78 research outputs found

    Investing in home–preschool collaboration for understanding social worlds of multilingual children

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    In the present study, the critical role of education in promoting social and cultural sustainability is a premise for understanding learning opportunities that are actualized in the preschool context. Information and dialogue as forms of collaboration are investigated through a directed content analysis to interpret empirical data from an in-schooling model in two preschool units, with caregivers and educators with first languages other than Swedish. The analysis shows that collaboration is expressed in terms of information passed from educators to caregivers. The caregivers are not expected to have context-relevant experience to share with the educators. At the same time, however, caregivers are presented as the experts in knowing their child. The educators take the role of expert of knowing the caregivers, based on their earlier experience, and the in-schooling model is used as a tool to anticipate problems. Caregivers’ ‘active’ participation as advocates becomes primarily a question of fitting into the preschool. Two relevant interpretations of findings are discussed: 1) educators taking responsibility for collaboration and collaboration as a communicative space for dialogue, and 2) possible innovative ways of taking the child’s perspective on becoming a member within the new language and educational contexts


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    Små barns medvirkning i samlingsstunder

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    In day schedules of early childhood education, circle time has traditionally been one of the core situations. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, children should be given opportunity to influence their everyday life. This article presents an analysis of circle time in 8 toddler groups. The focus of the analysis is children’s opportunities to participate and take part in the process of decision-making during circle time. The results indicate that the toddlers take part in community of the group, but their opportunities to influence are limited

    Att genomföra systematiska barnsamtal — till nytta för hållbarhet i förskolan

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    Research in the field of education and teaching for sustainability in preschool has highlighted the importance of communication for knowledge development in the field of sustainability. This article presents a study of the variations that appear in preschool teachers' perceptions of the importance and the experience of having carried out systematic child talks in preschool. The experience is covered by 60 written comments from preschool teachers after they, within a research and development program (R&D program) in the spring of 2022, conducted systematic child talks in the children's groups where they are working. The data has been analysed based on a phenomenographic theoretical perspective. The result of the analysis shows that in the preschool teachers' perceptions of carrying out systematic talks with children, four varying perceptions emerge: Becoming aware of one's own actions; Exciting and educational to discuss with the children about sustainability; Talking with children was difficult; and, Sharing children's thoughts and experiences was the retention. In the preschool teachers' comments, it appears that some of them, through the systematic child talks, have deepened their reflection and their awareness of talking with the children about aspects of sustainability. At the same time, several difficulties are highlighted regarding the task itself and how to ask questions and maintaining children's interest during the talks. Finally, the study indicates that systematic child talks as a method and working tool are not common in preschool, as several preschool teachers point out that they do not talk to the children in this way in everyday life

    Om nödvändigheten av undervisning i förskolan – Exemplet matematik

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    Artikeln diskuterar lärande – undervisning – läroplansmål i svensk förskola, med utgångspunkt i revideringen av läroplanen för förskolan och rapporter som kritiserar förskolans bristande måluppfyllelse. Syftet är att på vetenskaplig grund problematisera undervisning och måluppfyllelse i förskolan med avseende på matematiklärande utifrån utvecklingspedagogiskt och variationsteoretiskt perspektiv. Med stöd i mångårig praktiknära förskoleforskning växer ett komplex fram i vår diskussion om förskolans uppdrag att stötta alla barns lärande där i synnerhet måluppfyllelse inte kan mätas som något externt, utan måste ses i relation till varje barns erfarenheter och förmågor. Kritiskt för förskolans måluppfyllelse ter sig förskollärares förmåga att tillämpa de teoretiska perspektiven som stöd för sådana didaktiska val förskolläraren behöver göra för att i sin undervisning främja barns lärande av specifika innehåll såsom matematik

    Does group size matter in preschool teacher’s work? The skills teachers emphasise for children in preschool groups of different size

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    In recent years there has been a debate in the Nordic countries about group size in preschool and how it affects preschool teachers’ work and children’s wellbeing and learning. The aim of this article is to analyse and discuss how preschool teachers’ working with child groups of different sizes view the conditions for children’s learning and development related to different abilities and skills. The survey data consists of preschool teachers’ (N=698) responses to a questionnaire. The results indicated no statistically significant differences between preschool teachers’ views and emphases in groups of different sizes as regards the type of abilities in children’s learning. In all group categories, preschool teachers seem to emphasise a similar set of characteristics and social skills in children’s personal development; to be collaborative, to have respect, to have empathy and a good self-esteem or understanding of oneself

    O konceptu održivog razvoja

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    Odgoj i obrazovanje za održiv razvoj u ranom djetinjstvu i predškolskoj dobi još je uvijek, (a to je vec nekoliko desetljeća od pojave samog koncepta održivog razvoja), nedostatno istraženo, neopravdano marginalizirano i nedostatno prepoznato područje. U posljednjih nekoliko godina nastoji se ispraviti ta pogreška i sve više se ilustriraju brojni primjeri teorijskih i praktičnih nastojanja za njegovom intenzivnijom implementacijom i diseminacijom

    Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education

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    This open access book develops a theoretical concept of teaching that is relevant to early childhood education, and based on children’s learning and development through play. It discusses theoretical premises and research on playing and learning, and proposes the development of play-responsive didaktik. It examines the processes and products of learning and development, teaching and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, as well as the ‘what’ of learning and didaktik. Next, it explores the actions, objects and meaning of play and provides insight into the diversity of beliefs about the practices of play. The book presents ideas on how combined research and development projects can be carried out, providing incentive and a model for practice development and research. The second part of the book consists of empirical studies on teacher’s playing skills and examples of play with very young as well as older children

    Творческий подход студентов в изучении гистологии

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    Denna rapport innehåller texter som presenterats vid en konferens arrangerad inom ramen för Nätverk för barnomsorgsforskningi . Syftet med konferensen var att lyfta upp begreppet omsorg, diskutera dess innebörd, rädda det från retorisk förflackning och samtidigt via dess koppling till verksamheter belysa ett vidare sammanhang. När bamforskning diskuteras har jag på senare tid funnit det väsentligt att peka på att den har en kapacitet att kasta ljus över centrala samhällsfrågor. Forskning om barn bör inte bara vara en forskning om en viss grupp i samhället. Den nyare bamdomsforskningen söker tillämpa ett bamperspektiv. Detta innebär att fenomen studeras såsom de framstår från barnens perspektiv och att inverkan av olika sociala reformer, politiska förändringar och produktion av varor på barns liv belyses. Det handlar alltså både om att söka efter barnens perspektiv och att söka efter konsekvenserna för barnen av olika samhälleliga förändringar. Nya fålt som t.ex. barndomshistoria, barndomssociologi och barndomsantropologi har uppstått och begreppet generation har införts för att markera vikten av att anlägga ett generationsperspektiv på frågor som vanligtvis grupperats på annat sätt