121 research outputs found

    Daya Penyebaran dan Derajat Kepekaan Sektor Pertanian dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    This research aimed to analyze the power of dispersion and sensitivity of dispersion of the agricultural sector on the economic development of Central Java Province. This research used the data of Input and Output Table of Central Java in 2013. Data analysis method applied in this research is Input-Output analysis. The results showed that the agricultural sector represented by the livestock sector had ‘above average\u27 power of dispersion index of the overall index. Livestock sector was able to encourage the production growth in all sectors of the economy. On the other hand, the sensitivity of dispersion index of all agricultural sectors was lower than the average value of the overall index. This reflects the agricultural sector\u27s low sensitivity to the changes of the external aspects which results in the low forward linkage among the downstream sectors. In term of key sector identification, the agricultural sector as a whole was not classified in the priority sector I. However, the livestock subsector, representing the agricultural sector, was classified in the priority sector II on the economic development of Central Java Province

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Demam dengan Penanganan Demam pada Bayi 0-12 Bulan di Desa Datarajan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngarip Kabupaten Tanggamus Tahun 2018

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    Tidak ditangani maka dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan rangkaian khususnya sistem saraf pusat dan otot, sehingga mengakibatkan kematian. Penanganan pertama demam dapat berupa terapi farmakologi dan terapi non farmakologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang demam dengan penanganan demam pada bayi 0-12 bulan di Datarajan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngarip Kabupaten Tanggamus tahun 2018.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Waktu pelaksanaannya pada tanggal 11 – 13 Februari 2018 tempatnya di DesaDatarajan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngarip Kabupaten Tanggamus. Populasi yaitu ibu yang memiliki bayi 0-12 bulan berjumlah 60 orang. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan total population dengan jumlah 60 ibu.Hasil analisis menunjukan ada hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang demam dengan penanganan demam dengan P-value 0,000 (<0.05) dengan odds Ratio sebesar 25.375 (6.357-101.287). Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menambah pengetahuan bagi ibu dengan pengetahuan kurang baik. Ibu dapat mengikuti sosialisasi kesehatan. Sehingga ibu dapat melakukan penanganan demam yang baik didorong dengan adanya informasi kesehatan baik dari tenaga kesehatan ataupun orang tua dan saudara ibu dalam penanganan demam

    Efektifitas Pemberdayaan Kelompok Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Peningkatan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Praktek Pemberantasan Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kelurahan Adiarsa Barat Kabupaten Karawang Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    . Adiarsa Barat village is one of endemic area of the Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Karawang. That village had not touched by community empowerment yet. The purpose of this research was to knoweffectiveness of housewives empowerment for eradication of DHF with breeding site control. This research was an experimental quation, with intervention in one location and control in other. The final result was hoped that the respondents would increase of knowledge, attitude and practice. The data of housewife behaviour was collected by intervew. This research found that there was the increase of housewife's group behaviour, followed by the increase of housewifes behaviour at intervention area with P value &lt; 0,05. Although housewifes behaviour at control area hasn't increase with P value&gt; 0,05. This reaserch suggested that people participation needed to be identified first then monitored periodically, so that their behaviour to eradicate DHF disease would be a habit or permanent

    Effect of polyhalite and muriate of potash on quality attributes of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in Inceptisols

