2,711 research outputs found

    "Esperant". Obra de teatre sobre les trajectòries de vida de dones immigrades

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    <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 130%" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 130%; font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;">&ldquo;Esperant&rdquo; &eacute;s una obra de teatre, per&ograve; no una obra qualsevol, &eacute;s una obra que escenifica els resultats d&rsquo;una recerca. &Eacute;s un aproximaci&oacute; a una altra forma d&rsquo;escriure, de comunicar un estudi. Es tracta d&rsquo;experimentar, de jugar amb el llenguatge i amb altres formes narratives, sense perdre el contingut i la potencia de la recerca. &ldquo;Esperant&rdquo; &eacute;s doncs la materialitzaci&oacute; d&rsquo;un proc&eacute;s d&rsquo;investigaci&oacute; i sobretot dels seus resultats i de la seva an&agrave;lisi. L&rsquo;obra presenta l&rsquo;entorn de la recerca, un consultori, pe&ccedil;a clau del sistema de salut catal&agrave;; unes actrius, les protagonistes de la hist&ograve;ria, dones immigrades, membres d&rsquo;associacions i professionals de la salut; uns di&agrave;legs i unes converses enmig d&rsquo;esperes, relats de vida que composen el material de la recerca; i una primera an&agrave;lisi en forma de pensaments o reflexions. En concret, l&rsquo;objectiu de la investigaci&oacute;, en la qual es basa el text, era analitzar i explicar les traject&ograve;ries de manteniment del benestar dels col&middot;lectius de dones immigrades m&eacute;s presents a Catalunya, per tal de revaloritzar els projectes d&rsquo;organitzaci&oacute; i participaci&oacute; de les pr&ograve;pies dones, aix&iacute;<span>&nbsp; </span>com els aspectes de negociaci&oacute;/acomodaci&oacute; m&uacute;tua entre dones nouvingudes i societat receptora. Per &uacute;ltim, dir que aquesta narraci&oacute; pret&eacute;n oferir una porta m&eacute;s per pensar sobre l&rsquo;escriptura i sobre noves formes liter&agrave;ries per les ci&egrave;ncies socials, introduint el di&agrave;leg, la narraci&oacute;, l&rsquo;escenificaci&oacute;, etc. en defintiva, el teatre.</span></p

    "Esperant" : a play about the lives of immigrant women

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    DEEPCODE phase 1: Defining optimised compiled language for Code-set Summarization

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    Description of the project by arriving to Lund UniversityAún viviendo en la era de la globalización, podemos percibir cierto aislamiento y rivalidad entre equipos de desarrollo de software que comparten objetivos. Para un estudio genérico, un común denominador puede ser detectado: todos intentan filtrar las mejores ideas del campo en cuestión i aplicarle nuevas mejoras que hagan de su implementación la mejor del mercado en un seguido de aspectos «tangibles» (i.e. rendimiento, eficiéncia). No obstante, DeepCode propone una cooperación entre rivales para lograr resultados más trascendentes. DeepCode es una herramienta que, procesando un data-set compuesto por códigos fuente que ejecutan cierta tarea A, aprende como implementar dicha tarea A y consigue resultados superiores a cualquier individuo en el data-set. Dada la complejidad y naturaleza de DeepCode, dos fases son definidas: Phase 2, que, con capas de inteligéncia artificial, aprende que ideas en el data-set conllevan buenos resultados; y Phase 1, que estudia i monta una representación original del código fuente con el objetivo de proveer a la Phase 2 un data-set procesable y óptimo.Yet being immersed in the globalisation era, we can still perceive isolation and rivalry between software developing teams that share ambitions. Regardless of the nature of the research, a common denominator can be spotted: they all try to get the best existing ideas on the field and apply some new improvement/s that makes their own implementation the best in a specific set of “tangible” aspects (i.e. performance, efficiency). Nonetheless, DeepCode proposes a cooperation between parties in order to achieve greater results. DeepCode is a tool that, by processing a data-set formed by source codes representations performing a generic task A, learns how to implement task A and outperform every individual from studied data-set. Given the complexity of DeepCode, two stages are defined: Phase 2, that, with artificial intelligence techniques, learns which ideas in the data-set imply good code performance and Phase 1, which studies and builds customised code representation in order to provide phase 2 an optimised and workable data-set.Tot i viure en l’era de la globalització, encara podem percebre cert aïllament i rivalitat entre equips de desenvolupament de software què comparteixen objectius. Per a una reserca genèrica, un comú denominador pot ser detectat: tots intenten filtrar les millors idees del camp en qüestió i aplicar-ne noves millores què fagin de la seva implementació la millor del mercat en un seguit d’aspectes «tangibles» (i.e. rendiment, eficiència). No obstant, DeepCode proposa una cooperació entre rivals per aconseguir resultats més trascendents. DeepCode és una eina què, processant un data-set format per codis fonts què executen certa tasca A, aprèn com implementar esmentada tasca A i aconseguir resultats superiors a qualsevol individu en el data-set. Donada la complexitat i natura de DeepCode, dugues fases són definides: Phase 2, què, amb capes d’AI, aprèn quines idees en el data-set comporten bons resultats; i Phase 1, què estudia i munta una representació original del codi font amb l’objectiu de proveïr la Phase 2 un data-set procesable i òptim


