926 research outputs found


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    It is necessary to clarify the methodological background for the process of foreign language training of non-philological specialties teachers. The insufficient attention to the theoretical principles of foreign language training modernization namely, as well as the need to develop new conceptual approaches and implementation of modern technologies in the formation of foreign language communicative competence have been viewed in the article. Its objectives, components and structure have been defined. It has been pointed out that foreign language training in higher educational establishments should focus on: optimization of the methodological aspects of foreign languages learning; intensification of the process of foreign languages learning; integration of cooperative, personality-oriented, informational and communicative training technologies; implementation of communicative, competence and behavioural approaches; interdisciplinary links; different learning styles of subjects of instructional process. The significant factors forming the foreign communicative competence of future teacher has been found out.It has been concluded that the system of foreign language training should include the creation of conditions that allows taking into account not only global educational trends but also peculiar features of national and cultural educational environment

    InterFaces: On the relationality of vision, face and race in practices of identification.:A multimodal intervention

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    This article problematizes vision in practices of identification. It draws on the metaphor of the ‘interface’ to emphasize that vision emerges ‘in between’ eyes, faces, bodies, objects and ideas of belonging and otherness. As such, vision can be a material and political technology that enacts certain people as racial others. To attend to the materiality and politics of vision and its messy relationship with race, I bring together three European stories in which faces are drawn, seen or identified, while race hides or surfaces in intriguing ways. Through these stories we learn that race is saturated with affect and is recalled in objects and bodies. In addition, this article offers a novel methodological approach. It employs the eyes of the reader not only to read but also to watch. Vision itself becomes a technology, this time not to produce or reinforce, but to disturb and perhaps even undo ideas of racial otherness. Through the use of experimental montage, I attend to the complexities and incongruities of seeing faces and race without settling on a single narrative. I actively engage the eyes of the viewer to argue that vision is always relational and partial and therefore, it can also be harnessed to undo racial otherness by fragmenting, multiplying and affecting.<br/

    Rapid convergence of time-averaged frequency in phase synchronized systems

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    Numerical and experimental evidence is presented to show that many phase synchronized systems of non-identical chaotic oscillators, where the chaotic state is reached through a period-doubling cascade, show rapid convergence of the time-averaged frequency. The speed of convergence toward the natural frequency scales as the inverse of the measurement period. The results also suggest an explanation for why such chaotic oscillators can be phase synchronized.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Estimation of Water Surplus and Natural Groundwater Recharge in Iraq

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    يقسم علم الهيدرولوجيا الى مكونين اساسيين هما المياه السطحية والمياه الجوفية. يهدف البحث الى تقدير الجريان السطحي والتغذية الطبيعية للمياه الجوفية في العراق اعتماداً على معادلة التوازن المائي وبيانات الارصاد الجوية التي يمكن من خلالها حساب التبخر – نتح كامن والحقيقي بطريقة ثورنثويت . قورنت قيم التبخر – نتح كامن مع مجموع المعدل السنوي للامطار في (32) محطة انواء جوية لغرض الحصول على قيم التبخر – نتح الحقيقي باستخدام معادلة التوازن المائي . انقسم الفائض المائي المتحقق إلى جريان سطحي وتغذية طبيعية للمياه الجوفية بعد استخدام طريقة معامل الجريان السطحي لحساب الجريان السطحي المتحقق من الزيادة المائية. اشارت النتائج إلى أن الفائض المائي ازداد باتجاه الشمال الشرقي للعراق ، في حين أن الحد الأدنى لقيم الجريان السطحي والمياه الجوفية تواجدت في منطقة الصحراء الغربية. لقد كان للظروف المناخية الصحراوية التأثير الرئيسي على انخفاض معدلات الساقط المطري وارتفاع درجة الحرارة مما أدى إلى انخفاض الفائض المائي والجريان السطحي والتغذية الطبيعية للمياه الجوفية.The hydrology section is divided into two main components, surface water and groundwater. &nbsp;Estimation of water surplus and natural groundwater recharge in Iraq meteorological data was the aim of this research. In thirty two meteorological stations, the corrected potential evapotranspiration (PEc) was compared with monthly and annual rainfall in order to estimate actual evapotranspiration (AE) using water balance equation. Water surplus was divided into runoff and natural groundwater recharge where runoff coefficient method was used to estimate runoff. The obtained mathematical relationship between rainfall with both water surplus and actual evapotranspiration can be used to estimate these two parameters directly from rainfall. The results indicate that water surplus increased towards north-east direction of Iraq, while the minimum values of runoff and groundwater recharge located in western desert of Iraq. The climate conditions of desert was the major influence on reducing rainfall and rising temperature resulting decreasing water surplus, runoff and groundwater recharge. &nbsp

