1,475 research outputs found

    Epstein-Barr virus-associated cholestatic hepatitis

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    Epstein-Barr virus infection is common in children, usually presenting as infectious mononucleosis, including fever, tonsillitis and lymphadenopathy associated with self-resolving increase in transaminases. Cholestasis is rare in children with only a few cases reported but it was described in up to 55% of the adult population affected. We present a case of a 6-year-old boy with fever, vomiting and choluria. The physical examination showed hepatomegaly and jaundice and was otherwise unremarkable. The laboratory studies revealed increased transaminases (aspartate aminotransferase 97 U/L, alanine aminotransferase 166 U/L), hyperbilirubinaemia (total bilirubin 3.2 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 2.89 mg/dL) and increased γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (114 mg/dL). Urine urobilinogen was increased. The abdominal ultrasound showed hepatomegaly. Epstein-Barr viral capsid antibody IgM was positive and IgG was negative. Serological studies for other viruses were negative. We underline the need to consider Epstein-Barr virus in the cholestatic hepatitis differential diagnosis, in order to avoid unnecessary investigations

    En observancia de lo resuelto últimamente por S.M. á consulta del Consejo Supremo en su Real Cédula de 29 de Mayo último, sobre que en los asuntos de Propios y Arbitrios del Reyno solo deberan regir y observarse las Ordenes é Instrucciones

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    Creu xil. a la capçaleraLloc i data del text Segovia 25 de juny de 1792 signat per Juan de Silva y PantojaTítol obtingut de les primeres línies del text"Orden del intendente de Segovia a las justicias de los pueblos por la que se dispone que traigan todos los caudales que por los sobrantes de sus propios y arbitrios hubiere existentes en arcas de 3 llaves ya en dinero ya en vales reales" --Catàleg manual de la Biblioteca Econòmica CarandellOrdre de l'intendent de Segovia a les justícies dels pobles per la qual es disposa que portin tots els cabdals que pels sobrantes dels seus propios i arbitrios hi ha existents en arques de 3 claus en diners o en vals.

    Dielectric Fundamental Strings in Matrix String Theory

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    Matrix string theory is equivalent to type IIA superstring theory in the light-cone gauge, together with extra degrees of freedom representing D-brane states. It is therefore the appropriate framework in which to study systems of multiple fundamental strings expanding into higher-dimensional D-branes. Starting from Matrix theory in a weakly curved background, we construct the linear couplings of closed string fields to type IIA Matrix strings. As a check, we show that at weak coupling the resulting action reproduces light-cone gauge string theory in a weakly curved background. Further dualities give a type IIB Matrix string theory and a type IIA theory of Matrix strings with winding. We comment on the dielectric effect in each of these theories, giving some explicit solutions describing fundamental strings expanding into various Dp-branes.Comment: Plain LaTeX, 25 pages. Reference added. Version to appear to NP

    Sickle cell disease in children: chronic complications and search of predictive factors for adverse outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Sickle cell disease (SCD) has extremely variable phenotypes, and several factors have been associated with the severity of the disease. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the chronic complications of SCD and look for predictive risk factors for increased severity and number of complications. METHODS: Retrospective study including all children followed for SCD in the Paediatric Haematology Unit of a tertiary hospital in Portugal, who completed 17 yr old between the years 2004 and 2013. RESULTS: We identified 44 patients, 55% female and 98% black. Chronic complications occurred in 80% of cases. Slight dilatation of the left ventricle was the most frequent complication (47.7%), followed by respiratory function disturbs (43.2%), microlithiasis or cholelithiasis (40.9%), increased flow velocity of cerebral arteries (31.8%), enuresis, delayed puberty and bone abnormalities (6.8% each), sickle cell retinopathy and leg ulcer (4.6% each) and recurrent priapism (2.3%). We identified a statistically significant association between leukocytes >15 000/μL and a higher number of hospitalizations (P < 0.001) and chronic complications of the disease (P = 0.035). The occurrence of dactylitis in first year of life was also significantly associated with a higher number of hospitalizations (P = 0.004) and chronic complications (P = 0.018). The presence of α-thalassemia was associated with a lower number of chronic complications (P = 0.036). CONCLUSIONS: Leucocytosis and dactylitis in the first year of life can be predictors of SCD severity, while the presence of α-thalassemia can be protective. The determination of early predictors of chronic complications of SCD may improve the comprehensive care of these patients

    Evolution of spiral and scroll waves of excitation in a mathematical model of ischaemic border zone

