171 research outputs found

    Towards a user network profiling for internal security using top-K rankings similarity measures

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    A major goal of current computer network security systems is to protect the network from outside attackers; however, protecting the network from its own users is still an unattended problem. In campus area networks, the risk of having internal attacks is high because of their topologies and the amount of users. This work proposes a new approach to identify whether a network user is having or not a normal behavior, by analyzing host traffic using top-k ranking similarity measures. The result of this analysis could be an input of intrusion detection systems. The document presents an experiment where real-time traffic of different users in a campus area network is compared to a reference traffic that corresponds to one of them

    The effect of longitudinal flow on resonantly damped kink oscillations

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    The most promising mechanism acting towards damping the kink oscillations of coronal loops is resonant absorption. In this context most of previous studies neglected the effect of the obvious equilibrium flow along magnetic field lines. The flows are in general sub-Alfv\'enic and hence comparatively slow. Here we investigate the effect of an equilibrium flow on the resonant absorption of linear kink MHD waves in a cylindrical magnetic flux tube with the aim of determining the changes in the frequency of the forward and backward propagating waves and in the modification of the damping times due to the flow. A loop model with both the density and the longitudinal flow changing in the radial direction is considered. We use the thin tube thin boundary (TTTB) approximation in order to calculate the damping rates. The full resistive eigenvalue problem is also solved without assuming the TTTB approximation. Using the small ratio of flow and Alfv\'en speeds we derive simple analytical expressions to the damping rate. The analytical expressions are in good agreement with the resistive eigenmode calculations. Under typical coronal conditions the effect of the flow on the damped kink oscillations is small when the characteristic scale of the density layer is similar or smaller than the characteristic width of the velocity layer. However, in the opposite situation the damping rates can be significantly altered, specially for the backward propagating wave which is undamped while the forward wave is overdamped

    Cyclin A triggers Mitosis either via the Greatwall kinase pathway or Cyclin B

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    Two mitotic cyclin types, cyclin A and B, exist in higher eukaryotes, but their specialised functions in mitosis are incompletely understood. Using degron tags for rapid inducible protein removal, we analyse how acute depletion of these proteins affects mitosis. Loss of cyclin A in G2-phase prevents mitotic entry. Cells lacking cyclin B can enter mitosis and phosphorylate most mitotic proteins, because of parallel PP2A:B55 phosphatase inactivation by Greatwall kinase. The final barrier to mitotic establishment corresponds to nuclear envelope breakdown, which requires a decisive shift in the balance of cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk1 and PP2A:B55 activity. Beyond this point, cyclin B/Cdk1 is essential for phosphorylation of a distinct subset of mitotic Cdk1 substrates that are essential to complete cell division. Our results identify how cyclin A, cyclin B and Greatwall kinase coordinate mitotic progression by increasing levels of Cdk1-dependent substrate phosphorylation

    Core components for effective infection prevention and control programmes: new WHO evidence-based recommendations

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    Abstract Health care-associated infections (HAI) are a major public health problem with a significant impact on morbidity, mortality and quality of life. They represent also an important economic burden to health systems worldwide. However, a large proportion of HAI are preventable through effective infection prevention and control (IPC) measures. Improvements in IPC at the national and facility level are critical for the successful containment of antimicrobial resistance and the prevention of HAI, including outbreaks of highly transmissible diseases through high quality care within the context of universal health coverage. Given the limited availability of IPC evidence-based guidance and standards, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to prioritize the development of global recommendations on the core components of effective IPC programmes both at the national and acute health care facility level, based on systematic literature reviews and expert consensus. The aim of the guideline development process was to identify the evidence and evaluate its quality, consider patient values and preferences, resource implications, and the feasibility and acceptability of the recommendations. As a result, 11 recommendations and three good practice statements are presented here, including a summary of the supporting evidence, and form the substance of a new WHO IPC guideline

    “Ten Commandments” for the Appropriate use of Antibiotics by the Practicing Physician in an Outpatient Setting

