7,273 research outputs found

    Milk production of pseudopregnant multiparous does

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    The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the milk production of pseudopregnant does. In this experiment, data of multiparous, inseminated, pregnant (IP, n=15) does and two groups of presumably pseudopregnant multiparous does: inseminated, non-pregnant (INP, n=17) and induced to ovulation by GnRH (1.5 microgram per animal) at the day of insemination (11 d after parturition) (non-inseminated, ovulating: NIO, n=15) were analysed. The progesterone level was measured at the 12th d after treatment to determine if females were pseudopregnant. All IP and NIO does were pregnant and pseudopregnant, respectively. Within the INP group, 10 and 7 does were diagnosed as positive (INPO) or negative (INPNO) for pseudopregnancy. Two of the INPNO does perished during lactation. The average milk production of groups IP, INP and NIO was 212, 92 and 72 g/d, respectively (P160 g in the various groups were: IP=0, 0, 0, 0 and 100%, NIO=20, 13, 27, 40 and 0%, INP=15, 15, 15, 55 and 0%, respectively. The daily milk yield of the 5 INPNO does was 2, 6, 27, 84 and 139 g, respectively. These results demonstrated that multiparous empty does, pseudopregnant or non-pseudopregnant, can produce milk, but in lower quantities than multiparous does after kindling.Szendrö, Z.; Matics, Z.; Brecchia, G.; Theau-Clément, M.; Nagy, Z.; Princz, Z.; Biró-Németh, E.... (2010). Milk production of pseudopregnant multiparous does. World Rabbit Science. 18(2). doi:10.4995/WRS.2010.18.1018

    Detailed description of accelerating, simple solutions of relativistic perfect fluid hydrodynamics

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    In this paper we describe in full details a new family of recently found exact solutions of relativistic, perfect fluid dynamics. With an ansatz, which generalizes the well-known Hwa-Bjorken solution, we obtain a wide class of new exact, explicit and simple solutions, which have a remarkable advantage as compared to presently known exact and explicit solutions: they do not lack acceleration. They can be utilized for the description of the evolution of the matter created in high energy heavy ion collisions. Because these solutions are accelerating, they provide a more realistic picture than the well-known Hwa-Bjorken solution, and give more insight into the dynamics of the matter. We exploit this by giving an advanced simple estimation of the initial energy density of the produced matter in high energy collisions, which takes acceleration effects (i.e. the work done by the pressure and the modified change of the volume elements) into account. We also give an advanced estimation of the life-time of the reaction. Our new solutions can also be used to test numerical hydrodynamical codes reliably. In the end, we also give an exact, 1+1 dimensional, relativistic hydrodynamical solution, where the initial pressure and velocity profile is arbitrary, and we show that this general solution is stable for perturbations.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, detailed write-up of http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-th/0605070