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    Polyhalite is a hydrated sulphate evaporate mineral containing potassium, sulphur, calcium and magnesium that crops require in significant quantities but has limited evaluation as a fertilizer for sugarcane.The sugarcane crop has a high demand for potassium for better quality. To keep the above facts in mind, the present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of polyhalite and muriate of potash (MOP) on the quality attributes of sugarcane var. Co 11015 (Atulya) in sandy loam soil at Arachalur, Erode district. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design consisting of ten treatments. The treatment included were T1 –control, T2 - 50% K as MOP, T3 - 100% K as MOP,   T4 - 100% K as Polyhalite, T5 - 100% K (1:1 ratio of Polyhalite and MOP), T6 - 100% K (1:3 ratio of Polyhalite and MOP),   T7 - 150% K as MOP,   T8 - 150% K as Polyhalite, T9 - 150% K (1:1 ratio of Polyhalite and MOP), T10 - 150% K (1:3 ratio of Polyhalite and MOP). The application of potassium fertilizers in different levels and ratios significantly (5%) influenced the quality attributes of sugarcane. The results of the experiment revealed that the application of 150% K (169.5 kg K2O ha-1) as polyhalite (T8) recorded maximum brix, pol, purity, CCS%, and extraction% and also this treatment was recorded minimum reducing sugar and fibre%. The present experiment would be helpful to sugarcane farmers for quality improvement through the application of polyhalite as a potassium fertilizer.

    Route Towards a Label-free Optical Waveguide Sensing Platform Based on Lossy Mode Resonances

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    According to recent market studies of the North American company Allied Market Research, the field of photonic sensors is an emerging strategic field for the following years and it is expected to garner $18 billion by 2021. The integration of micro and nanofabrication technologies in the field of sensors has allowed the development of new technological concepts such as lab-on-a-chip, which have achieved extraordinary advances in terms of detection and applicability, for example in the field of biosensors. This continuous development has allowed that equipment consisting of many complex devices that occupied a whole room a few years ago, at present it is possible to handle them in the palm of the hand; that formerly long duration processes are carried out in a matter of milliseconds and that a technology previously dedicated solely to military or scientific uses is available to the vast majority of consumers. The adequate combination of micro and nanostructured coatings with optical fiber sensors has permitted us to develop novel sensing technologies, such as the first experimental demonstration of lossy mode resonances (LMRs) for sensing applications, with more than one hundred citations and related publications in high rank journals and top conferences. In fact, fiber optic LMR-based devices have been proven as devices with one of the highest sensitivity for refractometric applications. Refractive index sensitivity is an indirect and simple indicator of how sensitive the device is to chemical and biological species, topic where this proposal is focused. Consequently, the utilization of these devices for chemical and biosensing applications is a clear opportunity that could open novel and interesting research lines and applications as well as simplify current analytical methodologies. As a result, on the basis of our previous experience with LMR based sensors to attain very high sensitivities, the objective of this paper is presenting the route for the development of label-free optical waveguide sensing platform based on LMRs that enable to explore the limits of this technology for bio-chemosensing applications

    Incidence and control of bovine gastrointestinal nematodes in the East of the Province of La Pampa, Argentina

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    A cross-sectional survey including 350 stocking farms and bovine establishments that operate the full cycle (FC) as well as fattening operations (IN) was carried out in the East of the Province of La Pampa to record cases of verminous gastroenteritis (VGE) as well as control and management practices applied by the farmers.Farms were stratified by herd size into three categories: more than 900 (G), 900-500 (M) and 500-300 (P) bovines. Samples from each category were collected at random. 33% of the farmers surveyed indicated that their animals had been affected by clinical cases of VGE with morbidity and mortality rates between 11.2% and 0.42%, respectively. More cases of VEG (P<0.004, X2 8.33) occurred in herds on FC establishments (37%) that on fattening farms (IN) (21%); the relative risk (RR) was 1.77 (95%; IC 1.18 – 2.74) but no differences were noted between categories. Ninety-four percent of the farmers use avermectins alone (AVM) (71%) or combined with benzimidazole (BZD, 20%) or levamisole (3%); 6% use BZD alone. The percentage of use of other drugs in addition to AVM increases (P<0.005, X2 7.80) with larger herds (G: 32%, M: 21%, P: 15%). Of the treatments, 95.2% include avermectins alone in injectable form (82.6%) or combined with oral (16.5%) or intraruminal (0.9%) forms. Approximately 2.42 treatments per year are performed and are more prevalent (P<0.01) in G and IN farms (2.7 treatments). 35% of the farmers deworm twice a year, in the fall (between March and July) and in late winter-spring (between August and October-), 16% deworm only once (between February and April) and 12% twice (between late summer and early winter). 18% of the farmers (G: 24%, M: 18%; P: 13%) prevent VGE losses by administering treatment at a specific time of the year. 60% of the farmers consult the veterinarian although only 29% perform an egg count (hpg) although differences (P<0.001) between herd sizes were noted: G: 41%, M: 26%; P 19%. 12% (FC 10%; IN 16%). 12% of the farmers (FC 10%; IN 16%) perform a follow-up of parasite infections with an egg count and administer treatment based on this monitoring and the recommendation of a veterinarian. 94% of those surveyed indicated that VGE alone (55%) or in conjunction with other pathologies were a major problem and 30% said it was the main health problem. The study shows the economic importance of GIPs for the competitiveness of the systems in the region. The use of a significant quantity of anthelmintics, mainly avermectins, and a low participation of veterinarians in planning the controls were observed. A trend indicating that large farms and fattening operations assign more importance to control, use of anthelmintics and participation of professionals was noted

