578 research outputs found

    On the spatial structure of the Perseids meteor stream

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    The analysis of radar observations of the Perseid meteor stream conducted in an ionospherical laboratory in the period from 1964 to 1981 is presented. The Perseids meteor rates were determined by the fluctuation method. Analysis of their hourly distributions showed that the stream maximum position is different for different years, i.e., the stream nodal position is constantly changing. The results of the analysis are presented and discussed

    Electric properties of oxyfluorides Ba2In2O 5-0.5x F x with brownmillerite structure

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    Synthesis of fluoro-substituted substances based on brownmillerite Ba 2In2O5 is carried out. The width of the homogeneity region of the Ba2In2O5-0.5x F x (0 < x ≤ 0.25) solid solution was established using X-ray analysis. Measurement of temperature dependences of conductivity in atmospheres with different partial pressure of water vapor (pH2O = 3.3 and 2 Ч 103 Pa) showed an increase in conductivity at T ≤ 550 C in a humid atmosphere, which is due to appearance of proton transport. The dependence of conductivity on partial oxygen pressure (pO2 = 0.21 Ч 105 to 10-15 Pa) is studied in the temperature range of 500-1000 C; ion transport numbers are calculated. The method of polarization measurements was used to determine transport numbers of fluoride. Total conductivity is divided into ion (proton, oxygen, and fluoride ion) and electron components. Analysis of concentration dependences of conductivities showed that low concentrations of fluoride allow increasing both the total and partial conductivities (oxygen-ion and proton) and, besides, allow shifting the "order-disorder" phase transition by 100 C to the low temperature range. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    New and rare lichens and allied fungi from Arkhangelsk Region, North-West Russia. II

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    Information about 38 species of lichens is presented. In total, 18 species are newly recorded for Arkhangelsk Region, 11 species are new for its mainland area. New localities for 9 rare species are presented. Thalloidima physaroides is new for the territory of Northwest Russia. The species Sclerophora peronella is reported for the second time in the whole territory of Russia, Calicium pinicola – in European Russia and Rhizocarpon simillimum – in Northwest Russia. For Vezdaea rheocarpa and Pilophorus robustus the westernmost localities in Russia are reported. The new localities of 9 species included in the Red Data Book of Arkhangelsk Region are presented. Six species are added to the list of lichens of Vodlozersky National Park

    Multimedia technology in teaching of bachelors

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    The article discusses the application of multimedia technologies in the teaching of bachelors of the university, analyzes the specifics of using these technologies in the learning process, the need to apply modern technologies in the process of self-development and self-study of students at a universityРассматриваются вопросы применения мультимедийных технологий и особенности их использования в процессе саморазвития и самообучения бакалавро

    Digital technology bachelors vocational pedagogical University

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    The article deals with the use of digital technologies in the training of bachelors, analyzes the specifics of using these technologies in the learning process, the need to apply modern technologies in the process of self-development and self-study of students at a universityВ статье рассмотрены вопросы применения цифровых технологий в обучении бакалавров вуза, проанализированы особенности использования данных технологий в процессе обучения, необходимость применения современных технологий в процессе саморазвития и самообучения обучающихся вуз

    Optical and photoelectron spectroscopy studies of KPb2Cl 5 and RbPb2Cl5 laser crystals

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    The paper presents the results of experimental study of electronic structure of RbPb2Cl5 and KPb2Cl5 laser crystals performed by the optical and photoelectron spectroscopy methods. On the basis of the optical absorption and low-temperature reflection spectra of these crystals we have determined the energy positions of the edges of the low-energy tail of the host absorption, the positions of the first excitonic absorption peaks, and exciton binding energies. The bandgap widths of these crystals at 8 K were estimated as Eg = 4.83 and 4.79 eV, respectively. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of RbPb2Cl 5 and KPb2Cl5 crystals were made on the basis of the core states photoelectron spectra. The elemental composition of the (0 0 1) surfaces of the crystals, the chemical state of the host atoms, the electronic structure of the valence band of the crystals were discussed on the basis on the spectroscopic data. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The lichens of forest rocky communities of the hill Muroigora (Arkhangelsk Region, Northwest Russia)

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    The present study reports 188 species and 2 subspecies of lichens and allied fungi from forest rocky communities of the hill Muroigora situated in the Arkhangelsk part of the National park “Vodlozersky” (Arkhangelsk Region, NW Russia). Lepraria ecorticata is new to Russia, and 13 more species are new for the mainland area of the Arkhangelsk Region: Arthonia mediella, Arthonia vinosa, Bacidia igniarii, Bryoria vrangiana, Chaenothecopsis pusiola, Cladonia caespiticia, Lecidea plana, Lepraria borealis, Micarea misella, Pertusaria pustulata, Schaereria cinereorufa, Xanthoparmelia pulla and Xylographa trunciseda. Two lichen species, Bryoria fremontii and Lobaria pulmonaria, are in the Red Data Books of the Arkhangelsk Region and Russian Federation. A total of 89 species are reported as new for the Vodlozersky National Park.


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    Osteopathy is a young medical specialty that has found official acceptance in Russia since 2013. The paper deals with the history of osteo pathy and its founder Andrew Taylor Still (1828–1917). He left a few printed scientific works, including his biography reporting much of his life and activities and the creation of osteopathy. The emergence date of osteopathy is considered to be 22 June 1874. Historically, modern osteopathy has come into existence not so long. We are almost contemporaries of it and its author, but despite this, the international osteopathy community is romanticizing and mythologizing the personality of A.T. Still. In our opinion, the reason is his magnetic personality and brilliant life. Thanks to A.T. Still’s personality, osteopathy may not have been lost among many medical areas and discoveries and continues to develop and attract new supporters. On the other hand, osteopathy is, in the opinion of its founder, a science; therefore a historical rather than mythological approach to A.T. Still’s bibliography, which takes into account all factors for personality formation, is considered correct. Modern science tells that these factors are inheritance, environment, and education. The authors have applied just this scientific approach and, without demolishing the myths, set forth an aim to study the factors forming the world outlook of A.T. Still in order to predict a further way to develope osteopathy in our country

    Short-term Mechanical Properties of Fe-Cr-Al-Si Alloys

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    The purpose of this work is to study the short-term mechanical properties of Fe-Cr-AlSi-based alloys. Within the framework of this work, alloys with a chromium content of 5 to 14 wt%, aluminum from 0 to 4 wt%, and silicon from 0 to 4 wt% are considered. The samples were tested in three different states - in the deformed state (cold rolling by 80%), and also after annealing at a temperature of 450 and 650 ∘C with a duration of 1000 h.As a result, the characteristics of the strength and plasticity of alloys in the deformed state, as well as after provoking annealing, were obtained. It is shown that embrittlement isn’t observed in the investigated composition region and annealing conditions, and the strength of the alloys is directly proportional to the sum of the alloying elements Al + Si. Keywords: cladding; VVER; tolerant fuel, ferrite steel; Corrosion-resistant steel, tensile strength, yield strengt

    The Effect of Simultaneous Homo- and Heterogeneous Doping on Transport Properties of Ba2In2O5

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    In this article, the possibility of application of simultaneous homogeneous and heterogeneous doping has been described for the first time. The composite 0.7Ba1.95In2O4.9F0.1⋅0.3Ba2 InNbO6 has been obtained by in situ solid-state method. The scanning electron microscopy and thermogravimetry investigations have beencarried out; the electrical properties have been examined. It has been proved that simultaneous homogeneous and heterogeneous doping is a prospective method for obtaining high-conductive proton electrolytes. Keywords: brownmillerite, composite, anionic doping, fluorin