    Application of gnawing sticks in rabbit housing

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    [EN] Four experiments are described relating to gnawing sticks application in rabbit housing. In experiment 1 and 2, Pannon White rabbits, weaned at the age of five weeks, were placed into pens with wire net floor. In experiment 1, every pen (180 animals in 12 pens, surface per head: 571 cm2) was provided with three gnawing sticks randomly chosen from White locust, Black elder, White willow, Little-leaf linden, European larch, Black poplar, European white birch, White buckeye and White mulberry species. In experiment 2 (150 animals in 10 pens, surface per head: 571 cm2), only those tree species ingested by rabbits in the first experiment were used (White locust, White willow, Little-leaf linden, Black poplar and White buckeye). In the second experiment, rabbits showed the highest preference towards gnawing sticks of Little-leaf linden, while similar White willow and White buckeye consumption was observed. In the experiment 3, rabbits¿ preference to different types of wood and the influence on rabbits¿ behaviour of added wooden sticks as environmental enrichment was studied. At the age of 38 days, 48 male SIKA rabbits were housed individually in wire cages (surface per head: 1500 cm2). According to the type of wood placed in the cage, rabbits were equally allotted to four groups: control, Common oak, Little-leaf linden and Norway spruce. Rabbits¿ preference to type of wood was studied on all the animals with wooden stick, while rabbits¿ behaviour was studied on 16 focus animals at the age of 5 and 13 weeks using continuous 24 hours video recordings. Rabbits preferred gnawing Little-leaf linden and Norway spruce compared to Common oak. Addition of gnawing sticks had no significant influence on duration of rabbits¿ behaviour, except for eating feed and gnawing wooden stick time. In experiment 4, the effect of housing and environmental enrichment on the performance and behaviour of growing rabbits was tested. 72 hybrid rabbits were housed after the weaning period in standard fattening cages at 2, 3, 4 animals per cage (surface per head: 1045 cm2, 697 cm2, 522 cm2, respectively). Half cages were enriched using a wood stick (Robinia pseudoacacia) dangling from the ceiling of the cage. The environmental enrichment decreased the stereotypies (gnawing the bars of the cage). A tendency to lower aggressive behaviours in enriched caged rabbits was also found compared to the conventional caged rabbits. This might indicate a better satisfaction of the behavioural needs for the enriched caged rabbits.Princz, Z.; Orova, Z.; Nagy, I.; Jordan, D.; Stuhec, I.; Luzi, F.; Verga, M.... (2007). Application of gnawing sticks in rabbit housing. World Rabbit Science. 15(1):29-36. doi:10.4995/wrs.2007.607293615

    Effect of adult weight and CT-based selection on the performances of growing rabbits

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    The aim of the study was to compare the productive performance of different genotypes. Maternal (M; n=32, adult weight /AW/ 4.0-4.5kg, selected for number of kits born alive), Pannon White (P; n=32, AW: 4.3-4.8kg), and Large body line (L; n=32, AW: 4.8- 5.4kg) (P and L were selected for carcass traits based on CT /Computer tomography/data) rabbits were analysed. Average daily gain between 5-11wk of age, body weight at 11wk of age and feed intake were significantly (P<0.001) highest for L rabbits. For M, P and L rabbits, the following values were observed: average daily gain=38.6, 43.1 and 47.4g/d; body weight=2458, 2667 and 2949g; feed intake=115, 121 and 138g/d, respectively. Mortality of growing rabbits was unaffected by genotype. It can be concluded that production traits were mainly affected by the adult weight of the genotypes

    Reprogramming of lysosomal gene expression by interleukin-4 and Stat6.

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    BACKGROUND: Lysosomes play important roles in multiple aspects of physiology, but the problem of how the transcription of lysosomal genes is coordinated remains incompletely understood. The goal of this study was to illuminate the physiological contexts in which lysosomal genes are coordinately regulated and to identify transcription factors involved in this control. RESULTS: As transcription factors and their target genes are often co-regulated, we performed meta-analyses of array-based expression data to identify regulators whose mRNA profiles are highly correlated with those of a core set of lysosomal genes. Among the ~50 transcription factors that rank highest by this measure, 65% are involved in differentiation or development, and 22% have been implicated in interferon signaling. The most strongly correlated candidate was Stat6, a factor commonly activated by interleukin-4 (IL-4) or IL-13. Publicly available chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) data from alternatively activated mouse macrophages show that lysosomal genes are overrepresented among Stat6-bound targets. Quantification of RNA from wild-type and Stat6-deficient cells indicates that Stat6 promotes the expression of over 100 lysosomal genes, including hydrolases, subunits of the vacuolar H⁺ ATPase and trafficking factors. While IL-4 inhibits and activates different sets of lysosomal genes, Stat6 mediates only the activating effects of IL-4, by promoting increased expression and by neutralizing undefined inhibitory signals induced by IL-4. CONCLUSIONS: The current data establish Stat6 as a broadly acting regulator of lysosomal gene expression in mouse macrophages. Other regulators whose expression correlates with lysosomal genes suggest that lysosome function is frequently re-programmed during differentiation, development and interferon signaling