    Liminal entrepreneuring : the creative practices of nascent necessity entrepreneurs

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    This paper contributes to creative entrepreneurship studies through exploring ‘liminal entrepreneuring’, i.e., the organization-creation entrepreneurial practices and narratives of individuals living in precarious conditions. Drawing on a processual approach to entrepreneurship and Turner’s liminality concept, we study the transition from un(der)employment to entrepreneurship of 50 nascent necessity entrepreneurs (NNEs) in Spain, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. The paper asks how these agents develop creative entrepreneuring practices in their efforts to overcome their condition of ‘necessity’. The analysis shows how, in their everyday liminal entrepreneuring, NNEs disassemble their identities and social positions, experiment with new relationships and alternative visions of themselves, and (re)connect with entrepreneuring ideas and practices in a new way, using imagination and organization-creation practices to reconstruct both self and context in the process. The results question and expand the notion of entrepreneuring in times of socioeconomic stress

    Carbon dots nanoparticles as an effective gate for PDT

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    The promising strategy for targeted cancer treatment is to employ light as an external activator of a drug accumulated in tumor tissue. This approach is so-called photodynamic therapy (PDT) and can be used for diagnostic purposes. A photosensitizer, molecular oxygen, and laser light are the three significant components of Type II PDT, and the mechanism is the catalysis of the production of reactive oxygen species that lead to the oxidative damage of cellular molecules inducing cancer cell death [1]. Fluorescent carbon dots (CDs), spherical nanoparticles with size < 10 nm that can function as bioimaging agents and photosensitizers, have demonstrated significant potential in cancer theranostics [2]. Here, we have created Nitrogen co-doped carbon dots (N-CDs) surface decorated with organometallics compound, based on the Ru complex (Ru@N-CDs) [3,4] that were active in inducing biomolecular changes in ovarian cancer cell line upon illumination. Upon illumination, the most significant structural changes occurred in ovarian cancer cells and were detected in the protein region; we postulate interference with signaling pathways involved in regulating cancer cell growth and tumor progression. However, the limitation of light is the depth of penetration through the tissues, which prevents significant therapeutic effects on deep tumors. A strategy to overcome this is to use optical fibers that have coatings fabricated from the N-CDs, thus developing a so-called lab-on fiber system. The light propagating through the fiber [4] can activate the overall coating on the optical fiber surface with the presence of Ru@N-CDs. We hypothesize that the activation by the light results in the locally increased ROS production combined with enhanced release of the Ru complex from the surface, similar to the Ru@TiO2 NCS [5]. Our preliminary results demonstrate a high potential of the lab-on-fiber system in therapy against ovarian cancer that can resist traditional chemotherapeutic approaches.IX International School and Conference on Photonics : PHOTONICA2023 : book of abstracts; August 28 - September 1, 2023; Belgrad

