloppement de la communautĂ© huronne. Comme rĂ©sultat de notre recherche, nous proposons un panorama des destinations touristiques autochtones et une analyse spatiale des types d'activitĂ©s touristiques en milieu autochtone, des entraves Ă  son dĂ©veloppement et de ses perspectives d'avenir. D'un autre cĂŽtĂ©, nous analysons la ville en tant que terre d'accueil de l'industrie touristique et la genĂšse des pĂŽles touristiques en milieu urbain. Enfin, nous observons l'Ă©volution de Wendake dans un contexte urbain et les incidences de celui-ci sur le dĂ©veloppement touristique dans la communautĂ©. En conclusion, on peut affirmer que Wendake reprĂ©sente une des plus fortes destinations touristiques autochtones au QuĂ©bec grĂące Ă  ses traditions d'accueil et Ă  l'influence bĂ©nĂ©fique que la ville joue pour son dĂ©veloppement. La rĂ©serve apparaĂźt en tant que pĂŽle ethnique, secondaire et non concurrentiel au pĂŽle principal dans l'espace touristique de la ville de QuĂ©bec. C'est un pĂŽle composite de type culture/nature/d'affaires avec une prĂ©dominance culturelle. Sur une Ă©chelle locale, en pĂ©riphĂ©rie urbaine, il s'avĂšre un pĂŽle principal pour son environnement immĂ©diat autour duquel sont en train de s'ordonner d'autres aires touristiques. Dans la morphologie de la rĂ©serve, il existe deux pĂŽles majeurs, l'un de type Ă©volutif et l'autre de type conceptuel. Ils sont concurrentiels mais cohabitent d'une maniĂšre non conflictuelle. Quant Ă  la question du dĂ©veloppement et des impacts du tourisme sur les communautĂ©s rĂ©ceptrices, on dĂ©couvre que le tourisme, pour la communautĂ© huronne, est tout Ă  la fois un moyen de stabilisation Ă©conomique et d'affirmation identitaire. La majoritĂ© des activitĂ©s touristiques ainsi que les travaux d'amĂ©nagement sont inspirĂ©s de la culture traditionnelle huronne. Le rĂ©amĂ©nagement du coeur historique a pour but d'embellir et de façonner le paysage « Ă  l'autochtone », de le singulariser pour mettre en valeur la culture huronne. Cela est fait dans le but de se dĂ©marquer de l'espace banlieusard de la ville de QuĂ©bec tout en se distinguant des autres cultures autochtones. De cette façon, en se particularisant, la communautĂ©, qui a une position centrale, entend s'imposer comme capitale administrative et culturelle pour l'ensemble des Autochtones de la province. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Tourisme, Ville, Autochtones, Tourisme autochtone, Tourisme urbain, PĂŽle touristique, IdentitĂ©, EthnicitĂ©, DĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique, AmĂ©nagement, Tourisme culturel, City, Urban tourism, Aboriginal tourism, Identity, Ethnicity

    Insertion as an alternative to workfare: active labour-market schemes in the Parisian suburbs

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    Many governments have tightened the link between welfare and work by attaching conditionality to out-of-work benefits, extending these requirements to new client groups, and imposing market competition and greater managerial control in service delivery – principles typically characterised as ‘workfare’. Based on field research in Seine-Saint-Denis, we examine French ‘insertion’ schemes aimed at disadvantaged but potentially job-ready clients, characterized by weak conditionality, low marketization, strong professional autonomy, and local network control. We show that insertion systems have resisted policy attempts to expand workfare-derived principles, reflecting street-level actors’ belief in the key advantages of the former over the latter. In contrast with arguments stressing institutional and cultural stickiness, our explanation for this resistance thus highlights the decentralized network governance of front-line services and the limits to central government power
