25 research outputs found

    Tailoring the stability/aggregation of one-dimensional TiOā‚‚(B)/titanate nanowires using surfactants

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    The increased utilization of one-dimensional (1D) TiO2 and titanate nanowires (TNWs) in various applications was the motivation behind studying their stability in this work, given that stability greatly influences both the success of the application and the environmental impact. Due to their high abundance in aqueous environments and their rich technological applicability, surfactants are among the most interesting compounds used for tailoring the stability. The aim of this paper is to determine the influence of surfactant molecular structure on TNW stability/aggregation behavior in water and aqueous NaBr solution by dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering. To accomplish this, two structurally different quaternary ammonium surfactants (monomeric DTAB and the corresponding dimeric 12-2-12) at monomer and micellar concentrations were used to investigate TNW stability in water and NaBr. It was shown that TNWs are relatively stable in Milli-Q water. However, the addition of NaBr induces aggregation, especially as the TNW mass concentration increases. DTAB and 12-2-12 adsorb on TNW surfaces as a result of the superposition of favorable electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. As expected, the interaction of TNWs with 12-2-12 was stronger than with DTAB, due to the presence of two positively charged head groups and two hydrophobic tails. As a consequence of the higher adsorption of 12-2-12, TNWs remained stable in both media, while DTAB showed an opposite behavior. In order to gain more insight into changes in the surface properties after surfactant adsorption on the TNW surface, a surface complexation model was employed. With this first attempt to quantify the contribution of the surfactant structure on the adsorption equilibrium according to the observed differences in the intrinsic log K values, it was shown that 12-2-12 interacts more strongly with TNWs than DTAB. The modelling results enable a better understanding of the interaction between TNWs and surfactants as well as the prediction of the conditions that can promote stabilization or aggregatio

    Generative modeling of spatio-temporal traffic sign trajectories āˆ—

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    We consider the task of automatic detection and recognition of traffic signs in video. We show that successful offthe-shelf detection (Viola-Jones) and classification (SVM) systems yield unsatisfactory results. Our main concern are high false positive detection rates which occur due to sparseness of the traffic signs in videos. We address the problem by enforcing spatio-temporal consistency of the detections corresponding to a distinct sign in video. We also propose a generative model of the traffic sign motion in the image plane, which is obtained by clustering the trajectories filtered by an appropriate procedure. The contextual information recovered by the proposed model will be employed in our future research on recognizing traffic signs in video. 1

    Fullerenes and disk-fullerenes

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    PVP - CMC hydrogel: An excellent bioinspired and biocompatible scaffold for osseointegration

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    Fabrication of porous and biologically inspired biomaterials that mimic the formation of microstructural structures of nacre in the form of calcite (CaCO3) and evaluation of the biocompatibility of such organic-inorganic composite scaffold for bone tissue engineering, are focus of this paper. Nacre's self-assembly characteristics are concerned about the development of calcite filled biomineralized scaffold following the nature based biomineralization process and biomimetic applications. The PVP-CMC hydrogel film, comprised of PVP:0.2, CMC:0.8, PEG:1.0, Agar:2.0, Glycerene:1.0 and water:95.0 w/v%; acts as catalyst and template for the nucleation and growth of the inorganic CaCO3 within the scaffold. The PVP-CMC hydrogel (in the dry state) was immersed in ionic solutions (g/100 ml) of Na2CO3 and CaCl2Ā·H2O in different concentrations sets i.e. Set-1: 10.50/14.70; Set-2: 5.25/7.35; Set-3: 4.20/5.88; Set-4: 2.10/2.94; Set-5: 1.05/1.47, Set-6: 0.55/0.55 for 90 min. As a result, ā€œPVP-CMC-CaCO3ā€ hydrogel scaffold was fabricated having bio-inspired structural and functional properties. Cell proliferation and cell viability were examined until 7 days in the presence of ā€œPVP-CMC-CaCO3ā€ scaffolds using permanent cell lines MG63 (human osteosarcoma), L929 (murine fibroblasts) as well as cultures from mouse bone explants (CC-MBE), confirmed that the said hydrogel scaffolds are biocompatible. But, from mechanical strength as well as biocompatibility point of view, scaffolds prepared in Set-1 to 3 ionic solutions were superior. In conclusion, these three calcite filled hydrogel scaffolds are recommended and can be used for osseointegration. Ā© 2018 Elsevier B.V.Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FT/2014/015]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic-Program NPUI [LO1504]; Fund "Scientific Research", Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science [(sic)02-30/2014]; Department of Biotechnology (DBT); Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India; COST Action [MP1301

    Sullivan au solstice. Les Saisons Sullivan, de FranƧoise Sullivan et Marion Landry avec une postface de Louise DĆ©ry. Galerie de lā€™UQAM, 91Ā p.

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    The influence of monomeric and micellar concentrations of the cationic monomeric, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB), and the corresponding dimeric, bis(N, N-dimethyl-N-dodecyl) ethylene-1,2-diammonium dibromide (12-2-12), surfactants on the formation and transformation of amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) was investigated. The combination of microscopy (AFM and TEM) and light scattering techniques (size and zeta potential measurements) enabled, for the first time, the simultaneous monitoring of the effect that additives exert on different length scales during CaP formation in solution - from prenucleation clusters and ACP particles to the crystalline phase. Depending on their aggregation state (monomers or micelles) and the geometry of the aggregate (spherical or elongated micelles), DTAB and 12-2-12 have exhibited different effects on the rate of ACP transformation, as well as on the morphology of the amorphous and crystalline phases. It was shown that the effect of surfactants on the precipitation process observed on the microscale could be a result of different pathways on the nanoscale. The obtained results may have implications for the understanding of the general mechanism of inorganic-organic interactions underlying the biomineralization processes, as well as for materials science


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    The possibility that the stomach, affected by general stress, might initiate a counter-response has not until recently been considered in theories of stress. We suggest that the stomach, as the most sensitive part of the gastrointestinal tract and the largest neuroendocrine organ in the body, is crucial for the initiation of a full stress response against all noxious stress pathology. The end result would be a strong protection of all organs invaded by 'stress'. Consistent with this assumption, this coping response is best explained in terms of 'organoprotection'. Endogenous organoprotectors (eg prostaglandins, somatostatin, dopamine) are proposed as mediators. Such an endogenous counteraction could even be afforded by their suitable application. A new gastric juice peptide, M(r) 40,000, named BPC, was recently isolated. Herein, a 15 amino acid fragment (BPC 157), thought to be essential for its activity, has been fully characterized and investigated. As has been demonstrated for many organoprotective agents using different models of various tissue lesions, despite the poorly understood final mechanism, practically all organ systems appear to benefit from BPC activity. These effects have been achieved in many species using very low dosages (mostly microgram and ng/kg range) after ip, ig, and intramucosal (local) application. The effect was apparent already after one application. Long lasting activity was also demonstrated. BPC was highly effective when applied simultaneously with noxious agents or in already pathological, as well as chronical, conditions. Therefore, it seems that BPC treatment does not share any of the so far known limitations for 'conventional organoprotectors'. No influence on different basal parameters and no toxicity were observed. These findings provide a breakthrough in stress theory. BPC, as a possible endogenous free radical scavenger and organoprotection mediator, could be a useful prototype of a new class of drugs, organoprotective agents