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    Aggregates are a major part of highway construction and its quality as well as strength affects the overall performance of the pavement structure. The base material near the construction site does not always meet the strength requirement needed for the pavement construction and the hauling of quality aggregate increases the construction costs. For better use of local available materials, stabilizing agents such as lime and asphalt cement have been utilized to increase the strength of crushed aggregate bases. Performance of pavement structures is heavily influenced by the thickness of the structure as well as material properties of each layer. The stiffness of the base layer influences the tensile strain experienced by the asphalt layer and the compressive strain in the subgrade layer. The tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer and the compressive strain in the top zone of the subgrade layer are the main components affecting fatigue cracking and rutting resistance of any pavement structure, respectively. In this study, field performance (rutting, cracking, and surface roughness) of pavement sections with treated and untreated bases were compared to determine the effects of the stabilizing agents of aggregate bases. In terms of fatigue cracking, surface rutting, and pavement surface roughness, the treated sections performed significantly better as compared to the untreated sections. The combined average values of all the three distresses showed a better performance for the treated sections with the fatigue cracking averaging 2.5 times lower than the untreated sections. The combined rutting and roughness (IRI) of the treated sections averaged about 0.08-inch lower and 1.4 times lower than that of the untreated sections, respectively

    International Case Studies of Peat Stabilization by Deep Mixing Method

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    The purpose of this paper is to advance the knowledge on peat soil stabilization by critically examining and documenting the current state of practice. Deep mixing method is emphasized on column type techniques using lime/cement. This paper is essentially a comprehensive review of available academic literature on deep soil stabilization utilizing this approach. Deep mixing with lime or lime-cement columns and methods of combined soil stabilization with vertical columns are discussed. Furthermore, applications of these methods are illustrated in a variety of conditions and several case histories are presented

    Worldwide Applications of Geosynthetics Reinforced Walls for Soil Reinforcement

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    Geosynthetics have become well established construction materials for geotechnical applications in most parts of the world. Because they constitute manufactured materials, new products and applications are developed on a routine basis to provide solutions to routine and critical problems alike. Results from recent research and from monitoring of instrumented structures throughout the years have led to new design methods for different applications of geosynthetics. Because of the significant breath of geosynthetics applications, this paper focuses on recent advances on geosynthetics products, applications and design methodologies for reinforced soil using geosynthetics reinforced walls

    Mechanistic and Economical Characteristics of Asphalt Rubber Mixtures

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    Load associated fatigue cracking is one of the major distress types occurring in flexible pavement systems. Flexural bending beam fatigue laboratory test has been used for several decades and is considered to be an integral part of the new superpave advanced characterization procedure. One of the most significant solutions to prolong the fatigue life for an asphaltic mixture is to utilize flexible materials as rubber. A laboratory testing program was performed on a conventional and Asphalt Rubber- (AR-) gap-graded mixtures to investigate the impact of added rubber on the mechanical, mechanistic, and economical attributes of asphaltic mixtures. Strain controlled fatigue tests were conducted according to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) procedures. The results from the beam fatigue tests indicated that the AR-gap-graded mixtures would have much longer fatigue life compared with the reference (conventional) mixtures. In addition, a mechanistic analysis using 3D-Move software coupled with a cost analysis study based on the fatigue performance on the two mixtures was performed. Overall, analysis showed that AR modified asphalt mixtures exhibited significantly lower cost of pavement per 1000 cycles of fatigue life per mile compared to conventional HMA mixture

    Assessment of the Extended Fatigue Life for Rubber and Polymer Modified Asphalt Mixtures Using Flexural Bending Beam Fatigue Test

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    Load associated fatigue cracking is one of the major distress types occurring in flexible pavement systems. Flexural bending beam fatigue laboratory test has been used for several decades and is considered to be an integral part of the new superpave advanced characterization procedure. One of the most significant solutions to prolong the fatigue life for an asphaltic mixture is to utilize flexible materials as rubber or polymer fibers. A laboratory testing program was performed at Arizona State University (ASU) on a reference, Asphalt Rubber (AR) and polymer modified gap graded mixtures. Strain controlled fatigue tests were conducted according to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) procedures. Using COANOVA statistical analysis approach, the results from the beam fatigue tests indicated that the AR and polymer modified gap graded mixtures would have much longer fatigue life compared with the reference (conventional) mixtures

    Cost-effectiveness of rubber and polymer modified asphalt mixtures as related to sustainable fatigue performance

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    Load associated fatigue cracking is one of the major distress types occurring in flexible pavements. Flexural bending beam fatigue laboratory test has been used for several decades and is considered an integral part of the Superpave advanced characterization procedure. One of the most significant solutions to sustain the fatigue life for an asphaltic mixture is to add sustainable materials such as rubber or polymers to the asphalt mixture. A laboratory testing program was performed on three gap-graded mixtures: unmodified, Asphalt Rubber (AR) and polymer-modified. Strain controlled fatigue tests were conducted according to the AASHTO T321 procedure. The results from the beam fatigue tests indicated that the AR and polymer-modified gap graded mixtures would have much longer fatigue lives compared to the reference (unmodified) mixture. In addition, a mechanistic analysis using 3D-Move software coupled with a cost-effectiveness analysis study based on the fatigue performance on the three mixtures were performed. Overall, the analysis showed that the AR and polymer-modified asphalt mixtures exhibited significantly higher cost-effectiveness compared to unmodified HMA mixture. Although AR and polymer-modification increases the cost of the material, the analysis showed that they are more cost effective than the unmodified mixture