    Investment in the long-tail of biodiversity data: from local research to global knowledge

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    In business, the "long-tail economy" refers to a market strategy where the gravity center shifts from a few high-demand products to many, varied products focused on small niches. Commercialization of individually low-demand products can be profitable as long as their production cost is low and, all taken together, they aggregate into a big chunk of the market. Similarly, in the "business" of biodiversity data acquisition, we can find several mainstream products that produce zillions of bits of information every year and account for most of the budget allocated to increase our primary data-based knowledge about Earth's biological diversity. These products play a crucial role in biodiversity research. However, along with these large global projects, there is a constellation of small-scale institutions that work locally, but whose contribution to our understanding of natural processes should not be dismissed. These information datasets can be collectively referred to as the "long-tail biodiversity data"

    Anthropocene and "development" : intertwined trajectories since the beginning of the Great Acceleration = Antropoceno e "desenvolvimento" : trajetórias entrelaçadas desde o começo da Grande Aceleração

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    Objectives: We aim to propose the thesis that the trajectories of the Anthropocene and the current mainstream understandings of development are intertwined from the beginning. It means that the Anthropocene and the “development” are coetaneous: the implementation of development policies for the so-considered underdeveloped regions started to happen at the same time of what is known as The Great Acceleration of production, consumption and environmental degradation in a global level. Method: In this conceptual paper, we adopt a decolonial critique as an analytical lens and argue that different geopolitical positions may be necessary for approaching the issue of the Anthropocene from epistemological reflections that can include the cultural and political context of the production and reproduction of local knowledge. Results: Our theoretical argumentation sheds light on the role of Global North and South relations in shaping the environmental crisis. Latin America (LA) exemplifies the modus operandi of the intertwinement of the practical effects of development policies and the environmental consequences underlying the Anthropocene, in which natural resources are over-explored to satisfy export-oriented trade, from the South toward the North. LA is not only a propitious context to show the validity of our thesis, but also the source of alternatives to such developmental model. Conclusion: The emphasis on development as a cause of the Anthropocene supports The Great Acceleration thesis. The proposition of the name Developmentocene comes from the thesis that development and Anthropocene are coetaneous, the intertwinement of both resulting in the very definition of the new epoch.Objetivo: Buscamos propor a tese de que as trajetórias do Antropoceno e o entendimento atualmente dominante sobre desenvolvimento estão entrelaçadas desde o começo. Isso implica que o Antropoceno e o “desenvolvimento” são coetâneos: a implementação de políticas de desenvolvimento em regiões tidas como subdesenvolvidas começou a acontecer ao mesmo tempo em que teve início A Grande Aceleração da produção, do consumo e da degradação ambiental em nível global. Método: Neste artigo conceitual, nós adotamos a crítica decolonial como lente analítica e argumentamos a necessidade de diferentes posições geopolíticas para abordar a questão do Antropoceno a partir de reflexões epistemológicas que possam incluir o contexto cultural e político de produção e reprodução do conhecimento. Resultados: Nossa argumentação teórica enaltece as relações entre o Norte e o Sul Global no delineamento da crise ambiental. A América Latina (AL) exemplifica o modus operandi do entrelaçamento entre os efeitos práticos das políticas de desenvolvimento e as consequências ambientais subjacentes ao Antropoceno, em que os recursos naturais são explorados além dos limites para satisfazer o comércio para exportações, desde o Sul para o Norte. Nesse quadro, a AL não é apenas um contexto propício para mostrar a validade da nossa tese, mas também a fonte de alternativas a esse modelo de desenvolvimento. Conclusão: A ênfase no desenvolvimento como causa do Antropoceno apoia a tese da Grande Aceleração. A proposição do nome Desenvolvimentoceno advém da tese de que o desenvolvimento e o Antropoceno são coetâneos e que o entrelaçamento de ambos resulta na própria definição da nova época