    Access to public information in the information society: concepts and mechanisms

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    В інформаційному суспільстві інформація виступає базовим елементом функціонування політичної системи. А задля побудови та зміцнення демократичної політичної системи громадяни повинні володіти необхідним обсягом публічної інформації. В свою чергу, органи влади, задовольнивши інформаційні потреби суспільства, перетворюються у легітимні структури, рішення в яких приймаються відкрито та прозоро. Такі процеси сприяють зростанню рівня довіри громадян до органів влади, що, в свою чергу, стабілізує та зміцнює політичну систему країни. Це зумовлює актуальність досліджуваної проблематики. This article analyzes the meaning of access to public information". There are characterized the traditional ways of providing access to public information. The author also explored information function of the Internet and ways to implement citizens’ access to public information using the Internet.І.З. Харечко, аспірантка Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» Науковий керівник: к.іст.н., доц. кафедри міжнародної інформації НУ «Львівська політехніка» В.В.Гулай (Україна, м. Львів

    Extracting |V_{ub}| from the Hadronic Mass Spectrum of Inclusive B decays

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    Following a strategy introduced earlier by the authors, we show that it is possible to extract |V_{ub}| from the cut hadronic mass spectrum of B decays without large systematic errors which usually arise from having to model the Fermi motion of the heavy quark. We present a closed form expression for |V_{ub}|/|V_{ts}| which is accurate up to corrections of order \alpha_s^2, \alpha_s \rho, (\Lambda/m_b)^2/\rho, where \rho is the experimental cut (s_c/m_b^2) on the hadronic mass used to veto charmed decays. Modulo duality violation errors, which are intrinsic to all inclusive predictions, we estimate the theoretical error in the extraction to be at the 5% level.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Foodways and Foodwashing: Israeli Cookbooks and The Politics of Culinary Zionism

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    The paper explores the political narratives produced in English-language Israeli cookbooks. We examine an understudied yet central component of everyday International Relations, everyday nationalism, and identity contestations as practiced through gastronomy, and highlight the dilemma between the different political uses of popular culture in the context of conflict resolution and resistance. Our argument identifies different narratives represented in what we term Culinary Zionism. One narrative is explicitly political, discusses Israeli cuisine as a foodway, and contributes to creating a space of and a path for co-existence and recognition of the Other. A second narrative is found in tourist-orientated cookbooks that offer a supposedly a-political story of culinary tours in Israel. We problematize the political and normative implications of these narratives by exploring the potential role of these books to open space for dialogue and increase familiarity and interest of foreign audiences of Israel and the conflict. We contrast this possibility with their potential to what we term foodwashing, namely the process of using food to symbolically wash over violence and injustices (the violence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in this case)

    Emergence of patterns in driven and in autonomous spatiotemporal systems

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    The relationship between a driven extended system and an autonomous spatiotemporal system is investigated in the context of coupled map lattice models. Specifically, a locally coupled map lattice subjected to an external drive is compared to a coupled map system with similar local couplings plus a global interaction. It is shown that, under some conditions, the emergent patterns in both systems are analogous. Based on the knowledge of the dynamical responses of the driven lattice, we present a method that allows the prediction of parameter values for the emergence of ordered spatiotemporal patterns in a class of coupled map systems having local coupling and general forms of global interactions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figs, submitted to PRE (2002