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    Abnormal electrical activity from the boundaries of ischemic cardiac tissue is recognized as one of the major causes in generation of ischemia-reperfusion arrhythmias. Here we present theoretical analysis of the waves of electrical activity that can rise on the boundary of cardiac cell network upon its recovery from ischaemia-like conditions. The main factors included in our analysis are macroscopic gradients of the cell-to-cell coupling and cell excitability and microscopic heterogeneity of individual cells. The interplay between these factors allows one to explain how spirals form, drift together with the moving boundary, get transiently pinned to local inhomogeneities, and finally penetrate into the bulk of the well-coupled tissue where they reach macroscopic scale. The asymptotic theory of the drift of spiral and scroll waves based on response functions provides explanation of the drifts involved in this mechanism, with the exception of effects due to the discreteness of cardiac tissue. In particular, this asymptotic theory allows an extrapolation of 2D events into 3D, which has shown that cells within the border zone can give rise to 3D analogues of spirals, the scroll waves. When and if such scroll waves escape into a better coupled tissue, they are likely to collapse due to the positive filament tension. However, our simulations have shown that such collapse of newly generated scrolls is not inevitable and that under certain conditions filament tension becomes negative, leading to scroll filaments to expand and multiply leading to a fibrillation-like state within small areas of cardiac tissue.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, appendix and 2 movies, as accepted to PLoS ONE 2011/08/0

    Obligations of Researchers and Managers to Respect Wetlands: Practical Solutions to Minimizing Field Monitoring Impacts

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    Research and field monitoring can disturb wetland integrity. Adoption of ethical field practices is needed to limit monitoring induced stressors such as trampling, non-native seed and invertebrate dispersal, and disease and fungal spread. We identify a linear pathway of deterioration highlighting stressors that can progress to cumulative impacts, consequences, and losses at the site scale. The first step to minimize disturbance is to assess and classify the current ecosystem quality. We present a tiered framework for wetland classification and link preventative measures to the wetland tier. Preventative measures are recommended at various intensities respective to the wetland tier, with higher tiered wetlands requiring more intense preventative measures. In addition, preventative measures vary by time of implementation (before, during, and after the wetland visit) to mitigate impacts at various temporal scales. The framework is designed to increase transparency of field monitoring impacts and to promote the adoption of preventative measures. Implementing preventative measures can build accountability and foster a greater appreciation for our roles as researchers and managers in protecting wetlands

    Inhibition of CXCR2 Plays a Pivotal Role in Re-Sensitizing Ovarian Cancer to Cisplatin Treatment

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    cDNA microarray data conducted by our group revealed overexpression of CXCL2 and CXCL8 in ovarian cancer (OC) microenvironment. Herein, we have proven that the chemokine receptor, CXCR2, is a pivotal molecule in re-sensitizing OC to cisplatin, and its inhibition decreases cell proliferation, viability, tumor size in cisplatinresistant cells, as well as reversed the overexpression of mesenchymal epithelium transition markers. Altogether, our study indicates a central effect of CXCR2 in preventing tumor progression, due to acquisition of cisplatin chemoresistant phenotype by tumor cells, and patients’ high lethality rate. We found that the overexpression of CXCR2 by OC cells is persistent and anomalously confined to the cellular nuclei, thus pointing to an urge in developing highly lipophilic molecules that promptly permeate cells, bind to and inhibit nuclear CXCR2 to fight OC, instead of relying on the high-cost genetic engineered cells.acknowledge financial support from CAPES, FAPES and CNPq, as well as the Biotechnology Program/ RENORBIO from the Federal University of Espirito Santo, Espirito Santo, Brazil; Institute of Pathology and Molecular Immunology (IPATIMUP) and the Institute of Innovation and Health Research (I3s), Porto, Portugal


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    This paper gives review of the historical antecedents of Eurocode-2 in Hungary and East Europe. The method of permissible stresses, using uniform safety factor was first changed in 1950 in Hungary by the semi-probabilistic method using partial safety factors. This new method was accepted with some resistance on the part of the leading structural engineers. Nevertheless most of the East-European countries accepted the new method with some political overtones', to be follow the Soviet example. The authors assert in the papaer that due to the economic necessities. Hungary and the other East European countries gained experience with the regulations affording less safety than the EC2, and this offers an interesting set of experience to the West European countries which have intoduced or are introducing the semi-probabilistic procedure. The most significant point all the experience is the recognition that only one part of the parameters in the structural analysis determining safety can be handled statistically. During design the statistically not significant data such as the error of the structural model must also be taken into consideration. Based on the experience, the authors propose an alternative design method
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