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    A multi-national working group on antibiotic stewardship, from the International Society of Chemotherapy, put together ten recommendations to physicians prescribing antibiotics to outpatients. These recommendations are: (1) use antibiotics only when needed; teach the patient how to manage symptoms of non-bacterial infections; (2) select the adequate ATB; precise targeting is better than shotgun therapy; (3) consider pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics when selecting an ATB; use the shortest ATB course that has proven clinical efficacy; (4) encourage patients’ compliance; (5) use antibiotic combinations only in specific situations; (6) avoid low quality and sub-standard drugs; prevent prescription changes at the drugstore; (7) discourage self-prescription; (8) follow only evidence-based guidelines; beware those sponsored by drug companies; (9) rely (rationally) upon the clinical microbiology lab; and (10) prescribe ATB empirically – but intelligently; know local susceptibility trends, and also surveillance limitations

    Mass spectrometry-based absolute quantification of 20S proteasome status for controlled ex-vivo expansion of Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells

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    The proteasome controls a multitude of cellular processes through protein degradation and has been identified as a therapeutic target in oncology. However, our understanding of its function and the development of specific modulators are hampered by the lack of a straightforward method to determine the overall proteasome status in biological samples. Here, we present a method to determine the absolute quantity and stoichiometry of ubiquitous and tissue-specific human 20S proteasome subtypes based on a robust, absolute SILAC-based multiplexed LC-Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) quantitative mass spectrometry assay with high precision, accuracy, and sensitivity. The method was initially optimized and validated by comparison with a reference ELISA assay and by analyzing the dynamics of catalytic subunits in HeLa cells following IFNÎł-treatment and in range of human tissues. It was then successfully applied to reveal IFNÎł- and O2-dependent variations of proteasome status during primary culture of Adipose-derived-mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells (ADSCs). The results show the critical importance of controlling the culture conditions during cell expansion for future therapeutic use in humans. We hypothesize that a shift from the standard proteasome to the immunoproteasome could serve as a predictor of immunosuppressive and differentiation capacities of ADSCs and, consequently, that quality control should include proteasomal quantification in addition to examining other essential cell parameters. The method presented also provides a new powerful tool to conduct more individualized protocols in cancer or inflammatory diseases where selective inhibition of the immunoproteasome has been shown to reduce side effects

    Understanding How Social Entrepreneurs Fit into the Tourism Discourse

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    This chapter discusses how social entrepreneurs fit into the existing tourism discourse. It examines four areas of literature in particular, tourism entrepreneurs, sustainability, destination development and intrapreneurship, and analyzes how introducing the concept of social entrepreneurs into these discussions is useful, and contributes to our understanding. Furthermore the paper illustrates that as social entrepreneurs are relevant to a broad range of issues in the tourism literature this should prevent the development of research silos where social entrepreneurship scholars seek out their own vein of research. The nexus of common ground and interests, as displayed in this chapter, should enhance the development of research, thought and understanding of social entrepreneurs within the field as a whole The key argument is that research on social entrepreneurs is not just relevant for those interested in entrepreneurs it also effects our thinking on issues such as destination development, relationships between stakeholders, tourism policy and sustainability. The chapter concludes with a wide range of questions for further research

    Activation of Neural and Pluripotent Stem Cell Signatures Correlates with Increased Malignancy in Human Glioma

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    The presence of stem cell characteristics in glioma cells raises the possibility that mechanisms promoting the maintenance and self-renewal of tissue specific stem cells have a similar function in tumor cells. Here we characterized human gliomas of various malignancy grades for the expression of stem cell regulatory proteins. We show that cells in high grade glioma co-express an array of markers defining neural stem cells (NSCs) and that these proteins can fulfill similar functions in tumor cells as in NSCs. However, in contrast to NSCs glioma cells co-express neural proteins together with pluripotent stem cell markers, including the transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Klf4. In line with this finding, in high grade gliomas mesodermal- and endodermal-specific transcription factors were detected together with neural proteins, a combination of lineage markers not normally present in the central nervous system. Persistent presence of pluripotent stem cell traits could only be detected in solid tumors, and observations based on in vitro studies and xenograft transplantations in mice imply that this presence is dependent on the combined activity of intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory cues. Together these results demonstrate a general deregulated expression of neural and pluripotent stem cell traits in malignant human gliomas, and indicate that stem cell regulatory factors may provide significant targets for therapeutic strategies
