7,741 research outputs found

    Quantum non-Markovian behavior at the chaos border

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    In this work we study the non-Markovian behaviour of a qubit coupled to an environment in which the corresponding classical dynamics change from integrable to chaotic. We show that in the transition region, where the dynamics has both regular islands and chaotic areas, the average non-Markovian behaviour is enhanced to values even larger than in the regular regime. This effect can be related to the non-Markovian behaviour as a function of the the initial state of the environment, where maxima are attained at the regions dividing separate areas in classical phase space, particularly at the borders between chaotic and regular regions. Moreover, we show that the fluctuations of the fidelity of the environment -- which determine the non-Markovianity measure -- give a precise image of the classical phase portrait.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures (JPA style). Closest to published versio

    The logarithmic contribution to the QCD static energy at NNNNLO

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    Using pNRQCD and known results for the field strength correlator, we calculate the ultrasoft contribution to the QCD static energy of a quark-antiquark pair at short distances at NNNNLO in alpha_s. At the same order, this provides the logarithmic terms of the singlet static potential in pNRQCD and the log alpha_s terms of the static energy.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Minor modifications. References added. Journal versio

    Manufactura dels Gobelins: la seva importància en el context de la tintura a la perifèria europea en el llindar del segle XX

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    Since 1827, the applications of chemical science to textile-dyeing processes were taught at the Chemistry School located in the «Atelier de teinture des Gobelins», in Paris. The school's director was Michel-Eugène Chevreul, whose renown brought to Paris students from several countries. Among them were Catalan an Spanish students, who attended the courses on fellowships endowed by their provincial governments («Diputaciones»). The new techniques those students learned with Mr. Chevreul were then taught in local schools and subsequently adopted by Catalan textile mills, becoming part of their ordinary procedures. This is an example of the transfer of scientific and technical knowledge to the European periphery in the second half of the nineteenth century. On the other hand, there is evidence pointing to a lasting association between Mr. Chevreul and one of his Catalan students, Josep Vallhonest

    Metges de després de la Guerra Civil a Vic.

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